コード例 #1
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: DerSaidin/OpenWolf
void VM_Clear(void) {
	int i;

	for (i=0;i<MAX_VM; i++) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: Razish/CompJA
vm_t *VM_Create( vmSlots_t vmSlot ) {
	vm_t *vm = NULL;

	// see if we already have the VM
	if ( vmTable[vmSlot] )
		return vmTable[vmSlot];

	// find a free vm
	vmTable[vmSlot] = (vm_t *)Z_Malloc( sizeof( *vm ), TAG_VM, qtrue );
	vm = vmTable[vmSlot];

	// initialise it
	vm->slot = vmSlot;
	Q_strncpyz( vm->name, vmNames[vmSlot], sizeof( vm->name ) );

	// find the module api
	FS_FindPureDLL( vm->name );
	Com_Printf( "VM_Create: %s"ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT, vm->name );
	vm->dllHandle = Sys_LoadGameDll( vm->name, &vm->GetModuleAPI );

	if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
		if ( com_developer->integer )	Com_Printf( " succeeded [0x%X+0x%X]\n", vm->dllHandle, (intptr_t)vm->GetModuleAPI - (intptr_t)vm->dllHandle );
		else							Com_Printf( " succeeded\n" );
		return vm;

	VM_Free( vm );
	Com_Printf( " failed!\n" );
	return NULL;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cl_ui.c プロジェクト: ghostmod/Unvanquished
void CL_InitUI( void )
	int v;

	uivm = VM_Create( "ui", CL_UISystemCalls, VMI_NATIVE );

	if ( !uivm )
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create on UI failed" );

	// sanity check
	v = VM_Call( uivm, UI_GETAPIVERSION );

	if ( v != UI_API_VERSION )
		// Free uivm now, so UI_SHUTDOWN doesn't get called later.
		VM_Free( uivm );
		uivm = NULL;

		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "User Interface is version %d, expected %d", v, UI_API_VERSION );

	// init for this gamestate
	VM_Call( uivm, UI_INIT, ( cls.state >= CA_CONNECTING && cls.state < CA_ACTIVE ) );
コード例 #4
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: Razish/CompJA
void VM_Clear( void ) {
	for ( int i=0; i<MAX_VM; i++ )
		VM_Free( vmTable[i] );

	currentVM = NULL;
	lastVM = NULL;
コード例 #5
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: Razish/CompJA

Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
	vm_t saved;

	memcpy( &saved, vm, sizeof( saved ) );

	VM_Free( vm );

	return VM_Create( saved.slot );
コード例 #6
ファイル: cgame.cpp プロジェクト: janisl/jlquake
void CLT3_ShutdownCGame() {
	in_keyCatchers &= ~KEYCATCH_CGAME;
	cls.q3_cgameStarted = false;
	if ( !cgvm ) {
	VM_Call( cgvm, CG_SHUTDOWN );
	VM_Free( cgvm );
	cgvm = NULL;
コード例 #7
ファイル: cl_cgame.c プロジェクト: wtfbbqhax/thz

void CL_ShutdownCGame( void ) {
	cls.keyCatchers &= ~KEYCATCH_CGAME;
	cls.cgameStarted = qfalse;
	if ( !cgvm ) {
	VM_Call( cgvm, CG_SHUTDOWN );
	VM_Free( cgvm );
	cgvm = NULL;
コード例 #8
ファイル: cl_ui.c プロジェクト: BruceJohnJennerLawso/quake3
void CL_ShutdownUI( void ) {
	Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
	cls.uiStarted = qfalse;
	if ( !uivm ) {
	VM_Call( uivm, UI_SHUTDOWN );
	VM_Free( uivm );
	uivm = NULL;
コード例 #9
ファイル: cl_ui.c プロジェクト: he110world/quake3-ios
void CL_ShutdownUI( void ) {
	cls.keyCatchers &= ~KEYCATCH_UI;
	cls.uiStarted = qfalse;
	if ( !uivm ) {
	VM_Call( uivm, UI_SHUTDOWN );
	VM_Free( uivm );
	uivm = NULL;
コード例 #10

