コード例 #1
static optional<pair<expr, expr>> mk_op(environment const & env, old_local_context & ctx, type_checker_ptr & tc,
                                        name const & op, unsigned nunivs, unsigned nargs, std::initializer_list<expr> const & explicit_args,
                                        constraint_seq & cs, tag g) {
    levels lvls;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nunivs; i++)
        lvls = levels(mk_meta_univ(mk_fresh_name()), lvls);
    expr c = mk_constant(op, lvls);
    expr op_type = instantiate_type_univ_params(env.get(op), lvls);
    buffer<expr> args;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
        if (!is_pi(op_type))
            return optional<pair<expr, expr>>();
        expr arg = ctx.mk_meta(some_expr(binding_domain(op_type)), g);
        op_type  = instantiate(binding_body(op_type), arg);
    expr r = mk_app(c, args, g);
    for (expr const & explicit_arg : explicit_args) {
        if (!is_pi(op_type))
            return optional<pair<expr, expr>>();
        r = mk_app(r, explicit_arg);
        expr type = tc->infer(explicit_arg, cs);
        justification j = mk_app_justification(r, op_type, explicit_arg, type);
        if (!tc->is_def_eq(binding_domain(op_type), type, j, cs))
            return optional<pair<expr, expr>>();
        op_type  = instantiate(binding_body(op_type), explicit_arg);
    return some(mk_pair(r, op_type));
コード例 #2
ファイル: expr_lt.cpp プロジェクト: GallagherCommaJack/lean
bool is_lt(expr const & a, expr const & b, bool use_hash) {
    if (is_eqp(a, b))                    return false;
    unsigned wa = get_weight(a);
    unsigned wb = get_weight(b);
    if (wa < wb)                         return true;
    if (wa > wb)                         return false;
    if (a.kind() != b.kind())            return a.kind() < b.kind();
    if (use_hash) {
        if (a.hash() < b.hash())         return true;
        if (a.hash() > b.hash())         return false;
    if (a == b)                          return false;
    switch (a.kind()) {
    case expr_kind::Var:
        return var_idx(a) < var_idx(b);
    case expr_kind::Constant:
        if (const_name(a) != const_name(b))
            return const_name(a) < const_name(b);
            return is_lt(const_levels(a), const_levels(b), use_hash);
    case expr_kind::App:
        if (app_fn(a) != app_fn(b))
            return is_lt(app_fn(a), app_fn(b), use_hash);
            return is_lt(app_arg(a), app_arg(b), use_hash);
    case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
        if (binding_domain(a) != binding_domain(b))
            return is_lt(binding_domain(a), binding_domain(b), use_hash);
            return is_lt(binding_body(a), binding_body(b), use_hash);
    case expr_kind::Let:
        if (let_type(a) != let_type(b))
            return is_lt(let_type(a), let_type(b), use_hash);
        else if (let_value(a) != let_value(b))
            return is_lt(let_value(a), let_value(b), use_hash);
            return is_lt(let_body(a), let_body(b), use_hash);
    case expr_kind::Sort:
        return is_lt(sort_level(a), sort_level(b), use_hash);
    case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::Meta:
        if (mlocal_name(a) != mlocal_name(b))
            return mlocal_name(a) < mlocal_name(b);
            return is_lt(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b), use_hash);
    case expr_kind::Macro:
        if (macro_def(a) != macro_def(b))
            return macro_def(a) < macro_def(b);
        if (macro_num_args(a) != macro_num_args(b))
            return macro_num_args(a) < macro_num_args(b);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++) {
            if (macro_arg(a, i) != macro_arg(b, i))
                return is_lt(macro_arg(a, i), macro_arg(b, i), use_hash);
        return false;
    lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
コード例 #3
 bool apply(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
     if (is_eqp(a, b))          return true;
     if (a.hash() != b.hash())  return false;
     if (a.kind() != b.kind())  return false;
     if (is_var(a))             return var_idx(a) == var_idx(b);
     if (m_cache.check(a, b))
         return true;
     switch (a.kind()) {
     case expr_kind::Var:
         lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
     case expr_kind::Constant:
             const_name(a) == const_name(b) &&
             compare(const_levels(a), const_levels(b), [](level const & l1, level const & l2) { return l1 == l2; });
     case expr_kind::Meta:
             mlocal_name(a) == mlocal_name(b) &&
             apply(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b));
     case expr_kind::Local:
             mlocal_name(a) == mlocal_name(b) &&
             apply(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b)) &&
             (!CompareBinderInfo || local_pp_name(a) == local_pp_name(b)) &&
             (!CompareBinderInfo || local_info(a) == local_info(b));
     case expr_kind::App:
             apply(app_fn(a), app_fn(b)) &&
             apply(app_arg(a), app_arg(b));
     case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
             apply(binding_domain(a), binding_domain(b)) &&
             apply(binding_body(a), binding_body(b)) &&
             (!CompareBinderInfo || binding_name(a) == binding_name(b)) &&
             (!CompareBinderInfo || binding_info(a) == binding_info(b));
     case expr_kind::Let:
             apply(let_type(a), let_type(b)) &&
             apply(let_value(a), let_value(b)) &&
