コード例 #1
ファイル: quipurc.c プロジェクト: dank101/net-2
	struct  passwd  *pw_entry ;
	struct  passwd  *getpwuid() ;
	struct	stat	buf ;

	int	i = 1 ;
	int     uid ;
	int	um ;
	char	pass1[LINESIZE] ;
	char	pass2[LINESIZE] ;
	char	Read_in_Stuff[LINESIZE] ;
	char	**vecptr ;
	char 	*tmpdraft ;
	char	home_dir[LINESIZE] ;
	char	*p, *part1, *part2 ;
	char	quipurc_file[100] ;
	char	tailor_file[100] ;
	char	user_name[9] ;
	char	*localptr = Local ;
	char	print_format = EDBOUT ;
	EntryInfo	*ptr ;
	static  CommonArgs ca = default_common_args;
	vecptr = (char **) malloc(100) ;
	vecptr[0] = malloc (LINESIZE) ;
	(void) strcpy(vecptr[0], "showentry") ;
	(void) strcpy(pass1, "x") ;
	(void) strcpy(pass2, "y") ;
	tmpdraft = malloc (LINESIZE) ;
	(void) strcpy(tmpdraft, "/tmp/dish-") ;

	if ((opt = ps_alloc (std_open)) == NULLPS)
		fatal (-62, "ps_alloc failed");
	if (std_setup (opt, stderr) == NOTOK)
		fatal (-63, "std_setup failed");
	if ((rps = ps_alloc (std_open)) == NULLPS)
		fatal (-64, "ps_alloc 2 failed");
	if (std_setup (rps, stdout) == NOTOK)
		fatal (-65, "std_setup 2 failed");
	(void) strcpy(filterstring, "userid=") ;

	/* Sort out files, userids etc. */
	uid=getuid() ;
	if ((pw_entry=getpwuid(uid)) == 0)
		ps_printf(rps, "Who are you? (no name for your uid number)\n") ;
		exit(1) ;
	(void) strcpy(user_name, pw_entry->pw_name) ;
	(void) strcat(tmpdraft, user_name) ;

	if (getenv("HOME") == 0) 
		ps_printf(rps, "No home directory?!!") ;
		(void) strcpy(home_dir, pw_entry->pw_dir) ;
		(void) strcpy(home_dir, getenv("HOME")) ;

	(void) strcpy(quipurc_file, home_dir) ;
	(void) strcat(quipurc_file, "/.quipurc") ;

	(void) strcpy(tailor_file, isodefile ("dishinit", 1));

	Manager[0] = 0;
	Password[0] = 0;
	Local[0] = 0;

	(void) stat(tailor_file, &buf) ;
	(void) seteuid(buf.st_uid) ;	/* set effective to enable */
					/* us to read protected file */

	if ((fp_tailor = fopen(tailor_file, "r")) == 0)
		ps_print(rps, "Can't open Tailor File. Abort.\n") ;
		exit(1) ;

	while (fgets (Read_in_Stuff, LINESIZE, fp_tailor) != 0)
		if (!strcmp(Read_in_Stuff, "##Anything after this line is copied into the users ~/.quipurc file\n"))
			break ;

		p = SkipSpace (Read_in_Stuff);
		if (( *p == '#') || (*p == '\0'))
			continue;  		/* ignore comments and blanks */

		part1 = p;
		if ((part2 = index (p,':')) == NULLCP) {
			ps_printf (opt,"Seperator missing '%s'. Ignoring..\n",p);

		*part2++ = '\0';
		part2 = TidyString (part2);

		if (lexequ(part1, "manager") == 0)
			(void) strcpy(Manager, part2) ;
		if (lexequ(part1, "password") == 0)
			(void) strcpy(Password, part2) ;
		if (lexequ(part1, "local") == 0)
			(void) strcpy(Local, part2) ;
			ps_printf(rps, "Error in tailor. What's a %s?\n", part1) ;

	(void) setuid(uid) ;			/* Restore Userid to original user. */

/* create ~/.quipurc file. NB this does eradicate anything in there.
 * 			   (Theoretically nothing.) 

