コード例 #1
void pion_norm(const int traj, const int id) {
  int i, j, z, zz, z0;
  double *Cpp;
  double res = 0.;
  double pionnorm;
  double atime, etime;
  float tmp;
#ifdef MPI
  double mpi_res = 0.;
  FILE *ofs, *ofs2;
  char *filename, *filename2, *sourcefilename;
  char buf[100];
  char buf2[100];
  char buf3[100];
  sprintf(filename2,"%s", "pion_norm.data");

  /* generate random source point */
  if(ranlxs_init == 0) {
    rlxs_init(1, 123456);
  ranlxs(&tmp, 1);
  z0 = (int)(measurement_list[id].max_source_slice*tmp);
#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Bcast(&z0, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

#ifdef MPI
  atime = MPI_Wtime();
  atime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  Cpp = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_z*LZ, sizeof(double));

  printf("Doing finite Temperature online measurement\n");
  /* stochastic source in z-slice */
  source_generation_pion_zdir(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 
                            z0, 0, traj);

  /* invert on the stochastic source */
  invert_eo(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], 
            g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1],
            1.e-14, measurement_list[id].max_iter, CG, 1, 0, 1, 0, NULL, -1);

  /* now we bring it to normal format */
  /* here we use implicitly DUM_MATRIX and DUM_MATRIX+1 */
  convert_eo_to_lexic(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX], g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3]);
  /* now we sums only over local space for every z */
  for(z = 0; z < LZ; z++) {
    res = 0.;
    /* sum here over all points in one z-slice 
       we have to look up g_ipt*/

    j = g_ipt[0][0][0][z];
    for(i = 0; i < T*LX*LY ; i++) {
           res += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
           j += LZ; /* jump LZ sites in array, z ist fastest index */

#if defined MPI
    MPI_Reduce(&res, &mpi_res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_z_slices);
    res = mpi_res;
    Cpp[z+g_proc_coords[3]*LZ] = +res/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_t*T)*2.;

#ifdef MPI
  /* some gymnastics needed in case of parallelisation */
  if(g_mpi_z_rank == 0) {
    MPI_Gather(&Cpp[g_proc_coords[3]*LZ], LZ, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpp, LZ, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_ST_slices);

  /* and write everything into a file */
  if(g_mpi_z_rank == 0 && g_proc_coords[3] == 0) {
    ofs = fopen(filename, "w");
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpp[z0], 0.);
    for(z = 1; z < g_nproc_z*LZ/2; z++) {
      zz = (z0+z)%(g_nproc_z*LZ);
      fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  ", z, Cpp[zz]);
      zz = (z0+g_nproc_z*LZ-z)%(g_nproc_z*LZ);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpp[zz]);
    zz = (z0+g_nproc_z*LZ/2)%(g_nproc_z*LZ);
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  %e\n", z, Cpp[zz], 0.);
    /* sum over all Cpp to get pionnorm*/
    ofs2 = fopen(filename2, "a");
    pionnorm = 0.;
    for(z=0; z<g_nproc_z*LZ; z++){
      pionnorm += Cpp[z];
    /* normalize */
    pionnorm = pionnorm/(g_nproc_z*LZ); 
    fprintf(ofs2,"%d\t %.16e\n",traj,pionnorm);
#ifdef MPI
  etime = MPI_Wtime();
  etime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
    printf("PIONNORM : measurement done int t/s = %1.4e\n", etime - atime);
コード例 #2
void online_measurement(const int traj, const int id, const int ieo) {
    int i, j, t, tt, t0;
    double *Cpp = NULL, *Cpa = NULL, *Cp4 = NULL;
    double res = 0., respa = 0., resp4 = 0.;
    double atime, etime;
    float tmp;
    operator * optr;
#ifdef MPI
    double mpi_res = 0., mpi_respa = 0., mpi_resp4 = 0.;
    // send buffer for MPI_Gather
    double *sCpp = NULL, *sCpa = NULL, *sCp4 = NULL;
    FILE *ofs;
    char *filename;
    char buf[100];
    spinor phi;
    sprintf(filename,"%s%.6d", "onlinemeas." ,traj);

