コード例 #1
ファイル: LALFrStream.c プロジェクト: SwethaPBhagwat/lalsuite
 * @brief Seeks a LALFrStream stream by a time offset
 * @details
 * The position of a LALFrStream is set so that the net read will
 * be at the specified time offset.  The offset @p dt is a number of
 * seconds relative to the @p whence postion, which can be
 * @p SEEK_SET to seek relative to the beginning of the stream,
 * @p SEEK_CUR to seek relative to the current position of the stream,
 * or @p SEEK_END to seek relative to the end of the stream.
 * The return codes and conditions are the same as XLALFrStreamSeek().
 * @param stream Pointer to a #LALFrStream structure.
 * @param dt The offset time in seconds.
 * @param whence The position whence to seek: one of @p SEEK_SET, @p SEEK_CUR,
 * or @p SEEK_END.
 * @retval 3 Time requested is in a gap in the data.
 * @retval 2 Time requested is after the end of the stream.
 * @retval 1 Time requested is before the beginning of the stream.
 * @retval 0 Normal success.
 * @retval <0 Failure.
int XLALFrStreamSeekO(LALFrStream * stream, double dt, int whence)
    LIGOTimeGPS epoch;
    switch (whence) {
    case SEEK_SET:
        if (XLALFrStreamRewind(stream) < 0)
        /* FALL THROUGH */
    case SEEK_CUR:
        epoch = stream->epoch;
    case SEEK_END:
        /* go to the last frame */
        if (XLALFrStreamFileOpen(stream, stream->cache->length - 1) < 0)
        if ((stream->pos = XLALFrFileQueryNFrame(stream->file) - 1) < 0)
        if (XLALFrFileQueryGTime(&epoch, stream->file, stream->pos) == NULL)
        /* add duration of last frame to dt */
        dt += XLALFrFileQueryDt(stream->file, stream->pos);
            "Invalid whence value: use SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END");
    XLALGPSAdd(&epoch, dt);
    if (XLALFrStreamSeek(stream, &epoch) < 0)
    return 0;
コード例 #2
    REAL8TimeSeries   **seriesPlus, /**< [out]  h+, hx data    */
    REAL8TimeSeries   **seriesCross, /**< [out]  h+, hx data    */
    SimInspiralTable  *thisinj  /**< [in]   injection data */
  INT4 modeL, modeM, modeLlo, modeLhi;
  INT4 len, lenPlus, lenCross, k;
  CHAR *channel_name_plus;
  CHAR *channel_name_cross;
  LALFrStream  *frStream = NULL;
  LALCache frCache;
  LIGOTimeGPS epoch;
  REAL8TimeSeries  *modePlus=NULL;
  REAL8TimeSeries  *modeCross=NULL;
  REAL8 massMpc, timeStep;

  modeLlo = thisinj->numrel_mode_min;
  modeLhi = thisinj->numrel_mode_max;

  /* create a frame cache and open the frame stream */
  frCache.length      = 1;
  frCache.list        = LALCalloc(1, sizeof(frCache.list[0]));
  frCache.list[0].url = thisinj->numrel_data;
  frStream                  = XLALFrStreamCacheOpen( &frCache );

  /* the total mass of the binary in Mpc */
  massMpc = (thisinj->mass1 + thisinj->mass2) * LAL_MRSUN_SI / ( LAL_PC_SI * 1.0e6);

  /* Time step in dimensionful units */
  timeStep = (thisinj->mass1 + thisinj->mass2) * LAL_MTSUN_SI;

  /* start time of waveform -- set it to something */
  epoch.gpsSeconds     = thisinj->geocent_end_time.gpsSeconds;
  epoch.gpsNanoSeconds = thisinj->geocent_end_time.gpsNanoSeconds;

  /* loop over l values */
  for ( modeL = modeLlo; modeL <= modeLhi; modeL++ ) {

    /* loop over m values */
    for ( modeM = -modeL; modeM <= modeL; modeM++ ) {
      /* read numrel waveform */
      /* first the plus polarization */
      channel_name_plus = XLALGetNinjaChannelName("plus", modeL, modeM);
      /*get number of data points */
      if (XLALCheckFrameHasChannel(channel_name_plus, frStream ) )
        lenPlus = XLALFrStreamGetVectorLength ( channel_name_plus, frStream );
        lenPlus = -1;

      /* now the cross polarization */
      channel_name_cross = XLALGetNinjaChannelName("cross", modeL, modeM);
      /*get number of data points */
      if (XLALCheckFrameHasChannel(channel_name_cross, frStream ) )
        lenCross = XLALFrStreamGetVectorLength ( channel_name_cross, frStream );
        lenCross = -1;

