int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { clock_t start, end, elapsed; FILE *entrada, *entrada2, *copia, *consulta, *saida; Words *words=NULL, *aux=NULL; char linha[1024],linha2[1024]; char delimiters[] = " .,;:!?'\n'-*"; char *token=NULL, *cp, c, n,aspas=(char)39,tab=(char)9; int i=0, ok=0,okay=0; if (argc != 5) //numero de parametros corretos { printf("Numero incorreto de parametros.\n Sintaxe: copia arq_origem arq_destino\n"); return 1; } entrada = fopen(argv[1], "r"); //abre o primeiro arquivo (arquivo de entrada) copia = fopen("facil.txt", "w"); //arquivo auxiliar consulta = fopen(argv[2], "r"); //abre o arquivo de consulta saida = fopen (argv[3], "w"); //abre ou cria ou arquivo de saida if(!entrada) //caso arquivos não existam { printf("ERRO\n"); return 1; } if(!consulta) { printf("ERRO\n"); return 1; } while(!feof(entrada)) //cria arquivo auxiliar a ser usado sem pontos, e caracteres separadores especiais { c=fgetc(entrada); if((c==',')||(c==':')||(c==';')||(c=='.')||(c=='-')||(c==EOF)||(c=='!')||(c=='?')||(c=='"')||(c=='*')||(c==aspas)||(c=='(')||(c==')')||(c=='_') || c==tab) c=' '; fputc(tolower(c),copia); } fclose(entrada); fclose(copia); entrada = fopen("facil.txt", "r"); entrada2 = fopen("facil.txt", "r"); if(!entrada) printf("ERRO\n"); ///AQUI COLOCA OS ELEMENTOS NA ABP else { while(fgets(linha,1024, entrada)) { stolower(linha); //função que transforma tudo para minusculo cp = strdup(linha); token = strtok (cp, delimiters); //pega tokens (usa cp como auxiliar para caso o ponteiro fique iinvalido em algum momento) while(token!=NULL) { words = abp(words,token); //insere na abp token = strtok (NULL, delimiters); //pega proximo token } } } words = abp(words, "(NULL)"); //insere a palavra "(NULL)" na abp, para ser apontada pela ultima palavra do texto aux = words; //ponteiro aux fixo no inicio da ABP fseek(entrada, 0, SEEK_SET); n=fscanf(entrada2,"%s",linha2);//inicia o arquivo auxiliar uma palavra na frente ///AQUI COLOCA OS ELEMTTOS NO CAMPO LISTA DO NÓ DA ABP while(n != EOF) { words = aux; n=fscanf(entrada2,"%s",linha2); c=fscanf(entrada,"%s",linha); if(n == EOF) { words=busca(words,linha); //caso seja a ultima palavra do texto, busca ela na árvore words->vizinhos=insere_lista(words->vizinhos,"(NULL)"); //insere ela apontando também para ("NULL") break; } words=busca(words,linha); //busca a palavra no texto words->vizinhos=insere_lista(words->vizinhos,linha2); //insere ela apontando para sua sucessora } // printf("iuti"); fclose(entrada2); fclose(entrada); moda(aux,aux); //calcula a medida estatística para cada elemento da lista ordena(aux); //ordena a lista pelo valor de sua "moda" ///AQUI FAZ A BUSCA E GERA SAIDA start=clock(); fseek(consulta,0,SEEK_SET); while(fgets(linha,1023,consulta)) { words=aux; //volta para o inicio da árvore strcpy(linha, strtok(linha,delimiters)); //paga pegar a linha correta words=busca(words,linha); //vai para o lugar da arvore daquela palavra if(words!=NULL) { fputs("Consulta: ", saida); fputs(words->id, saida); fputs("\n", saida); i=0; while(words->vizinhos!=NULL && i<atoi(argv[4])) { fprintf(saida,"Sugestao: %s",words->vizinhos->id); //printa tudo bonitinho okay=strlen(words->vizinhos->id); for(ok=0; ok<30-okay; ok++) fprintf(saida," "); fprintf(saida,"(%lf)\n",words->vizinhos->moda); words->vizinhos = words->vizinhos->prox; i++; } fputs("\n", saida); } } fputs("\n", saida); end=clock(); //lê o tempo final elapsed = 1000 * (end - start) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(saida,"Gasto: %ld ms", elapsed); //mostra o tempo final em ms fclose(consulta); fclose(saida); //Desenha(aux,1); deltree(aux); return 0; }
