コード例 #1
// Convert functions
void Convert_str_time_aa_aux( 
	const char*			inStr,
	const DTFormat* 	inDTFormat,
	TimeEncoded&		ioTime )
	if( !inStr  || *inStr == 0 )
		ioTime.encoded = 0;
	vint32 BadCharIndex = CheckTimeStringFormat( inStr, inDTFormat );
	if( BadCharIndex )
		throw xValueError( 
					String(inStr).c_str(), ToUCharPtr(BadCharIndex).c_str() );

	// Now we know that string STRICTLY correspond to expected format,
	// so we can do fast extracting of numbers using scanf()
	Convert_str_time_aa_fast( inStr, inDTFormat, ioTime );

	// Final step - we check that extracted numbers fit limits: 
	if( CheckTimeValueLimits( ioTime ) == false )
		throw xValueError( ERR_TIME_VALUE_HAVE_WRONG_NUMBERS, inStr );
コード例 #2
void Convert_str_date_aa_aux( 
	const char*			inStr,
	const DTFormat* 	inDTFormat,
	DateEncoded&		ioDate )
	if( !inStr || *inStr == 0 )
		ioDate.encoded = 0;

	vint32 BadCharIndex = CheckDateStringFormat( inStr, inDTFormat );
	if( BadCharIndex )
		throw xValueError( 
					String(inStr).c_str(), ToUCharPtr(BadCharIndex).c_str() );

	// Now we know that string STRICTLY correspond to expected format,
	// so we can do fast extracting of numbers using scanf()
	vuint16 yearDigits = Convert_str_date_aa_fast( inStr, inDTFormat, ioDate );
	// Final step - we check that extracted numbers fit limits: 
	if( CheckDateValueLimits( ioDate ) == false )
		throw xValueError( ERR_DATE_VALUE_HAVE_WRONG_NUMBERS, inStr );
	if( yearDigits < 4 )
		vint32 year = ioDate.decoded.y;
		inDTFormat->AutoCentury( year );
		ioDate.decoded.y = year;