      /* skip on to next mode if mode doesn't exist */
      if ( (lenPlus <= 0) || (lenCross <= 0) || (lenPlus != lenCross) ) {

      /* note: lenPlus and lenCross must be equal if we got this far*/
      len = lenPlus;

      /* allocate and read the plus/cross time series */
      modePlus = XLALCreateREAL8TimeSeries ( channel_name_plus, &epoch, 0, 0, &lalDimensionlessUnit, len);
      memset(modePlus->data->data, 0, modePlus->data->length*sizeof(REAL8));
      XLALFrStreamGetREAL8TimeSeries ( modePlus, frStream );
      XLALFrStreamRewind( frStream );

      modeCross = XLALCreateREAL8TimeSeries ( channel_name_cross, &epoch, 0, 0, &lalDimensionlessUnit, len);
      memset(modeCross->data->data, 0, modeCross->data->length*sizeof(REAL8));
      XLALFrStreamGetREAL8TimeSeries ( modeCross, frStream );
      XLALFrStreamRewind( frStream );

      /* scale and add */
      if (*seriesPlus == NULL) {
          *seriesPlus = XLALCreateREAL8TimeSeries ( "hplus", &epoch, 0, 0, &lalDimensionlessUnit, len);
          memset((*seriesPlus)->data->data, 0, (*seriesPlus)->data->length*sizeof(REAL8));
          (*seriesPlus)->deltaT = modePlus->deltaT;

      if (*seriesCross == NULL) {
          *seriesCross = XLALCreateREAL8TimeSeries ( "hcross", &epoch, 0, 0, &lalDimensionlessUnit, len);
          memset((*seriesCross)->data->data, 0, (*seriesCross)->data->length*sizeof(REAL8));
          (*seriesCross)->deltaT = modeCross->deltaT;

      XLALOrientNRWaveTimeSeriesREAL8( modePlus, modeCross, modeL, modeM, thisinj->inclination, thisinj->coa_phase );

      for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
        (*seriesPlus)->data->data[k]  += massMpc * modePlus->data->data[k];
        (*seriesCross)->data->data[k] += massMpc * modeCross->data->data[k];

      /* we are done with seriesPlus and Cross for this iteration */
      XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries (modePlus);
      XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries (modeCross);
    } /* end loop over modeM values */
  } /* end loop over modeL values */
  (*seriesPlus)->deltaT  *= timeStep;
  (*seriesCross)->deltaT *= timeStep;
  XLALFrStreamClose( frStream );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
コード例 #3
void AddNumRelStrainModes(  LALStatus              *status,     /**< pointer to LALStatus structure */
                            REAL4TimeVectorSeries  **outStrain, /**< [out]  h+, hx data    */
                            SimInspiralTable *thisinj           /**< [in]   injection data */)
  INT4 modeL, modeM, modeLlo, modeLhi;
  INT4 len, lenPlus, lenCross, k;
  CHAR *channel_name_plus;
  CHAR *channel_name_cross;
  LALFrStream  *frStream = NULL;
  LALCache frCache;
  LIGOTimeGPS epoch;
  REAL4TimeSeries  *seriesPlus=NULL;
  REAL4TimeSeries  *seriesCross=NULL;
  REAL8 massMpc;
  REAL4TimeVectorSeries *sumStrain=NULL;
  REAL4TimeVectorSeries *tempStrain=NULL;
  /*   NRWaveMetaData thisMetaData; */


  modeLlo = thisinj->numrel_mode_min;
  modeLhi = thisinj->numrel_mode_max;

  /* create a frame cache and open the frame stream */
  frCache.length = 1;
  frCache.list = LALCalloc(1, sizeof(frCache.list[0]));
  frCache.list[0].url = thisinj->numrel_data;
  frStream = XLALFrStreamCacheOpen( &frCache );

  /* the total mass of the binary in Mpc */
  massMpc = (thisinj->mass1 + thisinj->mass2) * LAL_MRSUN_SI / ( LAL_PC_SI * 1.0e6);

  /* start time of waveform -- set it to something */
  epoch.gpsSeconds     = 0;
  epoch.gpsNanoSeconds = 0;

