コード例 #1
ファイル: brin_tuple.c プロジェクト: adityavs/postgres
 * brin_deconstruct_tuple
 *		Guts of attribute extraction from an on-disk BRIN tuple.
 * Its arguments are:
 *	brdesc		BRIN descriptor for the stored tuple
 *	tp			pointer to the tuple data area
 *	nullbits	pointer to the tuple nulls bitmask
 *	nulls		"has nulls" bit in tuple infomask
 *	values		output values, array of size brdesc->bd_totalstored
 *	allnulls	output "allnulls", size brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts
 *	hasnulls	output "hasnulls", size brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts
 * Output arrays must have been allocated by caller.
static inline void
brin_deconstruct_tuple(BrinDesc *brdesc,
					   char *tp, bits8 *nullbits, bool nulls,
					   Datum *values, bool *allnulls, bool *hasnulls)
	int			attnum;
	int			stored;
	TupleDesc	diskdsc;
	long		off;

	 * First iterate to natts to obtain both null flags for each attribute.
	 * Note that we reverse the sense of the att_isnull test, because we store
	 * 1 for a null value (rather than a 1 for a not null value as is the
	 * att_isnull convention used elsewhere.)  See brin_form_tuple.
	for (attnum = 0; attnum < brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts; attnum++)
		 * the "all nulls" bit means that all values in the page range for
		 * this column are nulls.  Therefore there are no values in the tuple
		 * data area.
		allnulls[attnum] = nulls && !att_isnull(attnum, nullbits);

		 * the "has nulls" bit means that some tuples have nulls, but others
		 * have not-null values.  Therefore we know the tuple contains data
		 * for this column.
		 * The hasnulls bits follow the allnulls bits in the same bitmask.
		hasnulls[attnum] =
			nulls && !att_isnull(brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts + attnum, nullbits);

	 * Iterate to obtain each attribute's stored values.  Note that since we
	 * may reuse attribute entries for more than one column, we cannot cache
	 * offsets here.
	diskdsc = brtuple_disk_tupdesc(brdesc);
	stored = 0;
	off = 0;
	for (attnum = 0; attnum < brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts; attnum++)
		int			datumno;

		if (allnulls[attnum])
			stored += brdesc->bd_info[attnum]->oi_nstored;

		for (datumno = 0;
			 datumno < brdesc->bd_info[attnum]->oi_nstored;
			Form_pg_attribute thisatt = TupleDescAttr(diskdsc, stored);

			if (thisatt->attlen == -1)
				off = att_align_pointer(off, thisatt->attalign, -1,
										tp + off);
				/* not varlena, so safe to use att_align_nominal */
				off = att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign);

			values[stored++] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

			off = att_addlength_pointer(off, thisatt->attlen, tp + off);
コード例 #2
ファイル: indextuple.c プロジェクト: pramsey/postgres
 * Convert an index tuple into Datum/isnull arrays.
 * The caller must allocate sufficient storage for the output arrays.
 * (INDEX_MAX_KEYS entries should be enough.)
 * This is nearly the same as heap_deform_tuple(), but for IndexTuples.
 * One difference is that the tuple should never have any missing columns.
index_deform_tuple(IndexTuple tup, TupleDesc tupleDescriptor,
				   Datum *values, bool *isnull)
	int			hasnulls = IndexTupleHasNulls(tup);
	int			natts = tupleDescriptor->natts; /* number of atts to extract */
	int			attnum;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to tuple data */
	int			off;			/* offset in tuple data */
	bits8	   *bp;				/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* can we use/set attcacheoff? */

	/* Assert to protect callers who allocate fixed-size arrays */
	Assert(natts <= INDEX_MAX_KEYS);

	/* XXX "knows" t_bits are just after fixed tuple header! */
	bp = (bits8 *) ((char *) tup + sizeof(IndexTupleData));

	tp = (char *) tup + IndexInfoFindDataOffset(tup->t_info);
	off = 0;

	for (attnum = 0; attnum < natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute thisatt = TupleDescAttr(tupleDescriptor, attnum);

		if (hasnulls && att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
			isnull[attnum] = true;
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

		isnull[attnum] = false;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attcacheoff >= 0)
			off = thisatt->attcacheoff;
		else if (thisatt->attlen == -1)
			 * We can only cache the offset for a varlena attribute if the
			 * offset is already suitably aligned, so that there would be no
			 * pad bytes in any case: then the offset will be valid for either
			 * an aligned or unaligned value.
			if (!slow &&
				off == att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign))
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;
				off = att_align_pointer(off, thisatt->attalign, -1,
										tp + off);
				slow = true;
			/* not varlena, so safe to use att_align_nominal */
			off = att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign);