             apply(let_body(a), let_body(b)) &&
             (!CompareBinderInfo || let_name(a) == let_name(b));
     case expr_kind::Sort:
         return sort_level(a) == sort_level(b);
     case expr_kind::Macro:
         if (macro_def(a) != macro_def(b) || macro_num_args(a) != macro_num_args(b))
             return false;
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++) {
             if (!apply(macro_arg(a, i), macro_arg(b, i)))
                 return false;
         return true;
     lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
コード例 #4
ファイル: expr_eq_fn.cpp プロジェクト: soonhokong/travis_test
bool expr_eq_fn::apply(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
    if (is_eqp(a, b))          return true;
    if (a.hash() != b.hash())  return false;
    if (a.kind() != b.kind())  return false;
    if (is_var(a))             return var_idx(a) == var_idx(b);
    if (m_counter >= LEAN_EQ_CACHE_THRESHOLD && is_shared(a) && is_shared(b)) {
        auto p = std::make_pair(a.raw(), b.raw());
        if (!m_eq_visited)
            m_eq_visited.reset(new expr_cell_pair_set);
        if (m_eq_visited->find(p) != m_eq_visited->end())
            return true;
    check_system("expression equality test");
    switch (a.kind()) {
    case expr_kind::Var:
        lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
    case expr_kind::Constant:
            const_name(a) == const_name(b) &&
            compare(const_levels(a), const_levels(b), [](level const & l1, level const & l2) { return l1 == l2; });
    case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::Meta:
            mlocal_name(a) == mlocal_name(b) &&
            apply(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b));
    case expr_kind::App:
            apply(app_fn(a), app_fn(b)) &&
            apply(app_arg(a), app_arg(b));
    case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
            apply(binding_domain(a), binding_domain(b)) &&
            apply(binding_body(a), binding_body(b)) &&
            (!m_compare_binder_info || binding_info(a) == binding_info(b));
    case expr_kind::Sort:
        return sort_level(a) == sort_level(b);
    case expr_kind::Macro:
        if (macro_def(a) != macro_def(b) || macro_num_args(a) != macro_num_args(b))
            return false;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++) {
            if (!apply(macro_arg(a, i), macro_arg(b, i)))
                return false;
        return true;
    case expr_kind::Let:
            apply(let_type(a), let_type(b)) &&
            apply(let_value(a), let_value(b)) &&
            apply(let_body(a), let_body(b));
    lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
コード例 #5
unsigned abstract_expr_manager::hash(expr const & e) {
    unsigned h;
    switch (e.kind()) {
    case expr_kind::Constant:
    case expr_kind::Local:
    case expr_kind::Meta:
    case expr_kind::Sort:
    case expr_kind::Var:
    case expr_kind::Macro:
        return e.hash();
    case expr_kind::Lambda:
    case expr_kind::Pi:
        h = hash(binding_domain(e));
        // Remark binding_domain(e) may contain de-bruijn variables.
        // We can instantiate them eagerly as we do here, or lazily.
        // The lazy approach is potentially more efficient, but we would have
        // to use something more sophisticated than an instantiate_rev at expr_kind::App
        m_locals.push_back(instantiate_rev(m_tctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_domain(e)), m_locals.size(), m_locals.data()));
        h = ::lean::hash(h, hash(binding_body(e)));
        return h;
    case expr_kind::Let:
        // Let-expressions must be unfolded before invoking this method
    case expr_kind::App:
        buffer<expr> args;
        expr const & f     = get_app_args(e, args);
        unsigned prefix_sz = m_congr_lemma_manager.get_specialization_prefix_size(instantiate_rev(f, m_locals.size(), m_locals.data()), args.size());
        expr new_f = e;
        unsigned rest_sz   = args.size() - prefix_sz;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < rest_sz; i++)
            new_f = app_fn(new_f);
        new_f = instantiate_rev(new_f, m_locals.size(), m_locals.data());
        optional<congr_lemma> congr = m_congr_lemma_manager.mk_congr(new_f, rest_sz);
        h = hash(new_f);
        if (!congr) {
            for (unsigned i = prefix_sz; i < args.size(); i++) {
                h = ::lean::hash(h, hash(args[i]));
        } else {
            lean_assert(length(congr->get_arg_kinds()) == rest_sz);
            unsigned i = prefix_sz;
            for_each(congr->get_arg_kinds(), [&](congr_arg_kind const & c_kind) {
                    if (c_kind != congr_arg_kind::Cast) {
                        h = ::lean::hash(h, hash(args[i]));
        return h;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ceqv.cpp プロジェクト: pazthor/lean
bool is_ceqv(tmp_type_context & tctx, expr e) {
    if (has_expr_metavar(e))
        return false;
    name_set to_find;
    // Define a procedure for removing arguments from to_find.
    auto visitor_fn = [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
        if (is_local(e)) {
            return false;
        } else if (is_metavar(e)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    environment const & env = tctx.env();
    bool is_std = is_standard(env);
    buffer<expr> hypotheses; // arguments that are propositions
    while (is_pi(e)) {
        if (!to_find.empty()) {
            // Support for dependent types.
