コード例 #1
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: Jyang772/cs240
void freef(char *p)
  printf("freef called with p=%p\n", (void *) p);
   /* you write the  code for the freef function here */
  struct blockl *temp = (struct blockl *)p;
  temp->tag = FREETAG;
  char *temp2 = p;
  temp2 += temp->size;
  temp2 += (TAGSIZE*2);
  struct blockr *temp3 = (struct blockr *)temp2;
  temp3->tag = FREETAG;
  struct blockr *temp4 = (struct blockr *)(p - TAGSIZE);
  //temp4 -= 1;
  if (temp4->tag == FREETAG) {
	struct blockl *temp5 = (struct blockl *)(temp4 - temp4->size-(TAGSIZE));
	coalesce(temp5, temp);	
  temp2 += TAGSIZE;
  struct blockl *temp6 = (struct blockl *)temp2;
  if (temp6->tag == FREETAG){
	coalesce(temp, temp6);
コード例 #2
ファイル: hw6test.c プロジェクト: dlee37/Computer-Systems
int main() {
    int *p1, *p2;
    printf("initial allocation\n");
    printf("malloc 20\n");
    p1 = (int *)myalloc(20);
    printf("malloc 10\n");
    p2 = (int *)myalloc(10);
    printf("free (malloc 20)\n");
    myfree(p1); p1 = NULL;
    printf("malloc 4\n");
    p1 = (int *)myalloc(4);

    printf("free (malloc 10)\n");
    myfree(p2); p2 = NULL;
    printf("malloc 30: should fail\n");
    // this will fail because we need a block of at least 40
    p2 = (int *)myalloc(30);
    printf("malloc 30 \n");  // now this succeeds
    p2 = (int *) myalloc(30);
    printf("free everything\n");
    myfree(p1); p1 = NULL;
    myfree(p2); p2 = NULL;
    printf("malloc 56: should fail\n");
    // this will fail
    p1 = (int *)myalloc(56);
    printf("malloc 56\n");
    p1 = (int *)myalloc(56);
コード例 #3
 * @brief Coalesce the free list into larger blocks.
 * @param prev The previous block in the free list.
 * @param current The block to coalesce.
 * @param next The next block in the free list.
static void coalesceBlocks(long *prev, long *current, long *next)
    if (next != NULL) {
        coalesce(current, next); 

    if (prev != NULL) {
        coalesce(prev, current);

コード例 #4
ファイル: mm_alloc.c プロジェクト: jgao23/operating_systems
void mm_free(void *ptr) {
	if (ptr != NULL) {
		struct metadata *curr = get_block_ptr(ptr);
		curr->free = 1;
		if (curr->prev && curr->prev->free) {
			curr = coalesce(curr->prev);
		if (curr->next && curr->next->free) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: RFC1867Test.cpp プロジェクト: facebook/proxygen
 * @param data full multipart content
 * @param filesize sum of all parts
 * @param parts number of parts
void RFC1867Base::testSimple(unique_ptr<IOBuf> data,
                             size_t fileSize,
                             size_t splitSize,
                             size_t parts) {
  size_t fileLength = 0;
  IOBufQueue parsedData{IOBufQueue::cacheChainLength()};
  EXPECT_CALL(callback_, onFieldStartImpl(_, _, _, _))
  EXPECT_CALL(callback_, onFieldData(_, _))
    .WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&] (std::shared_ptr<IOBuf> data, uint64_t) {
          fileLength += data->computeChainDataLength();
          return 0;
  EXPECT_CALL(callback_, onFieldEnd(true, _))
  parse(data->clone(), splitSize);
  auto parsedDataBuf = parsedData.move();
  if (fileLength > 0) {
    // isChained() called from coalesce below asserts if no data has
    // been added
  CHECK_EQ(fileLength, fileSize);
コード例 #6
 * extend_heap
 * Extend the heap by "words" words, maintaining alignment
 * requirements of course. Free the former epilogue block
 * and reallocate its new header
void *extend_heap(size_t words)
    char *bp;
    size_t size;