    if(no_operators < 1 && g_proc_id == 0) {
        if(g_proc_id == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning! no operators defined in input file, cannot perform online correlator mesurements!\n");
    if(no_operators > 1 && g_proc_id == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning! number of operators defined larger than 1, using only the first!\n");
    optr = &operator_list[0];
    // we don't want to do inversion twice for this purpose here
    optr->DownProp = 0;
    if(optr->type != TMWILSON && optr->type != WILSON && optr->type != CLOVER) {
        if(g_proc_id == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning! correlator online measurement currently only implemented for TMWILSON, WILSON and CLOVER\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "Cannot perform online measurement!\n");

    /* generate random timeslice */
    if(ranlxs_init == 0) {
        rlxs_init(1, 123456);
    ranlxs(&tmp, 1);
    t0 = (int)(measurement_list[id].max_source_slice*tmp);
#ifdef MPI
    MPI_Bcast(&t0, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if(g_debug_level > 1 && g_proc_id == 0) {
        printf("# timeslice set to %d (T=%d) for online measurement\n", t0, g_nproc_t*T);
        printf("# online measurements parameters: kappa = %g, mu = %g\n", g_kappa, g_mu/2./g_kappa);
    atime = gettime();

#ifdef MPI
    sCpp = (double*) calloc(T, sizeof(double));
    sCpa = (double*) calloc(T, sizeof(double));
    sCp4 = (double*) calloc(T, sizeof(double));
    if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0) {
        Cpp = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));
        Cpa = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));
        Cp4 = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));
    Cpp = (double*) calloc(T, sizeof(double));
    Cpa = (double*) calloc(T, sizeof(double));
    Cp4 = (double*) calloc(T, sizeof(double));
    source_generation_pion_only(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1],
                                t0, 0, traj);
    optr->sr0 = g_spinor_field[0];
    optr->sr1 = g_spinor_field[1];
    optr->prop0 = g_spinor_field[2];
    optr->prop1 = g_spinor_field[3];

    // op_id = 0, index_start = 0, write_prop = 0
    optr->inverter(0, 0, 0);

    /* now we bring it to normal format */
    /* here we use implicitly DUM_MATRIX and DUM_MATRIX+1 */
    convert_eo_to_lexic(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX], g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3]);

    /* now we sum only over local space for every t */
    for(t = 0; t < T; t++) {
        j = g_ipt[t][0][0][0];
        res = 0.;
        respa = 0.;
        resp4 = 0.;
        for(i = j; i < j+LX*LY*LZ; i++) {
            res += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
            _gamma0(phi, g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
            respa += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], phi);
            _gamma5(phi, phi);
            resp4 += _spinor_prod_im(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], phi);

#if defined MPI
        MPI_Reduce(&res, &mpi_res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
        res = mpi_res;
        MPI_Reduce(&respa, &mpi_respa, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
        respa = mpi_respa;
        MPI_Reduce(&resp4, &mpi_resp4, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
        resp4 = mpi_resp4;
        sCpp[t] = +res/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
        sCpa[t] = -respa/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
        sCp4[t] = +resp4/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
        Cpp[t] = +res/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
        Cpa[t] = -respa/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
        Cp4[t] = +resp4/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;

#ifdef MPI
    /* some gymnastics needed in case of parallelisation */
    if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0) {
        MPI_Gather(sCpp, T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpp, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);
        MPI_Gather(sCpa, T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpa, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);
        MPI_Gather(sCp4, T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cp4, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);

    /* and write everything into a file */
    if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0 && g_proc_coords[0] == 0) {
        ofs = fopen(filename, "w");
        fprintf( ofs, "1  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpp[t0], 0.);
        for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
            tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
            fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cpp[tt]);
            tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
            fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpp[tt]);
        tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
        fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cpp[tt], 0.);

        fprintf( ofs, "2  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpa[t0], 0.);
        for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
            tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
            fprintf( ofs, "2  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cpa[tt]);
            tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
            fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpa[tt]);
        tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
        fprintf( ofs, "2  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cpa[tt], 0.);

        fprintf( ofs, "6  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cp4[t0], 0.);
        for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
            tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
            fprintf( ofs, "6  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cp4[tt]);
            tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
            fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cp4[tt]);
        tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
        fprintf( ofs, "6  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cp4[tt], 0.);
#ifdef MPI
    if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0) {
    etime = gettime();