void CL_ShutdownCGame( void ) {
	Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) & ~KEYCATCH_CGAME );
	cls.cgameStarted = qfalse;
	if ( !cgvm ) {
	VM_Call( cgvm, CG_SHUTDOWN );
	VM_Free( cgvm );
	cgvm = NULL;
コード例 #11
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: BruceJohnJennerLawso/OpenJK
// Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
// This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
	const vm_t saved = *vm;

	VM_Free( vm );

	if ( saved.isLegacy )
		return VM_CreateLegacy( saved.slot, saved.legacy.syscall );
		return VM_Create( saved.slot );
コード例 #12
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: Almightygir/OpenJK

Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
	vm_t saved;

	memcpy( &saved, vm, sizeof( saved ) );

	VM_Free( vm );

	if ( saved.isLegacy )
		return VM_CreateLegacy( saved.slot, saved.legacy.syscall );
		return VM_Create( saved.slot );
コード例 #13
void CL_InitCGameCVars( void )
	vm_t *cgv_vm = VM_Create( "cgame", CL_CgameSystemCalls, Cvar_VariableValue( "vm_cgame" ) );

	if ( !cgv_vm )
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "VM_Create on cgame failed" );

	VM_Call( cgv_vm, CG_INIT_CVARS );

	VM_Free( cgv_vm );
コード例 #14
ファイル: sv_game.cpp プロジェクト: TheDushan/OpenWolf

Called every time a map changes
void SV_ShutdownGameProgs(void) {
	if(!gvm) {

	VM_Call(gvm, GAME_SHUTDOWN, false);
	gvm = NULL;
	if ( sv_newGameShlib->string[0] ) {
		FS_Rename( sv_newGameShlib->string, "game" DLL_EXT);
		Cvar_Set( "sv_newGameShlib", "" );
コード例 #15
ファイル: cl_ui.c プロジェクト: CarterTsai/ioq3
void CL_ShutdownUI( void ) {
	Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
	cls.uiStarted = qfalse;
	if ( !uivm ) {
	VM_Call( uivm, UI_SHUTDOWN );
	VM_Free( uivm );
	uivm = NULL;

	cls.uiGlConfig = NULL;
	cls.numUiPatches = 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: DerSaidin/OpenWolf

Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
	// DLL's can't be restarted in place
	char            name[MAX_QPATH];
	vmInterpret_t	interpret;

	intptr_t(*systemCall) (intptr_t * parms);

	systemCall = vm->systemCall;
	Q_strncpyz(name, vm->name, sizeof(name));
	interpret = vm->interpret;


	vm = VM_Create(name, systemCall, interpret);
	return vm;
コード例 #17
ファイル: cl_ui.c プロジェクト: lrq3000/ioquake3-anti-cheat
  int v;
  vmInterpret_t interpret;

  // load the dll or bytecode
  interpret = Cvar_VariableValue("vm_ui");
  if (cl_connectedToPureServer)
    // if sv_pure is set we only allow qvms to be loaded
    if (interpret != VMI_COMPILED && interpret != VMI_BYTECODE)
      interpret = VMI_COMPILED;

  uivm = VM_Create("ui", CL_UISystemCalls, interpret);
  if (!uivm)
    Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create on UI failed");

  // sanity check
  v = VM_Call(uivm, UI_GETAPIVERSION);
  if (v == UI_OLD_API_VERSION)
//              Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: loading old Quake III Arena User Interface version %d\n", v );
    // init for this gamestate
    VM_Call(uivm, UI_INIT,
	    (clc.state >= CA_AUTHORIZING && clc.state < CA_ACTIVE));
  else if (v != UI_API_VERSION)
    // Free uivm now, so UI_SHUTDOWN doesn't get called later.
    uivm = NULL;

    Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "User Interface is version %d, expected %d", v,
    cls.uiStarted = qfalse;
    // init for this gamestate
    VM_Call(uivm, UI_INIT,
	    (clc.state >= CA_AUTHORIZING && clc.state < CA_ACTIVE));
コード例 #18
ファイル: vm.c プロジェクト: cbxbiker61/wolfsp

Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {

	// DLL's can't be restarted in place
	if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
		char name[MAX_QPATH];
		intptr_t ( *systemCall )( intptr_t *parms );

		systemCall = vm->systemCall;
		Q_strncpyz( name, vm->name, sizeof( name ) );

		VM_Free( vm );

		vm = VM_Create( name, systemCall, VMI_NATIVE );
		return vm;

	return NULL;
コード例 #19
ファイル: cl_ui.cpp プロジェクト: Pande/OpenJK
void CL_ShutdownUI( qboolean delayFreeVM ) {
	Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
	cls.uiStarted = qfalse;
	if ( !uivm ) {
	VM_Call( uivm, UI_SHUTDOWN );
	VM_Call( uivm, UI_MENU_RESET );
	if ( delayFreeVM )
		VM_DelayedFree (uivm);
		VM_Free( uivm );
	uivm = NULL;
コード例 #20
ファイル: vm.cpp プロジェクト: BruceJohnJennerLawso/OpenJK
vm_t *VM_CreateLegacy( vmSlots_t vmSlot, intptr_t( *systemCalls )(intptr_t *) ) {
	vm_t *vm = NULL;

	if ( !systemCalls ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_CreateLegacy: bad parms" );
		return NULL;

	// see if we already have the VM
	if ( vmTable[vmSlot] )
		return vmTable[vmSlot];

	// find a free vm
	vmTable[vmSlot] = (vm_t *)Z_Malloc( sizeof(*vm), TAG_VM, qtrue );
	vm = vmTable[vmSlot];

	// initialise it
	vm->isLegacy = qtrue;
	vm->slot = vmSlot;
	Q_strncpyz( vm->name, vmNames[vmSlot], sizeof(vm->name) );
	vm->legacy.syscall = systemCalls;

	// find the legacy syscall api
	FS_FindPureDLL( vm->name );
	vm->dllHandle = Sys_LoadLegacyGameDll( vm->name, &vm->legacy.main, VM_DllSyscall );

	Com_Printf( "VM_CreateLegacy: %s" ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT, vm->name );
	if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
		if ( com_developer->integer )
			Com_Printf( " succeeded [0x%" PRIxPTR "]\n", (uintptr_t)vm->dllHandle );
			Com_Printf( " succeeded\n" );
		return vm;

	VM_Free( vm );
	Com_Printf( " failed!\n" );
	return NULL;
コード例 #21
ファイル: vm.c プロジェクト: DaveHogan/FQuake3

Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
	int			length;
	int			dataLength;
	int			i;
	char		filename[MAX_QPATH];

	// DLL's can't be restarted in place
	if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
		char	name[MAX_QPATH];
	    int			(*systemCall)( int *parms );
		systemCall = vm->systemCall;	
		Q_strncpyz( name, vm->name, sizeof( name ) );

		VM_Free( vm );

		vm = VM_Create( name, systemCall );
		return vm;

	Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Unable to load %s.", vm->name );
コード例 #22
ファイル: vm.c プロジェクト: LoudHoward/Quake3
vm_t *VM_Create( const char *module, int (*systemCalls)(int *), 
				vmInterpret_t interpret ) {
	vm_t		*vm;
	vmHeader_t	*header;
	int			length;
	int			dataLength;
	int			i, remaining;
	char		filename[MAX_QPATH];

	if ( !module || !module[0] || !systemCalls ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create: bad parms" );

	remaining = Hunk_MemoryRemaining();