    /* Allocate an even number of words to maintain alignments */
    size = (words % 2) ? (words+1) * WSIZE : words * WSIZE;
    if ( (bp = mem_sbrk(size)) == (void *)-1 )
        return NULL;

    /* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header */
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));                // free block header
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));                // free block footer
    PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), PACK(0, 1));        // new epilogue header

    /* Place at top of free list  */


    printf("add_to_free being called in extend()\n");
    printf("extend - bp: %p\n", bp);
    printf("extend - addr of prev: %p\n", PREV_FR_BP(bp));
    printf("extend - addr of next: %p\n", NEXT_FR_BP(bp));
    /* Coalesce if the previous block was free */
    return coalesce(bp);
コード例 #7
ファイル: mem_exp.c プロジェクト: sam1323123/Projects
void place(char *bp, size_t size)
//allocate to block and update free list,split block if necessary
//place called after find_fit in MALLOC
//size is block including header and footer
  ASSERT(size <= GETSIZE(HDRP(bp))) ;
  ASSERT(size % ALIGNMENT == 0) ;
  //bp is empty block 
  size_t bSize = GETSIZE(HDRP(bp)) ;
  if(bSize - size < MINBLOCKSIZE)
      FL_remove(bp) ; 
      PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(bSize, 1)) ;
      PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(bSize, 1)) ;
      //change header and footer alloc bit 
  else if(bSize - size >= MINBLOCKSIZE)
      ASSERT((bSize-size) % ALIGNMENT == 0) ;
      // check if new block size will mess up alignment 
      FL_remove(bp) ;//remove bp from free list
      PUT(HDRP(bp) ,PACK(size, 1)) ;
      PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size,1)) ;
      ASSERT(isValidBlock(bp)) ;
      bp = NEXT_BLKP(bp) ;
      PUT(HDRP(bp) ,PACK(bSize - size, 0));
      PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(bSize-size, 0)) ;
      ASSERT(isValidBlock(bp)) ;
      coalesce(bp) ; //insert split block back to free list
  dmm_checkheap(278) ; //CHECKHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  return ;
コード例 #8
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: val-litvak/malloclab
 * allocate - Place block, i.e. write header and footer.
static void allocate(void *bp, size_t adjusted_size)
	size_t csize = GET_THISSIZE(bp);
	size_t is_prev_alloc = GET_PREVALLOC(bp);

	TRACE(">>>Entering allocate(bp=0x%X, adjusted_size=%u)\n", (unsigned int)bp, adjusted_size);

	/* We will always need to remove tshi block from the free list */
	remove_from_list(bp, calc_list_index(csize));

	/* See if there's room to split this block into two */
	if ((csize - adjusted_size) >= (MIN_SIZE)) {
		PUTW(GET_BLOCKHDR(bp), PACK(adjusted_size, THISALLOC | is_prev_alloc));
		PUTW(GET_BLOCKFTR(bp), PACK(adjusted_size, THISALLOC | is_prev_alloc));

		/* Using the new header info, mark the newly created block as free */
		bp = GET_NEXTBLOCK(bp);
		PUTW(GET_BLOCKHDR(bp), PACK(csize - adjusted_size, PREVALLOC));
		PUTW(GET_BLOCKFTR(bp), PACK(csize - adjusted_size, PREVALLOC));

		/* And add it to the appropriate free list */
	else {/* If there's not room to create split the block, just extend the
		 	amount to allocated */
		PUTW(GET_BLOCKHDR(bp), PACK(csize, THISALLOC | is_prev_alloc));
		PUTW(GET_BLOCKFTR(bp), PACK(csize, THISALLOC | is_prev_alloc));

		/* Make sure the next block's header has the prevalloc field marked */
	TRACE("<<<---Leaving allocate()\n");
コード例 #9
ファイル: malloclab.c プロジェクト: ktlwik/System-Programming
static void *extend_heap(size_t words) {

	char *bp;

	size_t size;