	if (Manager[0] == 0) {
		ps_print(rps, "Can't find out the managers name\n") ;
		exit(1) ;
	if (Password[0] == 0) {
		ps_print(rps, "Can't find out the managers password\n") ;
		exit(1) ;
	if (Local[0] == 0) {
		ps_print(rps, "Can't find out where to search\n") ;
		exit(1) ;

	um = umask(0177) ;
	if ((fp_quipurc = fopen(quipurc_file, "w")) == 0)
		ps_printf(rps, "Can't open ~/.quipurc. Aborting..\n") ;
		exit(1) ;
	(void) umask(um) ;	

	if ((fileps = ps_alloc(std_open)) == NULLPS)
		fatal (-66, "ps_alloc 2 failed");
	if (std_setup (fileps, fp_quipurc) == NOTOK)
		fatal (-67, "std_setup 2 failed");

	/* Sorting out the bind section */
	quipu_syntaxes() ;		/* set up the needed function pointers */
	dsap_init(&i, &vecptr) ;

	(void) strcpy(bindarg.dba_passwd, Password) ;
	bindarg.dba_version = DBA_VERSION_V1988;
	bindarg.dba_passwd_len = strlen(bindarg.dba_passwd) ;

	if ((bindarg.dba_dn = str2dn (Manager)) == NULLDN) 
		ps_printf (opt,"Invalid Manager name %s (???!)\n",Manager) ;
		exit(1) ;

	if (ds_bind (&bindarg, &binderr, &bindresult) != OK)
		ps_printf(rps, "Can't bind as the manager.\n") ;
	/* Hopefully, should be successfully bound */

 * We now call the search stuff with the right bits, to see if we can get a
 * match of uid='user_name'. Once there, we echo lots of information from
 * their entry out to the .quipurc file.
 * Hopefully there should only be one match. This assumes that ALL dir info
 * up to date, and that SG do not allow multiple users with the same login.

/* set up the appropriate structures and defaults. */

	search_arg.sra_common = ca; /* struct copy */
	search_arg.sra_common.ca_servicecontrol.svc_sizelimit = 2 ;
	search_arg.sra_eis.eis_allattributes = FALSE ;
	search_arg.sra_searchaliases = FALSE;
	search_arg.sra_subset = SRA_ONELEVEL;
	search_arg.sra_eis.eis_infotypes = EIS_ATTRIBUTESANDVALUES ;
	search_arg.sra_eis.eis_select = NULLATTR ;
	search_arg.sra_eis.eis_allattributes = TRUE ;
	search_arg.sra_filter = filter_alloc() ;
		/* Default filter. */
		search_arg.sra_filter->flt_next = NULLFILTER;
		search_arg.sra_filter->flt_type = FILTER_ITEM;
		search_arg.sra_filter->FUFILT = NULLFILTER;

	if (*localptr == '@')
	if ((search_arg.sra_baseobject = str2dn(localptr)) == NULLDN)
		ps_printf (opt,"Invalid sequence in username %s.\n", localptr);
		exit(1) ;

	(void) strcat(filterstring, user_name) ;

	search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_type = FILTERITEM_EQUALITY ;

	if ((search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_type = AttrT_new ("userid")) == NULLAttrT)
		ps_printf(rps, "Oops, userid is not a valid attr type. ABORT!!\n") ;
		exit(1) ;
	if ((search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_value = str2AttrV (user_name, search_arg.sra_filter->flt_un.flt_un_item.fi_un.fi_un_ava.ava_type->oa_syntax)) == NULLAttrV)
		ps_printf(rps, "%s is not a valid attribute value.\n", user_name) ;

/* call search */
/* We now ought to be in the right place, and with the search stuff set,
 * ready to call search, and receive one (or no) entry back, which then 
 * gets processed accordingly.

	if (ds_search (&search_arg, &search_error, &search_result) != DS_OK)
		ps_printf(rps, "Search failed...\n") ;
		exit (1) ;
		/* This is not the same as coming back with */
		/* message "search failed to find anything. */

/* If the user does not exist in the DIT, print out the limited .quipurc
 * and the warning message, and allow the user to play DISH.

	if (search_result.CSR_entries == NULLENTRYINFO)
		ps_printf(opt, "Unfortunately, you seem to have no entry in\n") ;
		ps_printf(opt, "the directory. Contact '%s' who should be able to help.\n", Manager) ;
		ps_printf(opt, "In the mean time, you can read, but not write.\n") ;
		ptr = search_result.CSR_entries ;
		dn = dn_cpy(ptr->ent_dn) ;	/* Essence of move user_name. */

