コード例 #1
ファイル: clip-son.c プロジェクト: sonnythehottest/graph
int clipLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int * x3, int * y3, int * x4, int * y4) {
	int code1, code2, codeout;
	int accept=0, done=0;
	code1 = findRegion(x1,y1);
	code2 = findRegion(x2,y2);
	do {
		if(!(code1 | code2)) accept = done = 1; //trivial accept
		else if(code1 & code2) done = 1; //trivial reject
		else {
			int x,y;
			codeout = code1 ? code1 : code2;
			if(codeout & 1) { //top
				x = x1 + (x2-x1) * (ATAS-y1)/(y2-y1);
				y = ATAS;
			} else if(codeout & 2) { //bottom
				x = x1 + (x2-x1) * (BAWAH-y1)/(y2-y1);
				y = BAWAH;
			} else if(codeout & 4) { //right
				y = y1 + (y2-y1) * (KANAN-x1)/(x2-x1);
				x = KANAN;
			} else { //left
				y = y1 + (y2-y1) * (KIRI-x1)/(x2-x1);
				x = KIRI;
			if(codeout == code1){
				x1 = x;
				y1 = y;
				code1 = findRegion(x1,y1);
			} else {
				x2 = x;
				y2 = y;
				code2 = findRegion(x2,y2);
	} while(done == 0);
	if(accept) {
		(*x3) = x1;
		(*x4) = x2;
		(*y3) = y1;
		(*y4) = y2;
	} else { //should never get into this
		(*x3) = (*x4) = (*y3) = (*y4) = 0;
	return accept;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lookalikemain_p.cpp プロジェクト: Igalia/lookalike
void LookAlikeMainPrivate::confirmFace(QUrl picture, QString& contact)
    //Confirm in Face Recognizer database
    QString urnImage = urnFromUrl(picture);
    XQFaceRegion region = findRegion(contact, urnImage);

    //Update XMP metadata image
    QString fileName = picture.toLocalFile();
    QImage image(fileName);
    //Scale face to image dimensions
    QSize originalSize = image.size();
    QSize thumbnailSize = region.sourceImageSize();
    QRect rect = region.faceRect();
    QRect scaledRect = scaleRect(rect, thumbnailSize, originalSize);
    QuillMetadataRegion metadataRegion;
    QString contactName = m_faceDatabaseProvider->getContactName(contact);
    metadataRegion.setExtension("nco:PersonContact", contact);
    QuillMetadataRegionList regionList;
    saveMetadataRegionList(fileName, regionList);
コード例 #3
ファイル: polygon.cpp プロジェクト: marcelobianchi/seiscomp3
std::string PolyRegions::findRegionName(double lat, double lon) const {
	GeoFeature *region = findRegion(lat, lon);
	if ( region )
		return region->name();

	return "";
コード例 #4
ファイル: CSRegion.cpp プロジェクト: AmesianX/BinClone
bool CCSRegions::addIfNew(CCSRegion* pRegion)
    if (findRegion(pRegion) != -1)
        return true;

    return addRegion(pRegion);
コード例 #5
ファイル: kis_cubic_curve.cpp プロジェクト: IGLOU-EU/krita
  * Get value of precalculated spline in the point @x
 T getValue(T x) const {
     T x0;
     int i = findRegion(x, x0);
     /* TODO: check for asm equivalent */
     return m_a[i] +
            m_b[i] *(x - x0) +
            0.5 * m_c[i] *(x - x0) *(x - x0) +
            (1 / 6.0)* m_d[i] *(x - x0) *(x - x0) *(x - x0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: BkgFitterTracker.cpp プロジェクト: iqalab/TS
void BkgFitterTracker::SetRegionProcessOrder (const CommandLineOpts &inception_state)
  analysis_compute_plan.region_order.resize (numFitters);
  int numBeads;
  int zeroRegions = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<numFitters; ++i)
    numBeads = sliced_chip[i]->GetNumLiveBeads();
    if (numBeads == 0)

    analysis_compute_plan.region_order[i] = beadRegion (i, numBeads);
  std::sort (analysis_compute_plan.region_order.begin(), analysis_compute_plan.region_order.end(), sortregionProcessOrderVector);
  int nonZeroRegions = numFitters - zeroRegions;
  printf("Number of live bead regions (nonZeroRegions): %d\n",nonZeroRegions);

