コード例 #1
ファイル: sunrise.c プロジェクト: jw3/jbmcgi
int sunrise_calculate(lpSunrise sunrise)
  int y, m, d;
  double lat, lon;

  y = sunrise->year;
  m = sunrise->month;
  d = sunrise->day;
  lat = sunrise->lat;
  lon = sunrise->lon;

/*  sunrise->length = day_length(y, m, d, lon, lat); */
  sunrise->length = day_civil_twilight_length(y, m, d, lon, lat);

/*  sunrise->sr = sun_rise_set(y, m, 
    d, lon, lat, &sunrise->rise, &sunrise->set); */
  sunrise->sr = civil_twilight(y, m, 
    d, lon, lat, &sunrise->rise, &sunrise->set);

  sunrise->rise += sunrise->tz;
  sunrise->set += sunrise->tz;

  if (sunrise->dst)
    if (dst_correction(y, m, d))
      sunrise->rise += 1;
      sunrise->set += 1;

  return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: event.c プロジェクト: inscriptionweb/pikrellcam
	struct tm	*tm = &pikrellcam.tm_local;
	int		n, year, month, mday;

	if (   sscanf(pikrellcam.latitude, "%lf", &sun.latitude) == 1
	    && sscanf(pikrellcam.longitude, "%lf", &sun.longitude) == 1
		n = strlen(pikrellcam.latitude);
		if (pikrellcam.latitude[n - 1] == 'S' || pikrellcam.latitude[n - 1] == 's')
			sun.latitude = -sun.latitude;
		n = strlen(pikrellcam.longitude);
		if (pikrellcam.longitude[n - 1] == 'W' || pikrellcam.longitude[n - 1] == 'w')
			sun.longitude = -sun.longitude;

		year  = tm->tm_year + 1900;
		month = tm->tm_mon  + 1;
		mday  = tm->tm_mday + 1;

		sun.sun_valid = sun_rise_set(year, month, mday,
						sun.longitude, sun.latitude,
						&sun.d_sunrise, &sun.d_sunset);
		sun.civil_valid = civil_twilight(year, month, mday,
						sun.longitude, sun.latitude,
						&sun.d_dawn, &sun.d_dusk);
		sun.nautical_valid = nautical_twilight(year, month, mday,
						sun.longitude, sun.latitude,
						&sun.d_nautical_dawn, &sun.d_nautical_dusk);

		sun.d_sunrise = TMOD(sun.d_sunrise + tm->tm_gmtoff / 3600);
		sun.sunrise = sun.d_sunrise * 60;

		sun.d_sunset  = TMOD(sun.d_sunset  + tm->tm_gmtoff / 3600);
		sun.sunset = sun.d_sunset * 60;

		sun.d_dawn = TMOD(sun.d_dawn + tm->tm_gmtoff / 3600);
		sun.dawn = sun.d_dawn * 60;

		sun.d_dusk = TMOD(sun.d_dusk + tm->tm_gmtoff / 3600);
		sun.dusk = sun.d_dusk * 60;

		sun.d_nautical_dawn = TMOD(sun.d_nautical_dawn + tm->tm_gmtoff / 3600);
		sun.nautical_dawn = sun.d_nautical_dawn * 60;

		sun.d_nautical_dusk = TMOD(sun.d_nautical_dusk + tm->tm_gmtoff / 3600);
		sun.nautical_dusk = sun.d_nautical_dusk * 60;

		log_printf_no_timestamp("sunrise/sunset times: %s  dawn/dusk times: %s\n",
			sun.sun_valid ? "invalid" : "valid",
			sun.civil_valid ? "invalid" : "valid");
		log_printf_no_timestamp("  dawn:    %d:%02d\n", sun.dawn / 60, sun.dawn % 60);
		log_printf_no_timestamp("  sunrise: %d:%02d\n", sun.sunrise / 60, sun.sunrise % 60);
		log_printf_no_timestamp("  sunset:  %d:%02d\n", sun.sunset / 60, sun.sunset % 60);
		log_printf_no_timestamp("  dusk:    %d:%02d\n", sun.dusk / 60, sun.dusk % 60);
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: themitch/suncalc
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, j;
  int year,month,day;
  double lon = -77.06945;
  double lat = 38.794433;
  int coords_set = 0;
  double temp;
  int local = 1;
  int hemisphere;
  int mode = MODE_USAGE;
  int offset_hour = 0; 
  int offset_min = 0;
  int offset_sec = 0;
  int verbose = 0;