			if (!slow)
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;

		values[attnum] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

		off = att_addlength_pointer(off, thisatt->attlen, tp + off);

		if (thisatt->attlen <= 0)
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */
コード例 #3
/* ----------------
 *		nocache_index_getattr
 *		This gets called from index_getattr() macro, and only in cases
 *		where we can't use cacheoffset and the value is not null.
 *		This caches attribute offsets in the attribute descriptor.
 *		An alternative way to speed things up would be to cache offsets
 *		with the tuple, but that seems more difficult unless you take
 *		the storage hit of actually putting those offsets into the
 *		tuple you send to disk.  Yuck.
 *		This scheme will be slightly slower than that, but should
 *		perform well for queries which hit large #'s of tuples.  After
 *		you cache the offsets once, examining all the other tuples using
 *		the same attribute descriptor will go much quicker. -cim 5/4/91
 * ----------------
nocache_index_getattr(IndexTuple tup,
					  int attnum,
					  TupleDesc tupleDesc)
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to data part of tuple */
	bits8	   *bp = NULL;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* do we have to walk attrs? */
	int			data_off;		/* tuple data offset */
	int			off;			/* current offset within data */

	/* ----------------
	 *	 Three cases:
	 *	 1: No nulls and no variable-width attributes.
	 *	 2: Has a null or a var-width AFTER att.
	 *	 3: Has nulls or var-widths BEFORE att.
	 * ----------------

	data_off = IndexInfoFindDataOffset(tup->t_info);


	if (IndexTupleHasNulls(tup))
		 * there's a null somewhere in the tuple
		 * check to see if desired att is null

		/* XXX "knows" t_bits are just after fixed tuple header! */
		bp = (bits8 *) ((char *) tup + sizeof(IndexTupleData));

		 * Now check to see if any preceding bits are null...
			int			byte = attnum >> 3;
			int			finalbit = attnum & 0x07;

			/* check for nulls "before" final bit of last byte */
			if ((~bp[byte]) & ((1 << finalbit) - 1))
				slow = true;
				/* check for nulls in any "earlier" bytes */
				int			i;

				for (i = 0; i < byte; i++)
					if (bp[i] != 0xFF)
						slow = true;

	tp = (char *) tup + data_off;

	if (!slow)
		 * If we get here, there are no nulls up to and including the target
		 * attribute.  If we have a cached offset, we can use it.
		if (att[attnum]->attcacheoff >= 0)
			return fetchatt(att[attnum],
							tp + att[attnum]->attcacheoff);

		 * Otherwise, check for non-fixed-length attrs up to and including
		 * target.  If there aren't any, it's safe to cheaply initialize the
		 * cached offsets for these attrs.
		if (IndexTupleHasVarwidths(tup))
			int			j;

			for (j = 0; j <= attnum; j++)
				if (att[j]->attlen <= 0)
					slow = true;

	if (!slow)
		int			natts = tupleDesc->natts;
		int			j = 1;

		 * If we get here, we have a tuple with no nulls or var-widths up to
		 * and including the target attribute, so we can use the cached offset
		 * ... only we don't have it yet, or we'd not have got here.  Since
		 * it's cheap to compute offsets for fixed-width columns, we take the
		 * opportunity to initialize the cached offsets for *all* the leading
		 * fixed-width columns, in hope of avoiding future visits to this
		 * routine.
		att[0]->attcacheoff = 0;

		/* we might have set some offsets in the slow path previously */
		while (j < natts && att[j]->attcacheoff > 0)

		off = att[j - 1]->attcacheoff + att[j - 1]->attlen;

		for (; j < natts; j++)
			if (att[j]->attlen <= 0)

			off = att_align_nominal(off, att[j]->attalign);

			att[j]->attcacheoff = off;

			off += att[j]->attlen;

		Assert(j > attnum);

		off = att[attnum]->attcacheoff;
		bool		usecache = true;
		int			i;

		 * Now we know that we have to walk the tuple CAREFULLY.  But we still
		 * might be able to cache some offsets for next time.
		 * Note - This loop is a little tricky.  For each non-null attribute,
		 * we have to first account for alignment padding before the attr,
		 * then advance over the attr based on its length.  Nulls have no
		 * storage and no alignment padding either.  We can use/set
		 * attcacheoff until we reach either a null or a var-width attribute.
		off = 0;
		for (i = 0;; i++)		/* loop exit is at "break" */
			if (IndexTupleHasNulls(tup) && att_isnull(i, bp))
				usecache = false;
				continue;		/* this cannot be the target att */