		/* collect the info and put it into current_entry */

		/* Set up the desired attribute type to be read*/
		/* from read.c */
		if ((at = AttrT_new ("userPassword")) != NULLAttrT) 
			as_flag = as_merge (as_flag, as_comp_new (AttrT_cpy (at), NULLAV, NULLACL_INFO));
			ps_printf(rps, "Oops, Serious error. unknown attribute type 'userPassword'.\n") ;
			exit(1) ;

		if ((current_entry = local_find_entry (dn, FALSE)) == NULLENTRY)
			read_arg.rda_common = ca; /* struct copy */
			read_arg.rda_object = dn;
			read_arg.rda_eis.eis_infotypes = EIS_ATTRIBUTESANDVALUES;
			read_arg.rda_eis.eis_allattributes = TRUE ;
			read_arg.rda_eis.eis_select = NULLATTR ;

			if (ds_read (&read_arg, &read_error, &read_result) != DS_OK)
				ps_printf(rps, "We even seem to be having problems reading\n" ) ;
				ps_printf(rps, "an entry we searched and found!! HELP!!\n") ;
				exit(1) ;
			if (read_result.rdr_entry.ent_attr == NULLATTR)
				ps_printf(rps, "No attributes present. Even though\n") ;
				ps_printf(rps, "we found you by userid attribute!!! HELP!!\n") ;
				exit (1) ;
			cache_entry (&(read_result.rdr_entry), read_arg.rda_eis.eis_allattributes, TRUE) ;

		if ((current_entry = local_find_entry (dn, FALSE)) == NULLENTRY)
			ps_printf(rps, "We still have nothing.Even after reading? Abort.\n") ;
			exit(1) ;

		ps_printf(fileps, "username: "******"\n") ;

		ps_printf(fileps, "me: ") ;
		dn_print(fileps, dn, EDBOUT) ;
		ps_printf(fileps, "\n") ;

		/* now showattribute -nokey to display it. */

		ps_printf(fileps, "password: "******"You need a password...\n") ;
				(void) strcpy(pass1, getpassword("Enter Password: "******"Re-enter password: "******"\nMismatch - Try again.\n") ;
			ps_printf(fileps, "%s\n", pass1) ;

			um = umask(0177) ;
			if ((fp_draft = fopen(tmpdraft, "w")) == 0)
				ps_print(rps, "Can't open draft file... Abort.\n") ;
				exit(1) ;
			(void) umask(um) ;

			(void) fprintf(fp_draft, "UserPassword = %s\n", pass1) ;
		 	(void) fprintf(fp_draft, "acl = self # write # attributes # acl $ userPassword\n") ;
			(void) fprintf(fp_draft, "acl = others # compare # attributes # acl $ userPassword\n\n") ;
			(void) fclose(fp_draft) ;

			if ((fp_draft = fopen (tmpdraft, "r")) == NULL) {
				ps_printf (opt, "Can't open draft entry %s\n", tmpdraft);
				exit(1) ;

			entry_ptr = get_default_entry (NULLENTRY);
			entry_ptr->e_attributes = fget_attributes (fp_draft);
			entry_ptr->e_attributes = get_attributes (fp_draft);

			(void) fclose (fp_draft);

			mod_arg.mea_common = ca; /* struct copy */
			mod_arg.mea_object = dn;
			for (moddn = dn ; moddn->dn_parent != NULLDN; moddn=moddn->dn_parent)
			entry_ptr->e_name = rdn_cpy (moddn->dn_rdn);
			/* add rdn as attribute */
			avst = avs_comp_new (AttrV_cpy (&entry_ptr->e_name->rdn_av));
			temp = as_comp_new (AttrT_cpy (entry_ptr->e_name->rdn_at), avst, NULLACL_INFO);
			entry_ptr->e_attributes = as_merge (entry_ptr->e_attributes, temp);

			for (as = entry_ptr->e_attributes; as != NULLATTR; as = as->attr_link)
				emnew = NULLMOD;
				trail = as->attr_link;
				as->attr_link = NULLATTR;
				temp = current_entry->e_attributes;
				for (; temp != NULLATTR; temp = temp->attr_link) 
					if (AttrT_cmp (as->attr_type, temp->attr_type) == 0)
						/* found it - does it need changing ? */
						if (avs_cmp (as->attr_value, temp->attr_value) != 0) 
							emnew = modify_avs (as->attr_value, temp->attr_value,as->attr_type);