  time_t tt;
  struct tm *tm;

  tt = time(NULL);
  tm = localtime(&tt);

  year = 1900 + tm->tm_year;
  month = 1+ tm->tm_mon;
  day =  1+ tm->tm_mday;
  timezone_name = tm->tm_zone;
  timezone_offset = tm->tm_gmtoff;
  for (i=1; i< argc; i++) {
    if (!strcmp("-V", argv[i])) {
      printf("sunwait version 0.1\n");
    if (!strcmp("-z", argv[i])) {
      local = 0;
    if (!strcmp("-h", argv[i])) {
    if (!strcmp("-v", argv[i])) {
    if (!strcmp("-p", argv[i])) {
      mode = MODE_PRINT;

    if (!strcmp("-y", argv[i])) {
      year = atoi(argv[i]);
    if (!strcmp("-m", argv[i])) {
      month = atoi(argv[i]);
    if (!strcmp("-d", argv[i])) {
      day = 1 + atoi(argv[i]);

    if (2 == sscanf(argv[i], "%lf%1[Nn]", &temp, &hemisphere)) {
      lat = temp; 
      coords_set |= LAT_SET;
    if (2 == sscanf(argv[i], "%lf%1[Ss]", &temp, &hemisphere)) {
      lat = -temp;
      coords_set |= LAT_SET;
    if (2 == sscanf(argv[i], "%lf%1[Ww]", &temp, &hemisphere)) {
      lon = -temp;
      coords_set |= LON_SET;
    /* this looks different from the others because 77E 
       parses as scientific notation */
    if (1 == sscanf(argv[i], "%lf%", &temp, &hemisphere)
	&& (argv[i][strlen(argv[i])-1] == 'E' ||
	    argv[i][strlen(argv[i])-1] == 'e')) {
      lon = temp;
      coords_set |= LON_SET;

    for (j=0; options[j].label; j++) {
      if (strstr(argv[i], options[j].label)) {
	mode = (mode &~ options[j].mask) | options[j].value;

    if (('+' == argv[i][0] || '-' == argv[i][0]) &&
	('0' <= argv[i][1] && '9' >= argv[i][1])) {
      /* perl would be nice here */
      char* temp;
      temp = 1+argv[i];
      offset_min = strtol(temp, &temp, 10);
      if (':' == *temp) {
	offset_hour = offset_min;
	offset_min = strtol(temp+1, &temp, 10);
      if (':' == *temp) {
	offset_sec = strtol(temp+1, &temp, 10);
      if ('-' == argv[i][0]) {
	offset_hour *= -1;
	offset_min *= -1;
	offset_sec *= -1;

  if (coords_set != (LAT_SET | LON_SET)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "warning: latitude or longitude not set\n\tdefault coords of Alexandria, Virgina, USA used\n");
    if ((mode & MODE_MASK) && (mode & EVENT_MASK)) {
    int sit;
    double up, down, now, interval, offset;
    switch (mode & MODE_MASK) {
    case MODE_USAGE:
    case MODE_SUN:
      sit   = sun_rise_set         ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
				    &up, &down );
    case MODE_CIVIL:
      sit  = civil_twilight       ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
				    &up, &down );
    case MODE_NAUT:
      sit = nautical_twilight    ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
				    &up, &down );
    case MODE_ASTR:
      sit = astronomical_twilight( year, month, day, lon, lat,
				    &up, &down );
    if (0 != sit) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Event does not occur today\n");
    up = TMOD(up+timezone_offset/3600);
    down = TMOD(down+timezone_offset/3600);
    now = tm->tm_hour/1.0 + tm->tm_min/60.0 + tm->tm_sec/3600.0; 
    offset = offset_hour/1.0 + offset_min/60.0 + offset_sec/3600.0; 

    if (EVENT_RISE == (mode & EVENT_MASK)) {
		printf("%2.2d:%2.2d\n", HOURS(up+offset), MINUTES(up+offset));	
    } else if (EVENT_SET == (mode & EVENT_MASK)){
		printf("%2.2d:%2.2d\n", HOURS(down+offset), MINUTES(down+offset));	
    } else { /* mode is EVENT_STATE */
		if(now>up && now<down) { 
		} else {