	/* Allocate an even number of words to maintain alignment */

	size = (words % 2) ? (words+1) * WSIZE : words * WSIZE;

    size = MAX(size, BSIZE);

	/* call for more memory space */

	if ((int)(bp = mem_sbrk(size)) == -1) return NULL;

	/* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header */

	PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));         /* free block header */

	PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));         /* free block footer */

	PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), PACK(0, 1)); /* new epilogue header */

	/* coalesce bp with next and previous blocks */

	return coalesce(bp);

コード例 #10
ファイル: pages.c プロジェクト: Dastrius/oink-stack
void free_single_page(region r, struct page *p)
/* Assumes freepages_lock held */
  set_page_region(PAGENB(p), FREEPAGE);
  // fprintf(stderr, "## free_single_page: p=%p, p->pagecount=%d\n", p, p->pagecount);
  // assert(p->pagecount > 0);
  assert(p->pagecount == 1);

  /* Don't keep too many single pages (a small fraction of total
     allocated pages) */
  if (single_page_count > PAGE_GROUP_SIZE * 2)
      // quarl 2006-05-13: we now enforce the invariant that p->pagecount is
      // correct, so it should already be 1 at this point.
      // p->pagecount = 1;         // XXX
      p->next = single_pages;
      single_pages = p;
コード例 #11
ファイル: mm-seglist.c プロジェクト: 447327642/CSAPP2e
 * free - Frees the block and coalesces 
 * (implementation issue: coalescing) 
void free(void *bp)
	size_t size;
	size_t prev_alloc;
	size_t temp_value;

	dbg1("[IN ] : free()\n");
	if (!bp) {
		dbg1("[OUT] : free() - NULL pointer\n");	
	if (!mm_initialized)

	size = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
	prev_alloc = GET_PREV_ALLOC(HDRP(bp));

	/* update header and footer pointers of this block */
	PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, prev_alloc));
	PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, prev_alloc));

	/* tell next block that this block is now free */
	temp_value = GET(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp))) & ~0x2;
	PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), temp_value);


	dbg1("[OUT] : free()\n");
コード例 #12
void git_blame__like_git(git_blame *blame, uint32_t opt)
	while (true) {
		git_blame__entry *ent;
		git_blame__origin *suspect = NULL;

		/* Find a suspect to break down */
		for (ent = blame->ent; !suspect && ent; ent = ent->next)
			if (!ent->guilty)
				suspect = ent->suspect;
		if (!suspect)
			return; /* all done */

		/* We'll use this suspect later in the loop, so hold on to it for now. */
		pass_blame(blame, suspect, opt);

		/* Take responsibility for the remaining entries */
		for (ent = blame->ent; ent; ent = ent->next) {
			if (same_suspect(ent->suspect, suspect)) {
				ent->guilty = true;
				ent->is_boundary = !git_oid_cmp(

コード例 #13
ファイル: mm_submittable.c プロジェクト: bremerle3/cse361
//Called by mm_alloc, places 
void place (void *bp, size_t asize){
  size_t size = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
  size_t frag = size - asize;

  //internal fragment
  if (frag < MINBLKSIZE){
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 1));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 1));
    delete_free_block(bp);  //remove allocated block from free list
    //    fwdPointers(bp, frag); //Reassigns pointers
  //external fragment
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
    //fwdPointers(bp, frag);      
    bp = NEXT_BLKP(bp); //Move pointer to next block
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(frag, 0));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(frag, 0));
    //    moveStart(bp);
コード例 #14
int list_free(void* ptr)
    header_t* hptr = (header_t*) (ptr - sizeof(header_t));

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Entering Mem_Free with PTR: %p, HPTR: %p, Magic: %d, Size: %d\n", ptr, hptr, hptr->magic, hptr->size);

    if(hptr->magic != MAGIC) 					//Check if its the valid pointer
        return (-1);

    if(head == NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("NULL header - nothing to coalesce\n");				//Nothing to coalesce

        head = (node_t*) hptr;
        head->size = hptr->size;
        head->next= NULL;
        return 0;