	// see if we already have the VM
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_VM ; i++ ) {
		if (!Q_stricmp(vmTable[i].name, module)) {
			vm = &vmTable[i];
			return vm;

	// find a free vm
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_VM ; i++ ) {
		if ( !vmTable[i].name[0] ) {

	if ( i == MAX_VM ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create: no free vm_t" );

	vm = &vmTable[i];

	Q_strncpyz( vm->name, module, sizeof( vm->name ) );
	vm->systemCall = systemCalls;

	// never allow dll loading with a demo
	if ( interpret == VMI_NATIVE ) {
		if ( Cvar_VariableValue( "fs_restrict" ) ) {
			interpret = VMI_COMPILED;

	if ( interpret == VMI_NATIVE ) {
		// try to load as a system dll
		Com_Printf( "Loading dll file %s.\n", vm->name );
		vm->dllHandle = Sys_LoadDll( module, vm->fqpath , &vm->entryPoint, VM_DllSyscall );
		if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
			return vm;

		Com_Printf( "Failed to load dll, looking for qvm.\n" );
		interpret = VMI_COMPILED;

	// load the image
	Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
	Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s.\n", filename );
	length = FS_ReadFile( filename, (void **)&header );
	if ( !header ) {
		Com_Printf( "Failed.\n" );
		VM_Free( vm );
		return NULL;

	// byte swap the header
	for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( *header ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
		((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header)[i] );

	// validate
	if ( header->vmMagic != VM_MAGIC
		|| header->bssLength < 0 
		|| header->dataLength < 0 
		|| header->litLength < 0 
		|| header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
		VM_Free( vm );
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );

	// round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
	// be mask protected
	dataLength = header->dataLength + header->litLength + header->bssLength;
	for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
	dataLength = 1 << i;

	// allocate zero filled space for initialized and uninitialized data
	vm->dataBase = Hunk_Alloc( dataLength, h_high );
	vm->dataMask = dataLength - 1;

	// copy the intialized data
	Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset, header->dataLength + header->litLength );

	// byte swap the longs
	for ( i = 0 ; i < header->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
		*(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );

	// allocate space for the jump targets, which will be filled in by the compile/prep functions
	vm->instructionPointersLength = header->instructionCount * 4;
	vm->instructionPointers = Hunk_Alloc( vm->instructionPointersLength, h_high );

	// copy or compile the instructions
	vm->codeLength = header->codeLength;

	if ( interpret >= VMI_COMPILED ) {
		vm->compiled = qtrue;
		VM_Compile( vm, header );
	} else {
		vm->compiled = qfalse;
		VM_PrepareInterpreter( vm, header );

	// free the original file
	FS_FreeFile( header );

	// load the map file
	VM_LoadSymbols( vm );

	// the stack is implicitly at the end of the image
	vm->programStack = vm->dataMask + 1;
	vm->stackBottom = vm->programStack - STACK_SIZE;

	Com_Printf("%s loaded in %d bytes on the hunk\n", module, remaining - Hunk_MemoryRemaining());

	return vm;
コード例 #23
ファイル: vm.c プロジェクト: LoudHoward/Quake3

Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
	vmHeader_t	*header;
	int			length;
	int			dataLength;
	int			i;
	char		filename[MAX_QPATH];

	// DLL's can't be restarted in place
	if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
		char	name[MAX_QPATH];
	    int			(*systemCall)( int *parms );
		systemCall = vm->systemCall;	
		Q_strncpyz( name, vm->name, sizeof( name ) );

		VM_Free( vm );

		vm = VM_Create( name, systemCall, VMI_NATIVE );
		return vm;

	// load the image
	Com_Printf( "VM_Restart()\n", filename );
	Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
	Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s.\n", filename );
	length = FS_ReadFile( filename, (void **)&header );
	if ( !header ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "VM_Restart failed.\n" );