    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
        printf("ONLINE: measurement done int t/s = %1.4e\n", etime - atime);
コード例 #3
void online_measurement(const int traj, const int id) {
  int i, j, t, tt, t0;
  double *Cpp, *Cpa, *Cp4;
  double res = 0., respa = 0., resp4 = 0.;
  double atime, etime;
  float tmp;
#ifdef MPI
  double mpi_res = 0., mpi_respa = 0., mpi_resp4 = 0.;
  FILE *ofs;
  char *filename;
  char buf[100];
  spinor phi;
  sprintf(filename,"%s%.6d", "onlinemeas." ,traj);

  /* generate random timeslice */
  if(ranlxs_init == 0) {
    rlxs_init(1, 123456);
  ranlxs(&tmp, 1);
  t0 = (int)(measurement_list[id].max_source_slice*tmp);
#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Bcast(&t0, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if(g_debug_level > 1 && g_proc_id == 0) {
    printf("# timeslice set to %d (T=%d) for online measurement\n", t0, g_nproc_t*T);
    printf("# online measurements parameters: kappa = %g, mu = %g\n", g_kappa, g_mu/2./g_kappa);
#ifdef MPI
  atime = MPI_Wtime();
  atime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  Cpp = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));
  Cpa = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));
  Cp4 = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));

  source_generation_pion_only(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 
			      t0, 0, traj);

  invert_eo(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], 
	    g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1],
	    1.e-14, measurement_list[id].max_iter, CG, 1, 0, 1, 0, NULL, -1);

  /* now we bring it to normal format */
  /* here we use implicitly DUM_MATRIX and DUM_MATRIX+1 */
  convert_eo_to_lexic(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX], g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3]);
  /* now we sum only over local space for every t */
  for(t = 0; t < T; t++) {
    j = g_ipt[t][0][0][0];
    res = 0.;
    respa = 0.;
    resp4 = 0.;
    for(i = j; i < j+LX*LY*LZ; i++) {
      res += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
      _gamma0(phi, g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
      respa += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], phi);
      _gamma5(phi, phi);
      resp4 += _spinor_prod_im(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], phi);

#if defined MPI
    MPI_Reduce(&res, &mpi_res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
    res = mpi_res;
    MPI_Reduce(&respa, &mpi_respa, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
    respa = mpi_respa;
    MPI_Reduce(&resp4, &mpi_resp4, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
    resp4 = mpi_resp4;
    Cpp[t+g_proc_coords[0]*T] = +res/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
    Cpa[t+g_proc_coords[0]*T] = -respa/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
    Cp4[t+g_proc_coords[0]*T] = +resp4/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;

#ifdef MPI
  /* some gymnastics needed in case of parallelisation */
  if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0) {
    MPI_Gather(&Cpp[g_proc_coords[0]*T], T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpp, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);
    MPI_Gather(&Cpa[g_proc_coords[0]*T], T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpa, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);
    MPI_Gather(&Cp4[g_proc_coords[0]*T], T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cp4, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);

  /* and write everything into a file */
  if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0 && g_proc_coords[0] == 0) {
    ofs = fopen(filename, "w");
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpp[t0], 0.);
    for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
      tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cpp[tt]);
      tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpp[tt]);
    tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cpp[tt], 0.);

    fprintf( ofs, "2  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpa[t0], 0.);
    for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
      tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "2  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cpa[tt]);
      tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpa[tt]);
    tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
    fprintf( ofs, "2  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cpa[tt], 0.);

    fprintf( ofs, "6  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cp4[t0], 0.);
    for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
      tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "6  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cp4[tt]);
      tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cp4[tt]);
    tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
    fprintf( ofs, "6  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cp4[tt], 0.);
  free(Cpp); free(Cpa); free(Cp4);
#ifdef MPI
  etime = MPI_Wtime();
  etime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
    printf("ONLINE: measurement done int t/s = %1.4e\n", etime - atime);