コード例 #1
ファイル: KDNode.cpp プロジェクト: mildbyte/tRayce
//Performs a plane sweep across the triangles to find the best splitting plane using the SAH.
//From "On building fast kd-Trees for Ray Tracing, and on doing that in O(N log N)" by I. Wald and V. Havran
pair<pair<SplitPlane, SplitSide>, double> KDNode::findPlane(vector<Triangle*>& triangles, AABB boundingBox) {
	double bestCost = INFINITY;
	SplitPlane bestPlane(0, 0);
	SplitSide bestSide;

	for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) {
		vector<SweepEvent> events;

		for (auto t : triangles) {
			AABB b = t->getBoundingBox().intersection(boundingBox);

			if (b.getSize()[dim] == 0.0) {
				events.push_back(SweepEvent(t, b.getStartpoint()[dim], PLANAR));
			else {
				events.push_back(SweepEvent(t, b.getStartpoint()[dim], START));
				events.push_back(SweepEvent(t, b.getEndpoint()[dim], END));
		sort(events.begin(), events.end());

		int left = 0;
		int planar = 0;
		int right = triangles.size();

		for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) {
			double coordinate = events[i].coordinate;
			SplitPlane plane(coordinate, dim);

			int pAdd = 0; int pPlan = 0; int pRem = 0;

			while (i < events.size() && events[i].coordinate == coordinate && events[i].type == END) {
				pRem++; i++;
			while (i < events.size() && events[i].coordinate == coordinate && events[i].type == PLANAR) {
				pPlan++; i++;
			while (i < events.size() && events[i].coordinate == coordinate && events[i].type == START) {
				pAdd++; i++;

			planar = pPlan; right -= pPlan; right -= pRem;

			pair<double, SplitSide> result = SAH(plane, boundingBox, left, right, planar);
			if (result.first < bestCost) {
				bestCost = result.first;
				bestPlane = plane;
				bestSide = result.second;
			left += pAdd; left += pPlan; planar = 0;
	return make_pair(make_pair(bestPlane, bestSide), bestCost);
コード例 #2
ファイル: sweep.c プロジェクト: 1ec5/libtess2
static void ConnectLeftDegenerate( TESStesselator *tess,
								  ActiveRegion *regUp, TESSvertex *vEvent )
* The event vertex lies exacty on an already-processed edge or vertex.
* Adding the new vertex involves splicing it into the already-processed
* part of the mesh.
	TESShalfEdge *e, *eTopLeft, *eTopRight, *eLast;
	ActiveRegion *reg;

	e = regUp->eUp;
	if( VertEq( e->Org, vEvent )) {
		/* e->Org is an unprocessed vertex - just combine them, and wait
		* for e->Org to be pulled from the queue
		SpliceMergeVertices( tess, e, vEvent->anEdge );

	if( ! VertEq( e->Dst, vEvent )) {
		/* General case -- splice vEvent into edge e which passes through it */
		if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, e->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		if( regUp->fixUpperEdge ) {
			/* This edge was fixable -- delete unused portion of original edge */
			if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, e->Onext ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			regUp->fixUpperEdge = FALSE;
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		SweepEvent( tess, vEvent );	/* recurse */

	/* vEvent coincides with e->Dst, which has already been processed.
	* Splice in the additional right-going edges.
	regUp = TopRightRegion( regUp );
	reg = RegionBelow( regUp );
	eTopRight = reg->eUp->Sym;
	eTopLeft = eLast = eTopRight->Onext;
	if( reg->fixUpperEdge ) {
		/* Here e->Dst has only a single fixable edge going right.
		* We can delete it since now we have some real right-going edges.
		assert( eTopLeft != eTopRight );   /* there are some left edges too */
		DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
		if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		eTopRight = eTopLeft->Oprev;
	if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	if( ! EdgeGoesLeft( eTopLeft )) {
		/* e->Dst had no left-going edges -- indicate this to AddRightEdges() */
		eTopLeft = NULL;
	AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eTopRight->Onext, eLast, eTopLeft, TRUE );
コード例 #3
ファイル: sweep.c プロジェクト: 1ec5/libtess2
int tessComputeInterior( TESStesselator *tess )
* tessComputeInterior( tess ) computes the planar arrangement specified
* by the given contours, and further subdivides this arrangement
* into regions.  Each region is marked "inside" if it belongs
* to the polygon, according to the rule given by tess->windingRule.
* Each interior region is guaranteed be monotone.
	TESSvertex *v, *vNext;