    if (0 > interval) {
      if (0 < verbose) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Warning: event already passed for today, waiting till tomorrow.\n");

    if (1 < verbose) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Up %f\n", up);
      fprintf(stderr, "Down %f\n", down);
      fprintf(stderr, "Now %f\n", now);
      fprintf(stderr, "Offset %f\n", offset);

  if (MODE_PRINT == (MODE_MASK & mode))
    print_everything(year, month, day, lat, lon, tm, local);

  if (MODE_USAGE == (MODE_MASK & mode))

コード例 #4
ファイル: nextwall.c プロジェクト: abelit/nextwall
  Return the local brightness value.

  This function uses sunriset.h to calculate sunrise, sunset, and civil
  twilight times.

  @param[in] lat The latitude of the current location.
  @param[in] lon The longitude of the current location.
  @return Returns 0 for night, 1 for twilight, or 2 for day, depending on
          local time. Returns -1 if brightness could not be determined.
int get_local_brightness(double lat, double lon) {
    struct tm ltime;
    time_t now;
    double htime, sunrise, sunset, civ_start, civ_end;
    int year, month, day, gmt_offset_h, rs, civ;
    char sr_s[6], ss_s[6], civ_start_s[6], civ_end_s[6];

    localtime_r(&now, &ltime);
    year = ltime.tm_year + 1900;
    month = ltime.tm_mon + 1;
    day = ltime.tm_mday;

    /* GMT offset in hours with local time zone */
    gmt_offset_h = ltime.tm_gmtoff / 3600;

    /* Current time in hours */
    htime = (double)ltime.tm_hour + (double)ltime.tm_min / 60.0;

    /* Set local sunrise, sunset, and civil twilight times */
    rs = sun_rise_set(year, month, day, lon, lat, &sunrise, &sunset);
    civ  = civil_twilight(year, month, day, lon, lat, &civ_start, &civ_end);

    switch (rs) {
        case 0:
            sunrise += gmt_offset_h;
            sunset += gmt_offset_h;
            eprintf("Sun rises %s, sets %s %s\n", hours_to_hm(sunrise, sr_s),
                    hours_to_hm(sunset, ss_s), ltime.tm_zone);
        case +1:
            eprintf("Sun above horizon\n");
            return 2;
        case -1:
            eprintf("Sun below horizon\n");
            return 0;

    switch (civ) {
        case 0:
            civ_start += gmt_offset_h;
            civ_end += gmt_offset_h;
            eprintf("Civil twilight starts %s, ends %s %s\n",
                    hours_to_hm(civ_start, civ_start_s),
                    hours_to_hm(civ_end, civ_end_s), ltime.tm_zone);
        case +1:
            eprintf("Never darker than civil twilight\n");
        case -1:
            eprintf("Never as bright as civil twilight\n");

    if (rs == 0 && civ == 0) {
        if (sunrise < htime && htime < sunset)
            return 2;
        else if (htime < civ_start || htime > civ_end)
            return 0;
            return 1;
    else {
        return -1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: sunriseset.c プロジェクト: Eric-Schnipke/snippets
      int year,month,day;
      double lon, lat;
      double daylen, civlen, nautlen, astrlen;
      double rise, set, civ_start, civ_end, naut_start, naut_end,
             astr_start, astr_end;
      double daylen_int,daylen_frac;  /* CWR */
      int    rs, civ, naut, astr;
      int daylen_hours,daylen_min, gmtoff_hr; /* cwr */
      double rise_int,rise_frac,set_int,set_frac; 
      int rise_hours,rise_min,set_hours,set_min;

      time_t the_time; /* only need so can get time zone of local machine... */
      struct tm *mylocal_time;
      char buf[80];
/* get time and offset from GMT */ 
      mylocal_time = localtime(&the_time);
      gmtoff_hr = mylocal_time->tm_gmtoff/3600;

      printf("Enter longitude and latitude in decimal degrees, i.e. -97.75 30.23\n");
      printf("Hint: divide minutes by 60 to get decimal portion\n");
      printf( "Longitude (+ is east) and latitude (+ is north) : " );
      fgets(buf, 80, stdin);
      sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf", &lon, &lat );