				if (temp == NULLATTR) 
					emnew = em_alloc ();
					emnew->em_type = EM_ADDATTRIBUTE;
					emnew->em_what = as_cpy(as);
					emnew->em_next = NULLMOD;
				if (emnew != NULLMOD)
					mod_arg.mea_changes = ems_append (mod_arg.mea_changes,emnew);
				as->attr_link = trail;

			while (ds_modifyentry (&mod_arg, &mod_error) != DS_OK)
				if (dish_error (opt, &mod_error) == 0)
					ps_printf(rps,"We have a dish error. Bye.\n") ;
					entry_free (entry_ptr);
					exit(1) ;
				mod_arg.mea_object = mod_error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name;
			ps_print (rps, "Modified ");
			dn_print (rps, dn, EDBOUT);
			ps_print (rps, "\n");
			delete_cache (dn);	/* re-cache when next read */

			entry_free (entry_ptr);
			ems_part_free (mod_arg.mea_changes);

	while(fgets(Read_in_Stuff, LINESIZE, fp_tailor) != 0)
		fputs(Read_in_Stuff, fp_quipurc) ;
	(void) fclose(fp_quipurc) ;	
	(void) fclose(fp_tailor) ;

/*	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "dsap: local_dit \"%s\"\n", Local) ;
	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: acl\n") ;
	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: treestructure\n") ;
	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: masterdsa\n") ;
	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: slavedsa\n") ;
	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "notype: objectclass\n") ;
	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "cache_time: 30\n") ;
	(void) fprintf(fp_quipurc, "connect_time: 2\n") ;
	(void) ds_unbind() ;
	(void) unlink(tmpdraft) ;
コード例 #2
 * Init and startup of the Error Handler test application.
 * @see main() and application_start() for setup and dispatch.
test_init(appl_conf_t *const appl_conf)
  em_eo_t        eo;
  em_queue_t     queue;
  em_event_t     event;
  error_event_t* error;
  em_status_t    ret;  

  if(em_core_id() == 0) {
    error_shm = env_shared_reserve("ErrorSharedMem", sizeof(error_shm_t));
  else {
    error_shm = env_shared_lookup("ErrorSharedMem");

  if(error_shm == NULL) {
    em_error(EM_ERROR_SET_FATAL(0xec0de), APPL_ESCOPE_INIT, "Error init failed on EM-core: %u\n", em_core_id());

   * Rest of the initializations only on one EM-core, return on all others.
  if(em_core_id() != 0)

         "EM APPLICATION: '%s' initializing: \n"
         "  %s: %s() - EM-core:%i \n"
         "  Application running on %d EM-cores (procs:%d, threads:%d)."
         NO_PATH(__FILE__), __func__,
   * Register the application specifig global error handler
   * This replaces the EM internal default error hanlder

   * Create and start EO "A"
  eo    = em_eo_create("EO A", error_start, NULL, error_stop, NULL, error_receive, &error_shm->eo_error_a);
  if((ret = em_eo_add_queue(eo, queue)) != EM_OK)
    em_error(EM_ERROR_SET_FATAL(0xdead), APPL_ESCOPE_INIT,
             "EO or queue creation failed (%i). EO: %"PRI_EO", queue: %"PRI_QUEUE"\n",
             ret, eo, queue);

  error_shm->queue_a = queue;

  if((ret = em_queue_enable(queue)) != EM_OK)
    em_error(EM_ERROR_SET_FATAL(0xbeef), APPL_ESCOPE_INIT,
             "Queue A enable failed (%i). EO: %"PRI_EO", queue: %"PRI_QUEUE"\n",
             ret, eo, queue);

   * Register an application 'EO A'-specific error handler
  em_eo_register_error_handler(eo, eo_specific_error_handler); 
  em_eo_start(eo, NULL, 0, NULL);

   * Create and start EO "B"
  eo    = em_eo_create("EO B", error_start, NULL, error_stop, NULL, error_receive, &error_shm->eo_error_b);

  if((ret = em_eo_add_queue(eo, queue)) != EM_OK)
    em_error(EM_ERROR_SET_FATAL(0xacdc), APPL_ESCOPE_INIT,
             "EO or queue creation failed (%i). EO: %"PRI_EO", queue: %"PRI_QUEUE"\n",
             ret, eo, queue);
  error_shm->queue_b = queue;
  if((ret = em_queue_enable(queue)) != EM_OK)
    em_error(EM_ERROR_SET_FATAL(0xabba), APPL_ESCOPE_INIT,
             "Queue B enable failed (%i). EO: %"PRI_EO", queue: %"PRI_QUEUE"\n",
             ret, eo, queue);
  /* Note: No 'EO B' specific error handler, use the application specific global error handler instead. */
  em_eo_start(eo, NULL, 0, NULL);

