static void wz_draw_3d_rectangle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float border, ALLEGRO_COLOR col, bool invert) { ALLEGRO_VERTEX vtx[6]; ALLEGRO_COLOR hi, lo; int ii; if(invert) { lo = wz_scale_color(col, 1.5); hi = wz_scale_color(col, 0.5); } else { hi = wz_scale_color(col, 1.5); lo = wz_scale_color(col, 0.5); } for(ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) { vtx[ii].color = hi; vtx[ii].z = 0; } vtx[0].x = x1 + border; vtx[0].y = y1 + border; vtx[1].x = x1 + border; vtx[1].y = y2 - border; vtx[2].x = x1; vtx[2].y = y2; vtx[3].x = x1; vtx[3].y = y1; vtx[4].x = x2; vtx[4].y = y1; vtx[5].x = x2 - border; vtx[5].y = y1 + border; al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, 0, 0, 6, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); vtx[0].x = x2 - border; vtx[0].y = y2 - border; vtx[1].x = x1 + border; vtx[1].y = y2 - border; vtx[2].x = x1; vtx[2].y = y2; vtx[3].x = x2; vtx[3].y = y2; vtx[4].x = x2; vtx[4].y = y1; vtx[5].x = x2 - border; vtx[5].y = y1 + border; for(ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) { vtx[ii].color = lo; } al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, 0, 0, 6, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1 + border, y1 + border, x2 - border, y2 - border, col); }
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *generate_triangle_bitmap(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, ALLEGRO_COLOR col) { // find the width and height of the bitmap (this could be more comprehensive? What about -negative points?) float max_x = std::max(std::max(x1, x2), x2); float max_y = std::max(std::max(y1, y2), y3); // start drawing ALLEGRO_BITMAP *surface = al_create_bitmap(max_x, max_y); ALLEGRO_STATE state; al_store_state(&state, ALLEGRO_STATE_TARGET_BITMAP); al_clear_to_color(color::transparent); al_set_target_bitmap(surface); // build our triangle ALLEGRO_VERTEX v[3]; v[0] = build_vertex(x1, y1, 0, col, 0, 0); v[1] = build_vertex(x2, y2, 0, col, 0, 0); v[2] = build_vertex(x3, y3, 0, col, 0, 0); // draw the triangle al_draw_prim(v, NULL, NULL, 0, 3, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); // restore drawing state al_restore_state(&state); return surface; }
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *generate_gradient_bitmap(float size, ALLEGRO_COLOR top_color, ALLEGRO_COLOR bottom_color, int padding) { // set everything up for rendering int w = size; int h = size; ALLEGRO_BITMAP *surface = al_create_bitmap(w, h); ALLEGRO_STATE previous_state; al_store_state(&previous_state, ALLEGRO_STATE_TARGET_BITMAP); // start drawing on the bitmap al_set_target_bitmap(surface); al_clear_to_color(color::transparent); // build the gradient as a primitive ALLEGRO_VERTEX v[4]; v[0] = build_vertex(0+padding, 0+padding, 0, top_color, 0, 0); v[1] = build_vertex(w-padding, 0+padding, 0, top_color, 0, 0); v[2] = build_vertex(w-padding, h-padding, 0, bottom_color, 0, 0); v[3] = build_vertex(0+padding, h-padding, 0, bottom_color, 0, 0); // draw it to the surface al_draw_prim(v, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); // restore everything back to where it was al_restore_state(&previous_state); // return the generated image return surface; }
static duk_ret_t js_PointSeries(duk_context* ctx) { duk_require_object_coercible(ctx, 0); color_t color = duk_require_sphere_color(ctx, 1); size_t num_points; int x, y; ALLEGRO_VERTEX* vertices; ALLEGRO_COLOR vtx_color; size_t i; if (!duk_is_array(ctx, 0)) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "PointSeries(): First argument must be an array"); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "length"); num_points = duk_get_uint(ctx, 0); duk_pop(ctx); if (num_points < 1) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR, "PointSeries(): One or more vertices required"); if (num_points > INT_MAX) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_RANGE_ERROR, "PointSeries(): Too many vertices"); if ((vertices = calloc(num_points, sizeof(ALLEGRO_VERTEX))) == NULL) duk_error_ni(ctx, -1, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "PointSeries(): Failed to allocate vertex buffer"); vtx_color = nativecolor(color); for (i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) { duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 0, (duk_uarridx_t)i); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "x"); x = duk_require_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "y"); y = duk_require_int(ctx, -1); duk_pop(ctx); duk_pop(ctx); vertices[i].x = x + 0.5; vertices[i].y = y + 0.5; vertices[i].color = vtx_color; } al_draw_prim(vertices, NULL, NULL, 0, (int)num_points, ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST); free(vertices); return 0; }
static void FilledTexturePrimitives(int mode) { static ALLEGRO_VERTEX vtx[21]; if (mode == INIT) { int ii = 0; for (ii = 0; ii < 21; ii++) { float x, y; ALLEGRO_COLOR color; if (ii % 2 == 0) { x = 150 * cosf((float)ii / 20 * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); y = 150 * sinf((float)ii / 20 * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); } else { x = 200 * cosf((float)ii / 20 * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); y = 200 * sinf((float)ii / 20 * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); } if (ii == 0) { x = y = 0; } color = al_map_rgb((7 * ii + 1) % 3 * 64, (2 * ii + 2) % 3 * 64, (ii) % 3 * 64); vtx[ii].x = x; vtx[ii].y = y; vtx[ii].z = 0; vtx[ii].u = 64 * x / 100; vtx[ii].v = 64 * y / 100; if(ii < 10) vtx[ii].color = al_map_rgba_f(1, 1, 1, 1); else vtx[ii].color = color; } } else if (mode == LOGIC) { Theta += Speed; al_build_transform(&MainTrans, ScreenW / 2, ScreenH / 2, 1, 1, Theta); } else if (mode == DRAW) { if (Blend) al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_ONE); else al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_ZERO); al_use_transform(&MainTrans); al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, Texture, 0, 6, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, Texture, 7, 13, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, Texture, 14, 20, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP); al_use_transform(&Identity); } }
void twoDPrimitive::draw(){ ALLEGRO_BITMAP* texture = NULL; if(this->texture != NULL) texture = this->texture->getBitmap(); al_draw_prim(this->vertices, NULL, texture, 0, this->numVertices, this->type); }
static void TexturePrimitives(int mode) { static ALLEGRO_VERTEX vtx[13]; static ALLEGRO_VERTEX vtx2[13]; if (mode == INIT) { int ii = 0; ALLEGRO_COLOR color; for (ii = 0; ii < 13; ii++) { float x, y; x = 200 * cosf((float)ii / 13.0f * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); y = 200 * sinf((float)ii / 13.0f * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); color = al_map_rgb((ii + 1) % 3 * 64, (ii + 2) % 3 * 64, (ii) % 3 * 64); vtx[ii].x = x; vtx[ii].y = y; vtx[ii].z = 0; vtx2[ii].x = 0.1 * x; vtx2[ii].y = 0.1 * y; vtx[ii].u = 64 * x / 100; vtx[ii].v = 64 * y / 100; vtx2[ii].u = 64 * x / 100; vtx2[ii].v = 64 * y / 100; if(ii < 10) vtx[ii].color = al_map_rgba_f(1, 1, 1, 1); else vtx[ii].color = color; vtx2[ii].color = vtx[ii].color; } } else if (mode == LOGIC) { Theta += Speed; al_build_transform(&MainTrans, ScreenW / 2, ScreenH / 2, 1, 1, Theta); } else if (mode == DRAW) { if (Blend) al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_ONE); else al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_ZERO); al_use_transform(&MainTrans); al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, Texture, 0, 4, ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LIST); al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, Texture, 4, 9, ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_STRIP); al_draw_prim(vtx, 0, Texture, 9, 13, ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LOOP); al_draw_prim(vtx2, 0, Texture, 0, 13, ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST); al_use_transform(&Identity); } }