            printf( "Input date ( yyyy mm dd ) (ctrl-C exits): " );
            fgets(buf, 80, stdin);
            sscanf(buf, "%d %d %d", &year, &month, &day );

            daylen  = day_length(year,month,day,lon,lat);
            civlen  = day_civil_twilight_length(year,month,day,lon,lat);
            nautlen = day_nautical_twilight_length(year,month,day,lon,lat);
            astrlen = day_astronomical_twilight_length(year,month,day,
            daylen_frac = modf(daylen,&daylen_int); /* daylen into int and fraction */
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);
            printf( "Day length:                 %5.2f hours", daylen );
            printf( "(%2d hours %2d min)\n", daylen_hours,daylen_min );
            daylen_frac = modf(civlen,&daylen_int); 
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);
            printf( "With civil twilight         %5.2f hours", civlen );
            printf( "(%2d hours %2d min)\n", daylen_hours,daylen_min );
            daylen_frac = modf(nautlen,&daylen_int); 
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);
            printf( "With nautical twilight      %5.2f hours", nautlen );
            printf( "(%2d hours %2d min)\n", daylen_hours,daylen_min );
            daylen_frac = modf(astrlen,&daylen_int); 
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);
            printf( "With astronomical twilight  %5.2f hours", astrlen );
            printf( "(%2d hours %2d min)\n", daylen_hours,daylen_min );
            daylen_frac = modf((civlen-daylen)/2.0,&daylen_int); 
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);
            printf( "Length of twilight: civil   %5.2f hours",
            printf( "(%2d hours %2d min)\n", daylen_hours,daylen_min );
            daylen_frac = modf((nautlen-daylen)/2.0,&daylen_int); 
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);
            printf( "                  nautical  %5.2f hours",
            printf( "(%2d hours %2d min)\n", daylen_hours,daylen_min );
            daylen_frac = modf((astrlen-daylen)/2.0,&daylen_int); 
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);
            printf( "              astronomical  %5.2f hours",
            printf( "(%2d hours %2d min)\n", daylen_hours,daylen_min );

            rs   = sun_rise_set         ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &rise, &set );
            civ  = civil_twilight       ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &civ_start, &civ_end );
            naut = nautical_twilight    ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &naut_start, &naut_end );
            astr = astronomical_twilight( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &astr_start, &astr_end );

            daylen_frac = modf(((rise+set)/2.0)+gmtoff_hr ,&daylen_int); 
            daylen_hours = (int)daylen_int;
            daylen_min = (int)(daylen_frac * 60);

            printf( "Sun at south %5.2fh UT,%20d:%02d local\n", (rise+set)/2.0,daylen_hours,daylen_min);

            switch( rs )
                case 0:
                    /* add minutes and local. CWR*/
                    rise_frac = modf(rise+gmtoff_hr ,&rise_int); 
                    rise_hours = (int)rise_int;
                    rise_min = (int)(rise_frac * 60);
                    set_frac = modf(set+gmtoff_hr ,&set_int); 
                    set_hours = (int)set_int;
                    set_min = (int)(set_frac * 60);

                    printf( "Sun rises %5.2fh UT, sets %5.2fh UT;\n    rises %02d:%02d,     sets %02d:%02d local\n",
                             rise, set, rise_hours,rise_min,set_hours,set_min);
                case +1:
                    printf( "Sun above horizon\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Sun below horizon\n" );

            switch( civ )
                case 0:
                    rise_frac = modf(civ_start+gmtoff_hr ,&rise_int); 
                    rise_hours = (int)rise_int;
                    rise_min = (int)(rise_frac * 60);
                    set_frac = modf(civ_end+gmtoff_hr ,&set_int); 
                    set_hours = (int)set_int;
                    set_min = (int)(set_frac * 60);

                    printf( "Civil twilight starts %5.2fh, "
                            "ends %5.2fh UT;\n               starts %02d:%02d,  ends %02d:%02d local\n", 
                            civ_start, civ_end, 
                            rise_hours, rise_min, set_hours, set_min);
                case +1:
                    printf( "Never darker than civil twilight\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Never as bright as civil twilight\n" );