	// byte swap the header
	for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( *header ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
		((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header)[i] );

	// validate
	if ( header->vmMagic != VM_MAGIC
		|| header->bssLength < 0 
		|| header->dataLength < 0 
		|| header->litLength < 0 
		|| header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
		VM_Free( vm );
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );

	// round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
	// be mask protected
	dataLength = header->dataLength + header->litLength + header->bssLength;
	for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
	dataLength = 1 << i;

	// clear the data
	Com_Memset( vm->dataBase, 0, dataLength );

	// copy the intialized data
	Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset, header->dataLength + header->litLength );

	// byte swap the longs
	for ( i = 0 ; i < header->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
		*(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );

	// free the original file
	FS_FreeFile( header );

	return vm;
コード例 #24
ファイル: vm.c プロジェクト: entdark/q3mme

Load a .qvm file
vmHeader_t *VM_LoadQVM( vm_t *vm, qboolean alloc, qboolean unpure)
	int					dataLength;
	int					i;
	char				filename[MAX_QPATH];
	union {
		vmHeader_t	*h;
		void				*v;
	} header;

	// load the image
	Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
	Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s...\n", filename );

	FS_ReadFileDir(filename, vm->searchPath, unpure, &header.v);

	if ( !header.h ) {
		Com_Printf( "Failed.\n" );
		VM_Free( vm );

		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: Couldn't open VM file %s\n", filename);

		return NULL;

	// show where the qvm was loaded from
	FS_Which(filename, vm->searchPath);

	if( LittleLong( header.h->vmMagic ) == VM_MAGIC_VER2 ) {
		Com_Printf( "...which has vmMagic VM_MAGIC_VER2\n" );

		// byte swap the header
		for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( vmHeader_t ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
			((int *)header.h)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header.h)[i] );

		// validate
		if ( header.h->jtrgLength < 0
			|| header.h->bssLength < 0
			|| header.h->dataLength < 0
			|| header.h->litLength < 0
			|| header.h->codeLength <= 0 )
			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: %s has bad header\n", filename);
			return NULL;
	} else if( LittleLong( header.h->vmMagic ) == VM_MAGIC ) {
		// byte swap the header
		// sizeof( vmHeader_t ) - sizeof( int ) is the 1.32b vm header size
		for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof( vmHeader_t ) - sizeof( int ) ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
			((int *)header.h)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header.h)[i] );

		// validate
		if ( header.h->bssLength < 0
			|| header.h->dataLength < 0
			|| header.h->litLength < 0
			|| header.h->codeLength <= 0 )

			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: %s has bad header\n", filename);
			return NULL;
	} else {
		VM_Free( vm );

		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: %s does not have a recognisable "
				"magic number in its header\n", filename);
		return NULL;

	// round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
	// be mask protected
	dataLength = header.h->dataLength + header.h->litLength +
	for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
	dataLength = 1 << i;

		// allocate zero filled space for initialized and uninitialized data
		vm->dataBase = Hunk_Alloc(dataLength, h_high);
		vm->dataMask = dataLength - 1;
		// clear the data, but make sure we're not clearing more than allocated
		if(vm->dataMask + 1 != dataLength)

			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: Data region size of %s not matching after "
					"VM_Restart()\n", filename);
			return NULL;
		Com_Memset(vm->dataBase, 0, dataLength);

	// copy the intialized data
	Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header.h + header.h->dataOffset,
		header.h->dataLength + header.h->litLength );

	// byte swap the longs
	for ( i = 0 ; i < header.h->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
		*(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );

	if(header.h->vmMagic == VM_MAGIC_VER2)
		int previousNumJumpTableTargets = vm->numJumpTableTargets;

		header.h->jtrgLength &= ~0x03;

		vm->numJumpTableTargets = header.h->jtrgLength >> 2;
		Com_Printf("Loading %d jump table targets\n", vm->numJumpTableTargets);

			vm->jumpTableTargets = Hunk_Alloc(header.h->jtrgLength, h_high);
			if(vm->numJumpTableTargets != previousNumJumpTableTargets)

				Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: Jump table size of %s not matching after "
						"VM_Restart()\n", filename);
				return NULL;

			Com_Memset(vm->jumpTableTargets, 0, header.h->jtrgLength);

		Com_Memcpy(vm->jumpTableTargets, (byte *) header.h + header.h->dataOffset +
				header.h->dataLength + header.h->litLength, header.h->jtrgLength);

		// byte swap the longs
		for ( i = 0 ; i < header.h->jtrgLength ; i += 4 ) {
			*(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i ) );
コード例 #25
ファイル: vm.c プロジェクト: AlienHoboken/Tremulous-Z-Server

Load a .qvm file
vmHeader_t *VM_LoadQVM( vm_t *vm, qboolean alloc ) {
	int					length;
	int					dataLength;
	int					i;
	char				filename[MAX_QPATH];
	vmHeader_t	*header;

	// load the image
	Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
	Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s...\n", filename );
	length = FS_ReadFile( filename, (void **)&header );
	if ( !header ) {
		Com_Printf( "Failed.\n" );
		VM_Free( vm );
		return NULL;

	if( LittleLong( header->vmMagic ) == VM_MAGIC_VER2 ) {
		Com_Printf( "...which has vmMagic VM_MAGIC_VER2\n" );

		// byte swap the header
		for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( vmHeader_t ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
			((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header)[i] );

		// validate
		if ( header->jtrgLength < 0
			|| header->bssLength < 0
			|| header->dataLength < 0
			|| header->litLength < 0
			|| header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
			VM_Free( vm );
			Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );
	} else if( LittleLong( header->vmMagic ) == VM_MAGIC ) {
		// byte swap the header
		// sizeof( vmHeader_t ) - sizeof( int ) is the 1.32b vm header size
		for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof( vmHeader_t ) - sizeof( int ) ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
			((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header)[i] );

		// validate
		if ( header->bssLength < 0
			|| header->dataLength < 0
			|| header->litLength < 0
			|| header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
			VM_Free( vm );
			Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );
	} else {
		VM_Free( vm );
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s does not have a recognisable "
				"magic number in its header", filename );

	// round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
	// be mask protected
	dataLength = header->dataLength + header->litLength + header->bssLength;
	for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
	dataLength = 1 << i;

	if( alloc ) {
		// allocate zero filled space for initialized and uninitialized data
		vm->dataBase = Hunk_Alloc( dataLength, h_high );
		vm->dataMask = dataLength - 1;
	} else {
		// clear the data
		Com_Memset( vm->dataBase, 0, dataLength );

	// copy the intialized data
	Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset, header->dataLength + header->litLength );

	// byte swap the longs
	for ( i = 0 ; i < header->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
		*(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );

	if( header->vmMagic == VM_MAGIC_VER2 ) {
		vm->numJumpTableTargets = header->jtrgLength >> 2;
		Com_Printf( "Loading %d jump table targets\n", vm->numJumpTableTargets );

		if( alloc ) {
			vm->jumpTableTargets = Hunk_Alloc( header->jtrgLength, h_high );
		} else {
			Com_Memset( vm->jumpTableTargets, 0, header->jtrgLength );

		Com_Memcpy( vm->jumpTableTargets, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset +
				header->dataLength + header->litLength, header->jtrgLength );

		// byte swap the longs
		for ( i = 0 ; i < header->jtrgLength ; i += 4 ) {
			*(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i ) );
コード例 #26
void CL_UnbindUI( void ) {
	VM_Free( uivm );
	uivm = NULL;
コード例 #27
ファイル: cl_cgameapi.cpp プロジェクト: Razish/CompJA
void CL_UnbindCGame( void ) {
	VM_Free( cgvm );
	cgvm = NULL;