			/* If we know the next offset, we can skip the rest */
			if (usecache && att[i]->attcacheoff >= 0)
				off = att[i]->attcacheoff;
			else if (att[i]->attlen == -1)
				 * We can only cache the offset for a varlena attribute if the
				 * offset is already suitably aligned, so that there would be
				 * no pad bytes in any case: then the offset will be valid for
				 * either an aligned or unaligned value.
				if (usecache &&
					off == att_align_nominal(off, att[i]->attalign))
					att[i]->attcacheoff = off;
					off = att_align_pointer(off, att[i]->attalign, -1,
											tp + off);
					usecache = false;
				/* not varlena, so safe to use att_align_nominal */
				off = att_align_nominal(off, att[i]->attalign);

				if (usecache)
					att[i]->attcacheoff = off;

			if (i == attnum)

			off = att_addlength_pointer(off, att[i]->attlen, tp + off);

			if (usecache && att[i]->attlen <= 0)
				usecache = false;

	return fetchatt(att[attnum], tp + off);
コード例 #4
ファイル: heaptuple.c プロジェクト: chrishajas/gpdb
 * slot_deform_tuple
 *		Given a TupleTableSlot, extract data from the slot's physical tuple
 *		into its Datum/isnull arrays.  Data is extracted up through the
 *		natts'th column (caller must ensure this is a legal column number).
 *		This is essentially an incremental version of heap_deform_tuple:
 *		on each call we extract attributes up to the one needed, without
 *		re-computing information about previously extracted attributes.
 *		slot->tts_nvalid is the number of attributes already extracted.
static void
slot_deform_tuple(TupleTableSlot *slot, int natts)
	HeapTuple	tuple = TupGetHeapTuple(slot); 
	TupleDesc	tupleDesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
	Datum	   *values = slot->PRIVATE_tts_values;
	bool	   *isnull = slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull;
	HeapTupleHeader tup = tuple->t_data;
	bool		hasnulls = HeapTupleHasNulls(tuple);
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	int			attnum;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to tuple data */
	long		off;			/* offset in tuple data */
	bits8	   *bp = tup->t_bits;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow;			/* can we use/set attcacheoff? */

	 * Check whether the first call for this tuple, and initialize or restore
	 * loop state.
	attnum = slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid;
	if (attnum == 0)
		/* Start from the first attribute */
		off = 0;
		slow = false;
		/* Restore state from previous execution */
		off = slot->PRIVATE_tts_off;
		slow = slot->PRIVATE_tts_slow;

	tp = (char *) tup + tup->t_hoff;

	for (; attnum < natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute thisatt = att[attnum];

		if (hasnulls && att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
			isnull[attnum] = true;
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

		isnull[attnum] = false;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attcacheoff >= 0)
			off = thisatt->attcacheoff;
		else if (thisatt->attlen == -1)
			 * We can only cache the offset for a varlena attribute if the
			 * offset is already suitably aligned, so that there would be no
			 * pad bytes in any case: then the offset will be valid for either
			 * an aligned or unaligned value.
			if (!slow &&
				off == att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign))
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;
				off = att_align_pointer(off, thisatt->attalign, -1,
										tp + off);
				slow = true;
			/* not varlena, so safe to use att_align_nominal */
			off = att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign);

			if (!slow)
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;
		if (!slow && thisatt->attlen < 0)
			slow = true;

		values[attnum] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

		off = att_addlength_pointer(off, thisatt->attlen, tp + off);

		if (thisatt->attlen <= 0)
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

	 * Save state for next execution
	slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = attnum;
	slot->PRIVATE_tts_off = off;
	slot->PRIVATE_tts_slow = slow;
コード例 #5
ファイル: indextuple.c プロジェクト: CraigBryan/PostgresqlFun
/* ----------------
 *		nocache_index_getattr
 *		This gets called from index_getattr() macro, and only in cases
 *		where we can't use cacheoffset and the value is not null.
 *		This caches attribute offsets in the attribute descriptor.
 *		An alternate way to speed things up would be to cache offsets
 *		with the tuple, but that seems more difficult unless you take
 *		the storage hit of actually putting those offsets into the
 *		tuple you send to disk.  Yuck.
 *		This scheme will be slightly slower than that, but should
 *		perform well for queries which hit large #'s of tuples.  After
 *		you cache the offsets once, examining all the other tuples using
 *		the same attribute descriptor will go much quicker. -cim 5/4/91
 * ----------------
nocache_index_getattr(IndexTuple tup,
					  int attnum,
					  TupleDesc tupleDesc,
					  bool *isnull)
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to att in tuple */
	bits8	   *bp = NULL;		/* ptr to null bitmask in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* do we have to walk nulls? */
	int			data_off;		/* tuple data offset */

