コード例 #1
ファイル: cpArbiter.c プロジェクト: SanLiangSan/DDNoOneWrong
static inline cpCollisionHandler *
cpSpaceLookupHandler(cpSpace *space, cpCollisionType a, cpCollisionType b, cpCollisionHandler *defaultValue)
	cpCollisionType types[] = {a, b};
	cpCollisionHandler *handler = (cpCollisionHandler *)cpHashSetFind(space->collisionHandlers, CP_HASH_PAIR(a, b), types);
	return (handler ? handler : defaultValue);
コード例 #2
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: ShariqM/Game
cpSpaceRemoveStaticShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	assert(cpHashSetFind(space->staticShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape));
	cpSpaceHashRemove(space->staticShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
コード例 #3
ファイル: cpBBTree.c プロジェクト: 0xiaohui00/Cocos2dx-Wechat
static void
cpBBTreeReindexObject(cpBBTree *tree, void *obj, cpHashValue hashid)
	Node *leaf = (Node *)cpHashSetFind(tree->leaves, hashid, obj);
		if(LeafUpdate(leaf, tree)) LeafAddPairs(leaf, tree);
コード例 #4
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: ShariqM/Game
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	assert(!cpHashSetFind(space->activeShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape));
	cpSpaceHashInsert(space->activeShapes, shape, shape->hashid, shape->bb);
	return shape;
コード例 #5
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: Avizzv92/WreckingBall
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpAssert(shape->body, "Cannot add a shape with a NULL body.");
	cpAssert(!cpHashSetFind(space->activeShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape), "Cannot add the same shape more than once.");
	cpSpaceHashInsert(space->activeShapes, shape, shape->hashid, shape->bb);
	return shape;
コード例 #6
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: Avizzv92/WreckingBall
cpSpaceRemoveStaticShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpAssert(cpHashSetFind(space->staticShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape), "Cannot remove a static shape that was never added to the space.");
	removalContext context = {space, shape};
	cpHashSetFilter(space->contactSet, (cpHashSetFilterFunc)contactSetFilterRemovedShape, &context);
	cpSpaceHashRemove(space->staticShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
コード例 #7
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: SanLiangSan/DDNoOneWrong
cpCollisionHandler *cpSpaceAddCollisionHandler(cpSpace *space, cpCollisionType a, cpCollisionType b)
	cpHashValue hash = CP_HASH_PAIR(a, b);
	// TODO should use space->defaultHandler values instead?
	cpCollisionHandler temp = {a, b, DefaultBegin, DefaultPreSolve, DefaultPostSolve, DefaultSeparate, NULL};
	cpHashSet *handlers = space->collisionHandlers;
	cpCollisionHandler *handler = cpHashSetFind(handlers, hash, &temp);
	return (handler ? handler : cpHashSetInsert(handlers, hash, &temp, (cpHashSetTransFunc)handlerSetTrans, NULL));
コード例 #8
ファイル: cpSpaceStep.cpp プロジェクト: jelowang/i51
void *
cpSpaceGetPostStepData(cpSpace *space, void *obj)
		PostStepCallback query = {NULL, obj, NULL};
		PostStepCallback *callback = (PostStepCallback *)cpHashSetFind(space->postStepCallbacks, (cpHashValue)(size_t)obj, &query);
		return (callback ? callback->data : NULL);
	} else {
		return NULL;
コード例 #9
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: ShariqM/Game
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddStaticShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	assert(!cpHashSetFind(space->staticShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape));

	cpSpaceHashInsert(space->staticShapes, shape, shape->hashid, shape->bb);
	return shape;
コード例 #10
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: SanLiangSan/DDNoOneWrong
cpCollisionHandler *
cpSpaceAddWildcardHandler(cpSpace *space, cpCollisionType type)
	cpCollisionHandler temp = {type, CP_WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, AlwaysCollide, AlwaysCollide, DoNothing, DoNothing, NULL};
	cpHashSet *handlers = space->collisionHandlers;
	cpCollisionHandler *handler = cpHashSetFind(handlers, hash, &temp);
	return (handler ? handler : cpHashSetInsert(handlers, hash, &temp, (cpHashSetTransFunc)handlerSetTrans, NULL));
コード例 #11
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: harad/Last-Escape
cpSpaceRemoveStaticShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpAssertWarn(cpHashSetFind(space->staticShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape),
		"Cannot remove a static or sleeping shape that was not added to the space. (Removed twice maybe?)");
	removalContext context = {space, shape};
	cpHashSetFilter(space->contactSet, (cpHashSetFilterFunc)contactSetFilterRemovedShape, &context);
	cpSpaceHashRemove(space->staticShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
	cpSpaceActivateShapesTouchingShape(space, shape);
コード例 #12
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: rickystone/TwilightGolf