    //Attach the new incoming ptr as the new head
    node_t* temp = head;
    head = (node_t*) hptr;
    head->size = hptr->size;
    head->next = temp;

    //Calling Coalescer
    return 0;
void freeRegion(void *r) {
if (r != 0) {
	BlockPrefix_t *p = regionToPrefix(r); /* convert to block */
	p->allocated = 0;	/* mark as free */
コード例 #16
ファイル: malloclab.c プロジェクト: ktlwik/System-Programming
static void place(void *bp, size_t asize){

	size_t csize = HDRSIZE(bp);

	if ((csize - asize) >= BSIZE) {

		PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));

		PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));

		del(bp); // deleting current block

		bp = NEXT_BLKP(bp);

		PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(csize-asize, 0));

		PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(csize-asize, 0));



	else {

		PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(csize, 1));

		PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(csize, 1));



コード例 #17
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: morlowsk/Work
 * mm_free - Freeing a block does nothing.
void mm_free(void *ptr) //LIFO policy of adding to free list
    blockHdr *bp = ptr-SIZE_T_SIZE;
    blockHdr *nu_bp = coalesce((size_t *) bp);
    nu_bp->size &= ~1;
コード例 #18
ファイル: mm-implicit.c プロジェクト: prajwal-y/CMU_15-513
 * free
void free (void *ptr) {
    if (ptr == NULL) {
    block_mark(get_header(ptr), 0);
コード例 #19
ファイル: mm_ref0.c プロジェクト: bloveless/malloclab
 * mm_free - Free a block by adding it to the appropriate list and coalescing
 *           it.
void mm_free(void *ptr)
  size_t size = GET_SIZE(HEAD(ptr)); /* Size of block */

  /* Unset the reallocation tag on the next block */

  /* Adjust the allocation status in boundary tags */
  PUT(HEAD(ptr), PACK(size, 0));
  PUT(FOOT(ptr), PACK(size, 0));

  /* Insert new block into appropriate list */
  insert_node(ptr, size);

  /* Coalesce free block */

  // Check heap for consistency
  if (CHECK && CHECK_FREE) {
    mm_check('f', ptr, size);

コード例 #20
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: bkashyap/ece454
 * extend_heap
 * Extend the heap by "words" words, maintaining alignment
 * requirements of course. Free the former epilogue block
 * and reallocate its new header
void *extend_heap(size_t words)
#if DEBUG >= 3
    printf(" %zu words ", words);

    char *bp;
    size_t size;

    /* Allocate an even number of words to maintain alignments */
    size = (words % 2) ? (words+1) * WSIZE : words * WSIZE;
    if ( (bp = mem_sbrk(size)) == (void *)-1 )
        return NULL;

    /* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header */
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));                // free block header
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));                // free block footer
    PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), PACK(0, 1));        // new epilogue header

    getNext(bp) = NULL;
    getPrev(bp) = NULL;

    /* Coalesce if the previous block was free */
    return coalesce(bp);
コード例 #21
ファイル: mm-seglist.c プロジェクト: 447327642/CSAPP2e
inline static void* extend_heap(size_t words) {
static void* extend_heap(size_t words) {
	char *bp;
	size_t size;
	size_t prev_alloc;
	dbg1("[IN ] : extend_heap()\n");

	/* Allocate an even number of words to maintain alignment */
	size = (words % 2) ? (words+1) * WSIZE : words * WSIZE;

	if ((long)(bp = mem_sbrk(size)) < 0)
		return NULL;

	/* remember if previous block is allocated */
	prev_alloc = GET_PREV_ALLOC(HDRP(bp));

	/* Initialize free block header/footer and the epliogue header */
	PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, prev_alloc));    /* free block header */
	PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, prev_alloc));    /* free block footer */
	PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), PACK(0, 1));     /* new epilogue header */
	epilogue = (unsigned *)HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp));

	dbg1("[OUT] : extend_heap()\n");