            // We may find the instantiation for the previous arguments
            // by matching the type.
            for_each(binding_domain(e), visitor_fn);
        expr local = tctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_domain(e));
        if (binding_info(e).is_inst_implicit()) {
            // If the argument can be instantiated by type class resolution, then
            // we don't need to find it in the lhs
        } else if (is_std && tctx.is_prop(binding_domain(e))) {
            // If the argument is a proposition, we store it in hypotheses.
            // We check whether the lhs occurs in hypotheses or not.
        } else {
        e = instantiate(binding_body(e), local);
    expr lhs, rhs;
    if (!is_simp_relation(env, e, lhs, rhs))
        return false;
    // traverse lhs, and remove found variables from to_find
    for_each(lhs, visitor_fn);
    if (!to_find.empty())
        return false;
    // basic looping ceq detection: the left-hand-side should not occur in the right-hand-side,
    // nor it should occur in any of the hypothesis
    if (occurs(lhs, rhs))
        return false;
    if (std::any_of(hypotheses.begin(), hypotheses.end(), [&](expr const & h) { return occurs(lhs, h); }))
        return false;
    return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: expr_lt.cpp プロジェクト: bmalehorn/lean
bool is_lt_no_level_params(expr const & a, expr const & b) {
    if (is_eqp(a, b))                    return false;
    unsigned wa = get_weight(a);
    unsigned wb = get_weight(b);
    if (wa < wb)                         return true;
    if (wa > wb)                         return false;
    if (a.kind() != b.kind())            return a.kind() < b.kind();
    switch (a.kind()) {
    case expr_kind::Var:
        return var_idx(a) < var_idx(b);
    case expr_kind::Constant:
        if (const_name(a) != const_name(b))
            return const_name(a) < const_name(b);
            return is_lt_no_level_params(const_levels(a), const_levels(b));
    case expr_kind::App:
        if (is_lt_no_level_params(app_fn(a), app_fn(b)))
            return true;
        else if (is_lt_no_level_params(app_fn(b), app_fn(a)))
            return false;
            return is_lt_no_level_params(app_arg(a), app_arg(b));
    case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
        if (is_lt_no_level_params(binding_domain(a), binding_domain(b)))
            return true;
        else if (is_lt_no_level_params(binding_domain(b), binding_domain(a)))
            return false;
            return is_lt_no_level_params(binding_body(a), binding_body(b));
    case expr_kind::Sort:
        return is_lt_no_level_params(sort_level(a), sort_level(b));
    case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::Meta:
        if (mlocal_name(a) != mlocal_name(b))
            return mlocal_name(a) < mlocal_name(b);
            return is_lt_no_level_params(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b));
    case expr_kind::Macro:
        if (macro_def(a) != macro_def(b))
            return macro_def(a) < macro_def(b);
        if (macro_num_args(a) != macro_num_args(b))
            return macro_num_args(a) < macro_num_args(b);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++) {
            if (is_lt_no_level_params(macro_arg(a, i), macro_arg(b, i)))
                return true;
            else if (is_lt_no_level_params(macro_arg(b, i), macro_arg(a, i)))
                return false;
        return false;
コード例 #8
action_result intros_action(unsigned max) {
    if (max == 0)
        return action_result::new_branch();
    state &  s  = curr_state();
    expr target = whnf(s.get_target());
    if (!is_pi(target))
        return action_result::failed();
    auto pcell = new intros_proof_step_cell();
    buffer<expr> new_hs;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        if (!is_pi(target))
        expr href;
        expr htype = head_beta_reduce(binding_domain(target));
        if (is_default_var_name(binding_name(target)) && closed(binding_body(target))) {
            href  = s.mk_hypothesis(htype);
        } else {
            href  = s.mk_hypothesis(binding_name(target), htype);
        target     = whnf(instantiate(binding_body(target), href));
    pcell->m_new_hs = to_list(new_hs);
    return action_result::new_branch();
コード例 #9
ファイル: find_cmd.cpp プロジェクト: cpehle/lean
bool match_pattern(type_checker & tc, expr const & pattern, declaration const & d, unsigned max_steps, bool cheap) {
    name_generator ngen = tc.mk_ngen();
     buffer<level> ls;
    unsigned num_ls = d.get_num_univ_params();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_ls; i++)
    expr dt        = instantiate_type_univ_params(d, to_list(ls.begin(), ls.end()));

    unsigned num_e = get_expect_num_args(tc, pattern);
    unsigned num_d = get_expect_num_args(tc, dt);
    if (num_e > num_d)
        return false;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_d - num_e; i++) {
        dt         = tc.whnf(dt).first;
        expr local = mk_local(ngen.next(), binding_domain(dt));
        dt         = instantiate(binding_body(dt), local);
    try {
        unifier_config cfg;
        cfg.m_max_steps            = max_steps;
