コード例 #1
ファイル: nand.c プロジェクト: RemiLatapy/INF3610_Lab2
* This function reads the requested data from NAND FLASH interface.
* This function does not handle bad blocks. Return what it is.
* @param	Address into the FLASH data space
* @return	Data at the provided offset in the FLASH
* @note		None.
u32 ReadNand(u32 Address, u32 *Data)

	u32 Status;
	u32 Page;
	u32 *WordPtr;

	fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO,"ReadNand: Address = 0x%.8x\r\n", Address);

	WordPtr = (u32 *)NandInstance.DataBuf;

	Page = (Address)/(NandInstance.Geometry.BytesPerPage);

	Status = XNandPs_Read(NandInstPtr,
				(u64)(Page * (NandInstance.Geometry.BytesPerPage)),
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		fsbl_printf(DEBUG_GENERAL,"ReadNand Failed: Status = 0x%.8x\r\n",
	return XST_FAILURE;
	*Data = WordPtr[((Address) & (NandInstance.Geometry.BytesPerPage - 1))/4];

	return Status;

} /* End of ReadNand function */
コード例 #2
ファイル: xnandps_example.c プロジェクト: flynnjs/embeddedsw
* This function runs a test on the NAND flash device using the basic driver
* functions.
* The function does the following tasks:
*	- Initialize the driver.
*	- Erase the blocks.
*	- Write in to all the blocks.
*	- Read back the data from the blocks.
*	- Compare the data read against the data Written.
* @param	NandDeviceId is is the XPAR_<NAND_instance>_DEVICE_ID value
*		from xparameters.h.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if successful.
*		- XST_FAILURE if failed.
* @note		When bad blocks are encountered, they are not erased and
*		programmed.
int NandReadWriteExample(u32 NandDeviceId)
	int Status;
	u32 Index;
	u32 BlockIndex;
	XNandPs_Config *ConfigPtr;
	u64 Offset;
	u32 Length;
	u32 StartBlock;
	u32 EndBlock;

	 * Initialize the flash driver.
	ConfigPtr = XNandPs_LookupConfig(NandDeviceId);
	if (ConfigPtr == NULL) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XNandPs_CfgInitialize(NandInstPtr, ConfigPtr,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Prepare the write buffer. Fill in the data need to be written into
	 * Flash Device.
	for (Index = 0; Index < Length; Index++) {
		WriteBuffer[Index] = Index % 256;

	 * Erase the blocks in the flash
	for (BlockIndex = StartBlock; BlockIndex < EndBlock; BlockIndex++) {
		 * Don't erase bad blocks.
		if (XNandPs_IsBlockBad(NandInstPtr, BlockIndex) == XST_SUCCESS)
		 * Perform erase operation.
		Status = XNandPs_EraseBlock(NandInstPtr, BlockIndex);
		if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
			return Status;

	 * Perform the read/write operation
	for (BlockIndex = StartBlock; BlockIndex < EndBlock; BlockIndex++) {
		 * Don't program bad blocks.
		if (XNandPs_IsBlockBad(NandInstPtr, BlockIndex) == XST_SUCCESS)
		Offset = BlockIndex * NandInstPtr->Geometry.BlockSize;

		 * Perform the write operation.
		Status = XNandPs_Write(NandInstPtr, Offset, Length, WriteBuffer, NULL);
		if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
			return Status;

		 * Perform the read operation.
		Status = XNandPs_Read(NandInstPtr, Offset, Length, ReadBuffer, NULL);
		if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
			return Status;

		 * Compare the data read against the data Written.
		for (Index = 0; Index < Length; Index++) {
			if (ReadBuffer[Index] != WriteBuffer[Index]) {
				return XST_FAILURE;

		 * Clear the Receive buffer for next iteration
		memset(ReadBuffer, 0, Length);

	return XST_SUCCESS;
コード例 #3
ファイル: nand.c プロジェクト: RemiLatapy/INF3610_Lab2
* This function provides the NAND FLASH interface for the Simplified header
* functionality. This function handles bad blocks.
* The source address is the absolute good address, bad blocks are skipped
* without incrementing the source address.
* @param	SourceAddress is address in FLASH data space, absolute good address
* @param	DestinationAddress is address in OCM data space
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if the transfer completes correctly
*		XST_FAILURE if the transfer fails to completes correctly
* @note	none.
u32 NandAccess(u32 SourceAddress, u32 DestinationAddress, u32 LengthBytes)
	u32 Status = XST_SUCCESS;
	u32 PageSizeMask;
	u32 PageSize;
	u32 BytesPerBlock;
	u32 TempSourceAddress;
	u32 ByteCount = 0;
	u32 TmpAddress = 0;
	int BlockCount = 0;
	int BadBlocks = 0;
	u32 LastBlockCount = 0;
	u32 Data;