int main() { ll r; int T,i; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { scanf("%d",&N); for(i=0;i<N;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); n=100100; deltree(); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { left[i]=read(a[i]); left2[i]=read(100000)-read(a[i]-1); update(1,a[i]); } deltree(); for(i=N-1;i>=0;i--) { /* how many numbers greater than or equal to a[i]? */ right[i]=read(100000)-read(a[i]-1); right2[i]=read(a[i]); update(1,a[i]); } for(r=i=0;i<N;i++) r+=(ll)left[i]*right[i]+(ll)left2[i]*right2[i]; printf("%lld\n",r); } return 0; }
void deltree(node * tree){ if (tree){ deltree(tree->left); deltree(tree->right); free(tree); } }
// username�û���֤ʧ�ܵĴ�����������û�������Ŀǰ��δʹ������������� added by interma@BMY 2005.5.16 void register_fail(char *userid) { int id; strcpy(genbuf, userid); id = getuser(genbuf); if (lookupuser.userid[0] == '\0' || !strcmp(lookupuser.userid, "SYSOP")) { return; } sprintf(genbuf, "mail/%c/%s", mytoupper(lookupuser.userid[0]), lookupuser.userid); deltree(genbuf); sprintf(genbuf, "home/%c/%s", mytoupper(lookupuser.userid[0]), lookupuser.userid); deltree(genbuf); lookupuser.userlevel = 0; strcpy(lookupuser.address, ""); strcpy(lookupuser.username, ""); strcpy(lookupuser.realname, ""); strcpy(lookupuser.ip, ""); strcpy(lookupuser.realmail, ""); lookupuser.userid[0] = '\0'; substitute_record(PASSFILE, &lookupuser, sizeof (lookupuser), id); setuserid(id, lookupuser.userid); }
void deltree(node * root) { if(root != NULL) { deltree(root -> left); deltree(root -> right); free(root); } }
/*Recursão para liberar toda a memória do final*/ void deltree(Words *tree) { if (tree) { deltree(tree->esq); deltree(tree->dir); free(tree); } }
void deltree(Node *np) { if (!np) return; deltree(np->left); deltree(np->right); delnode(np); }
/* deletes the tree */ void deltree ( struct AVLNode *root ) { if ( root != NULL ) { deltree ( root -> left ) ; deltree ( root -> right ) ; } free ( root ) ; }
void bPlusTree::deltree(bPlusTreeNode *root) { int i; if (root != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < root->count; i++) { deltree(root->child[i]); delete (root->child[i]); } deltree(root->child[i]); delete (root->child[i]); } }
main( ) { struct AVLNode *avl = NULL ; int h ; // clrscr( ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 20, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 6, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 29, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 5, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 12, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 25, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 32, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 10, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 15, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 27, &h ) ; avl = buildtree ( avl, 13, &h ) ; printf ( "\nAVL tree:\n" ) ; display ( avl ) ; avl = deldata ( avl, 20, &h ) ; avl = deldata ( avl, 12, &h ) ; printf ( "\nAVL tree after deletion of a node:\n" ) ; display ( avl ) ; deltree ( avl ) ; // getch( ) ; return 0; }
main() { node *ptr, *head; int f[30], fr, u, i, n, total = 0; char alpha2[30]; node *a[30]; printf("Banyak huruf : "); scanf("%d", &n); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("input huruf dan frekuensi :\n"); scanf("%s %d", alpha2, &fr); a[i] = create(alpha2, fr); } for( ;n > 1; n--) { sort(a, n); u = a[0] -> fre + a[1] -> fre; strcpy(alpha2, a[0] -> alpha); strcat(alpha2, a[1] -> alpha); ptr = create(alpha2, u); ptr -> right = a[1]; ptr -> left = a[0]; a[0] = ptr; sright(a, n); } assign(a[0], f, 0); deltree(a[0]); }
