コード例 #1
ファイル: rb.c プロジェクト: sharugupta/OpenUH
	_f_int	*biunit,	/* Unit			*/
	_f_int	*recmode,	/* Mode			*/
	gfptr_t	bloc,		/* Beginning location	*/
	gfptr_t	eloc,		/* Ending location	*/
	int	*type)		/* Data type		*/
	register short	type77;
	register unum_t	unum;
	type_packet	tip;
	struct f90_type	ts;
	unit		*cup;
	struct fiostate cfs;

	unum	= *biunit;

	STMT_BEGIN(unum, 0, T_BUFIN, NULL, &cfs, cup);
 *	If not connected, do an implicit open.  Abort if the open fails.
	if (cup == NULL)
		cup	= _imp_open77(&cfs, SEQ, UNF, unum, 0, NULL); 

	type77		= *type & 017;

	CREATE_F90_INFO(ts, tip, type77);


	if (cup->unumcvrt || cup->ucharset) {
		register int	ret;

		ret	= _get_dc_param(&cfs, cup, ts, &tip);

		if (ret != 0)
			_ferr(&cfs, ret);


	_rb(&cfs, cup, recmode, bloc, eloc, &tip);

コード例 #2
	_f_int		*unump,		/* Unit number or dataset name */
	Namelist	*nl,		/* Namelist structure */
	int		errf		/* Nonzero if ERR specified */
	unum_t		unum;
	int		errn;
	int		n, ss; 
	void		*vaddr;		/* variable address */
	unsigned	elsize;		/* size in bytes of the variable */
	long		recsize;	/* number of characters to output per
					 * line.  Used by REPFLUSH.*/
	char		c;		/* needed by NLPUTS macro */
	char		*s;		/* needed by NLPUTS macro */
	unit		*cup;		/* unit pointer */
	Nlentry		*nlent;
	FIOSPTR		css;
	struct BUFFERS	wnlbuffers;
	struct BUFFERS	*bptr;
	bptr		= &wnlbuffers;
	bptr->f_lbuf	= NULL;

	unum		= *unump;

	STMT_BEGIN(unum, 0, T_WNL, NULL, css, cup);

	if (cup == NULL) {	/* if not connected */
		cup	= _imp_open77(css, SEQ, FMT, unum, errf, &errn);
		 * If the open failed, cup is NULL and errn contains
		 * the error number.
		if (cup == NULL)
			RERR(css, errn);

	/* Set various unit table fields */

	cup->uflag	= (errf != 0 ? _UERRF : 0);
	cup->ulineptr	= cup->ulinebuf;
	cup->uwrt	= 1;		/* Set write flag */

	/* Set fields in the Fortran statement state structure */

	css->u.fmt.nonl		= 0;	/* Clear no-newline flag */

	if (cup->useq == 0)	/* If direct access file */
		RERR(css, FESEQTIV); /* Sequential attempted on direct access */

	if (!cup->ufmt)		/* If unformatted file */
		RERR(css, FEFMTTIV); /* Formatted attempted on unformatted */

	if ((cup->uaction & OS_WRITE) == 0) 

	bptr		= &wnlbuffers;
	bptr->lcomma	= 0;

	 * Set up record size.  The hierarchy for determining Namelist
	 * output record size is as follows:
	 *	1) RECL, if specified
	 *	2) WNLLONG(), if set and does not exceed cup->urecsize
	 *	3) list-directed output record size (cup->uldwsize)
	 * Note that while (1) and (3) are established at OPEN time, (2)
	 * can be changed ``on the fly''; therefore, this check has to
	 * be performed here.

	recsize	= cup->uldwsize;

	if (cup->urecl == 0 && _wnlrecsiz > 0)	/* No RECL and WNLLONG() set */
			recsize	= MIN(cup->urecsize, _wnlrecsiz);

	bptr->outcnt	= recsize - 1; 	/* First char. for carriage control */
	bptr->outbuff	= cup->ulinebuf;
	bptr->outptr	= bptr->outbuff;
	*bptr->outptr++	= OUT_ECHO;	/* First character of first line */
	bptr->f_lbuf	= (long *) malloc((recsize + 1) * sizeof(long));

	if (bptr->f_lbuf == NULL)
		RERR(css, FENOMEMY);	/* No memory */

	/* NAMELIST delimiter to output line */

	NLPUT(OUT_CHAR);		/* output delimiter */	
	NLPUTS(nl->nlname);		/* unpack group name to buffer */
	NLPUT(' ');
	NLPUT(' ');
	NLINE();	/* Did user specify new line for each variable? */

	nlent	= nl->nlvnames;

	do {
		int	ntype;

		ntype	= _old_namelist_to_f77_type_cnvt[nlent->na.type];

		 * Always format output into f_lbufptr.
		 * After formatting, if it will fit, move it into outbuff.
		 * If it will not fit, write out what is already in outbuff,
		 * and then move in the newly formatted data.

		bptr->f_lbufptr	= bptr->f_lbuf;	
		bptr->f_lbufcnt	= 0;

		LPUTS(nlent->varname);		/* output variable name */
		LPUT(' ');
		LPUT(OUT_EQ);			/* output the replacement
						 * character. '=' by default. */

		n	= (nlent->na.offdim) ? nlent->na.nels : 1;

		if (ntype == DT_CHAR) {
			_fcd f;
			f	= *(_fcd *)(((unsigned long) nlent->va.varaddr +
					(long *)nl));
			vaddr = _fcdtocp(f);
			elsize = _fcdlen(f);
		else {
			vaddr	= (void *)nlent->va.varaddr;
			elsize	= 0;

		LPUT(' ');