   * Create and start EO "C"
  eo    = em_eo_create("EO C", error_start, NULL, error_stop, NULL, error_receive, &error_shm->eo_error_c);

  if((ret = em_eo_add_queue(eo, queue)) != EM_OK)
             "EO or queue creation failed (%i). EO: %"PRI_EO", queue: %"PRI_QUEUE"\n",
             ret, eo, queue);
  error_shm->queue_c = queue;

  if((ret = em_queue_enable(queue)) != EM_OK)
             "Queue C enable failed (%i). EO: %"PRI_EO", queue: %"PRI_QUEUE"\n",
             ret, eo, queue);

  /* Note: No 'EO C' specific error handler, use the application specific global error handler instead. */
  em_eo_start(eo, NULL, 0, NULL);
   * Send an event to EO A.
   * Store EO B's queue as the destination queue for EO A.
  event = em_alloc(sizeof(error_event_t), EM_EVENT_TYPE_SW, EM_POOL_DEFAULT);

  error = em_event_pointer(event);

  error->dest  = error_shm->queue_b;
  error->seq   = 0;
  error->fatal = 0;

  em_send(event, error_shm->queue_a);

   * Send an event to EO C.
   * No dest queue stored since the fatal flag is set
  event = em_alloc(sizeof(error_event_t), EM_EVENT_TYPE_SW, EM_POOL_DEFAULT);

  error = em_event_pointer(event);

  error->dest  = 0; // don't care, never resent
  error->seq   = 0;
  error->fatal = 1; // generate a fatal error when received

  em_send(event, error_shm->queue_c);
コード例 #3
 * @private
 * EO receive function.
 * Report various kinds of errors to demonstrate the EM error handling API.
static void
error_receive(void* eo_context, em_event_t event, em_event_type_t type, em_queue_t queue, void* q_ctx)
  error_event_t *error;
  em_queue_t     dest;
  eo_context_t  *eo_ctx = eo_context;

  error = em_event_pointer(event);

  dest        = error->dest;
  error->dest = queue;


    printf("\nError log from %s [%u] on core %i!\n", eo_ctx->name, error->seq, em_core_id());
    /* Report a fatal error */
    em_error(EM_ERROR_SET_FATAL(0xdead), 0);
  printf("Error log from %s [%u] on core %i!\n", eo_ctx->name, error->seq, em_core_id());

  /*       error   escope                 args  */
  em_error(0x1111, APPL_ESCOPE_OTHER);
  em_error(0x2222, APPL_ESCOPE_STR,       "Second error");
  em_error(0x3333, APPL_ESCOPE_STR_Q,     "Third  error", queue);
  em_error(0x4444, APPL_ESCOPE_STR_Q_SEQ, "Fourth error", queue, error->seq);

   * Example of an API call error - generates an EM API error



  em_send(event, dest);

  /* Request a fatal error to be generated every 8th event by 'EO C' */
  if((error->seq & 0x7) == 0x7)
    // Send a new event to EO 'C' to cause a fatal error
    event = em_alloc(sizeof(error_event_t), EM_EVENT_TYPE_SW, EM_POOL_DEFAULT);

    error = em_event_pointer(event);

    error->dest  = 0; // don't care, never resent
    error->seq   = 0;
    error->fatal = 1;

    em_send(event, error_shm->queue_c);

コード例 #4
ファイル: modify.c プロジェクト: Kampbell/isode-8.0
call_modify (int argc, char **argv)
	struct ds_modifyentry_arg mod_arg;

	struct DSError  error;
	struct entrymod *emnew, *ems_append(), *modify_avs();
	Attr_Sequence   as,
					fget_attributes (),
					get_attributes (),
					trail = NULLATTR;
	AV_Sequence     avst = NULLAV;
	extern AttributeType at_objectclass;
	extern int	parse_status;
	Entry           entry_ptr;
	FILE           *fd;
	char            draft_flag = FALSE;
	char		noedit_flag = FALSE;
	int 		x;
	DN		moddn;
	char	       *home;
	RDN		new_rdn;

	struct  list_element   *start = 0 ;
	struct  list_element   *last ;
	struct  list_element   *l_temp ;