	PageSize = NandInstance.Geometry.BytesPerPage;
	PageSizeMask = PageSize - 1;
	TempSourceAddress = SourceAddress;
	BytesPerBlock = (NandInstance.Geometry.PagesPerBlock * PageSize);
	Data = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	/* First get bad blocks before the source address */
	while (TmpAddress < SourceAddress) {
		while (XNandPs_IsBlockBad(NandInstPtr, BlockCount) ==
							XST_SUCCESS) {
			BlockCount ++;
			BadBlocks ++;

		TmpAddress += BytesPerBlock;
		BlockCount ++;

	/* Previous loop advanced BlockCount one more too much */
	LastBlockCount = BlockCount - 1;

	/* Now transfer with bad block skipping */
	while (ByteCount < LengthBytes) {
		int TmpBadBlocks = 0;
		int Length;

		TempSourceAddress = SourceAddress + ByteCount +
								BadBlocks * BytesPerBlock;
		BlockCount = TempSourceAddress / BytesPerBlock;

		/* If advance to the next block, needs to check bad block */
		if (BlockCount > LastBlockCount) {
			LastBlockCount = BlockCount;

		while (XNandPs_IsBlockBad(NandInstPtr, BlockCount) ==
						XST_SUCCESS) {

			BlockCount ++;
			TmpBadBlocks ++;
			fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO,"Found bad block %d: %d\r\n",
						BlockCount, TmpBadBlocks);

		if (TmpBadBlocks) {
			BadBlocks += TmpBadBlocks;
			TempSourceAddress += TmpBadBlocks * BytesPerBlock;
			LastBlockCount += TmpBadBlocks;

		if (LengthBytes == 4) {
			Status = ReadNand(TempSourceAddress,&Data);
			*((u32 *)DestinationAddress) = Data;

			return Status;

		/* NAND transfer is page-wise */
		Length = PageSize - (TempSourceAddress & PageSizeMask);

		if ((Length + ByteCount) > LengthBytes) {
			Length = LengthBytes - ByteCount;

		Status = XNandPs_Read(NandInstPtr,
					(u32 *)(DestinationAddress + ByteCount),

		if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
			fsbl_printf(DEBUG_GENERAL,"NandAccess Failed: source %x, "
					 "count %d, destinationaddr %x, "
					 "Status = 0x%.8x\r\n",
					 (u64)TempSourceAddress, Length,
					 DestinationAddress + ByteCount, Status);
			return Status;
		ByteCount += Length;
	} /* End of while ByteCount < LengthBytes */
	return Status;
} /* End of NandAccess */
コード例 #4
* This function provides the NAND FLASH interface for the Simplified header
* functionality. This function handles bad blocks.
* The source address is the absolute good address, bad blocks are skipped
* without incrementing the source address.
* @param	SourceAddress is address in FLASH data space, absolute good address
* @param	DestinationAddress is address in OCM data space
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if the transfer completes correctly
*		XST_FAILURE if the transfer fails to completes correctly
* @note	none.
u32 NandAccess(u32 SourceAddress, u32 DestinationAddress, u32 LengthBytes)
    u32 ActLen;
    u32 BlockOffset;
    u32 Block;
    u32 Status;
    u32 BytesLeft = LengthBytes;
    u32 BlockSize = NandInstPtr->Geometry.BlockSize;
    u8 *BufPtr = (u8 *)DestinationAddress;
    u32 ReadLen;
    u32 BlockReadLen;
    u32 Offset;
    u32 TmpAddress = 0 ;
    u32 BlockCount = 0;
    u32 BadBlocks = 0;

     * First get bad blocks before the source address
    while (TmpAddress < SourceAddress) {
        while (XNandPs_IsBlockBad(NandInstPtr, BlockCount) ==
                XST_SUCCESS) {
            BlockCount ++;
            BadBlocks ++;

        TmpAddress += BlockSize;
        BlockCount ++;

    Offset = SourceAddress + BadBlocks * BlockSize;

     * Calculate the actual length including bad blocks
    ActLen = XNandPs_CalculateLength(NandInstPtr, Offset, LengthBytes);

     *  Check if the actual length cross flash size
    if (Offset + ActLen > NandInstPtr->Geometry.DeviceSize) {
        return XST_FAILURE;

    while (BytesLeft > 0) {
        BlockOffset = Offset & (BlockSize - 1);
        Block = (Offset & ~(BlockSize - 1))/BlockSize;
        BlockReadLen = BlockSize - BlockOffset;

        Status = XNandPs_IsBlockBad(NandInstPtr, Block);
        if (Status == XST_SUCCESS) {
            /* Move to next block */
            Offset += BlockReadLen;

         * Check if we cross block boundary
        if (BytesLeft < BlockReadLen) {
            ReadLen = BytesLeft;
        } else {
            ReadLen = BlockReadLen;

         * Read from the NAND flash
        Status = XNandPs_Read(NandInstPtr, Offset, ReadLen, BufPtr, NULL);
        if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
            return Status;
        BytesLeft -= ReadLen;
        Offset += ReadLen;
        BufPtr += ReadLen;

    return XST_SUCCESS;