	(void) isnull;				/* not used */

	 * sanity checks

	/* ----------------
	 *	 Three cases:
	 *	 1: No nulls and no variable-width attributes.
	 *	 2: Has a null or a var-width AFTER att.
	 *	 3: Has nulls or var-widths BEFORE att.
	 * ----------------

#ifdef IN_MACRO
/* This is handled in the macro */
	Assert(attnum > 0);

	*isnull = false;

	data_off = IndexInfoFindDataOffset(tup->t_info);


	if (!IndexTupleHasNulls(tup))
#ifdef IN_MACRO
/* This is handled in the macro */
		if (att[attnum]->attcacheoff != -1)
			return fetchatt(att[attnum],
							(char *) tup + data_off +
		 * there's a null somewhere in the tuple
		 * check to see if desired att is null

		/* XXX "knows" t_bits are just after fixed tuple header! */
		bp = (bits8 *) ((char *) tup + sizeof(IndexTupleData));

#ifdef IN_MACRO
/* This is handled in the macro */

		if (att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			*isnull = true;
			return (Datum) NULL;

		 * Now check to see if any preceding bits are null...
			int			byte = attnum >> 3;
			int			finalbit = attnum & 0x07;

			/* check for nulls "before" final bit of last byte */
			if ((~bp[byte]) & ((1 << finalbit) - 1))
				slow = true;
				/* check for nulls in any "earlier" bytes */
				int			i;

				for (i = 0; i < byte; i++)
					if (bp[i] != 0xFF)
						slow = true;

	tp = (char *) tup + data_off;

	 * now check for any non-fixed length attrs before our attribute
	if (!slow)
		if (att[attnum]->attcacheoff != -1)
			return fetchatt(att[attnum],
							tp + att[attnum]->attcacheoff);
		else if (IndexTupleHasVarwidths(tup))
			int			j;

			for (j = 0; j < attnum; j++)
				if (att[j]->attlen <= 0)
					slow = true;

	 * If slow is false, and we got here, we know that we have a tuple with no
	 * nulls or var-widths before the target attribute. If possible, we also
	 * want to initialize the remainder of the attribute cached offset values.
	if (!slow)
		int			j = 1;
		long		off;

		 * need to set cache for some atts

		att[0]->attcacheoff = 0;

		while (j < attnum && att[j]->attcacheoff > 0)

		off = att[j - 1]->attcacheoff + att[j - 1]->attlen;

		for (; j <= attnum; j++)
			off = att_align(off, att[j]->attalign);

			att[j]->attcacheoff = off;

			off += att[j]->attlen;

		return fetchatt(att[attnum], tp + att[attnum]->attcacheoff);
		bool		usecache = true;
		int			off = 0;
		int			i;

		 * Now we know that we have to walk the tuple CAREFULLY.

		for (i = 0; i < attnum; i++)
			if (IndexTupleHasNulls(tup))
				if (att_isnull(i, bp))
					usecache = false;

			/* If we know the next offset, we can skip the rest */
			if (usecache && att[i]->attcacheoff != -1)
				off = att[i]->attcacheoff;
				off = att_align(off, att[i]->attalign);

				if (usecache)
					att[i]->attcacheoff = off;

			off = att_addlength(off, att[i]->attlen, tp + off);

			if (usecache && att[i]->attlen <= 0)
				usecache = false;

		off = att_align(off, att[attnum]->attalign);