	/* Coalesce if the previous block was free */
	return coalesce(bp);
コード例 #22
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: jon-whit/malloc-lab
 * place - Places a block of the given size in the free block pointed to by the given
 * pointer bp.
 * This placement is done using a split strategy. If the difference between the size of block 
 * being allocated (asize) and the total size of the free block (fsize) is greater than or equal
 * to the mimimum block size, then the block is split into two parts. The first block is the 
 * allocated block of size asize, and the second block is the remaining free block with a size
 * corresponding to the difference between the two block sizes.  
static void place(void *bp, size_t asize)
  // Gets the total size of the free block 
  size_t fsize = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));

  // Case 1: Splitting is performed 
  if((fsize - asize) >= (MINBLOCKSIZE)) {

    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
    bp = NEXT_BLKP(bp);
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(fsize-asize, 0));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(fsize-asize, 0));

  // Case 2: Splitting not possible. Use the full free block 
  else {

    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(fsize, 1));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(fsize, 1));
コード例 #23
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: hshelton/cs4400
void mm_free(void* bp) {
 size_t size = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
 PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
 PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));

コード例 #24
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: tushar7795/malloc
void mm_free(void *ptr)
	size_t size = GET_SIZE(HDRP(ptr));
	PUT(HDRP(ptr), PACK(size, 0));
	PUT(FTRP(ptr), PACK(size, 0));
コード例 #25
ファイル: mm 13.c プロジェクト: liopei19nn/15213_LIP
 * place - Place block of asize bytes at start of free block bp
 * This function places the block by comparing asize with the total
 * block size, csize. If the difference is at least the minimum block
 * size, we can split the block into an allocated block and a free block.
 * If not, we declare the whole block as allocated to avoid excessive
 * external fragmentation.
 * This function takes a block pointer to a free block and the size of the
 * block we wish to place there.
static void place(void *bp, size_t asize)
	/* Gets the size of the whole free block */
	size_t csize = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
	/* If the difference is at least 24 bytes, change the header and footer
	 * info for the allocated block (size = asize, allocated = 1) and
	 * remove the block from the free list.
	 * Then, split the block by:
	 * (1) Changing the header and footer info for the free block created from the
	 * remaining space (size = csize-asize, allocated = 0)
	 * (2) Coalescing the new free block with adjacent free blocks
	if ((csize - asize) >= MINIMUM) {
		PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
		PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
		bp = NEXT_BLKP(bp);
		PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(csize-asize, 0));
		PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(csize-asize, 0));
	/* If the remaining space is not enough for a free block, don't split the block */
	else {
		PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(csize, 1));
		PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(csize, 1));
コード例 #26
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: divd/ece454
 * extend_heap
 * Extend the heap by "words" words, maintaining alignment
 * requirements of course. Free the former epilogue block
 * and reallocate its new header
void *extend_heap(size_t words)
    // printf("Entered extend heap\n");

    char *bp;
    size_t size;

    /* Allocate an even number of words to maintain alignments */
    size = (words % 2) ? (words+1) * WSIZE : words * WSIZE;

    /* Find the size of the last block in the heap (if free) */
    void* p = heap_listp + (heap_length * DSIZE - DSIZE);
    if (GET_ALLOC(p) == 0) {
    	size -= GET_SIZE(p);

    if ( (bp = mem_sbrk(size)) == (void *)-1 )
        return NULL;

    /* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header */
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));                // free block header
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));                // free block footer
    PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), PACK(0, 1));        // new epilogue header
    heap_length += (size >> 4);
    // printf("Exiting extend heap, new heap_length: %d\n", heap_length);
    /* Coalesce if the previous block was free */
    return coalesce(bp);

