コード例 #1
CellDoubleArray FaceToCellOperator::apply(FaceDoubleArray & u){
	CellDoubleArray out = g->makeCellDoubleArray();

	/*CellToFaceCoefficients::iterator cIt;
	for(cIt = coefficients.begin(); cIt != coefficients.end(); cIt++){
		CellToFaceIndex c2f = (*cIt).first;
		out(c2f.i,c2f.j) += ((*cIt).second)*u(c2f.faceIndex);

	FaceToCellCoefficients::iterator cIt;
	for(cIt = coefficients.begin(); cIt != coefficients.end(); cIt++){
		int i = (*cIt).first.i, j = (*cIt).first.j;
		FaceCoefficients::iterator fIt;
		for(fIt = (*cIt).second.begin(); fIt != (*cIt).second.end(); fIt++){
			int faceIndex = (*fIt).first;
			double c = (*fIt).second;
			out(i,j) += c*u(faceIndex);

	for(int i = g->iMin; i <= g->iMax; i++){
		for(int j = g->jMin; j <= g->jMax; j++){
			out(i,j) += constantTerm(i,j);
	return out;
コード例 #2
ファイル: LinearizedFactor.cpp プロジェクト: haidai/gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
LinearizedHessianFactor::linearize(const Values& c) const {

  // Construct an error vector in key-order from the Values
  Vector dx = Vector::Zero(dim());
  size_t index = 0;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->size(); ++i){
    Key key = this->keys()[i];
    const Value& newPt = c.at(key);
    const Value& linPt = lin_points_.at(key);
    dx.segment(index, linPt.dim()) = linPt.localCoordinates_(newPt);
    index += linPt.dim();

  // f2 = f1 - 2*dx'*g1 + dx'*G1*dx
  //newInfo(this->size(), this->size())(0,0) += -2*dx.dot(linearTerm()) + dx.transpose() * squaredTerm().selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>() * dx;
  double f = constantTerm() - 2*dx.dot(linearTerm()) + dx.transpose() * squaredTerm() * dx;

  // g2 = g1 - G1*dx
  //newInfo.rangeColumn(0, this->size(), this->size(), 0) -= squaredTerm().selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>() * dx;
  Vector g = linearTerm() - squaredTerm() * dx;
  std::vector<Vector> gs;
  std::size_t offset = 0;
  for(DenseIndex i = 0; i < info_.nBlocks()-1; ++i) {
    const std::size_t dim = info_.getDim(i);
    gs.push_back(g.segment(offset, dim));
    offset += dim;

  // G2 = G1
  // Do Nothing
  std::vector<Matrix> Gs;
  for(DenseIndex i = 0; i < info_.nBlocks()-1; ++i) {
    for(DenseIndex j = i + 1; j < info_.nBlocks()-1; ++j) {
      Gs.push_back(info_.aboveDiagonalBlock(i, j));

  // Create a Hessian Factor from the modified info matrix
  //return boost::shared_ptr<GaussianFactor>(new HessianFactor(js, newInfo));
  return boost::shared_ptr<GaussianFactor>(new HessianFactor(keys(), Gs, gs, f));
コード例 #3
ファイル: LinearizedFactor.cpp プロジェクト: haidai/gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
double LinearizedHessianFactor::error(const Values& c) const {

  // Construct an error vector in key-order from the Values
  Vector dx = Vector::Zero(dim());
  size_t index = 0;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->size(); ++i){
    Key key = this->keys()[i];
    const Value& newPt = c.at(key);
    const Value& linPt = lin_points_.at(key);
    dx.segment(index, linPt.dim()) = linPt.localCoordinates_(newPt);
    index += linPt.dim();