  /* loop over l values */
  for ( modeL = modeLlo; modeL <= modeLhi; modeL++ ) {

    /* loop over m values */
    for ( modeM = -modeL; modeM <= modeL; modeM++ ) {
      /* read numrel waveform */
      /* first the plus polarization */
      channel_name_plus = XLALGetNinjaChannelName("plus", modeL, modeM);
      /*get number of data points */
      lenPlus = XLALFrStreamGetVectorLength ( channel_name_plus, frStream );

      /* now the cross polarization */
      channel_name_cross = XLALGetNinjaChannelName("cross", modeL, modeM);
      /*get number of data points */
      lenCross = XLALFrStreamGetVectorLength ( channel_name_cross, frStream );

      /* skip on to next mode if mode doesn't exist */
      if ( (lenPlus <= 0) || (lenCross <= 0) || (lenPlus != lenCross) ) {

      /* note: lenPlus and lenCross must be equal if we got this far*/
      /* len = lenPlus; */
      len = lenPlus;

      /* allocate and read the plus/cross time series */
      seriesPlus = XLALCreateREAL4TimeSeries ( channel_name_plus, &epoch, 0, 0, &lalDimensionlessUnit, len);
      memset(seriesPlus->data->data, 0, seriesPlus->data->length*sizeof(REAL4));
      XLALFrStreamGetREAL4TimeSeries ( seriesPlus, frStream );
      XLALFrStreamRewind( frStream );

      seriesCross = XLALCreateREAL4TimeSeries ( channel_name_cross, &epoch, 0, 0, &lalDimensionlessUnit, len);
      memset(seriesCross->data->data, 0, seriesCross->data->length*sizeof(REAL4));
      XLALFrStreamGetREAL4TimeSeries ( seriesCross, frStream );
      XLALFrStreamRewind( frStream );

      /* allocate memory for tempStrain */
      tempStrain = LALCalloc(1, sizeof(*tempStrain));
      tempStrain->data = XLALCreateREAL4VectorSequence(2, len);
      tempStrain->deltaT = LAL_MTSUN_SI * (thisinj->mass1 + thisinj->mass2) * seriesPlus->deltaT ;
      tempStrain->f0 = seriesPlus->f0;
      tempStrain->sampleUnits = seriesPlus->sampleUnits;
      memset(tempStrain->data->data, 0, tempStrain->data->length * tempStrain->data->vectorLength*sizeof(REAL4));

      /* now copy the data and scale amplitude corresponding to distance of 1Mpc*/
      for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
        tempStrain->data->data[k] = massMpc * seriesPlus->data->data[k];
        tempStrain->data->data[len + k] = massMpc * seriesCross->data->data[k];            }

        /* we are done with seriesPlus and Cross for this iteration */
        XLALDestroyREAL4TimeSeries (seriesPlus);
        XLALDestroyREAL4TimeSeries (seriesCross);
        seriesPlus = NULL;
        seriesCross = NULL;

        /* compute the h+ and hx for given inclination and coalescence phase*/
        XLALOrientNRWave( tempStrain, modeL, modeM, thisinj->inclination, thisinj->coa_phase );
        if (sumStrain == NULL) {

          sumStrain = LALCalloc(1, sizeof(*sumStrain));
          sumStrain->data =  XLALCreateREAL4VectorSequence(2, tempStrain->data->vectorLength);
          sumStrain->deltaT = tempStrain->deltaT;
          sumStrain->f0 = tempStrain->f0;
          sumStrain->sampleUnits = tempStrain->sampleUnits;


          sumStrain = XLALSumStrain( sumStrain, tempStrain );

        } else {
          sumStrain = XLALSumStrain( sumStrain, tempStrain );

        /* clear memory for strain */
        if (tempStrain->data != NULL) {
          XLALDestroyREAL4VectorSequence ( tempStrain->data );
          LALFree( tempStrain );
          tempStrain = NULL;
    } /* end loop over modeM values */
  } /* end loop over modeL values */

  XLALFrStreamClose( frStream );
  *outStrain = sumStrain;