		return fetchatt(att[attnum], tp + off);
コード例 #6
ファイル: heaptuple.c プロジェクト: chrishajas/gpdb
 *		heap_deformtuple
 *		Given a tuple, extract data into values/nulls arrays; this is
 *		the inverse of heap_formtuple.
 *		Storage for the values/nulls arrays is provided by the caller;
 *		it should be sized according to tupleDesc->natts not tuple->t_natts.
 *		Note that for pass-by-reference datatypes, the pointer placed
 *		in the Datum will point into the given tuple.
 *		When all or most of a tuple's fields need to be extracted,
 *		this routine will be significantly quicker than a loop around
 *		heap_getattr; the loop will become O(N^2) as soon as any
 *		noncacheable attribute offsets are involved.
 * OLD API with char 'n'/' ' convention for indicating nulls.
 * This is deprecated and should not be used in new code, but we keep it
 * around for use by old add-on modules.
heap_deformtuple(HeapTuple tuple,
				 TupleDesc tupleDesc,
				 Datum *values,
				 char *nulls)
	HeapTupleHeader tup = tuple->t_data;
	bool		hasnulls = HeapTupleHasNulls(tuple);
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	int			tdesc_natts = tupleDesc->natts;
	int			natts;			/* number of atts to extract */
	int			attnum;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to tuple data */
	long		off;			/* offset in tuple data */
	bits8	   *bp = tup->t_bits;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* can we use/set attcacheoff? */

	natts = HeapTupleHeaderGetNatts(tup);

	 * In inheritance situations, it is possible that the given tuple actually
	 * has more fields than the caller is expecting.  Don't run off the end of
	 * the caller's arrays.
	natts = Min(natts, tdesc_natts);

	tp = (char *) tup + tup->t_hoff;

	off = 0;

	for (attnum = 0; attnum < natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute thisatt = att[attnum];

		if (hasnulls && att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
			nulls[attnum] = 'n';
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

		nulls[attnum] = ' ';

		if (!slow && thisatt->attcacheoff >= 0)
			off = thisatt->attcacheoff;
		else if (thisatt->attlen == -1)
			 * We can only cache the offset for a varlena attribute if the
			 * offset is already suitably aligned, so that there would be no
			 * pad bytes in any case: then the offset will be valid for either
			 * an aligned or unaligned value.
			if (!slow &&
				off == att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign))
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;
				off = att_align_pointer(off, thisatt->attalign, -1,
										tp + off);
				slow = true;
			/* not varlena, so safe to use att_align_nominal */
			off = att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign);

			if (!slow)
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;

		values[attnum] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

		off = att_addlength_pointer(off, thisatt->attlen, tp + off);

		if (thisatt->attlen <= 0)
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

	 * If tuple doesn't have all the atts indicated by tupleDesc, read the
	 * rest as null
	for (; attnum < tdesc_natts; attnum++)
		values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
		nulls[attnum] = 'n';
コード例 #7
ファイル: heaptuple.c プロジェクト: chrishajas/gpdb
 * heap_deform_tuple
 *		Given a tuple, extract data into values/isnull arrays; this is
 *		the inverse of heap_form_tuple.
 *		Storage for the values/isnull arrays is provided by the caller;
 *		it should be sized according to tupleDesc->natts not tuple->t_natts.
 *		Note that for pass-by-reference datatypes, the pointer placed
 *		in the Datum will point into the given tuple.
 *		When all or most of a tuple's fields need to be extracted,
 *		this routine will be significantly quicker than a loop around
 *		heap_getattr; the loop will become O(N^2) as soon as any
 *		noncacheable attribute offsets are involved.
heap_deform_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc,
				  Datum *values, bool *isnull)
	HeapTupleHeader tup = tuple->t_data;
	bool		hasnulls = HeapTupleHasNulls(tuple);
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	int			tdesc_natts = tupleDesc->natts;
	int			natts;			/* number of atts to extract */
	int			attnum;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to tuple data */
	long		off;			/* offset in tuple data */
	bits8	   *bp = tup->t_bits;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* can we use/set attcacheoff? */

	natts = HeapTupleHeaderGetNatts(tup);

	 * In inheritance situations, it is possible that the given tuple actually
	 * has more fields than the caller is expecting.  Don't run off the end of
	 * the caller's arrays.
	natts = Min(natts, tdesc_natts);

	tp = (char *) tup + tup->t_hoff;

	off = 0;

	for (attnum = 0; attnum < natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute thisatt = att[attnum];

		if (hasnulls && att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
			isnull[attnum] = true;
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

		isnull[attnum] = false;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attcacheoff >= 0)
			off = thisatt->attcacheoff;
		else if (thisatt->attlen == -1)
			 * We can only cache the offset for a varlena attribute if the
			 * offset is already suitably aligned, so that there would be no
			 * pad bytes in any case: then the offset will be valid for either
			 * an aligned or unaligned value.
			if (!slow &&
				off == att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign))
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;
				off = att_align_pointer(off, thisatt->attalign, -1,
										tp + off);
				slow = true;
			/* not varlena, so safe to use att_align_nominal */
			off = att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign);