static void deltree(link_t *t) { if (*t == NULL) { return ; } if ((*t)->left != NULL) { deltree(&(*t)->left); } if ((*t)->right != NULL) { deltree(&(*t)->right); } dellink(t); }
int monster::AIfindpath(HERO *p,short r) { mtime.week=-1; mtime.range=p->range; if(t!=0) deltree(t); if((t=(tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree)))==0)return 0; t->x=p->x; t->y=p->y; t->J=p->job; t->R=p->movement; t->D=i; t->f=0; for(int j=0;j<4;j++) t->c[j]=0; find2(t); if(mtime.week==-1)return 0; else { howtogo(mtime.x,mtime.y); short i=1,dr=mtime.range; while(1) { if((dr-=eff2[maze[pt[i].y][pt[i].x]*4+p->job])<0)break; i++; } moves=i; return 1; } }
void btree_finalize(T *t) { if (*t == NULL) { return ; } deltree(&(*t)->root); free(*t); *t = NULL; }
void fastmarch(void) /*< fast marching time-to-depth conversion >*/ { int i,j,ii,jj,ind,m,mm; char ch,dir; for( i=0;i<nx;i++ ) { ind=i+nx; ch=solve(ind,'z',1); if( ch=='s') { addtree(ind); *(ms+ind)='c'; } } while( count > 0 ) { ind=(*(r+1)); j=ind/nx; i=ind%nx; *(ms+ind)='a'; deltree(); /*( printf("accept %i, %i\t",i,j);*/ /* update the nearest neighbors */ for( m=0; m<4; m++ ) { ch='n'; dir=(m<2) ? 'x' : 'z'; mm=2*(m%2)-1; if( dir=='x' ) { ii=i+mm; jj=j; if( ii>=0 && ii<nx ) ch='y'; } else if( dir=='z' ) { ii=i; jj=j+mm; if( jj>=0 && jj<nz ) ch='y'; } if( ch=='y' ) { ind=ii+jj*nx; if( *(ms+ind)=='a' ) ch='n'; else { ch=solve(ind,dir,mm); if( ch=='s' ) { if( *(ms+ind)=='u' ) { addtree(ind); *(ms+ind)='c'; } else updtree(ind); /* printf("(%i,%i) is updated; t0=%.4e\tx0=%.4e\tv=%.4e\t q=%.4e\n",ii,jj,*(t0+ind),*(x0+ind),*(v+ind),*(q+ind));*/ } } } } } }
MyModel::~MyModel() { while (!tempDirs->isEmpty()) { deltree(QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath(tempDirs->last())); tempDirs->removeLast(); } delete tempDirs; if (fileSystem) { delete fileSystem; } }
int main(){ struct tnode *root = NULL; char ch, fakech, quit = 1; int n; do{ printf("\n"); printf("1 - Add\n"); printf("2 - Inorder Print\n"); printf("3 - Preorder Print\n"); printf("4 - Delete Tree\n"); printf("0 - Quit\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Enter choice: "); scanf("%c", &ch); scanf("%c", &fakech); switch(ch){ case '1': printf("Enter element: "); scanf("%d", &n); scanf("%c", &fakech); root = addnode(root, n); break; case '2': printf("Tree: "); inorder(root); printf("\n"); break; case '3': printf("Tree: "); preorder(root); printf("\n"); break; case '4': deltree(root); root = NULL; printf("Deleted!\n"); break; case '0': quit = 0; break; } } while(quit); return 0; }
void main() { int n,digit,g,o; node *insert(node *,int ); void preorder(node *P); void inorder(node *P); void postorder(node *P); void deltree(void); do { printf("\tWhat do you want to do? \n"); printf("\t\t 1) insert the element:\n"); printf("\t\t 2) preorder traversal:\n"); printf("\t\t 3) inorder traversal:\n"); printf("\t\t 4) postorder traversal:\n"); printf("\t\t 5) delete \n"); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: printf("\tEnter the digit:\n"); scanf("%d",&digit); while(digit!=0) { P=insert(P,digit); scanf("%d",&digit); } break; case 2: printf("\tThe preorder traversal is as follows:\n"); preorder(P); getch(); break; case 3: printf("\t The inorder traversal is as follows:\n"); inorder(P); getch(); break; case 4: printf("\t The postorder traversal is as follows:\n"); postorder(P); getch(); break; case 5: printf("\t delete\n"); deltree(); break; } printf("\t DO you want to continue:\n"); printf("\t 1)YES\n"); printf("\t 2)NO\n"); scanf("%d",&g); clrscr(); }while(g==1); }
