コード例 #1
 * @brief Get the next point in the object path based on movement converting the positions from
 * polar coordinates to vector for the calculation and back again to be returned.
 * @param[in] movement The distance that the object needs to move.
 * @param[in] originalPoint The point from which the object is moving.
 * @param[in] orthogonalVector The orthogonal vector.
 * @param[out] finalPoint The next point from the original point + movement in "angle" direction.
static void AIRFIGHT_GetNextPointInPathFromVector (const float *movement, const vec2_t originalPoint, const vec3_t orthogonalVector, vec2_t finalPoint)
	vec3_t startPoint, finalVectorPoint;

	PolarToVec(originalPoint, startPoint);
	RotatePointAroundVector(finalVectorPoint, orthogonalVector, startPoint, *movement);
	VecToPolar(finalVectorPoint, finalPoint);
コード例 #2
 * @brief Return longitude and latitude of a point of the screen for 3D geoscape (globe)
 * @param[in] node The current menuNode we have clicked on (3dmap or map)
 * @param[in] x,y Coordinates on the screen that were clicked on
 * @param[out] pos vec2_t was filled with longitude and latitude
 * @sa MAP_3DMapToScreen
void uiGeoscapeNode::screenTo3DMap (const uiNode_t* node, int x, int y, vec2_t pos)
    vec2_t mid;
    vec3_t v, v1, rotationAxis;
    float dist;
    const float radius = GLOBE_RADIUS;

    /* set mid to the coordinates of the center of the globe */
    Vector2Set(mid, UI_MAPEXTRADATACONST(node).mapPos[0] + UI_MAPEXTRADATACONST(node).mapSize[0] / 2.0f,
               UI_MAPEXTRADATACONST(node).mapPos[1] + UI_MAPEXTRADATACONST(node).mapSize[1] / 2.0f);

    /* stop if we click outside the globe (distance is the distance of the point to the center of the globe) */
    dist = sqrt((x - mid[0]) * (x - mid[0]) + (y - mid[1]) * (y - mid[1]));
    if (dist > radius) {
        Vector2Set(pos, -1.0, -1.0);

    /* calculate the coordinates in the local frame
     * this frame is the frame of the screen.
     * v[0] is the vertical axis of the screen
     * v[1] is the horizontal axis of the screen
     * v[2] is the axis perpendicular to the screen - we get its value knowing that norm of v is egal to radius
     *  (because the point is on the globe) */
    v[0] = - (y - mid[1]);
    v[1] = - (x - mid[0]);
    v[2] = - sqrt(radius * radius - (x - mid[0]) * (x - mid[0]) - (y - mid[1]) * (y - mid[1]));

    /* rotate the vector to switch of reference frame
     * note the ccs.angles[ROLL] is always 0, so there is only 2 rotations and not 3
     * and that GLOBE_ROTATE is already included in ccs.angles[YAW]
     * first rotation is along the horizontal axis of the screen, to put north-south axis of the earth
     * perpendicular to the screen */
    VectorSet(rotationAxis, 0, 1, 0);
    RotatePointAroundVector(v1, rotationAxis, v, UI_MAPEXTRADATACONST(node).angles[YAW]);

    /* second rotation is to rotate the earth around its north-south axis
     * so that Greenwich meridian is along the vertical axis of the screen */
    VectorSet(rotationAxis, 0, 0, 1);
    RotatePointAroundVector(v, rotationAxis, v1, UI_MAPEXTRADATACONST(node).angles[PITCH]);

    /* we therefore got in v the coordinates of the point in the static frame of the earth
     * that we can convert in polar coordinates to get its latitude and longitude */
    VecToPolar(v, pos);