        cfg.m_kind                 = cheap ? unifier_kind::Cheap : unifier_kind::Liberal;
        cfg.m_ignore_context_check = true;
        auto r = unify(tc.env(), pattern, dt, tc.mk_ngen(), substitution(), cfg);
        return static_cast<bool>(r.pull());
    } catch (exception&) {
        return false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: max_sharing.cpp プロジェクト: skbaek/lean
 expr apply(expr const & a) {
     auto r = m_expr_cache.find(a);
     if (r != m_expr_cache.end())
         return *r;
     expr res;
     switch (a.kind()) {
     case expr_kind::Var:
         res = a;
     case expr_kind::Constant:
         res = update_constant(a, map(const_levels(a), [&](level const & l) { return apply(l); }));
     case expr_kind::Sort:
         res = update_sort(a, apply(sort_level(a)));
     case expr_kind::App:
         res = update_app(a, apply(app_fn(a)), apply(app_arg(a)));
     case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
         res = update_binding(a, apply(binding_domain(a)), apply(binding_body(a)));
     case expr_kind::Meta:  case expr_kind::Local:
         res = update_mlocal(a, apply(mlocal_type(a)));
     case expr_kind::Macro: {
         buffer<expr> new_args;
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++)
             new_args.push_back(macro_arg(a, i));
         res = update_macro(a, new_args.size(), new_args.data());
     return res;
コード例 #11
ファイル: expr.cpp プロジェクト: sakas--/lean
expr infer_implicit(expr const & t, unsigned num_params, bool strict) {
    if (num_params == 0) {
        return t;
    } else if (is_pi(t)) {
        expr new_body = infer_implicit(binding_body(t), num_params-1, strict);
        if (binding_info(t).is_implicit() || binding_info(t).is_strict_implicit()) {
            // argument is already marked as implicit
            return update_binding(t, binding_domain(t), new_body);
        } else if (has_free_var_in_domain(new_body, 0, strict)) {
            return update_binding(t, binding_domain(t), new_body, mk_implicit_binder_info());
        } else {
            return update_binding(t, binding_domain(t), new_body);
    } else {
        return t;
コード例 #12
 optional<constraints> try_instance(expr const & inst, expr const & inst_type) {
     type_checker & tc     = m_C->tc();
     name_generator & ngen = m_C->m_ngen;
     tag g                 = inst.get_tag();
     try {
         flet<local_context> scope(m_ctx, m_ctx);
         buffer<expr> locals;
         expr meta_type = m_meta_type;
         while (true) {
             meta_type = tc.whnf(meta_type).first;
             if (!is_pi(meta_type))
             expr local  = mk_local(ngen.next(), binding_name(meta_type),
                                    binding_domain(meta_type), binding_info(meta_type));
             meta_type = instantiate(binding_body(meta_type), local);
         expr type  = inst_type;
         expr r     = inst;
         buffer<constraint> cs;
         while (true) {
             type = tc.whnf(type).first;
             if (!is_pi(type))
             expr arg;
             if (binding_info(type).is_inst_implicit()) {
                 pair<expr, constraint> ac = mk_class_instance_elaborator(m_C, m_ctx, some_expr(binding_domain(type)),
                                                                          g, m_depth+1);
                 arg = ac.first;
             } else {
                 arg = m_ctx.mk_meta(m_C->m_ngen, some_expr(binding_domain(type)), g);
             r    = mk_app(r, arg, g);
             type = instantiate(binding_body(type), arg);
         r = Fun(locals, r);
         trace(meta_type, r);
         bool relax   = m_C->m_relax;
         constraint c = mk_eq_cnstr(m_meta, r, m_jst, relax);
         return optional<constraints>(mk_constraints(c, cs));
     } catch (exception &) {
         return optional<constraints>();
コード例 #13
ファイル: eta_expansion.cpp プロジェクト: soonhokong/lean-osx
 optional<expr> expand_core(expr const & e) {
     expr t = ctx().whnf(ctx().infer(e));
     if (!is_pi(t))
         return none_expr();
     expr r = mk_lambda(name("x"), binding_domain(t), mk_app(e, mk_var(0)));
     return some_expr(visit(r));
コード例 #14
ファイル: ceqv.cpp プロジェクト: pazthor/lean
 // If restricted is true, we don't use (e <-> true) rewrite
 list<expr_pair> apply(expr const & e, expr const & H, bool restrited) {
     expr c, Hdec, A, arg1, arg2;
     if (is_relation(e)) {
         return mk_singleton(e, H);
     } else if (is_standard(m_env) && is_not(m_env, e, arg1)) {
         expr new_e = mk_iff(arg1, mk_false());
         expr new_H = mk_app(mk_constant(get_iff_false_intro_name()), arg1, H);
         return mk_singleton(new_e, new_H);
     } else if (is_standard(m_env) && is_and(e, arg1, arg2)) {
         // TODO(Leo): we can extend this trick to any type that has only one constructor
         expr H1 = mk_app(mk_constant(get_and_elim_left_name()), arg1, arg2, H);
         expr H2 = mk_app(mk_constant(get_and_elim_right_name()), arg1, arg2, H);
         auto r1 = apply(arg1, H1, restrited);
         auto r2 = apply(arg2, H2, restrited);
         return append(r1, r2);
     } else if (is_pi(e)) {
         // TODO(dhs): keep name?