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddStaticShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
//	cpAssert(shape->body, "Cannot add a static shape with a NULL body.");
	if(!shape->body) shape->body = &space->staticBody;
	cpAssert(!cpHashSetFind(space->staticShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape),
		"Cannot add the same static shape more than once.");
	cpSpaceHashInsert(space->staticShapes, shape, shape->hashid, shape->bb);
	return shape;
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddStaticShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpAssert(!cpHashSetFind(space->staticShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape),
		"Cannot add the same static shape more than once.");
	if(!shape->body) shape->body = &space->staticBody;
	activateShapesTouchingShape(space, shape);
	addShapeRaw(shape, space->staticShapes);
	return shape;
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpBody *body = shape->body;
	if(!body || body == &space->staticBody) return cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, shape);
	cpAssert(!cpHashSetFind(space->activeShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape),
		"Cannot add the same shape more than once.");
	cpBodyAddShape(body, shape);
	addShapeRaw(shape, space->activeShapes);
	return shape;
コード例 #15
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: ShariqM/Game
// Callback from the spatial hash.
static void
queryFunc(cpShape *a, cpShape *b, cpSpace *space)
	// Reject any of the simple cases
	if(queryReject(a,b)) return;
	// Find the collision pair function for the shapes.
	struct{cpCollisionType a, b;} ids = {a->collision_type, b->collision_type};
	cpHashValue collHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR(a->collision_type, b->collision_type);
	cpCollisionHandler *handler = (cpCollisionHandler *)cpHashSetFind(space->collFuncSet, collHashID, &ids);
	int sensor = a->sensor || b->sensor;
	if(sensor && handler == &space->defaultHandler) return;
	// Shape 'a' should have the lower shape type. (required by cpCollideShapes() )
	if(a->klass->type > b->klass->type){
		cpShape *temp = a;
		a = b;
		b = temp;
	// Narrow-phase collision detection.
	cpContact *contacts = NULL;
	int numContacts = cpCollideShapes(a, b, &contacts);
	if(!numContacts) return; // Shapes are not colliding.
	// Get an arbiter from space->contactSet for the two shapes.
	// This is where the persistant contact magic comes from.
	cpShape *shape_pair[] = {a, b};
	cpHashValue arbHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR(a, b);
	cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)cpHashSetInsert(space->contactSet, arbHashID, shape_pair, NULL);
	cpArbiterUpdate(arb, contacts, numContacts, handler, a, b); // retains the contacts array
	// Call the begin function first if we need to
	int beginPass = (arb->stamp >= 0) || (handler->begin(arb, space, handler->data));
	if(beginPass && handler->preSolve(arb, space, handler->data) && !sensor){
		cpArrayPush(space->arbiters, arb);
	} else {
		arb->contacts = NULL;
	// Time stamp the arbiter so we know it was used recently.
	arb->stamp = space->stamp;
コード例 #16
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: harad/Last-Escape
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpBody *body = shape->body;
	if(!body || cpBodyIsStatic(body)) return cpSpaceAddStaticShape(space, shape);
	cpAssert(!cpHashSetFind(space->activeShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape),
		"Cannot add the same shape more than once.");
	cpBodyAddShape(body, shape);
	cpSpaceHashInsert(space->activeShapes, shape, shape->hashid, shape->bb);
	return shape;
コード例 #17
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: harad/Last-Escape
cpSpaceRemoveShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpBody *body = shape->body;
		cpSpaceRemoveStaticShape(space, shape);

	cpAssertWarn(cpHashSetFind(space->activeShapes->handleSet, shape->hashid, shape),
		"Cannot remove a shape that was not added to the space. (Removed twice maybe?)");
	cpBodyRemoveShape(body, shape);
	removalContext context = {space, shape};
	cpHashSetFilter(space->contactSet, (cpHashSetFilterFunc)contactSetFilterRemovedShape, &context);
	cpSpaceHashRemove(space->activeShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
コード例 #18
static int
cpSpaceHashContains(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, cpHashValue hashid)
	return cpHashSetFind(hash->handleSet, hashid, obj) != NULL;
cpSpaceHashRehashObject(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, cpHashValue hashid)
	cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)cpHashSetFind(hash->handleSet, hashid, obj);
	hashHandle(hash, hand, hash->bbfunc(obj));
コード例 #20
ファイル: cpBBTree.c プロジェクト: 0xiaohui00/Cocos2dx-Wechat
static cpBool
cpBBTreeContains(cpBBTree *tree, void *obj, cpHashValue hashid)
	return (cpHashSetFind(tree->leaves, hashid, obj) != NULL);
コード例 #21
// Callback from the spatial hash.