			if (!slow)
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attlen < 0)
			slow = true;

		values[attnum] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

		/* Ignore attributes with dropped types */
		if (thisatt->attlen == -1 && !thisatt->attisdropped)
			Assert(VARATT_IS_SHORT(DatumGetPointer(values[attnum])) ||
				   !VARATT_CAN_MAKE_SHORT(DatumGetPointer(values[attnum])) ||
				   thisatt->atttypid == OIDVECTOROID ||
				   thisatt->atttypid == INT2VECTOROID ||
				   thisatt->atttypid >= FirstNormalObjectId);	

		off = att_addlength_pointer(off, thisatt->attlen, tp + off);

	 * If tuple doesn't have all the atts indicated by tupleDesc, read the
	 * rest as null
	for (; attnum < tdesc_natts; attnum++)
		values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
		isnull[attnum] = true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: heaptuple.c プロジェクト: BenjaminYu/gpdb
 * heap_deform_tuple
 *		Given a tuple, extract data into values/isnull arrays; this is
 *		the inverse of heap_form_tuple.
 *		Storage for the values/isnull arrays is provided by the caller;
 *		it should be sized according to tupleDesc->natts not tuple->t_natts.
 *		Note that for pass-by-reference datatypes, the pointer placed
 *		in the Datum will point into the given tuple.
 *		When all or most of a tuple's fields need to be extracted,
 *		this routine will be significantly quicker than a loop around
 *		heap_getattr; the loop will become O(N^2) as soon as any
 *		noncacheable attribute offsets are involved.
heap_deform_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc,
				  Datum *values, bool *isnull)
	HeapTupleHeader tup = tuple->t_data;
	bool		hasnulls = HeapTupleHasNulls(tuple);
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	int			tdesc_natts = tupleDesc->natts;
	int			natts;			/* number of atts to extract */
	int			attnum;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to tuple data */
	long		off;			/* offset in tuple data */
	bits8	   *bp = tup->t_bits;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* can we use/set attcacheoff? */

	natts = HeapTupleHeaderGetNatts(tup);

	 * In inheritance situations, it is possible that the given tuple actually
	 * has more fields than the caller is expecting.  Don't run off the end of
	 * the caller's arrays.
	natts = Min(natts, tdesc_natts);

	tp = (char *) tup + tup->t_hoff;

	off = 0;

	for (attnum = 0; attnum < natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute thisatt = att[attnum];

		if (hasnulls && att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
			isnull[attnum] = true;
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

		isnull[attnum] = false;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attcacheoff >= 0)
			off = thisatt->attcacheoff;
			/* if it's a varlena it may or may not be aligned, so check for
			 * something that looks like a padding byte before aligning. If
			 * we're already aligned it may be the leading byte of a 4-byte
			 * header but then the att_align is harmless. Don't bother looking
			 * if it's not a varlena though.*/
			if (thisatt->attlen != -1 || !tp[off])
				off = att_align(off, thisatt->attalign);

			if (!slow && thisatt->attlen != -1)
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attlen < 0)
			slow = true;

		values[attnum] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

		/* Ignore attributes with dropped types */
		if (thisatt->attlen == -1 && !thisatt->attisdropped)
			Assert(VARATT_IS_SHORT_D(values[attnum]) || 
				   !VARATT_COULD_SHORT_D(values[attnum]) ||
				   thisatt->atttypid == OIDVECTOROID ||
				   thisatt->atttypid == INT2VECTOROID ||
				   thisatt->atttypid >= FirstNormalObjectId);	

		off = att_addlength(off, thisatt->attlen, PointerGetDatum(tp + off));

	 * If tuple doesn't have all the atts indicated by tupleDesc, read the
	 * rest as null
	for (; attnum < tdesc_natts; attnum++)
		values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
		isnull[attnum] = true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: heaptuple.c プロジェクト: BenjaminYu/gpdb
/* ----------------
 *		nocachegetattr
 *		This only gets called from fastgetattr() macro, in cases where
 *		we can't use a cacheoffset and the value is not null.
 *		This caches attribute offsets in the attribute descriptor.
 *		An alternative way to speed things up would be to cache offsets
 *		with the tuple, but that seems more difficult unless you take
 *		the storage hit of actually putting those offsets into the
 *		tuple you send to disk.  Yuck.
 *		This scheme will be slightly slower than that, but should
 *		perform well for queries which hit large #'s of tuples.  After
 *		you cache the offsets once, examining all the other tuples using
 *		the same attribute descriptor will go much quicker. -cim 5/4/91
 *		NOTE: if you need to change this code, see also heap_deform_tuple.
 *		Also see nocache_index_getattr, which is the same code for index
 *		tuples.
 * ----------------
nocachegetattr(HeapTuple tuple,
			   int attnum,
			   TupleDesc tupleDesc)
	HeapTupleHeader tup = tuple->t_data;
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to att in tuple */
	bits8	   *bp = tup->t_bits;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow = false;	/* do we have to walk nulls? */