            switch( naut )
                case 0:
                    rise_frac = modf(naut_start+gmtoff_hr ,&rise_int); 
                    rise_hours = (int)rise_int;
                    rise_min = (int)(rise_frac * 60);
                    set_frac = modf(naut_end+gmtoff_hr ,&set_int); 
                    set_hours = (int)set_int;
                    set_min = (int)(set_frac * 60);

                    printf( "Nautical twilight starts %5.2fh, "
                            "ends %5.2fh UT;\n                  starts %02d:%02d,  ends %02d:%02d local\n", 
                            naut_start, naut_end, 
                            rise_hours, rise_min, set_hours, set_min );
                case +1:
                    printf( "Never darker than nautical twilight\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Never as bright as nautical twilight\n" );

            switch( astr )
                case 0:
                    rise_frac = modf(astr_start+gmtoff_hr ,&rise_int); 
                    rise_hours = (int)rise_int;
                    rise_min = (int)(rise_frac * 60);
                    set_frac = modf(astr_end+gmtoff_hr ,&set_int); 
                    set_hours = (int)set_int;
                    set_min = (int)(set_frac * 60);

                    printf( "Astronomical twilight starts %5.2fh, "
                            "ends %5.2fh UT;\n                      starts %02d:%02d,  ends %02d:%02d local\n", 
                            astr_start, astr_end, 
                            rise_hours, rise_min, set_hours, set_min );
                case +1:
                    printf( "Never darker than astronomical twilight\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Never as bright as astronomical twilight\n" );
      return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: sunriset.c プロジェクト: ThomasBaur/skycalendar
      int year,month,day;
      double lon, lat;
      double daylen, civlen, nautlen, astrlen;
      double rise, set, civ_start, civ_end, naut_start, naut_end,
             astr_start, astr_end;
      int    rs, civ, naut, astr;
      char buf[80];

      printf( "Longitude (+ is east) and latitude (+ is north) : " );
      fgets(buf, 80, stdin);
      sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf", &lon, &lat );

            printf( "Input date ( yyyy mm dd ) (ctrl-C exits): " );
            fgets(buf, 80, stdin);
            sscanf(buf, "%d %d %d", &year, &month, &day );

            daylen  = day_length(year,month,day,lon,lat);
            civlen  = day_civil_twilight_length(year,month,day,lon,lat);
            nautlen = day_nautical_twilight_length(year,month,day,lon,lat);
            astrlen = day_astronomical_twilight_length(year,month,day,

            printf( "Day length:                 %5.2f hours\n", daylen );
            printf( "With civil twilight         %5.2f hours\n", civlen );
            printf( "With nautical twilight      %5.2f hours\n", nautlen );
            printf( "With astronomical twilight  %5.2f hours\n", astrlen );
            printf( "Length of twilight: civil   %5.2f hours\n",
            printf( "                  nautical  %5.2f hours\n",
            printf( "              astronomical  %5.2f hours\n",

            rs   = sun_rise_set         ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &rise, &set );
            civ  = civil_twilight       ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &civ_start, &civ_end );
            naut = nautical_twilight    ( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &naut_start, &naut_end );
            astr = astronomical_twilight( year, month, day, lon, lat,
                                          &astr_start, &astr_end );

            printf( "Sun at south %5.2fh UT\n", (rise+set)/2.0 );

            switch( rs )
                case 0:
                    printf( "Sun rises %5.2fh UT, sets %5.2fh UT\n",
                             rise, set );
                case +1:
                    printf( "Sun above horizon\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Sun below horizon\n" );

            switch( civ )
                case 0:
                    printf( "Civil twilight starts %5.2fh, "
                            "ends %5.2fh UT\n", civ_start, civ_end );
                case +1:
                    printf( "Never darker than civil twilight\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Never as bright as civil twilight\n" );

            switch( naut )
                case 0:
                    printf( "Nautical twilight starts %5.2fh, "
                            "ends %5.2fh UT\n", naut_start, naut_end );
                case +1:
                    printf( "Never darker than nautical twilight\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Never as bright as nautical twilight\n" );

            switch( astr )
                case 0:
                    printf( "Astronomical twilight starts %5.2fh, "
                            "ends %5.2fh UT\n", astr_start, astr_end );
                case +1:
                    printf( "Never darker than astronomical twilight\n" );
                case -1:
                    printf( "Never as bright as astronomical twilight\n" );
      return 0;