int main(void) { al_init(); ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *d = al_create_display(W, H); ALLEGRO_VERTEX v[POINTS]; ALLEGRO_COLOR c; v[0].x = 0; v[0].y = 0; c = al_map_rgb(rand()%256, rand()%256, rand()%256); v[0].color = al_get_prim_color(c); v[1].x = 0+R; v[1].y = 0; c = al_map_rgb(rand()%256, rand()%256, rand()%256); v[1].color = al_get_prim_color(c); float a = 0; float r = R; int i; for (i = 2; i < POINTS; i++) { v[i].x = 0+cos(a)*r; v[i].y = 0+sin(a)*r; a += 0.3f; r -= 1.5f; c = al_map_rgb(rand()%256, rand()%256, rand()%256); v[i].color = al_get_prim_color(c); } int frames = 0; ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM t; while (true) { al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0)); al_identity_transform(&t); al_rotate_transform(&t, frames*0.1f); al_translate_transform(&t, W/2, H/2); al_use_transform(&t); al_draw_prim(v, NULL, 0, POINTS, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); al_flip_display(); /* GP2X Wiz is locked to 60FPS using OpenGL */ frames++; if (frames > 400) break; } al_uninstall_system(); return 0; }
void fd_flush_cache(FAST_DRAW_CACHE* cache) { assert(cache); if(cache->size == 0) return; if(cache->use_indices) al_draw_indexed_prim(cache->vertices, 0, cache->bitmap, cache->indices, 6 * cache->size, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); else al_draw_prim(cache->vertices, 0, cache->bitmap, 0, 6 * cache->size, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); cache->bitmap = 0; cache->size = 0; }
void AIMap::drawObstacle(AIGameClient_Obstacle obstacle) { /* float v[obstacle.vertex.size()*2]; for(int i = 0; i < obstacle.vertex.size(); i++) { v[2*i] = obstacle.vertex[i].first; v[2*i+1] = obstacle.vertex[i].second; } al_draw_filled_polygon(v, obstacle.vertex.size(), al_map_rgb(50, 50, 50)); */ ALLEGRO_VERTEX v[obstacle.vertex.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < obstacle.vertex.size(); i++) { ALLEGRO_VERTEX tmp = {obstacle.vertex[i].first, obstacle.vertex[i].second, 0, 0, 0, al_map_rgb(0,0,0)}; v[i] = tmp; } al_draw_prim(v, NULL, 0, 0, obstacle.vertex.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LOOP); };
void draw_textured_colored_rectangle_3d( float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float d, float up, float vp, ALLEGRO_BITMAP * texture, ALLEGRO_COLOR color) { float u, v; float tw, th; ALLEGRO_VERTEX p[4]; if (texture) { tw = al_get_bitmap_width(texture); th = al_get_bitmap_height(texture); u = tw * up; v = th * vp; } else { u = v = 0.0f; } init_vertex_color(p+0, x , y , z , 0, 0, color); init_vertex_color(p+1, x , y + h , z + d, 0, v, color); init_vertex_color(p+2, x + w, y , z + d, u, 0, color); init_vertex_color(p+3, x + w, y + h , z + d, u, v, color); al_draw_prim(p, NULL, texture, 0, 4, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP); }
static void CustomVertexFormatPrimitives(int mode) { static CUSTOM_VERTEX vtx[4]; static ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL* decl; if (mode == INIT) { int ii = 0; ALLEGRO_VERTEX_ELEMENT elems[] = { {ALLEGRO_PRIM_POSITION, ALLEGRO_PRIM_SHORT_2, offsetof(CUSTOM_VERTEX, x)}, {ALLEGRO_PRIM_TEX_COORD_PIXEL, ALLEGRO_PRIM_SHORT_2, offsetof(CUSTOM_VERTEX, u)}, {ALLEGRO_PRIM_COLOR_ATTR, 0, offsetof(CUSTOM_VERTEX, color)}, {0, 0, 0} }; decl = al_create_vertex_decl(elems, sizeof(CUSTOM_VERTEX)); for (ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) { float x, y; x = 200 * cosf((float)ii / 4.0f * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); y = 200 * sinf((float)ii / 4.0f * 2 * ALLEGRO_PI); vtx[ii].x = x; vtx[ii].y = y; vtx[ii].u = 64 * x / 100; vtx[ii].v = 64 * y / 100; vtx[ii].color = al_map_rgba_f(1, 1, 1, 1); } } else if (mode == LOGIC) { Theta += Speed; al_build_transform(&MainTrans, ScreenW / 2, ScreenH / 2, 1, 1, Theta); } else if (mode == DRAW) { if (Blend) al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_ONE); else al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ONE, ALLEGRO_ZERO); al_use_transform(&MainTrans); al_draw_prim(vtx, decl, Texture, 0, 4, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); al_use_transform(&Identity); } }