	/* If any cached offsets are there we can check that they make sense, but
	 * there may not be any at all, so pass -1 for the attnum we know is valid */

#ifdef IN_MACRO
/* This is handled in the macro */
	Assert(attnum > 0);

	if (isnull)
		*isnull = false;


	/* ----------------
	 *	 Three cases:
	 *	 1: No nulls and no variable-width attributes.
	 *	 2: Has a null or a var-width AFTER att.
	 *	 3: Has nulls or var-widths BEFORE att.
	 * ----------------

	if (HeapTupleNoNulls(tuple))
#ifdef IN_MACRO
/* This is handled in the macro */
		if (att[attnum]->attcacheoff != -1)
			return fetchatt(att[attnum],
							(char *) tup + tup->t_hoff +
		 * there's a null somewhere in the tuple
		 * check to see if desired att is null

#ifdef IN_MACRO
/* This is handled in the macro */
		if (att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			if (isnull)
				*isnull = true;
			return (Datum) NULL;

		 * Now check to see if any preceding bits are null...
			int			byte = attnum >> 3;
			int			finalbit = attnum & 0x07;

			/* check for nulls "before" final bit of last byte */
			if ((~bp[byte]) & ((1 << finalbit) - 1))
				slow = true;
				/* check for nulls in any "earlier" bytes */
				int			i;

				for (i = 0; i < byte; i++)
					if (bp[i] != 0xFF)
						slow = true;

	tp = (char *) tup + tup->t_hoff;

	 * now check for any non-fixed length attrs before our attribute
	if (!slow)
		 * If we get here, there are no nulls up to and including the target
		 * attribute.  If we have a cached offset, we can use it.
		if (att[attnum]->attcacheoff >= 0)
			return fetchatt(att[attnum],
							tp + att[attnum]->attcacheoff);

		 * Otherwise, check for non-fixed-length attrs up to and including
		 * target.	If there aren't any, it's safe to cheaply initialize the
		 * cached offsets for these attrs.
		if (HeapTupleHasVarWidth(tuple))
			int			j;

			 * In for(), we test <= and not < because we want to see if we can
			 * go past it in initializing offsets.
			for (j = 0; j <= attnum; j++)
				if (att[j]->attlen <= 0)
					slow = true;

	 * If slow is false, and we got here, we know that we have a tuple with no
	 * nulls or var-widths before the target attribute. If possible, we also
	 * want to initialize the remainder of the attribute cached offset values.
	if (!slow)
		int			j = 1;
		long		off;
		int			natts = HeapTupleHeaderGetNatts(tup);

		 * If we get here, we have a tuple with no nulls or var-widths up to
		 * and including the target attribute, so we can use the cached offset
		 * ... only we don't have it yet, or we'd not have got here.  Since
		 * it's cheap to compute offsets for fixed-width columns, we take the
		 * opportunity to initialize the cached offsets for *all* the leading
		 * fixed-width columns, in hope of avoiding future visits to this
		 * routine.

		/* this is always true */
		att[0]->attcacheoff = 0;

		while (j < attnum && att[j]->attcacheoff > 0)

		off = att[j - 1]->attcacheoff + att[j - 1]->attlen;

		for (; j <= attnum ||
		/* Can we compute more?  We will probably need them */
			 (j < natts &&
			  att[j]->attcacheoff == -1 &&
			  (HeapTupleNoNulls(tuple) || !att_isnull(j, bp)) &&
			  (HeapTupleAllFixed(tuple) || att[j]->attlen > 0)); j++)
			/* don't need to worry about shortvarlenas here since we're only
			 * looking at non-varlenas. Note that it's important that we check
			 * that the target attribute itself is a nonvarlena too since we
			 * can't use cached offsets for even the first varlena any more. */
			off = att_align(off, att[j]->attalign);

			att[j]->attcacheoff = off;

			off = att_addlength(off, att[j]->attlen, PointerGetDatum(tp + off));

		return fetchatt(att[attnum], tp + att[attnum]->attcacheoff);
		bool		usecache = true;
		int			off = 0;
		int			i;