コード例 #4
ファイル: LALFrStream.c プロジェクト: SwethaPBhagwat/lalsuite
 * @brief Seeks a LALFrStream stream to data at a given time
 * @details
 * The position of a LALFrStream is set so that the net read will
 * be at the specified time.  #LAL_FR_STREAM_END and #LAL_FR_STREAM_GAP
 * bits are turned off in the #LALFrStreamState state.  If the time is before
 * the beginning of the stream, the stream position is set to the beginning of
 * the stream and the routine returns with code 1.  If the time is after the
 * end of the stream, the #LAL_FR_STREAM_END bit is set in the
 * #LALFrStreamState state, and the routine returns with code 2.  If the time
 * is in a gap in the data, the #LAL_FR_STREAM_GAP bit is set in the
 * #LALFrStreamState state, the position is advanced to the next data, and the
 * routine returns with code 3.  If, however, the
 * #LAL_FR_STREAM_IGNORETIME_MODE bit is not set in the LALFrStreamMode mode
 * then these conditions result in an error.
 * @param stream Pointer to a #LALFrStream structure.
 * @param epoch The LIGOTimeGPS time of the next data to read.
 * @retval 3 Time requested is in a gap in the data.
 * @retval 2 Time requested is after the end of the stream.
 * @retval 1 Time requested is before the beginning of the stream.
 * @retval 0 Normal success.
 * @retval <0 Failure.
int XLALFrStreamSeek(LALFrStream * stream, const LIGOTimeGPS * epoch)
    double twant = XLALGPSGetREAL8(epoch);
    LALCacheEntry *entry;

    /* close file if one is open */

    /* clear EOF or GAP states; preserve ERR state */
    if (stream->state & LAL_FR_STREAM_ERR)
        stream->state = LAL_FR_STREAM_ERR;
        stream->state = LAL_FR_STREAM_OK;

    /* is epoch before first file? */
    if (epoch->gpsSeconds < stream->cache->list->t0) {
        stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_GAP;
        /* is this reported as an error? */
        if (!(stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_IGNORETIME_MODE)) {
            /* FIXME:  if this is an error, should the stream state say so? */
            /* stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_ERR; */
        if (stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_TIMEWARN_MODE)
            XLAL_PRINT_WARNING("Requested time %d before first frame",
        return 1;       /* before first file code */

    /* seek for the time in the cache */
    entry = XLALCacheEntrySeek(stream->cache, twant);
    if (!entry) {       /* seek failed: only happens if time is past end of cache */
        stream->fnum = stream->cache->length;
        stream->epoch = *epoch;
        stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_END;
        /* is this reported as an error? */
        if (!(stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_IGNORETIME_MODE)) {
            /* FIXME:  if this is an error, should the stream state say so? */
            /* stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_ERR; */
        if (stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_TIMEWARN_MODE)
            XLAL_PRINT_WARNING("Requested time %d after last frame",
        return 2;       /* after last file code */

    /* now we must find the position within the frame file */
    for (stream->fnum = entry - stream->cache->list;
        stream->fnum < stream->cache->length; ++stream->fnum) {
        /* check the file contents to determine the position that matches */
        size_t nFrame;
        if (XLALFrStreamFileOpen(stream, stream->fnum) < 0)
        if (epoch->gpsSeconds < stream->cache->list[stream->fnum].t0) {
            /* detect a gap between files */
            stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_GAP;
        nFrame = XLALFrFileQueryNFrame(stream->file);
        for (stream->pos = 0; stream->pos < (int)nFrame; ++stream->pos) {
            LIGOTimeGPS start;
            int cmp;
            XLALFrFileQueryGTime(&start, stream->file, stream->pos);
            cmp = XLALGPSCmp(epoch, &start);
            if (cmp >= 0
                && XLALGPSDiff(epoch,
                    &start) < XLALFrFileQueryDt(stream->file, stream->pos))
                break;  /* this is the frame! */
            if (cmp < 0) {
                /* detect a gap between frames within a file */
                stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_GAP;
        if (stream->pos < (int)nFrame)  /* we've found the frame */
        /* oops... not in this frame file, go on to the next one */
        /* probably the frame file was mis-named.... */

    if (stream->fnum >= stream->cache->length) {
        /* we've gone right to the end without finding it! */
        stream->fnum = stream->cache->length;
        stream->epoch = *epoch;
        stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_END;
        /* is this reported as an error? */
        if (!(stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_IGNORETIME_MODE)) {
            /* FIXME:  if this is an error, should the stream state say so? */
            /* stream->state |= LAL_FR_STREAM_ERR; */
        if (stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_TIMEWARN_MODE)
            XLAL_PRINT_WARNING("Requested time %d after last frame",
        return 2;       /* after last file code */

    /* set the time of the stream */
    if (stream->state & LAL_FR_STREAM_GAP) {
        XLALFrFileQueryGTime(&stream->epoch, stream->file, stream->pos);
        if (stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_TIMEWARN_MODE)
            XLAL_PRINT_WARNING("Requested time %.6f in gap in frame data",
        if (!(stream->mode & LAL_FR_STREAM_IGNORETIME_MODE))
        return 3;       /* in a gap code */
    stream->epoch = *epoch;
    return 0;