  // error 0.5*(f - 2*x'*g + x'*G*x)
  double f = constantTerm();
  double xtg = dx.dot(linearTerm());
  double xGx = dx.transpose() * squaredTerm() * dx;

  return 0.5 * (f - 2.0 * xtg +  xGx);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Gradient.cpp プロジェクト: fogelson/CFDResearch
Gradient::Gradient(Grid * g){
	//cout << "Trying to create gradient with h = " << g->getH() << endl;
	this->g = g;
	double h = g->getH();
	constantTerm = 0;
	for(int i = g->iMin; i <= g->iMax; i++){
		for(int j = g->jMin; j <= g->jMax; j++){
				//cout << " is uncovered." << endl;
				CellIndex cellIndex(i,j);
				TinyVector<Face*,5> faces = g->cells(i,j)->faces;
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(B)->getIndex();
					Coord centroid = faces(B)->getCentroid();
					TinyVector<double,2> n = faces(B)->getNormal();
					double x, y, r;
					x = centroid(0);
					y = centroid(1);
					r = sqrt(pow2(x) + pow2(y));
					TinyVector<double,2> gradU;
					double pi = acos(-1);
					//gradU(0) = 3*pow(x,2)*pow(y-2,2)+sin(2*(x-pow(y,2)));
					//gradU(1) = 2*pow(x,3)*(y-2) - 2*y*sin(2*(x-pow(y,2)));
					gradU(0) = 0;//-2*pi*sin(2*pi*r)*x/r;
					gradU(1) = 0;//-2*pi*sin(2*pi*r)*y/r;
					constantTerm(faceIndex) += gradU(0)*n(0) + gradU(1)*n(1);
					//cout << "\tAdding boundary condition to constant term." << endl;
				if(faces(N) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(N)->getIndex();
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = -1/h;
					else if(faces(N)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(N)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j+1);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j+1);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i-1,j,N)){
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j+1);
								CellIndex ind3(i-1,j);
								CellIndex ind4(i-1,j+1);
					//cout << "\tDid north face" << endl;
				if(faces(S) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(S)->getIndex();
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = 1/h;
					else if(faces(S)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(S)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i,j-1);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i-1,j,S)){
								CellIndex ind1(i,j-1);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i-1,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i-1,j);
					//cout << "\tDid south face" << endl;
				if(faces(E) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(E)->getIndex();
					CellIndex cellIndex(i,j);
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = -1/h;
					else if(faces(E)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(E)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i,j+1);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j+1);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i,j-1,E)){
								CellIndex ind1(i,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i+1,j-1);
					//cout << "\tDid east face" << endl;
				if(faces(W) != 0){
					FaceIndex faceIndex = faces(W)->getIndex();
					CellIndex cellIndex(i,j);
						coefficients[faceIndex][cellIndex] = 1/h;
					else if(faces(W)->isIrregular()){
						if(coefficients[faceIndex].count(cellIndex) == 0){
							double alpha = g->cells(i,j)->getFace(W)->getArea();
								CellIndex ind1(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j+1);
								CellIndex ind4(i,j+1);
							else if(g->isFaceUncovered(i,j-1,W)){
								CellIndex ind1(i+1,j);
								CellIndex ind2(i,j);
								CellIndex ind3(i+1,j-1);
								CellIndex ind4(i,j-1);
					//cout << "\tDid west face" << endl;

	//cout << "Resized" << endl;
	for(int i = g->iMin; i <= g->iMax; i++){
		for(int j = g->jMin; j <= g->jMax; j++){
			cout << "i = " << i << " j = " << j << endl;
				cout << "Uncovered" << endl;
				double c = 1;
				CellIndex index(i,j);
				TinyVector<Face*,5> faces = g->cells(i,j)->faces;
				cout << "Got faces" << endl;
				for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++){
					cout << "Testing face " << k << endl;
					if(faces(k) != 0 && faces(k)->isUncovered()){
						cout << "Face " << k << " is uncovered ";
						cout << "and has index " << faces(k)->getIndex() << endl;
						cout << coefficients(faces(k)->getIndex()).empty() << endl;
						coefficients(faces(k)->getIndex())[index] = c;