	/*	char	add = FALSE ;
		char	rem = FALSE ;
	if ((argc = service_control (OPT, argc, argv, &mod_arg.mea_common)) == -1)

	mod_arg.mea_changes = NULLMOD;
	new_draft = FALSE;

	if (home = getenv ("DISHDRAFT"))
		 strcpy (fname, home);
	else if (dad_flag) {
		 strcpy (fname, "/tmp/dishXXXXXX");
		 unlink (mktemp (fname));
	} else if (home = getenv ("HOME"))
		 sprintf (fname, "%s/.dishdraft", home);
		 strcpy (fname, "./.dishdraft");

	for (x=1; x<argc; x++) {
		if (test_arg (argv[x], "-draft",1)) {
			draft_flag = 1;
			shuffle_up (argc--,argv,x);
			if (x == argc) {
				ps_printf (OPT, "Draft file name missing\n");
				Usage (argv[0]);
			 strcpy (fname, argv[x]);
			shuffle_up (argc--,argv,x--);
		} else if (test_arg (argv[x], "-newdraft",2)) {
			new_draft = TRUE;
			shuffle_up (argc--,argv,x--);
		} else if (test_arg (argv[x], "-noedit",3)) {
			noedit_flag = TRUE;
			shuffle_up (argc--,argv,x--);
		} else if (move (argv[x]) == OK)
			shuffle_up (argc--,argv,x--);
		else if (test_arg(argv[x], "-remove", 3)) {
			shuffle_up (argc--, argv, x);
			if (x == argc) {
				ps_printf(OPT, "Attribute to remove missing\n") ;
				Usage(argv[0]) ;
				return ;
			l_temp = (struct list_element *) malloc (sizeof(struct list_element)) ;
			l_temp->mod = (char *) malloc ((unsigned)(strlen(argv[x]) + 1));
			 strcpy (l_temp->mod, argv[x]) ;
			l_temp->add = 0 ;
			l_temp->next = 0 ;
			if (start == 0) {
				start = last = l_temp ;
			} else {
				last->next = l_temp ;
				last = l_temp ;
			shuffle_up (argc--,argv,x--);
		} else if (test_arg(argv[x], "-add", 2)) {
			shuffle_up (argc--, argv, x);
			if (x == argc) {
				ps_printf(OPT, "Attribute to insert missing\n") ;
				Usage(argv[0]) ;
				return ;
			l_temp = (struct list_element *) malloc (sizeof(struct list_element)) ;
			l_temp->mod = (char *) malloc ((unsigned)(strlen(argv[x]) + 1));
			 strcpy (l_temp->mod, argv[x]) ;
			l_temp->add = 1 ;
			l_temp->next = 0 ;
			if (start == 0) {
				start = last = l_temp ;
			} else {
				last->next = l_temp ;
				last = l_temp ;
			shuffle_up (argc--,argv,x--);

	if (dad_flag && (draft_flag || noedit_flag)) {
		ps_printf (OPT,
				   "operation not allowed when using directory assistance server!\n");

	/* read attributes we want to modify */
	if ((argc = read_cache_aux (argc, argv, FALSE, &mod_arg.mea_common)) <0 )

	if (argc != 1) {
		ps_printf (OPT,"Unknown option %s\n",argv[1]);
		Usage (argv[0]);

	if (start != 0) {
		if (build_modify(start, &mod_arg) == NOTOK) {
			return ;

		while (ds_modifyentry (&mod_arg, &error) != DS_OK) {
			if (dish_error (OPT, &error) == 0) {
				return ;
			mod_arg.mea_object = error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name ;
		ps_print (RPS, "Modified ");
		dn_print (RPS, dn, EDBOUT);
		ps_print (RPS, "\n");
		delete_cache (dn);  /* re-cache when next read */
		return ;

	if (!draft_flag) {
		if (mod_template (fname,noedit_flag) != OK)
		noedit_flag = FALSE;
	} else {
		new_draft = TRUE;	/* Ugh ! */
		 mod_template ("/dev/null",TRUE);

	if (! noedit_flag)
		if (editentry (1, argv) != OK) {
			make_old (fname,draft_flag);