int cmd_deltree(char **arg) { char *ruta = arg[1]; if (!ruta) { printf("Falta un operando\n"); show_help(arg[0]); return -1; } deltree(ruta); //printf("Borrando.. %s\n", ruta); borrar_archivo(ruta); return 0; }
void main() { node *root; node *tmp; //int i; int vetor[] = {50, 95, 180, 34, 119, 11, 123, 62, 64, 199}; root = NULL; /* Inserting nodes into tree */ int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { insert(&root, vetor[i], 0); } /*int altura = (7/2) - (1); insert(&root, 9,0); insert(&root, 4,0); insert(&root, 15,0); insert(&root, 6,0); insert(&root, 12,0); insert(&root, 17,0); insert(&root, 2,0);*/ /* Printing nodes of tree */ printf("Pre Order Display\n"); // printf("%d\n", print_preorder(root , root->data, altura)); printf("In Order Display\n"); print_inorder(root); printf("Post Order Display\n"); print_postorder(root); //isLeaf(root); /* Search node into tree */ tmp = search(&root, 62); //printf("%d\n", tmp); if (tmp) { printf("Searched node=%d\n", tmp->data); } else { printf("Data Not found in tree.\n"); } /* Deleting all nodes of tree */ deltree(root); }
Node * delstmt(void) { Node *next, *prev; next = curstmt->next; prev = curstmt->prev; if (next) next->prev = prev; if (prev) prev->next = next; else curfun->u.stmt = next; deltree(curstmt); return curstmt = next; }
int deltree(char *ruta) { struct dirent **dirlist; int n = scandir(ruta, &dirlist, NULL, alphasort); if (n < 0) { perror("scandir"); return -1; } int i; for(i=0; i<n; i++){ //directorio? recursividad char *dirname = dirlist[i]->d_name; char *new_path = concatenar_carpeta(ruta, dirname); if(!new_path){ perror("Concatenar_carpeta"); break; } if(is_dir(new_path)) { if((strcmp(dirname, "..")!=0) && (strcmp(dirname, ".")!=0)) { deltree(new_path); //printf("Borrando.. %s\n", new_path); borrar_archivo(new_path); } } else { //printf("Borrando.. %s\n", new_path); int borrado = borrar_archivo(new_path); if (borrado != 0) printf("Imposible borrar:%s\n", new_path); } free(new_path); free(dirlist[i]); } free(dirlist); return 0; }
int main( ) { struct thtree *th_head ; th_head = NULL ; /* empty tree */ insert ( &th_head, 11 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 9 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 13 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 8 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 10 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 12 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 14 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 15 ) ; insert ( &th_head, 7 ) ; system ( "cls" ) ; printf ( "Threaded binary tree before deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; del ( &th_head, 10 ) ; printf ( "\n" ) ; printf ( "Threaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; del ( &th_head, 14 ) ; printf ( "\n" ) ; printf ( "Threaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; del ( &th_head, 8 ) ; printf ( "\n" ) ; printf ( "Threaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; del ( &th_head, 13 ) ; printf ( "\n" ) ; printf ( "Threaded binary tree after deletion:\n" ) ; inorder ( th_head ) ; deltree ( &th_head ) ; return 0 ; }
