コード例 #1
ファイル: spring.cpp プロジェクト: davidmueller13/vexx
void spring::divideDeformationsAndReset( spring &in )
    // find current spring lengths
    pReal aLen( ( secondary().position() - primary().position() ).length() );
    pReal bLen( ( in.secondary().position() - in.primary().position() ).length() );
    // find the total length
    pReal totalLength( aLen + bLen );

    //Initial Rest Length
        // find the length we are aiming at
        pReal aimLength( _initialRestLength );
        pReal totalLength( aLen + bLen );

        // divide the length between them
        _initialRestLength = ( aimLength / totalLength ) * aLen;
        in._initialRestLength = ( aimLength / totalLength ) * bLen;
    //Rest Length
        pReal aimLength( restLength() );

        // divide the length between them
        restLength( ( aimLength / totalLength ) * aLen );
        in.restLength( ( aimLength / totalLength ) * bLen );
コード例 #2
ファイル: chunk.cpp プロジェクト: songhtdo/vespa
Chunk::getLid(uint32_t lid) const
    vespalib::ConstBufferRef buf;
    for (LidList::const_iterator it(_lids.begin()), mt(_lids.end()); it != mt; it++) {
        if (it->getLid() == lid) {
#if 1
            uint32_t bLid(0), bLen(0);
            vespalib::nbostream is(getData().c_str()+it->getOffset(), it->size());
            is >> bLid >> bLen;
            assert(bLid == lid);
            assert(bLen == it->netSize());
            assert((bLen + 2*sizeof(uint32_t)) == it->size());
            buf = vespalib::ConstBufferRef(getData().c_str() + it->getNetOffset(), it->netSize());