         expr local = m_tctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_domain(e), binding_info(e));
         expr new_e = instantiate(binding_body(e), local);
         expr new_H = mk_app(H, local);
         auto r = apply(new_e, new_H, restrited);
         unsigned len = length(r);
         if (len == 0) {
             return r;
         } else if (len == 1 && head(r).first == new_e && head(r).second == new_H) {
             return mk_singleton(e, H);
         } else {
             return lift(local, r);
     } else if (is_standard(m_env) && is_ite(e, c, Hdec, A, arg1, arg2) && is_prop(e)) {
         // TODO(Leo): support HoTT mode if users request
         expr not_c = mk_app(mk_constant(get_not_name()), c);
         expr Hc    = m_tctx.mk_tmp_local(c);
         expr Hnc   = m_tctx.mk_tmp_local(not_c);
         expr H1    = mk_app({mk_constant(get_implies_of_if_pos_name()),
                              c, arg1, arg2, Hdec, e, Hc});
         expr H2    = mk_app({mk_constant(get_implies_of_if_neg_name()),
                              c, arg1, arg2, Hdec, e, Hnc});
         auto r1    = lift(Hc, apply(arg1, H1, restrited));
         auto r2    = lift(Hnc, apply(arg2, H2, restrited));
         return append(r1, r2);
     } else if (!restrited) {
         expr new_e = m_tctx.whnf(e);
         if (new_e != e) {
             if (auto r = apply(new_e, H, true))
                 return r;
         if (is_standard(m_env) && is_prop(e)) {
             expr new_e = mk_iff(e, mk_true());
             expr new_H = mk_app(mk_constant(get_iff_true_intro_name()), e, H);
             return mk_singleton(new_e, new_H);
         } else {
             return list<expr_pair>();
     } else {
         return list<expr_pair>();
コード例 #15
ファイル: calc.cpp プロジェクト: codyroux/lean
static pair<expr, unsigned> extract_arg_types_core(environment const & env, name const & f, buffer<expr> & arg_types) {
    declaration d = env.get(f);
    expr f_type = d.get_type();
    while (is_pi(f_type)) {
        f_type = binding_body(f_type);
    return mk_pair(f_type, length(d.get_univ_params()));
コード例 #16
list<expr> get_coercions_from_to(type_checker & from_tc, type_checker & to_tc,
                                 expr const & from_type, expr const & to_type, constraint_seq & cs, bool lift_coe) {
    constraint_seq new_cs;
    environment const & env = to_tc.env();
    expr whnf_from_type = from_tc.whnf(from_type, new_cs);
    expr whnf_to_type   = to_tc.whnf(to_type, new_cs);
    if (lift_coe && is_pi(whnf_from_type)) {
        // Try to lift coercions.
        // The idea is to convert a coercion from A to B, into a coercion from D->A to D->B
        if (!is_pi(whnf_to_type))
            return list<expr>(); // failed
        if (!from_tc.is_def_eq(binding_domain(whnf_from_type), binding_domain(whnf_to_type), justification(), new_cs))
            return list<expr>(); // failed, the domains must be definitionally equal
        expr x = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), "x", binding_domain(whnf_from_type), binder_info());
        expr A = instantiate(binding_body(whnf_from_type), x);
        expr B = instantiate(binding_body(whnf_to_type), x);
        list<expr> coe = get_coercions_from_to(from_tc, to_tc, A, B, new_cs, lift_coe);
        if (coe) {
            cs += new_cs;
            // Remark: each coercion c in coe is a function from A to B
            // We create a new list: (fun (f : D -> A) (x : D), c (f x))
            expr f = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), "f", whnf_from_type, binder_info());
            expr fx = mk_app(f, x);
            return map(coe, [&](expr const & c) { return Fun(f, Fun(x, mk_app(c, fx))); });
        } else {
            return list<expr>();
    } else {
        expr const & fn   = get_app_fn(whnf_to_type);
        list<expr> r;
        if (is_constant(fn)) {
            r = get_coercions(env, whnf_from_type, const_name(fn));
        } else if (is_pi(whnf_to_type)) {
            r = get_coercions_to_fun(env, whnf_from_type);
        } else if (is_sort(whnf_to_type)) {
            r = get_coercions_to_sort(env, whnf_from_type);
        if (r)
            cs += new_cs;
        return r;
コード例 #17
ファイル: expr.cpp プロジェクト: sakas--/lean
static bool has_free_var_in_domain(expr const & b, unsigned vidx, bool strict) {
    if (is_pi(b)) {
            (has_free_var(binding_domain(b), vidx) && is_explicit(binding_info(b))) ||
            has_free_var_in_domain(binding_body(b), vidx+1, strict);
    } else if (!strict) {
        return has_free_var(b, vidx);
    } else {
        return false;
コード例 #18
action_result no_confusion_action(hypothesis_idx hidx) {
    try {
        state & s       = curr_state();
        app_builder & b = get_app_builder();
        hypothesis const & h = s.get_hypothesis_decl(hidx);
        expr type = h.get_type();
        expr lhs, rhs;
        if (!is_eq(type, lhs, rhs))
            return action_result::failed();
        lhs = whnf(lhs);
        rhs = whnf(rhs);
        optional<name> c1 = is_constructor_app(env(), lhs);
        optional<name> c2 = is_constructor_app(env(), rhs);
        if (!c1 || !c2)
            return action_result::failed();
        expr A = whnf(infer_type(lhs));
        expr I = get_app_fn(A);
        if (!is_constant(I) || !inductive::is_inductive_decl(env(), const_name(I)))
            return action_result::failed();
        name nct_name(const_name(I), "no_confusion_type");
        if (!env().find(nct_name))
            return action_result::failed();
        expr target  = s.get_target();
        expr nct     = whnf(b.mk_app(nct_name, target, lhs, rhs));
        if (c1 == c2) {
            if (!is_pi(nct))
                return action_result::failed();
            if (s.has_target_forward_deps(hidx)) {
                // TODO(Leo): we currently do not handle this case.