/* emulate polygon() for convex polygons only */ void polygon(int vertices, const int *points, ALLEGRO_COLOR color) { ALLEGRO_VERTEX vtxs[MAX_POLYGON_VERTICES + 2]; ALLEGRO_PRIM_COLOR pc; int i; assert(vertices <= MAX_POLYGON_VERTICES); pc = al_get_prim_color(color); vtxs[0].x = 0.0; vtxs[0].y = 0.0; vtxs[0].z = 0.0; vtxs[0].color = pc; vtxs[0].u = 0; vtxs[0].v = 0; for (i = 0; i < vertices; i++) { vtxs[0].x += points[i*2]; vtxs[0].y += points[i*2 + 1]; } vtxs[0].x /= vertices; vtxs[0].y /= vertices; for (i = 1; i <= vertices; i++) { vtxs[i].x = points[0]; vtxs[i].y = points[1]; vtxs[i].z = 0.0; vtxs[i].color = pc; vtxs[i].u = 0; vtxs[i].v = 0; points += 2; } vtxs[vertices + 1] = vtxs[1]; al_draw_prim(vtxs, NULL, NULL, 0, vertices + 2, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); }
static duk_ret_t js_GradientRectangle(duk_context* ctx) { int x1 = duk_require_int(ctx, 0); int y1 = duk_require_int(ctx, 1); int x2 = x1 + duk_require_int(ctx, 2); int y2 = y1 + duk_require_int(ctx, 3); color_t color_ul = duk_require_sphere_color(ctx, 4); color_t color_ur = duk_require_sphere_color(ctx, 5); color_t color_lr = duk_require_sphere_color(ctx, 6); color_t color_ll = duk_require_sphere_color(ctx, 7); if (!is_skipped_frame()) { ALLEGRO_VERTEX verts[] = { { x1, y1, 0, 0, 0, nativecolor(color_ul) }, { x2, y1, 0, 0, 0, nativecolor(color_ur) }, { x1, y2, 0, 0, 0, nativecolor(color_ll) }, { x2, y2, 0, 0, 0, nativecolor(color_lr) } }; al_draw_prim(verts, NULL, NULL, 0, 4, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP); } return 0; }
// Render function. // (this used to be set in io.RenderDrawListsFn and called by ImGui::Render(), but you can now call this directly from your main loop) void ImGui_ImplAllegro5_RenderDrawData(ImDrawData* draw_data) { // Backup Allegro state that will be modified ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM last_transform = *al_get_current_transform(); ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM last_projection_transform = *al_get_current_projection_transform(); int last_clip_x, last_clip_y, last_clip_w, last_clip_h; al_get_clipping_rectangle(&last_clip_x, &last_clip_y, &last_clip_w, &last_clip_h); int last_blender_op, last_blender_src, last_blender_dst; al_get_blender(&last_blender_op, &last_blender_src, &last_blender_dst); // Setup render state al_set_blender(ALLEGRO_ADD, ALLEGRO_ALPHA, ALLEGRO_INVERSE_ALPHA); // Setup orthographic projection matrix // Our visible imgui space lies from draw_data->DisplayPos (top left) to draw_data->DisplayPos+data_data->DisplaySize (bottom right). { float L = draw_data->DisplayPos.x; float R = draw_data->DisplayPos.x + draw_data->DisplaySize.x; float T = draw_data->DisplayPos.y; float B = draw_data->DisplayPos.y + draw_data->DisplaySize.y; ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM transform; al_identity_transform(&transform); al_use_transform(&transform); al_orthographic_transform(&transform, L, T, 1.0f, R, B, -1.0f); al_use_projection_transform(&transform); } for (int n = 0; n < draw_data->CmdListsCount; n++) { const ImDrawList* cmd_list = draw_data->CmdLists[n]; // Allegro's implementation of al_draw_indexed_prim() for DX9 is completely broken. Unindex our buffers ourselves. // FIXME-OPT: Unfortunately Allegro doesn't support 32-bits packed colors so we have to convert them to 4 float as well.. static ImVector<ImDrawVertAllegro> vertices; vertices.resize(cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Size); for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Size; i++) { const ImDrawVert* src_v = &cmd_list->VtxBuffer[cmd_list->IdxBuffer[i]]; ImDrawVertAllegro* dst_v = &vertices[i]; dst_v->pos = src_v->pos; dst_v->uv = src_v->uv; unsigned char* c = (unsigned char*)&src_v->col; dst_v->col = al_map_rgba(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]); } const