// TODO: Refactor this into separate functions?
static int
queryFunc(void *p1, void *p2, void *data)
	// Cast the generic pointers from the spatial hash back to usefull types
	cpShape *a = (cpShape *)p1;
	cpShape *b = (cpShape *)p2;
	cpSpace *space = (cpSpace *)data;
	// Reject any of the simple cases
	if(queryReject(a,b)) return 0;
	// Shape 'a' should have the lower shape type. (required by cpCollideShapes() )
	if(a->klass->type > b->klass->type){
		cpShape *temp = a;
		a = b;
		b = temp;
	// Find the collision pair function for the shapes.
	unsigned int ids[] = {a->collision_type, b->collision_type};
	unsigned int hash = CP_HASH_PAIR(a->collision_type, b->collision_type);
	cpCollPairFunc *pairFunc = (cpCollPairFunc *)cpHashSetFind(space->collFuncSet, hash, ids);
	if(!pairFunc->func) return 0; // A NULL pair function means don't collide at all.
	// Narrow-phase collision detection.
	cpContact *contacts = NULL;
	int numContacts = cpCollideShapes(a, b, &contacts);
	if(!numContacts) return 0; // Shapes are not colliding.
	// The collision pair function requires objects to be ordered by their collision types.
	cpShape *pair_a = a;
	cpShape *pair_b = b;
	cpFloat normal_coef = 1.0f;
	// Swap them if necessary.
	if(pair_a->collision_type != pairFunc->a){
		cpShape *temp = pair_a;
		pair_a = pair_b;
		pair_b = temp;
		normal_coef = -1.0f;
	if(pairFunc->func(pair_a, pair_b, contacts, numContacts, normal_coef, pairFunc->data)){
		// The collision pair function OKed the collision. Record the contact information.
		// Get an arbiter from space->contactSet for the two shapes.
		// This is where the persistant contact magic comes from.
		cpShape *shape_pair[] = {a, b};
		cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)cpHashSetInsert(space->contactSet, CP_HASH_PAIR(a, b), shape_pair, space);
		// Timestamp the arbiter.
		arb->stamp = space->stamp;
		arb->a = a; arb->b = b; // TODO: Investigate why this is still necessary?
		// Inject the new contact points into the arbiter.
		cpArbiterInject(arb, contacts, numContacts);
		// Add the arbiter to the list of active arbiters.
		cpArrayPush(space->arbiters, arb);
		return numContacts;
	} else {
		// The collision pair function rejected the collision.
		return 0;
コード例 #22
ファイル: cpSpaceHash.c プロジェクト: JINXSHADYLANE/quibble
cpSpaceHashRehashObject(cpSpaceHash *hash, void *obj, unsigned int id)
	cpHandle *hand = (cpHandle *)cpHashSetFind(hash->handleSet, id, obj);
	hashHandle(hash, hand, hash->bbfunc(obj));
コード例 #23
ファイル: cpSpaceStep.cpp プロジェクト: jelowang/i51
static /*inline*/ cpCollisionHandler *
lookupCollisionHandler(cpSpace *space, cpCollisionType a, cpCollisionType b)
	cpCollisionType types[] = {a, b};
	return (cpCollisionHandler *)cpHashSetFind(space->collFuncSet, CP_HASH_PAIR(a, b), types);
コード例 #24
ファイル: cpSpace.c プロジェクト: rickystone/TwilightGolf
// Callback from the spatial hash.
static void
queryFunc(cpShape *a, cpShape *b, cpSpace *space)
	// Reject any of the simple cases
	if(queryReject(a,b)) return;
	// Find the collision pair function for the shapes.
	struct{cpCollisionType a, b;} ids = {a->collision_type, b->collision_type};
	cpHashValue collHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR(a->collision_type, b->collision_type);
	cpCollisionHandler *handler = (cpCollisionHandler *)cpHashSetFind(space->collFuncSet, collHashID, &ids);
	int sensor = a->sensor || b->sensor;
	if(sensor && handler == &space->defaultHandler) return;
	// Shape 'a' should have the lower shape type. (required by cpCollideShapes() )
	if(a->klass->type > b->klass->type){
		cpShape *temp = a;
		a = b;
		b = temp;
	if(space->contactBuffersHead->numContacts + CP_MAX_CONTACTS_PER_ARBITER > CP_CONTACTS_BUFFER_SIZE){
		// contact buffer could overflow on the next collision, push a fresh one.