                // To avoid non-termination we remove the given hypothesis, if there
                // forward dependencies, we would also have to remove them.
                // Remark: this is a low priority refinement since it will not happen
                // very often in practice.
                return action_result::failed();
            unsigned num_params  = *inductive::get_num_params(env(), const_name(I));
            unsigned cnstr_arity = get_arity(env().get(*c1).get_type());
            lean_assert(cnstr_arity >= num_params);
            unsigned num_new_eqs = cnstr_arity - num_params;
            s.push_proof_step(new no_confusion_proof_step_cell(const_name(I), target, h.get_self(), num_new_eqs));
            return action_result::new_branch();
        } else {
            name nc_name(const_name(I), "no_confusion");
            expr pr = b.mk_app(nc_name, {target, lhs, rhs, h.get_self()});
            return action_result::solved(pr);
    } catch (app_builder_exception &) {
        return action_result::failed();
コード例 #19
ファイル: ceqv.cpp プロジェクト: pazthor/lean
static bool is_permutation(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, unsigned offset, buffer<optional<unsigned>> & p) {
    if (lhs.kind() != rhs.kind())
        return false;
    switch (lhs.kind()) {
    case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Sort:
    case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local:
        return lhs == rhs;
    case expr_kind::Var:
        if (var_idx(lhs) < offset) {
            return lhs == rhs; // locally bound variable
        } else if (var_idx(lhs) - offset < p.size()) {
            if (p[var_idx(lhs) - offset]) {
                return *(p[var_idx(lhs) - offset]) == var_idx(rhs);
            } else {
                p[var_idx(lhs) - offset] = var_idx(rhs);
                return true;
        } else {
            return lhs == rhs; // free variable
    case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
            is_permutation(binding_domain(lhs), binding_domain(rhs), offset, p) &&
            is_permutation(binding_body(lhs), binding_body(rhs), offset+1, p);
    case expr_kind::App:
            is_permutation(app_fn(lhs), app_fn(rhs), offset, p) &&
            is_permutation(app_arg(lhs), app_arg(rhs), offset, p);
    case expr_kind::Macro:
        if (macro_def(lhs) != macro_def(rhs) ||
            macro_num_args(lhs) != macro_num_args(rhs))
            return false;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(lhs); i++) {
            if (!is_permutation(macro_arg(lhs, i), macro_arg(rhs, i), offset, p))
                return false;
        return true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: noncomputable.cpp プロジェクト: avigad/lean
 void visit_binding(expr const & _e) {
     if (should_visit(_e)) {
         buffer<expr> ls;
         expr e = _e;
         while (is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e)) {
             expr d = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(e), ls.size(), ls.data());
             expr l = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(e), d, binding_info(e));
             e = binding_body(e);
         visit(instantiate_rev(e, ls.size(), ls.data()));
コード例 #21
ファイル: intros_tactic.cpp プロジェクト: bmalehorn/lean
tactic intros_tactic(list<name> _ns, bool relax_main_opaque) {
    auto fn = [=](environment const & env, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) {
        list<name> ns    = _ns;
        goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
        if (empty(gs)) {
            return optional<proof_state>();
        goal const & g      = head(gs);
        name_generator ngen = s.get_ngen();
        auto tc             = mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child(), relax_main_opaque);
        expr t              = g.get_type();
        expr m              = g.get_meta();
        bool gen_names      = empty(ns);
        try {
            while (true) {
                if (!gen_names && is_nil(ns))
                if (!is_pi(t)) {
                    if (!is_nil(ns)) {
                        t = tc->ensure_pi(t).first;
                    } else {
                        expr new_t = tc->whnf(t).first;
                        if (!is_pi(new_t))
                        t = new_t;
                name new_name;
                if (!is_nil(ns)) {
                    new_name = head(ns);
                    ns       = tail(ns);
                } else {
                    new_name = get_unused_name(binding_name(t), m);
                expr new_local = mk_local(ngen.next(), new_name, binding_domain(t), binding_info(t));
                t              = instantiate(binding_body(t), new_local);
                m              = mk_app(m, new_local);
            goal new_g(m, t);
            return some(proof_state(s, goals(new_g, tail(gs)), ngen));