int main(int ac, char **av) { node *root; //node *tmp; root = NULL; //tmp = NULL; node *opti; opti = NULL; if (ac == 1) { ft_putstr("Erreur : manque les parametres"); return (0); } int i; i = 1; while (i < ac) { insert(&root, ft_atoi(av[i])); i++; } //organize(&root); affiche_arbre_rec(root); ft_putchar('\n'); opti_arbre_rec(root, &opti); affiche_arbre_rec(opti); ft_putstr("\nresultat de la recherche : "); ft_putnbr(recherche_arbre(&root, 85)->id); //affiche_arbre_rec(root, &opti); /* Search node into tree */ /* tmp = search(&root, 9); if (tmp) printf("\nSearched node = %d\n", tmp->data); else printf("\nData Not found in tree.\n"); */ /* Deleting all nodes of tree */ deltree(root); }
int main() { node *tmp; root = NULL; /* Inserting nodes into tree */ insert(&root, 9); insert(&root, 4); insert(&root, 15); insert(root, 6); insert(&root, 12); insert(&root, 17); insert(&root, 2); /* Printing nodes of tree */ printf("Pre Order Display\n"); print_preorder(root); printf("In Order Display\n"); print_inorder(root); printf("Post Order Display\n"); print_postorder(root); /* Search node into tree */ tmp = search(&root, 4); if (tmp) { printf("Searched node=%d\n", tmp->data); } else { printf("Data Not found in tree.\n"); } /* Deleting all nodes of tree */ deltree(root); return 0; }
int main() { printf("*** Ex 5.7.10 ***\n"); node *root; node *tmp; //int i; root = NULL; /* Inserting nodes into tree */ insert(&root, 9); insert(&root, 4); insert(&root, 15); insert(&root, 6); insert(&root, 12); insert(&root, 17); insert(&root, 2); printf("In Order Display\n"); print_inorder(root); /* Search node into tree */ tmp = search(&root, 4); if (tmp) { printf("Searched node=%d\n", tmp->data); } else { printf("Data Not found in tree.\n"); } /* Deleting all nodes of tree */ deltree(root); printf("\n\nProgram Terminated...\n"); return 0; }
void deltree(const char *dir) { struct dirent *pdir; struct stat st; DIR *d; char *path; if (!dir) return; path =(char *)my_malloc(sizeof(char)*256); d = opendir(dir); while( (pdir=readdir(d)) ) { if (strcmp(pdir->d_name,".") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(pdir->d_name,"..") == 0) continue; strcpy(path, dir); if (path[strlen(path)-1] != '/') strcat(path, "/"); strcat(path, pdir->d_name); if (!(lstat(path, &st)>=0)) continue; if (st.st_mode&S_IFDIR) deltree(path); else if (st.st_mode&S_IFREG) remove(path); } free(path); rmdir(dir); return; }
int bsolve( int m, double *sy, int *iy, int *pny ) { int i, j, jr, ny=*pny; int k, row, row2, consistent=TRUE; double beta; double eps; static double *y=NULL, *yy=NULL; static int *tag=NULL; static int currtag=1; double starttime, endtime; starttime = (double) clock(); if ( y == NULL) CALLOC( y, m, double); if ( yy == NULL) CALLOC( yy, m, double); if ( tag == NULL) CALLOC( tag, m, int); if ( newcol == NULL) MALLOC( newcol, m, double ); if (inewcol == NULL) MALLOC( inewcol, m, int ); for (k=0; k<ny; k++) { i = irowperm[iy[k]]; y[i] = sy[k]; tag[i] = currtag; addtree(i); } if (rank < m) eps = EPSSOL * maxv(sy,ny); /*------------------------------------------------------+ | -1 | | y <- L y */ for (i=getfirst(); i < rank && i != -1; i=getnext()) { beta = y[i]; for (k=0; k<degL[i]; k++) { row = L[i][k].i; if (tag[row] != currtag) { y[row] = 0.0; tag[row] = currtag; addtree(row); } y[row] -= L[i][k].d * beta; } } /*------------------------------------------------------+ | Apply refactorization row operations. */ for (jr=0; jr<nr; jr++) { /*--------------------------------------------------+ | Gather sparse vector. */ k=0; for (j=col_outs[jr]; j<=imaxs[jr]; j++) { if (tag[j] == currtag) { sy[k] = y[j]; iy[k] = j; k++; tag[j]--; deltree(j); } } ny = k; /*--------------------------------------------------+ | Scatter and permute. */ for (k=0; k<ny; k++) { i = iperm[jr][iy[k]]; y[i] = sy[k]; tag[i] = currtag; addtree(i); } /*--------------------------------------------------+ | Apply row operations. */ row = rows[jr]; for (k=0; k<ngauss[jr]; k++) { row2 = row_list[jr][k]; if (tag[row] != currtag) { y[row] = 0.0; tag[row] = currtag; addtree(row); } if (tag[row2] == currtag) { y[row] -= gauss[jr][k] * y[row2]; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------+ | -1 | | Set aside sparse intermediate vector L P a for | | j | | refactorization routine. */ nnewcol = 0; for (i=getfirst(); i != -1; i=getnext()) { if ( ABS(y[i]) > EPS ) { newcol [nnewcol] = y[i]; inewcol[nnewcol] = i; nnewcol++; } } /*------------------------------------------------------+ | -1 | | y <- U y */ for (i=getlast(); i >= rank && i != -1; i=getprev()) { if ( ABS( y[i] ) > eps ) consistent = FALSE; y[i] = 0.0; } for ( ; i>=0; i=getprev()) { beta = y[i]/diag[i]; for (k=0; k<degU[i]; k++) { row = U[i][k].i; if (tag[row] != currtag) { y[row] = 0.0; tag[row] = currtag; addtree(row); } y[row] -= U[i][k].d * beta; } y[i] = beta; } ny = 0; for (i=getfirst(); i != -1; i=getnext()) { if ( ABS(y[i]) > EPS ) { sy[ny] = y[i]; iy[ny] = colperm[i]; ny++; } } *pny = ny; currtag++; killtree(); endtime = (double) clock(); cumtime += endtime - starttime; return consistent; }
int bbsdelmail_main() { int fd; struct fileheader f; struct fileheader *fhmw, *fhw; char path[80], file[80], *ptr, list[40][20], fullpath[256]; int num, ndelfile = 0; struct stat st; int count; int wcount, wstart; int spam; struct yspam_ctx *yctx; html_header(1); //check_msg(); if (!loginok || isguest) http_fatal("您尚未登录"); changemode(RMAIL); spam=atoi(getparm("spam")); strsncpy(list[ndelfile], getparm("file"), 20); if (list[ndelfile][0] == 'M') ndelfile++; for (num = 0; num < 40 && ndelfile < 40; num++) { sprintf(file, "F%d", num); strsncpy(list[ndelfile], getparm(file), 20); if (list[ndelfile][0] == 'M' || list[ndelfile][0] == 'G') ndelfile++; } if(-2==get_mailsize(currentuser)){ errlog("strange user %s",currentuser->userid); http_fatal("邮箱内部错误! 请联系系统维护!"); } setmailfile(path, currentuser->userid, ".DIR"); fd = open(path, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) http_fatal("错误的参数2"); flock(fd, LOCK_EX); fstat(fd, &st); if (st.st_size % sizeof (struct fileheader) != 0) { flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); return -1; } fhmw = malloc(st.st_size); if (fhmw == NULL) { flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); return -1; } fhw = fhmw; count = 0; wstart = -1; wcount = 0; yctx = yspam_init(""); while (read(fd, &f, sizeof (struct fileheader)) == sizeof (struct fileheader)) { count++; ptr = fh2fname(&f); for (num = 0; num < ndelfile; num++) { if (!strcmp(ptr, list[num])) break; } if (num == ndelfile) { if (wstart == -1) continue; memcpy(fhw, &f, sizeof (struct fileheader)); wcount++; fhw++; } else { if (wstart == -1) wstart = count - 1; if (!f.filetime) continue; setmailfile(fullpath, currentuser->userid, fh2fname(&f)); update_mailsize_down(&f, currentuser->userid); if (spam && yspam_feed_spam(yctx, currentuser->userid, fh2fname(&f)) == 0) { unlink(fullpath); continue; } deltree(fullpath); } } yspam_fini(yctx); if (wstart != -1) { ftruncate(fd, (wstart + wcount) * sizeof (struct fileheader)); if (wcount > 0) { lseek(fd, wstart * sizeof (struct fileheader), SEEK_SET); write(fd, fhmw, wcount * sizeof (struct fileheader)); } } free(fhmw); flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); printf("信件已删除.<br><a href=bbsmail>返回所有信件列表</a>\n"); printf("<script>top.f4.location.reload();</script>"); http_quit(); return 0; }
Btree :: ~Btree( ) { deltree ( root ) ; }