	/* Each vertex defines an event for our sweep line.  Start by inserting
	* all the vertices in a priority queue.  Events are processed in
	* lexicographic order, ie.
	*	e1 < e2  iff  e1.x < e2.x || (e1.x == e2.x && e1.y < e2.y)
	RemoveDegenerateEdges( tess );
	if ( !InitPriorityQ( tess ) ) return 0; /* if error */
	InitEdgeDict( tess );

	while( (v = (TESSvertex *)pqExtractMin( tess->pq )) != NULL ) {
		for( ;; ) {
			vNext = (TESSvertex *)pqMinimum( tess->pq );
			if( vNext == NULL || ! VertEq( vNext, v )) break;

			/* Merge together all vertices at exactly the same location.
			* This is more efficient than processing them one at a time,
			* simplifies the code (see ConnectLeftDegenerate), and is also
			* important for correct handling of certain degenerate cases.
			* For example, suppose there are two identical edges A and B
			* that belong to different contours (so without this code they would
			* be processed by separate sweep events).  Suppose another edge C
			* crosses A and B from above.  When A is processed, we split it
			* at its intersection point with C.  However this also splits C,
			* so when we insert B we may compute a slightly different
			* intersection point.  This might leave two edges with a small
			* gap between them.  This kind of error is especially obvious
			* when using boundary extraction (TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY).
			vNext = (TESSvertex *)pqExtractMin( tess->pq );
			SpliceMergeVertices( tess, v->anEdge, vNext->anEdge );
		SweepEvent( tess, v );

	/* Set tess->event for debugging purposes */
	tess->event = ((ActiveRegion *) dictKey( dictMin( tess->dict )))->eUp->Org;
	DebugEvent( tess );
	DoneEdgeDict( tess );
	DonePriorityQ( tess );

	if ( !RemoveDegenerateFaces( tess, tess->mesh ) ) return 0;
	tessMeshCheckMesh( tess->mesh );

	return 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: sweep.c プロジェクト: 1ec5/libtess2
static void ConnectLeftVertex( TESStesselator *tess, TESSvertex *vEvent )
* Purpose: connect a "left" vertex (one where both edges go right)
* to the processed portion of the mesh.  Let R be the active region
* containing vEvent, and let U and L be the upper and lower edge
* chains of R.  There are two possibilities:
* - the normal case: split R into two regions, by connecting vEvent to
*   the rightmost vertex of U or L lying to the left of the sweep line
* - the degenerate case: if vEvent is close enough to U or L, we
*   merge vEvent into that edge chain.  The subcases are:
*	- merging with the rightmost vertex of U or L
*	- merging with the active edge of U or L
*	- merging with an already-processed portion of U or L
	ActiveRegion *regUp, *regLo, *reg;
	TESShalfEdge *eUp, *eLo, *eNew;
	ActiveRegion tmp;

	/* assert( vEvent->anEdge->Onext->Onext == vEvent->anEdge ); */

	/* Get a pointer to the active region containing vEvent */
	tmp.eUp = vEvent->anEdge->Sym;
	/* __GL_DICTLISTKEY */ /* tessDictListSearch */
	regUp = (ActiveRegion *)dictKey( dictSearch( tess->dict, &tmp ));
	regLo = RegionBelow( regUp );
	if( !regLo ) {
		// This may happen if the input polygon is coplanar.
	eUp = regUp->eUp;
	eLo = regLo->eUp;

	/* Try merging with U or L first */
	if( EdgeSign( eUp->Dst, vEvent, eUp->Org ) == 0 ) {
		ConnectLeftDegenerate( tess, regUp, vEvent );

	/* Connect vEvent to rightmost processed vertex of either chain.
	* e->Dst is the vertex that we will connect to vEvent.
	reg = VertLeq( eLo->Dst, eUp->Dst ) ? regUp : regLo;

	if( regUp->inside || reg->fixUpperEdge) {
		if( reg == regUp ) {
			eNew = tessMeshConnect( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge->Sym, eUp->Lnext );
			if (eNew == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		} else {
			TESShalfEdge *tempHalfEdge= tessMeshConnect( tess->mesh, eLo->Dnext, vEvent->anEdge);
			if (tempHalfEdge == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);

			eNew = tempHalfEdge->Sym;
		if( reg->fixUpperEdge ) {
			if ( !FixUpperEdge( tess, reg, eNew ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		} else {
			ComputeWinding( tess, AddRegionBelow( tess, regUp, eNew ));
		SweepEvent( tess, vEvent );
	} else {
		/* The new vertex is in a region which does not belong to the polygon.
		* We don''t need to connect this vertex to the rest of the mesh.
		AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, vEvent->anEdge, vEvent->anEdge, NULL, TRUE );