コード例 #27
ファイル: mm.c プロジェクト: val-litvak/malloclab
 * extend_heap - Extend the heap by number of bytes adjusted_size.
 * This differs from the example extend_heap function in that the parameter
 * passed is in BYTES rather than WORDS. Constantly converting between the two
 * is confusing and unnecessary.
 * Furthermore, it should be a size already adjusted to fit byte and header
 * alignment. This function merely sets header/footer/successor as needed.
static void *extend_heap(size_t adjusted_size)
	char *bp;
	size_t prev_alloc;

	TRACE("Entering extend_heap(adjusted_size=%u)\n", adjusted_size);

	if ((long)(bp = mem_sbrk(adjusted_size)) == -1)
		return NULL;

	/* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header.
		heap_end points to one byte before the next payload, so reading
		the PREVALLOC field of heap_end + 1 will yield the actual prev-alloc
		for the block just before the end of the heap. */
	prev_alloc = GET_PREVALLOC(heap_end + 1);

	/* Free block header */
	PUTW(GET_BLOCKHDR(bp), PACK(adjusted_size, prev_alloc));

	/* Free block header */
	PUTW(GET_BLOCKFTR(bp), PACK(adjusted_size, prev_alloc));

	/* New epilogue header */
	heap_end = mem_heap_hi();

	TRACE("<<<---Leaving extend_heap() with a call to coalesce()\n");
	/* Coalesce if the previous block was free */
	return coalesce(bp); /* coalesce handles adding block to free list */
コード例 #28
 * Requires:
 *   "bp" is either the address of an allocated block or NULL.
 * Effects:
 *   Free a block.
void mm_free(void *bp)
	size_t size;

	/* Ignore spurious requests. */
	if (bp == NULL)

	/* Free and coalesce the block. */
	size = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
	bool prev_alloc = GET_PREV_ALLOC(HDRP(bp));
	if(!prev_alloc) {
	PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
	PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
	} else {
	PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 2));
	PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 2));
	int *next = NEXT_BLKP(bp);
	size_t size_next = GET_SIZE(HDRP(next));
	bool next_alloc = GET_ALLOC(HDRP(next));
	if(!next_alloc) {
	PUT(HDRP(next), PACK(size_next, 0));
	PUT(FTRP(next), PACK(size_next, 0));		
	} else {
	PUT(HDRP(next), PACK(size_next, 1));
コード例 #29
static void *extend_heap(size_t words) {
    char *bp;
    size_t size=words;//=words*WSIZE;
	dbg_printf("extend heap\n");
    if ((long)(bp = mem_sbrk(size)) == -1)  
	return NULL;                                        

    /* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header */
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));         /* Free block header */   
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));         /* Free block footer */   
    PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLKP(bp)), PACK(0, 1)); /* New epilogue header */ 
    /* Coalesce if the previous block was free */
/*size_t prev_alloc=1&(*((unsigned int *)bp-2));
if (prev_alloc)
else {	void *prev=PREV_BLKP(bp);
return bp;	

    return coalesce(bp);                          
コード例 #30
ファイル: mm-seg-best.c プロジェクト: mindbergh/malloc
 * Extends the heap with a new free block
 * Return: the pointer to the new free block 
 *         NULL on error.
static void *extend_heap(unsigned int words) {
    REQUIRES(words > 4);

    uint32_t *block;
    uint32_t *next;

    /* Ask for 2 more words for header and footer */
    words = (words % 2) ? (words + 1) : words;
    if (VERBOSE)
        printf("Extend Words = %d bytes\n", words * 4);
    if ((long)(block = mem_sbrk(words * WSIZE)) == -1)
        return NULL;

    block--;          // back step 1 since the last one is the epi block
    set_size(block, words - 2);
    block_mark(block, FREE);

    ENSURES(block != NULL);
    // New eqilogue block
    next = block_next(block);    
    set_size(next, 0);
    *next |= 0x40000000;
    //block_mark(block_next(block), ALLOCATED);

    ENSURES(block_size(next) == 0);
    block = coalesce(block);    // Coalesce if necessary
    return block;