		/* Output value */

		ss	= l_write(css, cup, vaddr, elsize, n, 1, ntype, recsize,
					errf, bptr);

		if (ss != 0) {
			RERR(css, ss);


		nlent++;	/* point to next variable description */

	} while (nlent->varname[0]);

	if (bptr->outcnt < 6) {
		REPFLUSH();	/* Make sure there's room for "  &END" */
		bptr->outptr--; /* start in col. 2 */


	STMT_END(cup, T_WNL, NULL, css);	/* Unlock the unit */

	if (bptr->f_lbuf != NULL)		/* Free formatting buffer */

コード例 #3
ファイル: ru.c プロジェクト: manojxantony/compiler
_fcd		_Unitid,	/* Pointer to unit identifier		*/
_fcd		_arg2,		/* Unused				*/
long		*err,		/* Address of error processing address	*/
long		*end,		/* Address of end processing address	*/
_f_int		*iostat,	/* Address of IOSTAT variable		*/
_f_int		*rec		/* Address of direct access record no.	*/
#ifndef	_UNICOS
,FIOSPTR	cssa		/* Statement state structure		*/
	register int	errf;		/* Error processing flag	*/
	register int 	errn;		/* Error number			*/
	register int	iost;		/* I/O statement type		*/
	register int	iotp;		/* I/O type			*/
	register recn_t	recn;		/* Direct access record number	*/
	register unum_t	unum;		/* Actual unit number		*/
	unit		*cup;		/* Pointer to unit table entry	*/
	FIOSPTR		css;		/* Statement state structure	*/
#ifdef	_CRAYMPP
	va_list		args;
	_fcd		_arg2;		/* Unused */
	long		*err;		/* Address of error processing address*/
	long		*end;		/* Address of end processing address */
	_f_int		*iostat;	/* Address of IOSTAT variable */
	_f_int		*rec;		/* Address of direct access record no.*/

#ifdef	_UNICOS

	/* Check if recursive triple-call I/O */

	if (css->f_iostmt != 0)
		_ferr(css, FEIOACTV);
	css	= cssa;

#ifdef	_CRAYMPP
	va_start(args, _Unitid);
	_arg2	= va_arg(args, _fcd);
	err	= va_arg(args, long *);
	end	= va_arg(args, long *);
	iostat	= va_arg(args, _f_int *);
	rec	= va_arg(args, _f_int *);
	errn	= 0;

	/* Establish error processing options */

	if (iostat != NULL)
		*iostat	= 0;		/* Clear IOSTAT variable, if extant */

	errf	= ((err != NULL) || (iostat != NULL));
	iost	= T_RSU;
	iotp	= SEQ;			/* Assume sequential */
	unum	= **(_f_int **)&_Unitid;

	if (rec != NULL) {	/* If direct access */
		iost	= T_RDU;	/* Set direct unformatted read */
		iotp	= DIR;
		recn	= *rec;

	STMT_BEGIN(unum, 0, iost, NULL, css, cup);

	if (cup == NULL) {	/* if not connected */
		int	stat;

		cup	= _imp_open77(css, iotp, UNF, unum, errf, &stat);

		if (cup == NULL) {
			errn	= stat;
			goto error;

	/* Record error processing options in the unit */

	cup->uiostat	= iostat;
	cup->uflag	= (err    != NULL ?  _UERRF : 0) |
			  (end    != NULL ?  _UENDF : 0) |
			  (iostat != NULL ? _UIOSTF : 0);

	/* Perform error checking */

	if (cup->ufs == FS_AUX) {
		errn	= FEMIXAUX;	/* Can't mix auxiliary and Fortran I/O */
		ERROR0(errf, errn);

	if ((cup->uaction & OS_READ) == 0) {
		errn	= FENOREAD;	/* No read permission */
		ERROR0(errf, errn);

	if (cup->ufmt) {	/* If unformatted attempted on formatted file */
		errn	= FEUNFMIV;		/* Unformatted not allowed */
		ERROR0(errf, errn);

	/* If sequential and writing, disallow read after write */

	if (cup->useq && cup->uwrt != 0) {
		errn	= FERDAFWR;		/* Read after write */
		ERROR0(errf, errn);

	/* Preset fields in unit table */

	cup->ueor_found	= NO;			/* Clear EOR */
	cup->uwrt	= 0;
	cup->ulastyp	= DVTYPE_TYPELESS;

	if (iotp == DIR) {	/* If direct access */

		if (cup->useq)		/* If direct attempted on seq. file */
			errn	= FEDIRTIV;	/* Direct access not allowed */
			errn	= _unit_seek(cup, recn, iost);

		if (errn != 0) {
			ERROR1(errf, errn, recn);
	else {		/* Else sequential access */

		if (cup->useq == 0) {	/* If seq. attempted on direct file */
			errn	= FESEQTIV;	/* Sequential not allowed */
			ERROR0(errf, errn);

		if (cup->upure && cup->upuretype != P_RDWR) {
			 * Set the upuretype field to P_RDWR mode unless it has
			 * previously been set to P_BUFIO by a BUFFER IN/OUT 
			 * statement.  This check prevents the intermixing of 
			 * '-s pure' is assigned.
			if (cup->upuretype == P_BUFIO) {
				errn	= FEMIXBUF;
				ERROR0(errf, errn);
			cup->upuretype	= P_RDWR;


	if (errn != 0)
		ERROR0(errf, errn);


	if (iostat != NULL)
		*iostat	= errn;		/* Set IOSTAT variable to error */

	if (cup != NULL)		/* If we have a unit */
		cup->uflag	|= (errn > 0) ? _UERRC : _UENDC;/* Set status */

#ifdef	_UNICOS