		/* this is always true */
		att[0]->attcacheoff = 0;

		 * Now we know that we have to walk the tuple CAREFULLY.
		 * Note - This loop is a little tricky.  For each non-null attribute,
		 * we have to first account for alignment padding before the attr,
		 * then advance over the attr based on its length.	Nulls have no
		 * storage and no alignment padding either.  We can use/set
		 * attcacheoff until we reach either a null or a var-width attribute.

		for (i = 0; i < attnum; i++)
			if (HeapTupleHasNulls(tuple) && att_isnull(i, bp))
				usecache = false;

			/* If we know the next offset, we can skip the alignment calc */
			if (usecache && att[i]->attcacheoff != -1)
				off = att[i]->attcacheoff;
				/* if it's a varlena it may or may not be aligned, so check for
				 * something that looks like a padding byte before aligning. If
				 * we're already aligned it may be the leading byte of a 4-byte
				 * header but then the att_align is harmless. Don't bother
				 * looking if it's not a varlena though.*/
				if (att[i]->attlen != -1 || !tp[off])
					off = att_align(off, att[i]->attalign);
				if (usecache && att[i]->attlen != -1)
					att[i]->attcacheoff = off;

			if (att[i]->attlen < 0)
				usecache = false;

			off = att_addlength(off, att[i]->attlen, PointerGetDatum(tp + off));

		if (att[attnum]->attlen != -1 || !tp[off])
			off = att_align(off, att[attnum]->attalign);

		return fetchatt(att[attnum], tp + off);
コード例 #10
ファイル: heaptuple.c プロジェクト: BenjaminYu/gpdb
 * slot_deform_tuple
 *		Given a TupleTableSlot, extract data from the slot's physical tuple
 *		into its Datum/isnull arrays.  Data is extracted up through the
 *		natts'th column (caller must ensure this is a legal column number).
 *		This is essentially an incremental version of heap_deform_tuple:
 *		on each call we extract attributes up to the one needed, without
 *		re-computing information about previously extracted attributes.
 *		slot->tts_nvalid is the number of attributes already extracted.
static void
slot_deform_tuple(TupleTableSlot *slot, int natts)
	HeapTuple	tuple = TupGetHeapTuple(slot); 
	TupleDesc	tupleDesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
	Datum	   *values = slot->PRIVATE_tts_values;
	bool	   *isnull = slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull;
	HeapTupleHeader tup = tuple->t_data;
	bool		hasnulls = HeapTupleHasNulls(tuple);
	Form_pg_attribute *att = tupleDesc->attrs;
	int			attnum;
	char	   *tp;				/* ptr to tuple data */
	long		off;			/* offset in tuple data */
	bits8	   *bp = tup->t_bits;		/* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
	bool		slow;			/* can we use/set attcacheoff? */

	 * Check whether the first call for this tuple, and initialize or restore
	 * loop state.
	attnum = slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid;
	if (attnum == 0)
		/* Start from the first attribute */
		off = 0;
		slow = false;
		/* Restore state from previous execution */
		off = slot->PRIVATE_tts_off;
		slow = slot->PRIVATE_tts_slow;

	tp = (char *) tup + tup->t_hoff;

	for (; attnum < natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute thisatt = att[attnum];

		if (hasnulls && att_isnull(attnum, bp))
			values[attnum] = (Datum) 0;
			isnull[attnum] = true;
			slow = true;		/* can't use attcacheoff anymore */

		isnull[attnum] = false;

		if (!slow && thisatt->attcacheoff >= 0)
			off = thisatt->attcacheoff;
			/* if it's a varlena it may or may not be aligned, so check for
			 * something that looks like a padding byte before aligning. If
			 * we're already aligned it may be the leading byte of a 4-byte
			 * header but then the att_align is harmless. Don't bother looking
			 * if it's not a varlena though.*/
			if (thisatt->attlen != -1 || !tp[off])
				off = att_align(off, thisatt->attalign);

			if (!slow && thisatt->attlen != -1)
				thisatt->attcacheoff = off;
		if (!slow && thisatt->attlen < 0)
			slow = true;

		values[attnum] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

		off = att_addlength(off, thisatt->attlen, PointerGetDatum(tp + off));

	 * Save state for next execution
	slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = attnum;
	slot->PRIVATE_tts_off = off;
	slot->PRIVATE_tts_slow = slow;