コード例 #1
ファイル: optalign.c プロジェクト: dr-walfeld/GSA
// fill DP-table
int align (alignentry*** table, char* s1, int len1, char* s2, int len2, int (*costFunc)(char,char))
  int i = 0;
  int j = 0;
  int cost = 0;
  int a,b,c,north,west,northwest;

  // determine gap-costs
  int gap = costFunc ('-', '-');

  // fill first columns of all rows
  for (i = 0; i <= len1; i++)
    cost = i*gap;
    // check if costs are bigger than "infinity" => costs = INF
    if (cost > INF)
      cost = INF;
    table[i][0] = alignentry_new(cost,0,1,0);
  // fill first row
  for (j = 0; j <= len2; j++)
    cost = j*gap;
    if (cost > INF)
      cost = INF;
    table[0][j] = alignentry_new(cost,1,0,0);

  // iterate over matrix and calculate current element
  for (i = 1; i <= len1; i++)
    for (j = 1; j <= len2; j++)
      a = table[i][j-1]->value + gap;
      b = table[(i-1)][j]->value + gap;
      c = table[(i-1)][j-1]->value + costFunc ((s1[i-1]), (s2[j-1]));
      cost = MIN(a,b,c);
      north = 0;
      west = 0;
      northwest = 0;
      if (cost == a)
        west = 1;
      if (cost == b)
        north = 1;
      if (cost == c)
        northwest = 1;
      if (cost > INF)
        cost = INF;
      table[i][j] = alignentry_new(cost, west, north, northwest);

  // return costs for last element in table
  return cost;
コード例 #2
ファイル: alignment.c プロジェクト: dr-walfeld/GSA
// evaluate the alignment costs
// takes pointer to alignment and function pointer to cost-function
int alignment_evalcost (alignment* a, int (*costFunc) (char, char))
  int costs = 0;
  int i,j;
  // use two indices (one for each sequence)
  int index1 = 0;
  int index2 = 0;

  multiedit* me = NULL;

  int gap = costFunc ('-', '-'); // gap costs
  // iterate over all entries in multiedit list
  for (i = 0; i < a->editlength; i++)
    me = a->edits[i];
    // iterate over all affected bases from current multiedt operation
    for (j = 0; j < me->stretch; j++)
      // replacement operation
      if (me->operation == 'R')
        // check if current bases in both sequences exist
        // (and if string is not terminated);
        // better not to rely on sequence length
        if (a->s1[index1] == '\0' || a->s2[index2] == '\0')
          return -1;
        // determine costs of current base alignment
        costs += costFunc(a->s1[index1], a->s2[index2]);
      // insert operation
      else if (me->operation == 'I')
        if (a->s2[index2] == '\0')
          return -1;
        costs += gap;
        if (a->s1[index1] == '\0')
          return -1;
        costs += gap;

  return costs;
コード例 #3
ファイル: srcpy_navmesh.cpp プロジェクト: detoxhby/lambdawars
// Purpose: 
float NavMeshGetPathDistance( Vector &vStart, Vector &vGoal, bool anyz, float maxdist, bool bNoTolerance, CUnitBase *pUnit )
	if( g_pynavmesh_debug.GetInt() > 1 )
		DevMsg("NavMeshGetPathDistance: anyz: %d, maxdist: %f, bNoTolerance: %d, unit: %d\n", anyz, maxdist, bNoTolerance, pUnit);

	CNavArea *startArea, *goalArea;
	if( bNoTolerance )
		startArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavArea(vStart);
		goalArea = TheNavMesh->GetNavArea(vGoal);
		startArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea(vStart, anyz, maxdist, false, false);
		goalArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea(vGoal, anyz, maxdist, false, false);
	if( !startArea || !goalArea )
		if( g_pynavmesh_debug.GetBool() )
			DevMsg("NavMeshGetPathDistance: No start=%d or goal=%d area\n", startArea, goalArea);
		return -1;

	if( g_pynavmesh_debug.GetInt() > 1 )
		DevMsg("NavMeshGetPathDistance: startArea: %d, goalArea: %d\n", startArea->GetID(), goalArea->GetID());

	if( !pUnit )
		ShortestPathCost costFunc;
		return NavAreaTravelDistance<ShortestPathCost>(startArea, goalArea, costFunc, maxdist);
		UnitShortestPathCost costFunc( pUnit, false );
		return NavAreaTravelDistance<UnitShortestPathCost>(startArea, goalArea, costFunc, maxdist);
コード例 #4
void RigidAlignment::optimization(void)
	cost_function costFunc(this);
	nIter = 0;
	min_newuoa(m_nSubj * 3, m_rot, costFunc, (float)M_PI, 1e-6f, 20000);