コード例 #1
ファイル: heap.c プロジェクト: skypjack/univ
 * Funzione di supporto per lo svuotamento.
emptynode(hpnode_t** hpb, hpnode_t* hpn)
	if(hpn != 0) {
		emptynode(hpb, hpn->sup);
		emptynode(hpb, hpn->inf);
		hpn->sup = *hpb;
		*hpb = hpn;
コード例 #2
ファイル: awk1.c プロジェクト: allanjude/illumos-gate
 * Build a regular expression NODE.
 * Argument is the string holding the expression.
renode(wchar_t *s)
	NODE *np;
	int n;

	np = emptynode(RE, 0);
	np->n_left = np->n_right = NNULL;
	if ((n = REGWCOMP(&np->n_regexp, s)) != REG_OK) {
		int m;
		char *p;

		m = REGWERROR(n, np->n_regexp, NULL, 0);
		p = (char *)emalloc(m);
		REGWERROR(n, np->n_regexp, p, m);
		awkerr("/%S/: %s", s, p);
	return (np);
コード例 #3
ファイル: awk1.c プロジェクト: allanjude/illumos-gate
 * Read an identifier.
 * Input is first character of identifier.
 * Return VAR.
static int
lexid(wint_t c)
	wchar_t *cp;
	size_t i;
	NODE *np;

	cp = linebuf;
	do {
		*cp++ = c;
		c = lexgetc();
	} while (iswalpha(c) || iswdigit(c) || c == '_');
	*cp = '\0';
	yylval.node = np = vlook(linebuf);

	switch (np->n_type) {
	case KEYWORD:
		switch (np->n_keywtype) {
		case PRINT:
		case PRINTF:
			return ((int)np->n_keywtype);

	case ARRAY:
	case VAR:
		 * If reading the argument list, create a dummy node
		 * for the duration of that function. These variables
		 * can be removed from the symbol table at function end
		 * but they must still exist because the execution tree
		 * knows about them.
		if (funparm) {
			np = emptynode(PARM, i = (cp-linebuf));
			np->n_flags = FSTRING;
			np->n_string = _null;
			np->n_strlen = 0;
			(void) memcpy(np->n_name, linebuf,
			    (i+1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
			yylval.node = np;
		} else if (np == varNF || (np == varFS &&
		    (!doing_begin || begin_getline))) {
			 * If the user program references NF or sets
			 * FS either outside of a begin block or
			 * in a begin block after a getline then the
			 * input line will be split immediately upon read
			 * rather than when a field is first referenced.
			needsplit = 1;
		} else if (np == varENVIRON)
			needenviron = 1;
	case PARM:
		return (VAR);

	case UFUNC:
		 * It is ok to redefine functions as parameters
		if (funparm) goto do_funparm;
	case FUNC:
	case GETLINE:
		 * When a getline is encountered, clear the 'doing_begin' flag.
		 * This will force the 'needsplit' flag to be set, even inside
		 * a begin block, if FS is altered. (See VAR case above)
		if (doing_begin)
			begin_getline = 1;
		return (np->n_type);
	return (0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: awk1.c プロジェクト: allanjude/illumos-gate
 * Do initial setup of buffers, etc.
 * This must be called before most processing
 * and especially before lexical analysis.
 * Variables initialised here will be overruled by command
 * line parameter initialisation.
static void
	NODE *np;

	(void) setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

	if ((NIOSTREAM = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) - 4) <= 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr,
	gettext("not enough available file descriptors"));
	ofiles = (OFILE *)emalloc(sizeof (OFILE)*NIOSTREAM);
	(void) memset((wchar_t *)ofiles, 0, sizeof (OFILE) * NIOSTREAM);
		/* initialize file descriptor table */
		OFILE *fp;
		for (fp = ofiles; fp < &ofiles[NIOSTREAM]; fp += 1) {
			fp->f_fp = FNULL;
					fp->f_mode = 0;
					fp->f_name = (char *)0;
	constant = intnode((INT)0);

	const0 = intnode((INT)0);
	const1 = intnode((INT)1);
	constundef = emptynode(CONSTANT, 0);
	constundef->n_flags = FSTRING|FVINT;
	constundef->n_string = _null;
	constundef->n_strlen = 0;
	inc_oper = emptynode(ADD, 0);
	inc_oper->n_right = const1;
	asn_oper = emptynode(ADD, 0);
	field0 = node(FIELD, const0, NNULL);

		RESFUNC near*rp;

		for (rp = &resfuncs[0]; rp->rf_name != (LOCCHARP)NULL; ++rp) {
			np = finstall(rp->rf_name, rp->rf_func, rp->rf_type);
		RESERVED near*rp;

		for (rp = &reserved[0]; rp->r_name != (LOCCHARP)NULL; ++rp) {
			switch (rp->r_type) {
			case SVAR:
			case VAR:
				running = 1;
				np = vlook(rp->r_name);
				if (rp->r_type == SVAR)
					np->n_flags |= FSPECIAL;
				if (rp->r_svalue != NULL)
					strassign(np, rp->r_svalue, FSTATIC,
				else {
					constant->n_int = rp->r_ivalue;
					(void) assign(np, constant);
				running = 0;

			case KEYWORD:
				kinstall(rp->r_name, (int)rp->r_ivalue);

	varNR = vlook(s_NR);
	varFNR = vlook(s_FNR);
	varNF = vlook(s_NF);
	varOFMT = vlook(s_OFMT);
	varCONVFMT = vlook(s_CONVFMT);
	varOFS = vlook(s_OFS);
	varORS = vlook(s_ORS);
	varRS = vlook(s_RS);
	varFS = vlook(s_FS);
	varARGC = vlook(s_ARGC);
	varSUBSEP = vlook(s_SUBSEP);
	varENVIRON = vlook(s_ENVIRON);
	varFILENAME = vlook(s_FILENAME);
	varSYMTAB = vlook(s_SYMTAB);
	incNR = node(ASG, varNR, node(ADD, varNR, const1));
	incFNR = node(ASG, varFNR, node(ADD, varFNR, const1));
	clrFNR = node(ASG, varFNR, const0);
コード例 #5
ファイル: heap.c プロジェクト: skypjack/univ
 * Svuota la struttura heap.
emptyheap(heap_t* hp)
	hp->root = 0;