int* indices = NULL; if (sizeof(ImDrawIdx) == 2) { // FIXME-OPT: Unfortunately Allegro doesn't support 16-bit indices.. You can '#define ImDrawIdx int' in imconfig.h to request Dear ImGui to output 32-bit indices. // Otherwise, we convert them from 16-bit to 32-bit at runtime here, which works perfectly but is a little wasteful. static ImVector<int> indices_converted; indices_converted.resize(cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Size); for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Size; ++i) indices_converted[i] = (int)cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Data[i]; indices = indices_converted.Data; } else if (sizeof(ImDrawIdx) == 4) { indices = (const int*)cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Data; } // Render command lists int idx_offset = 0; ImVec2 clip_off = draw_data->DisplayPos; for (int cmd_i = 0; cmd_i < cmd_list->CmdBuffer.Size; cmd_i++) { const ImDrawCmd* pcmd = &cmd_list->CmdBuffer[cmd_i]; if (pcmd->UserCallback) { pcmd->UserCallback(cmd_list, pcmd); } else { ALLEGRO_BITMAP* texture = (ALLEGRO_BITMAP*)pcmd->TextureId; al_set_clipping_rectangle(pcmd->ClipRect.x - clip_off.x, pcmd->ClipRect.y - clip_off.y, pcmd->ClipRect.z - pcmd->ClipRect.x, pcmd->ClipRect.w - pcmd->ClipRect.y); al_draw_prim(&vertices[0], g_VertexDecl, texture, idx_offset, idx_offset + pcmd->ElemCount, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); } idx_offset += pcmd->ElemCount; } } // Restore modified Allegro state al_set_blender(last_blender_op, last_blender_src, last_blender_dst); al_set_clipping_rectangle(last_clip_x, last_clip_y, last_clip_w, last_clip_h); al_use_transform(&last_transform); al_use_projection_transform(&last_projection_transform); }
void stamod_draw(struct Stamod * me) { int stop = me->tsize * 3; al_draw_prim(me->triangles, NULL, me->texture, 0, stop, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); }
int main(void) { ALLEGRO_VERTEX v[8]; ALLEGRO_DISPLAY * display; ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM perst; ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM camt; ALLEGRO_BITMAP * texture, * texture2; ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE * queue; ALLEGRO_EVENT event; ALLEGRO_FONT * font; int busy = 1; float cx = 0; float cy = -2; // 128; float cz = 0; int face = 0; int hori = 0; float angle = 0; float theta = 0; float near = 2; float far = 8192; float zoom = 1; float scale = 1.0; float us = 20; float ratio = 480.0 / 640.0; al_init(); al_init_image_addon(); al_init_font_addon(); al_install_keyboard(); font = al_create_builtin_font(); queue = al_create_event_queue(); al_set_new_display_option(ALLEGRO_DEPTH_SIZE, 16, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST); display = al_create_display(640, 480); al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source()); texture = al_load_bitmap("tile_1.png"); texture2 = al_load_bitmap("tile_2.png"); /* Allegro coordinates: +Y is down, +X is to the right, * and +Z comes "out of" the screen. * */ while (busy) { init_vertex(v+0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1); init_vertex(v+1, 0, 0, us, 0, 256, 0, 1, 0, 1); init_vertex(v+2, us, 0, us, 256, 256, 0, 0, 1, 1); init_vertex(v+3, us, 0, 0, 256, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1); init_vertex(v+4, us, -us, 0, 256, 256, 1, 0, 1, 1); init_vertex(v+5, 0, -us, 0, 256, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1); init_vertex(v+6, 0, -us, us, 256, 256, 0, 0, 0, 1); init_vertex(v+7, 0, 0, us, 0, 256, 1, 1, 1, 1); al_identity_transform(&camt); al_scale_transform_3d(&camt, scale, scale, scale); al_translate_transform_3d(&camt, cx, cy, cz); angle = face * 0.125 * ALLEGRO_PI; al_rotate_transform_3d(&camt, 0, -1, 0, angle); theta = hori * 0.125 * ALLEGRO_PI; al_rotate_transform_3d(&camt, -1, 0, 0, theta); al_use_transform(&camt); // al_set_projection_transform(display, &perst); al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb_f(0.75, 0.75, 