        } catch (exception &) {
            return optional<proof_state>();
    return tactic01(fn);
コード例 #22
ファイル: locals.cpp プロジェクト: sakas--/lean
void collect_locals(expr const & e, collected_locals & ls, bool restricted) {
    if (!has_local(e))
    expr_set visited;
    std::function<void(expr const & e)> visit = [&](expr const & e) {
        if (!has_local(e))
        if (restricted && is_meta(e))
        if (visited.find(e) != visited.end())
        switch (e.kind()) {
        case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Sort:
            break; // do nothing
        case expr_kind::Local:
            if (!restricted)
        case expr_kind::Meta:
        case expr_kind::Macro:
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(e); i++)
                visit(macro_arg(e, i));
        case expr_kind::App:
        case expr_kind::Lambda:
        case expr_kind::Pi:
        case expr_kind::Let:
コード例 #23
ファイル: rec_on.cpp プロジェクト: pazthor/lean
environment mk_rec_on(environment const & env, name const & n) {
    if (!inductive::is_inductive_decl(env, n))
        throw exception(sstream() << "error in 'rec_on' generation, '" << n << "' is not an inductive datatype");
    name rec_on_name(n, "rec_on");
    name_generator ngen;
    declaration rec_decl = env.get(inductive::get_elim_name(n));

    buffer<expr> locals;
    expr rec_type = rec_decl.get_type();
    while (is_pi(rec_type)) {
        expr local = mk_local(ngen.next(), binding_name(rec_type), binding_domain(rec_type), binding_info(rec_type));
        rec_type   = instantiate(binding_body(rec_type), local);

    // locals order
    //   A C minor_premises indices major-premise

    // new_locals order
    //   A C indices major-premise minor-premises
    buffer<expr> new_locals;
    unsigned idx_major_sz = *inductive::get_num_indices(env, n) + 1;
    unsigned minor_sz     = *inductive::get_num_minor_premises(env, n);
    unsigned AC_sz        = locals.size() - minor_sz - idx_major_sz;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < AC_sz; i++)
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < idx_major_sz; i++)
        new_locals.push_back(locals[AC_sz + minor_sz + i]);
    unsigned rec_on_major_idx = new_locals.size() - 1;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < minor_sz; i++)
        new_locals.push_back(locals[AC_sz + i]);
    expr rec_on_type = Pi(new_locals, rec_type);

    levels ls = param_names_to_levels(rec_decl.get_univ_params());
    expr rec  = mk_constant(rec_decl.get_name(), ls);
    expr rec_on_val = Fun(new_locals, mk_app(rec, locals));

    bool use_conv_opt = true;
    environment new_env = module::add(env,
                                      check(env, mk_definition(env, rec_on_name, rec_decl.get_univ_params(),
                                                               rec_on_type, rec_on_val, use_conv_opt)));
    new_env = set_reducible(new_env, rec_on_name, reducible_status::Reducible);
    new_env = add_unfold_hint(new_env, rec_on_name, rec_on_major_idx);
    new_env = add_aux_recursor(new_env, rec_on_name);
    return add_protected(new_env, rec_on_name);
コード例 #24
ファイル: simp_rule_set.cpp プロジェクト: fgdorais/lean
// Return true iff lhs is of the form (B (x : ?m1), ?m2) or (B (x : ?m1), ?m2 x),
// where B is lambda or Pi
static bool is_valid_congr_rule_binding_lhs(expr const & lhs, name_set & found_mvars) {
    expr const & d = binding_domain(lhs);
    expr const & b = binding_body(lhs);
    if (!is_metavar(d))
        return false;
    if (is_metavar(b) && b != d) {
        return true;
    if (is_app(b) && is_metavar(app_fn(b)) && is_var(app_arg(b), 0) && app_fn(b) != d) {
        return true;
    return false;
コード例 #25
ファイル: light_lt_manager.cpp プロジェクト: skbaek/lean
unsigned light_lt_manager::get_weight_core(expr const & e) {
    switch (e.kind()) {
    case expr_kind::Var:  case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Sort:
    case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local:
        return 1;
    case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
        return safe_add(1, safe_add(get_weight(binding_domain(e)), get_weight(binding_body(e))));
    case expr_kind::Macro:
        return safe_add(1, add_weight(macro_num_args(e), macro_args(e)));
    case expr_kind::App:
        buffer<expr> args;
        expr fn = get_app_args(e, args);
        if (is_constant(fn)) {
            unsigned const * light_arg = m_lrs.find(const_name(fn));
            if (light_arg && args.size() > *light_arg) return get_weight(args[*light_arg]);
        return safe_add(1, safe_add(get_weight(app_fn(e)), get_weight(app_arg(e))));
    lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
コード例 #26
ファイル: dsimplify.cpp プロジェクト: avigad/lean
expr dsimplify_core_fn::visit_binding(expr const & e) {
    expr_kind k = e.kind();
