コード例 #1
ファイル: OAI_MAR3.cpp プロジェクト: brianV/7kaa
//------ Begin of function Nation::ai_build_camp_town_next_to ------//
// Build a new camp and settle a new town next to the given location.
// <int> xLoc1, yLoc1, xLoc2, yLoc2 - the location that the new camp
//												  and town should be built next to.
int Nation::ai_build_camp_town_next_to(int xLoc1, int yLoc1, int xLoc2, int yLoc2)
	//---- first see if we already have a camp in the region ---//

	int regionId = world.get_region_id(xLoc1, yLoc1);

	// ##### patch begin Gilbert 16/3 #######//
	//#ifdef AMPLUS
	if( region_array[regionId]->region_stat_id == 0)
		return 0;
	// ##### patch end Gilbert 16/3 #######//

	if( region_array.get_region_stat(regionId)->camp_nation_count_array[nation_recno-1] == 0 )
		//--- if we don't have one yet, build one next to the destination ---//

		if( !world.locate_space( xLoc1, yLoc1, xLoc2, yLoc2,
									 3, 3, UNIT_LAND, regionId, 1 ) )		// 1-locating the space for building
			return 0;

		if( !world.can_build_firm( xLoc1, yLoc1, FIRM_CAMP ) )
			return 0;

		return ai_patrol_to_region(xLoc1, yLoc1, SEA_ACTION_BUILD_CAMP);
	else //-- if there's already a camp there, then set people there to settle --//
		FirmCamp* firmCamp;

		for( int i=0 ; i<ai_camp_count ; i++ )
			firmCamp = (FirmCamp*) firm_array[ ai_camp_array[i] ];

			if( firmCamp->region_id != regionId )

			xLoc1 = firmCamp->loc_x1;
			yLoc1 = firmCamp->loc_y1;
			xLoc2 = firmCamp->loc_x2;
			yLoc2 = firmCamp->loc_y2;

			if( world.locate_space( xLoc1, yLoc1, xLoc2, yLoc2,
				 STD_TOWN_LOC_WIDTH, STD_TOWN_LOC_HEIGHT, UNIT_LAND, regionId, 1 ) )		// 1-locating the space for building
				if( world.can_build_town( xLoc1, yLoc1 ) )
					return ai_settle_to_region(xLoc1, yLoc1, SEA_ACTION_SETTLE);

	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: OAI_MARI.cpp プロジェクト: AMDmi3/7kaa
//------ Begin of function Nation::think_move_people_between_region ------//
// Thing about moving units between regions
int Nation::think_move_people_between_region()
	//----- find the region with the least population -----//

	int joblessPop, maxJoblessPop=0, minJoblessPop=0x1000;
	int maxRegionId=0, minRegionId=0;
	RegionStat* regionStat = region_array.region_stat_array;

	int i;
	for( i=0 ; i<region_array.region_stat_count ; i++, regionStat++ )
		//--- only move to regions in which we have camps ---//

		if( regionStat->camp_nation_count_array[nation_recno-1] == 0 )

		joblessPop = regionStat->nation_jobless_population_array[nation_recno-1];

		if( joblessPop > maxJoblessPop )
			maxJoblessPop = joblessPop;
			maxRegionId   = regionStat->region_id;

		if( joblessPop < minJoblessPop )
			minJoblessPop = joblessPop;
			minRegionId   = regionStat->region_id;

	if( !maxRegionId || !minRegionId || maxRegionId==minRegionId )
		return 0;

	//----- only move if the difference is big enough ------//

	if( pref_use_marine < 90 )		// if > 90, it will ignore all these and move anyway
		if( maxJoblessPop - minJoblessPop < 150 - pref_use_marine )	 // 100 to 150 (pref_use_marine is always >= 50, if it is < 50, marine functions are not called at all
			return 0;
		if( maxJoblessPop < 20 )	// don't move if we only have a few jobless people
			return 0;

	//------------ see if we have any towns in the region -----------//

	int   destRegionId = minRegionId;
	Town* townPtr;

	for( i=ai_town_count-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
		townPtr = town_array[ai_town_array[i]];

		if( townPtr->region_id == destRegionId )
			//--- if there is one, must move the people to it ---//

			return ai_settle_to_region(townPtr->center_x, townPtr->center_y, SEA_ACTION_NONE);

	//----- if we don't have any towns in the region, settle one ----//

	int xLoc=0, yLoc=0;

	if(world.locate_space_random(xLoc, yLoc, MAX_WORLD_X_LOC-1,
		MAX_WORLD_X_LOC*MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC, destRegionId, 1))
		return ai_settle_to_region(xLoc, yLoc, SEA_ACTION_SETTLE);

	return 0;