0.95)); al_set_render_state(ALLEGRO_DEPTH_TEST, 1); al_clear_depth_buffer(far); al_identity_transform(&perst); al_perspective_transform(&perst, -1, ratio, near, 1, -ratio, far); al_use_projection_transform(&perst); al_draw_filled_rectangle(0, 0, 4, 5, al_map_rgb_f(0, 0.25, 0.25)); al_draw_prim(v, NULL, texture, 0, 8, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN); draw_textured_colored_rectangle_3d(0 , -us, 0, us, us, 0, 1.0, 1.0, texture2, al_map_rgb_f(1,1,1)); draw_textured_colored_rectangle_3d(0 , -us, 0, 0, us, us, 1.0, 1.0, texture2, al_map_rgb_f(1,1,1)); draw_textured_colored_rectangle_3d(0 , 0, 0, us, 0, us, 1.0, 1.0, texture2, al_map_rgb_f(1,1,1)); al_identity_transform(&perst); al_orthographic_transform(&perst, 0, 0, -1.0, 640, 480, 1.0); al_identity_transform(&camt); al_use_projection_transform(&perst); al_use_transform(&camt); al_draw_filled_rectangle(111, 22, 133, 44, al_map_rgb_f(0.25, 0.25, 0)); al_draw_multiline_textf(font, al_map_rgb_f(1,1,1), 10, 10, 620, 0, 0, "Coords: (%f %f %f)\nAngle: (%f %f)\nView: [%f %f %f %f]\nScale: %f", cx, cy, cz, angle, theta, near, far, zoom, scale); al_flip_display(); al_wait_for_event(queue, &event); if (event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { switch (event.keyboard.keycode) { case ALLEGRO_KEY_RIGHT: cx += 8; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_LEFT: cx -= 8; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_UP: cy += 8; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_DOWN: cy -= 8; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_HOME: cz += 8; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_END: cz -= 8; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_R: face++; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_L: face--; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_H: hori++; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_G: hori--; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_N: near *= 2.0; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_M: near /= 2.0; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_F: far += 64; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_V: far -= 64; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_Z: zoom *= 2.0f; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_S: zoom /= 2.0f; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_A: scale *= 2.0f; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_Q: scale /= 2.0f; break; case ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE: busy = 0 ; break; default: break; } } } al_destroy_bitmap(texture); al_destroy_bitmap(texture2); return 0; }
void m_draw_prim (const void* vtxs, const ALLEGRO_VERTEX_DECL* decl, MBITMAP* texture, int start, int end, int type) { if (type == ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST) { int n = end-start; ALLEGRO_VERTEX *v = new ALLEGRO_VERTEX[n*6]; ALLEGRO_VERTEX *verts = (ALLEGRO_VERTEX *)vtxs; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i*6+0].x = verts[i+start].x; v[i*6+0].y = verts[i+start].y; v[i*6+0].z = 0; v[i*6+0].color = verts[i+start].color; v[i*6+1].x = verts[i+start].x+1; v[i*6+1].y = verts[i+start].y; v[i*6+1].z = 0; v[i*6+1].color = verts[i+start].color; v[i*6+2].x = verts[i+start].x+1; v[i*6+2].y = verts[i+start].y+1; v[i*6+2].z = 0; v[i*6+2].color = verts[i+start].color; v[i*6+3].x = verts[i+start].x; v[i*6+3].y = verts[i+start].y+1; v[i*6+3].z = 0; v[i*6+3].color = verts[i+start].color; v[i*6+4].x = verts[i+start].x; v[i*6+4].y = verts[i+start].y; v[i*6+4].z = 0; v[i*6+4].color = verts[i+start].color; v[i*6+5].x = verts[i+start].x+1; v[i*6+5].y = verts[i+start].y+1; v[i*6+5].z = 0; v[i*6+5].color = verts[i+start].color; } al_draw_prim(v, decl, (texture ? texture->bitmap : NULL), start, n*6, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); delete[] v; } else if (type == ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LIST) { int n = (end-start)/2; ALLEGRO_VERTEX *v = new ALLEGRO_VERTEX[n*6]; ALLEGRO_VERTEX *verts = (ALLEGRO_VERTEX *)vtxs; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float x1 = verts[(i*2+0)+start].x; float y1 = verts[(i*2+0)+start].y; float x2 = verts[(i*2+1)+start].x; float y2 = verts[(i*2+1)+start].y; float dx = x2 - x1; float dy = y2 - y1; float a = atan2(dy, dx); float a1 = a + M_PI/2; float a2 = a - M_PI/2; float newx1 = x1 + cos(a1)/2; float newy1 = y1 + sin(a1)/2; float newx2 = x1 + cos(a2)/2; float newy2 = y1 + sin(a2)/2; float newx3 = x2 + cos(a1)/2; float newy3 = y2 + sin(a1)/2; float newx4 = x2 + cos(a2)/2; float newy4 = y2 + sin(a2)/2; float u1 = verts[(i*2+0)+start].u; float v1 = verts[(i*2+0)+start].v; float u2 = verts[(i*2+1)+start].u; float v2 = verts[(i*2+1)+start].v; v[i*6+0].x = newx1; v[i*6+0].y = newy1; v[i*6+0].z = 0; v[i*6+0].u = u1; v[i*6+0].v = v1; v[i*6+0].color = verts[(i*2+0)+start].color; v[i*6+1].x = newx3; v[i*6+1].y = newy3; v[i*6+1].z = 0; v[i*6+1].color = verts[(i*2+0)+start].color; v[i*6+1].u = u2; v[i*6+1].v = v2; v[i*6+2].x = newx4; v[i*6+2].y = newy4; v[i*6+2].z = 0; v[i*6+2].color = verts[(i*2+0)+start].color; v[i*6+2].u = u2; v[i*6+2].v = v2; v[i*6+3].x = newx1; v[i*6+3].y = newy1; v[i*6+3].z = 0; v[i*6+3].color = verts[(i*2+0)+start].color; v[i*6+3].u = u1; v[i*6+3].v = v1; v[i*6+4].x = newx2; v[i*6+4].y = newy2; v[i*6+4].z = 0; v[i*6+4].color = verts[(i*2+0)+start].color; v[i*6+4].u = u1; v[i*6+4].v = v1; v[i*6+5].x = newx4; v[i*6+5].y = newy4; v[i*6+5].z = 0; v[i*6+5].color = verts[(i*2+0)+start].color; v[i*6+5].u = u2; v[i*6+5].v = v2; } al_draw_prim(v, decl, (texture ? texture->bitmap : NULL), start, n*6, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); delete[] v; } else al_draw_prim(vtxs, decl, (texture ? texture->bitmap : NULL), start, end, type); }
void RenderManager::RenderObject(const Shape& shape, bool filled, ALLEGRO_BITMAP* texture) { //shape->Render(al_get_backbuffer(_display_context)); auto& verts = shape.GetVerticies(); std::vector<ALLEGRO_VERTEX> allegro_verts; allegro_verts.reserve(verts.size()); for(const auto& v : verts) { auto p = a2de::Math::ToScreenScale(v.GetPosition()); auto uv = v.GetUV(); auto c = v.GetColor(); allegro_verts.push_back( std::move(ALLEGRO_VERTEX{ static_cast<float>(p.GetX()), static_cast<float>(p.GetY()), static_cast<float>(p.GetZ()), static_cast<float>(uv.GetX()), static_cast<float>(uv.GetY()), c })); } switch(shape.GetShapeType()) { case Shape::ShapeType::Point: { al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Line: { al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LIST); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Rectangle: { filled ? al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST) : al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LOOP); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Circle: { filled ? al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN) : al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Ellipse: { filled ? al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN) : al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_POINT_LIST); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Triangle: { filled ? al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST) : al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LOOP); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Arc: { al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_STRIP); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Polygon: { filled ? al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN) : al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LOOP); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Spline: { al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_STRIP); break; } case Shape::ShapeType::Sector: { filled ? al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN) : al_draw_prim(, nullptr, texture, 0, allegro_verts.size(), ALLEGRO_PRIM_LINE_LOOP); break; } default: { /* DO NOTHING: All cases handled */; } } }