	/* now parse the files */

	if ((fd = fopen (fname, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
		ps_printf (OPT, "Can't open draft entry %s\n", fname);

	entry_ptr = get_default_entry (NULLENTRY);
	entry_ptr->e_attributes = fget_attributes (fd);
	entry_ptr->e_attributes = get_attributes (fd);

	 fclose (fd);
	if (parse_status != 0)

	mod_arg.mea_object = dn;
	for (moddn = dn ; moddn->dn_parent != NULLDN; moddn=moddn->dn_parent)
	entry_ptr->e_name = rdn_cpy (moddn->dn_rdn);

	/* add rdn as attribute */
	for (new_rdn = entry_ptr->e_name; new_rdn != NULLRDN; new_rdn = new_rdn->rdn_next) {
		avst = avs_comp_new (AttrV_cpy (&new_rdn->rdn_av));
		temp = as_comp_new (AttrT_cpy (new_rdn->rdn_at), avst, NULLACL_INFO);
		entry_ptr->e_attributes = as_merge (entry_ptr->e_attributes, temp);

	for (as = entry_ptr->e_attributes; as != NULLATTR; as = as->attr_link) {
		emnew = NULLMOD;
		trail = as->attr_link;
		as->attr_link = NULLATTR;

		temp = current_entry->e_attributes;
		for (; temp != NULLATTR; temp = temp->attr_link)
			if (AttrT_cmp (as->attr_type, temp->attr_type) == 0) {
				/* found it - does it need changing ? */
				if (avs_cmp (as->attr_value, temp->attr_value) != 0)
					emnew = modify_avs (as->attr_value, temp->attr_value,as->attr_type);

		if (temp == NULLATTR) {
			emnew = em_alloc ();
			emnew->em_type = EM_ADDATTRIBUTE;
			emnew->em_what = as_cpy(as);
			emnew->em_next = NULLMOD;

		if (emnew != NULLMOD)
			mod_arg.mea_changes = ems_append (mod_arg.mea_changes,emnew);

		as->attr_link = trail;

	/* remove attribute missing in new entry */
	for (as = current_entry->e_attributes; as != NULLATTR; as = as->attr_link) {
		emnew = NULLMOD;

		temp = entry_ptr->e_attributes;
		for (; temp != NULLATTR; temp = temp->attr_link)
			if (AttrT_cmp (as->attr_type, temp->attr_type) == 0)

		if (temp == NULLATTR) {
			emnew = em_alloc ();
			emnew->em_type = EM_REMOVEATTRIBUTE;
			emnew->em_what = as_comp_new(as->attr_type,NULLAV,NULLACL_INFO);
			emnew->em_next = NULLMOD;

		if (emnew != NULLMOD)
			mod_arg.mea_changes = ems_append (mod_arg.mea_changes,emnew);

	if (mod_arg.mea_changes == NULLMOD) {
		ps_print (RPS, "The draft entry and the entry for ");
		dn_print (RPS, dn, EDBOUT);
		ps_print (RPS, "\nare exactly the same - no change made!!!\n");
		entry_free (entry_ptr);
		make_old (fname,draft_flag);

	if (rebind () != OK) {
		entry_free (entry_ptr);
	 * If this operation is time-stamped, it may have expired while the user
	 * was editing the entry. Re-calculate the time-stamp. Modify is the only
	 * dish command where this needs to be done.

	if ((mod_arg.mea_common.ca_security != (struct security_parms *) 0)
			&& (mod_arg.mea_common.ca_security->sp_time != NULLCP)) {
		char *new_version();

		mod_arg.mea_common.ca_security->sp_time = new_version();

	/* If security parameters are present, take this to mean that strong
	 * authentication is required. This disallows 'parms + no signature'
	 * (pointless) and 'signature + no parms' (security risk).
	if (mod_arg.mea_common.ca_security != (struct security_parms *) 0) {
		extern struct SecurityServices *dsap_security;

		mod_arg.mea_common.ca_sig =
									   _ZModifyEntryArgumentDataDAS, &_ZDAS_mod);

	while (ds_modifyentry (&mod_arg, &error) != DS_OK) {
		if (dish_error (OPT, &error) == 0) {
			entry_free (entry_ptr);
		mod_arg.mea_object = error.ERR_REFERRAL.DSE_ref_candidates->cr_name;
	ps_print (RPS, "Modified ");
	dn_print (RPS, dn, EDBOUT);
	ps_print (RPS, "\n");
	delete_cache (dn);	/* re-cache when next read */

	entry_free (entry_ptr);
	ems_part_free (mod_arg.mea_changes);

	make_old (fname,draft_flag);