    type_context::tmp_locals locals(m_ctx);
    expr b = e;
    bool modified = false;
    while (b.kind() == k) {
        expr d = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(b), locals.size(), locals.data());
        expr new_d = visit(d);
        if (!is_eqp(d, new_d)) modified = true;
        locals.push_local(binding_name(b), new_d, binding_info(b));
        b = binding_body(b);
    b = instantiate_rev(b, locals.size(), locals.data());
    expr new_b = visit(b);
    if (!is_eqp(b, new_b)) modified = true;
    if (modified)
        return k == expr_kind::Pi ? locals.mk_pi(new_b) : locals.mk_lambda(new_b);
        return e;
コード例 #27
ファイル: pack_domain.cpp プロジェクト: avigad/lean
 virtual expr visit_app(expr const & e) override {
     buffer<expr> args;
     expr const & fn = get_app_args(e, args);
     for (expr & arg : args)
         arg = visit(arg);
     auto fnidx = get_fn_idx(fn);
     if (!fnidx) return replace_visitor_with_tc::visit_app(e);
     expr new_fn = m_ues.get_fn(*fnidx);
     if (fn == new_fn) return replace_visitor_with_tc::visit_app(e);
     unsigned arity = m_ues.get_arity_of(*fnidx);
     if (args.size() < arity) {
         expr new_e = m_ctx.eta_expand(e);
         if (!is_lambda(new_e)) throw_ill_formed_eqns();
         return visit(new_e);
     expr new_fn_type = m_ctx.infer(new_fn);
     expr sigma_type  = binding_domain(new_fn_type);
     expr arg         = pack(0, arity, args, sigma_type);
     expr r           = mk_app(new_fn, arg);
     return copy_tag(e, mk_app(r, args.size() - arity, args.data() + arity));
コード例 #28
ファイル: replace_fn.cpp プロジェクト: skbaek/lean
    expr apply(expr const & e, unsigned offset) {
        bool shared = false;
        if (m_use_cache && is_shared(e)) {
            if (auto r = m_cache->find(e, offset))
                return *r;
            shared = true;

        if (optional<expr> r = m_f(e, offset)) {
            return save_result(e, offset, *r, shared);
        } else {
            switch (e.kind()) {
            case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Var:
                return save_result(e, offset, e, shared);
            case expr_kind::Meta:     case expr_kind::Local: {
                expr new_t = apply(mlocal_type(e), offset);
                return save_result(e, offset, update_mlocal(e, new_t), shared);
            case expr_kind::App: {
                expr new_f = apply(app_fn(e), offset);
                expr new_a = apply(app_arg(e), offset);
                return save_result(e, offset, update_app(e, new_f, new_a), shared);
            case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Lambda: {
                expr new_d = apply(binding_domain(e), offset);
                expr new_b = apply(binding_body(e), offset+1);
                return save_result(e, offset, update_binding(e, new_d, new_b), shared);
            case expr_kind::Macro: {
                buffer<expr> new_args;
                unsigned nargs = macro_num_args(e);
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
                    new_args.push_back(apply(macro_arg(e, i), offset));
                return save_result(e, offset, update_macro(e, new_args.size(), new_args.data()), shared);
コード例 #29
ファイル: unfold_macros.cpp プロジェクト: fgdorais/lean
 expr visit_binding(expr e) {
     expr_kind k = e.kind();
     buffer<expr>  es;
     buffer<expr>  ls;
     while (e.kind() == k) {
         expr d = visit(instantiate_rev(binding_domain(e), ls.size(), ls.data()));
         expr l = mk_local(m_tc.mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(e), d, binding_info(e));
         e = binding_body(e);
     e = visit(instantiate_rev(e, ls.size(), ls.data()));
     expr r = abstract_locals(e, ls.size(), ls.data());
     while (!ls.empty()) {
         expr d = mlocal_type(ls.back());
         d = abstract_locals(d, ls.size(), ls.data());
         r = update_binding(es.back(), d, r);
     return r;
コード例 #30
ファイル: compiler_step_visitor.cpp プロジェクト: avigad/lean
expr compiler_step_visitor::visit_lambda_let(expr const & e) {
    type_context::tmp_locals locals(m_ctx);
    expr t = e;
    while (true) {
        /* Types are ignored in compilation steps. So, we do not invoke visit for d. */
        if (is_lambda(t)) {
            expr d = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(t), locals.size(), locals.data());
            locals.push_local(binding_name(t), d, binding_info(t));
            t = binding_body(t);
        } else if (is_let(t)) {
            expr d = instantiate_rev(let_type(t), locals.size(), locals.data());
            expr v = visit(instantiate_rev(let_value(t), locals.size(), locals.data()));
            locals.push_let(let_name(t), d, v);
            t = let_body(t);
        } else {
    t = instantiate_rev(t, locals.size(), locals.data());
    t = visit(t);
    return copy_tag(e, locals.mk_lambda(t));