	// Narrow-phase collision detection.
	cpContact *contacts = ((cpContactBuffer *)(space->contactBuffersHead))->contacts + space->contactBuffersHead->numContacts;
	int numContacts = cpCollideShapes(a, b, contacts);
	if(!numContacts) return; // Shapes are not colliding.
	space->contactBuffersHead->numContacts += numContacts;
	// Get an arbiter from space->contactSet for the two shapes.
	// This is where the persistant contact magic comes from.
	cpShape *shape_pair[] = {a, b};
	cpHashValue arbHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR((size_t)a, (size_t)b);
	cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)cpHashSetInsert(space->contactSet, arbHashID, shape_pair, space);
	cpArbiterUpdate(arb, contacts, numContacts, handler, a, b); // retains the contacts array
	// Call the begin function first if it's the first step
	if(arb->stamp == -1 && !handler->begin(arb, space, handler->data)){
		cpArbiterIgnore(arb); // permanently ignore the collision until separation
		// Ignore the arbiter if it has been flagged
		(arb->state != cpArbiterStateIgnore) && 
		// Call preSolve
		handler->preSolve(arb, space, handler->data) &&
		// Process, but don't add collisions for sensors.
		cpArrayPush(space->arbiters, arb);
	} else {
//		cpfree(arb->contacts);
		space->contactBuffersHead->numContacts -= numContacts;
		arb->contacts = NULL;
		arb->numContacts = 0;
	// Time stamp the arbiter so we know it was used recently.
	arb->stamp = space->stamp;
コード例 #25
ファイル: cpSpaceStep.c プロジェクト: davidreynolds/Atlas2D
// Callback from the spatial hash.
static void
queryFunc(cpShape *a, cpShape *b, cpSpace *space)
	// Reject any of the simple cases
	if(queryReject(a,b)) return;
	// Find the collision pair function for the shapes.
	struct{cpCollisionType a, b;} ids = {a->collision_type, b->collision_type};
	cpHashValue collHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR(a->collision_type, b->collision_type);
	cpCollisionHandler *handler = (cpCollisionHandler *)cpHashSetFind(space->collFuncSet, collHashID, &ids);
	cpBool sensor = a->sensor || b->sensor;
	if(sensor && handler == &space->defaultHandler) return;
	// Shape 'a' should have the lower shape type. (required by cpCollideShapes() )
	if(a->klass->type > b->klass->type){
		cpShape *temp = a;
		a = b;
		b = temp;
	// Narrow-phase collision detection.
	cpContact *contacts = cpContactBufferGetArray(space);
	int numContacts = cpCollideShapes(a, b, contacts);
	if(!numContacts) return; // Shapes are not colliding.
	cpSpacePushContacts(space, numContacts);
	// Get an arbiter from space->contactSet for the two shapes.
	// This is where the persistant contact magic comes from.
	cpShape *shape_pair[] = {a, b};
	cpHashValue arbHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR((size_t)a, (size_t)b);
	cpArbiter *arb = (cpArbiter *)cpHashSetInsert(space->contactSet, arbHashID, shape_pair, space);
	cpArbiterUpdate(arb, contacts, numContacts, handler, a, b);
	// Call the begin function first if it's the first step
	if(arb->state == cpArbiterStateFirstColl && !handler->begin(arb, space, handler->data)){
		cpArbiterIgnore(arb); // permanently ignore the collision until separation
		// Ignore the arbiter if it has been flagged
		(arb->state != cpArbiterStateIgnore) && 
		// Call preSolve
		handler->preSolve(arb, space, handler->data) &&
		// Process, but don't add collisions for sensors.
		cpArrayPush(space->arbiters, arb);
	} else {
		cpSpacePopContacts(space, numContacts);
		arb->contacts = NULL;
		arb->numContacts = 0;
		// Normally arbiters are set as used after calling the post-step callback.
		// However, post-step callbacks are not called for sensors or arbiters rejected from pre-solve.
		if(arb->state != cpArbiterStateIgnore) arb->state = cpArbiterStateNormal;
	// Time stamp the arbiter so we know it was used recently.
	arb->stamp = space->stamp;