コード例 #1
/* Find and print one item using default serialization */
int col_print_item(struct collection_item *handle, const char *name)
    struct col_serial_data buf_data;
    int error = EOK;

    TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_print_item", "Entry");

    printf("PRINT ITEM:\n");

    buf_data.buffer = NULL;
    buf_data.length = 0;
    buf_data.size = 0;
    buf_data.nest_level = 0;

    error =  col_get_item_and_do(handle, name, COL_TYPE_ANY,
                                 col_serialize, &buf_data);
    if(error) printf("Error searching collection %d\n", error);
    else {
        if (buf_data.buffer != NULL) {
            if (buf_data.length > 0) buf_data.length--;
            buf_data.buffer[buf_data.length] = '\0',
                                               printf("%s\n", buf_data.buffer);
        else {
            printf("Name %s is not found in the collection %s.\n",
                   name, handle->property);

    TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("col_print_item returning", error);
    return error;
コード例 #2
/* Create a buffer containg JSON serialization */
int col_json_collection(struct collection_item *handle, char **storage)
    struct col_serial_data buf_data;
    int error = EOK;

    TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_json_collection", "Entry");

    if (storage == NULL) {
        TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Error.", "Storage data is not passed in!");
        return EINVAL;

    *storage = NULL;

    buf_data.buffer = NULL;
    buf_data.length = 0;
    buf_data.size = 0;
    buf_data.nest_level = 0;

    /* Traverse collection */
    error = col_traverse_collection(handle,
                                    COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT | COL_TRAVERSE_END ,
                                    col_json, (void *)(&buf_data));
    if (error)
        TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error traversing collection ", error);
        *storage = buf_data.buffer;

    TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("col_json_collection returning", error);
    return error;
コード例 #3
/* Print the collection using default serialization */
int col_print_collection(struct collection_item *handle)
    struct col_serial_data buf_data;
    int error = EOK;

    TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_print_collection", "Entry");


    buf_data.buffer = NULL;
    buf_data.length = 0;
    buf_data.size = 0;
    buf_data.nest_level = 0;

    /* Traverse collection */
    error = col_traverse_collection(handle,
                                    COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT | COL_TRAVERSE_END ,
                                    col_serialize, (void *)(&buf_data));
    if (error)
        printf("Error traversing collection %d\n", error);
        printf("%s\n", buf_data.buffer);


    TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("col_print_collection returning", error);
    return error;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ini_metadata.c プロジェクト: SSSD/ding-libs
static unsigned long get_checked_value(struct collection_item *metadata,
                                       const char *key,
                                       int *err)

    int error = EOK;
    struct collection_item *item = NULL;
    unsigned long value;

    TRACE_FLOW_STRING("get_checked_value", "Entry");
    TRACE_INFO_STRING("Key", key);

    error = get_config_item(INI_META_SEC_ACCESS,
    if (error) {
        TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Internal collection error.", error);
        *err = error;
        return 0;

    /* Entry is supposed to be there so it is an error
     * is the item is not found.
    if (item == NULL) {
        TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Expected item is not found.", ENOENT);
        *err = ENOENT;
        return 0;

    value = get_ulong_config_value(item, 1, -1, &error);
    if ((error) || (value == -1)) {
        TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Conversion failed", EINVAL);
        *err = EINVAL;
        return 0;

    *err = 0;

    TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("get_checked_value Returning", value);
    return value;

コード例 #5
int stack_test(void)
    struct collection_item *stack = NULL;
    char binary_dump[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
    struct collection_item *item1 = NULL;
    struct collection_item *item2 = NULL;

    int error = EOK;

    TRACE_FLOW_STRING("stack_test", "Entry.");

    COLOUT(printf("\n\nSTACK TEST!!!.\n\n\n"));

    if ((error = col_create_stack(&stack)) ||
        (error = col_push_str_property(stack, "item1", "value 1", 0)) ||
        (error = col_push_int_property(stack, "item2", -1)) ||
        (error = col_push_unsigned_property(stack, "item3", 1)) ||
        (error = col_push_long_property(stack, "item4", 100)) ||
        (error = col_push_ulong_property(stack, "item5", 1000)) ||
        (error = col_push_double_property(stack, "item6", 1.1)) ||
        (error = col_push_bool_property(stack, "item7", 1)) ||
        (error = col_push_binary_property(stack, "item8", binary_dump, sizeof(binary_dump)))) {
        printf("Failed to push property. Error %d\n", error);
        return error;

    COLOUT(col_debug_collection(stack, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT));

    COLOUT(printf("Swapping last two items by popping and pushing them back.\n"));

    if ((error = col_pop_item(stack, &item1)) ||
        (error = col_pop_item(stack, &item2))) {
        printf("Failed to pop items. Error %d\n", error);
        return error;

    COLOUT(printf("\nPopped two last items.\n"));
    COLOUT(col_debug_collection(stack, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT));

    COLOUT(printf("\nLast item.\n"));

    COLOUT(printf("\nPrevious item.\n"));

    if ((error = col_push_item(stack, item1)) ||
        (error = col_push_item(stack, item2))) {
        printf("Failed to pop or push items. Error %d\n", error);
        return error;

    COLOUT(printf("\n\nPushed two items again in reverse order.\n\n"));

    COLOUT(col_debug_collection(stack, COL_TRAVERSE_DEFAULT));
    TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("stack_test. Returning", error);

    COLOUT(printf("\n\nEND OF STACK TEST!!!.\n\n"));

    return error;