UINT __stdcall InstallNetFlt(MSIHANDLE hModule) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NETFLT UINT uErr; INetCfg *pNetCfg; netCfgLoggerEnable(hModule); BOOL bOldIntMode = SetupSetNonInteractiveMode(FALSE); __try { logStringW(hModule, L"InstallNetFlt: Installing NetFlt"); uErr = doNetCfgInit(hModule, &pNetCfg, TRUE); if (uErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WCHAR wszPtInf[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszMpInf[MAX_PATH]; uErr = vboxNetFltQueryInfArray(hModule, wszPtInf, wszMpInf, sizeof(wszMpInf)); if (uErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPCWSTR const apwszInfs[] = { wszPtInf, wszMpInf }; HRESULT hr = VBoxNetCfgWinNetFltInstall(pNetCfg, &apwszInfs[0], RT_ELEMENTS(apwszInfs)); if (FAILED(hr)) logStringW(hModule, L"InstallNetFlt: VBoxNetCfgWinNetFltInstall failed, error = 0x%x", hr); uErr = errorConvertFromHResult(hModule, hr); } else logStringW(hModule, L"InstallNetFlt: vboxNetFltQueryInfArray failed, error = 0x%x", uErr); VBoxNetCfgWinReleaseINetCfg(pNetCfg, TRUE); logStringW(hModule, L"InstallNetFlt: Done"); } else logStringW(hModule, L"InstallNetFlt: doNetCfgInit failed, error = 0x%x", uErr); } __finally { if (bOldIntMode) { /* The prev mode != FALSE, i.e. non-interactive. */ SetupSetNonInteractiveMode(bOldIntMode); } netCfgLoggerDisable(); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_NETFLT */ /* Never fail the install even if we did not succeed. */ return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
UINT __stdcall UninstallNetFlt(MSIHANDLE hModule) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NETFLT INetCfg *pNetCfg; UINT uErr; netCfgLoggerEnable(hModule); BOOL bOldIntMode = SetupSetNonInteractiveMode(FALSE); __try { logStringW(hModule, L"Uninstalling NetFlt"); uErr = doNetCfgInit(hModule, &pNetCfg, TRUE); if (uErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HRESULT hr = VBoxNetCfgWinNetFltUninstall(pNetCfg); if (hr != S_OK) logStringW(hModule, L"UninstallNetFlt: VBoxNetCfgWinUninstallComponent failed, error = 0x%x", hr); uErr = errorConvertFromHResult(hModule, hr); VBoxNetCfgWinReleaseINetCfg(pNetCfg, TRUE); logStringW(hModule, L"Uninstalling NetFlt done, error = 0x%x", uErr); /* Never fail on uninstall. */ uErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else logStringW(hModule, L"UninstallNetFlt: doNetCfgInit failed, error = 0x%x", uErr); } __finally { if (bOldIntMode) { /* The prev mode != FALSE, i.e. non-interactive. */ SetupSetNonInteractiveMode(bOldIntMode); } netCfgLoggerDisable(); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_NETFLT */ /* Never fail the install even if we did not succeed. */ return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
static UINT doNetCfgInit(MSIHANDLE hModule, INetCfg **ppnc, BOOL bWrite) { MSIHANDLE hMsg = NULL; UINT uErr = ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; int MsgResult; int cRetries = 0; do { LPWSTR lpszLockedBy; HRESULT hr = VBoxNetCfgWinQueryINetCfg(ppnc, bWrite, VBOX_NETCFG_APP_NAME, 10000, &lpszLockedBy); if (hr != NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) { if (FAILED(hr)) logStringW(hModule, L"doNetCfgInit: VBoxNetCfgWinQueryINetCfg failed, error = 0x%x", hr); uErr = errorConvertFromHResult(hModule, hr); break; } /* hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK */ if (!lpszLockedBy) { logStringW(hModule, L"doNetCfgInit: lpszLockedBy == NULL, breaking"); break; } /* on vista the 6to4svc.dll periodically maintains the lock for some reason, * if this is the case, increase the wait period by retrying multiple times * NOTE: we could alternatively increase the wait timeout, * however it seems unneeded for most cases, e.g. in case some network connection property * dialog is opened, it would be better to post a notification to the user as soon as possible * rather than waiting for a longer period of time before displaying it */ if ( cRetries < VBOX_NETCFG_MAX_RETRIES && !wcscmp(lpszLockedBy, L"6to4svc.dll")) { cRetries++; logStringW(hModule, L"doNetCfgInit: lpszLockedBy is 6to4svc.dll, retrying %d out of %d", cRetries, VBOX_NETCFG_MAX_RETRIES); MsgResult = IDRETRY; } else { if (!hMsg) { hMsg = createNetCfgLockedMsgRecord(hModule); if (!hMsg) { logStringW(hModule, L"doNetCfgInit: Failed to create a message record, breaking"); CoTaskMemFree(lpszLockedBy); break; } } UINT rTmp = MsiRecordSetStringW(hMsg, 2, lpszLockedBy); NonStandardAssert(rTmp == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (rTmp != ERROR_SUCCESS) { logStringW(hModule, L"doNetCfgInit: MsiRecordSetStringW failed, error = 0x%x", rTmp); CoTaskMemFree(lpszLockedBy); break; } MsgResult = MsiProcessMessage(hModule, (INSTALLMESSAGE)(INSTALLMESSAGE_USER | MB_RETRYCANCEL), hMsg); NonStandardAssert(MsgResult == IDRETRY || MsgResult == IDCANCEL); logStringW(hModule, L"doNetCfgInit: MsiProcessMessage returned (0x%x)", MsgResult); } CoTaskMemFree(lpszLockedBy); } while(MsgResult == IDRETRY); if (hMsg) MsiCloseHandle(hMsg); return uErr; }