  if (analysis_compute_plan.gpu_work_load != 0)
    int gpuRegions = int (analysis_compute_plan.gpu_work_load * float (nonZeroRegions));
    if (gpuRegions > 0)
      analysis_compute_plan.lastRegionToProcess = gpuRegions;
  // bestRegion is used for beads_bestRegion output to hdf5 file
  if (nonZeroRegions>0)
      int r = inception_state.bkg_control.pest_control.bkgModelHdf5Debug_region_r;
      int c = inception_state.bkg_control.pest_control.bkgModelHdf5Debug_region_c;
      if (r >= 0 && c >= 0)
      int reg =  findRegion(r,c);
	  //cout << "SetRegionProcessOrder... findRegion(" << x << "," << y << ") => bestRegion=" << reg << endl << flush;
      if (reg>=0)
          bestRegion = beadRegion(reg,sliced_chip[reg]->GetNumLiveBeads());
          bestRegion = analysis_compute_plan.region_order[0];
          bestRegion = analysis_compute_plan.region_order[0];
      bestRegion_region = sliced_chip[bestRegion.first]->get_region();
      sliced_chip[bestRegion.first]->isBestRegion = true;
	  //cout << "SetRegionProcessOrder... bestRegion_region.row=" << bestRegion_region->row << " bestRegion_region.col=" << bestRegion_region->col << endl << flush;
    bestRegion = beadRegion(0,0);
    bestRegion_region = NULL;
  printf("BkgFitterTracker::SetRegionProcessOrder... bestRegion=(%d,%d)\n",

  // Now that we have a best region, we can init h5.
  InitBeads_BestRegion( inception_state );
コード例 #7
std::vector<Region *>*  HSV_Region_Processor_Min_Alloc::processFrame(cv::Mat &frame)
	cv::Mat hsvFrame;
	cv::cvtColor(frame, hsvFrame, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
	double regX=0, regY=0, regSize=0;
	for (int i = 0; i<hsvFrame.rows; i++)
		const cv::Vec3b* row = hsvFrame.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);
		for (int j = 0; j<hsvFrame.cols; j++)
			if (isBlue(row[j])) {
				findRegion(hsvFrame, i, j, regX, regY, regSize);
				if (regSize != -1) {
					regionList->push_back(new Region(regX, regY, regSize, BLUE, BLOB));

	return regionList;
コード例 #8
ファイル: invf_est.c プロジェクト: hkb1990/Android_LIBS
static INVF_MODE
decisionAlgorithm(const DETECTOR_PARAMETERS* detectorParams,
                  DETECTOR_VALUES detectorValues,
                  int transientFlag,
                  INVF_MODE prevInvfMode,
                  int* prevRegionSbr,
                  int* prevRegionOrig
    int invFiltLevel, regionSbr, regionOrig, regionNrg;

    const float *quantStepsSbr  = detectorParams->quantStepsSbr;
    const float *quantStepsOrig = detectorParams->quantStepsOrig;
    const float *nrgBorders     = detectorParams->nrgBorders;
    const int numRegionsSbr     = detectorParams->numRegionsSbr;
    const int numRegionsOrig    = detectorParams->numRegionsOrig;
    const int numRegionsNrg     = detectorParams->numRegionsNrg;

    float quantStepsSbrTmp[MAX_NUM_REGIONS];
    float quantStepsOrigTmp[MAX_NUM_REGIONS];

    float origQuotaMeanFilt;
    float sbrQuotaMeanFilt;
    float nrg;

    /* counting previous operations */

    origQuotaMeanFilt = (float) (ILOG2*3.0*log(detectorValues.origQuotaMeanFilt+EPS));
    sbrQuotaMeanFilt  = (float) (ILOG2*3.0*log(detectorValues.sbrQuotaMeanFilt+EPS));
    nrg               = (float) (ILOG2*1.5*log(detectorValues.avgNrg+EPS));



    /* quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr]

    if(*prevRegionSbr < numRegionsSbr)

        quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr] = quantStepsSbr[*prevRegionSbr] + hysteresis;

    if(*prevRegionSbr > 0)

        quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr - 1] = quantStepsSbr[*prevRegionSbr - 1] - hysteresis;

    if(*prevRegionOrig < numRegionsOrig)

        quantStepsOrigTmp[*prevRegionOrig] = quantStepsOrig[*prevRegionOrig] + hysteresis;

    if(*prevRegionOrig > 0)

        quantStepsOrigTmp[*prevRegionOrig - 1] = quantStepsOrig[*prevRegionOrig - 1] - hysteresis;

    regionSbr  = findRegion(sbrQuotaMeanFilt, quantStepsSbrTmp, numRegionsSbr, *prevRegionSbr);

    regionOrig = findRegion(origQuotaMeanFilt, quantStepsOrigTmp, numRegionsOrig, *prevRegionOrig);

    regionNrg  = findRegion(nrg,nrgBorders,numRegionsNrg, 0);

    *prevRegionSbr = regionSbr;
    *prevRegionOrig = regionOrig;

    if(transientFlag == 1) {

        invFiltLevel = detectorParams->regionSpaceTransient[regionSbr][regionOrig];
    else {

        invFiltLevel = detectorParams->regionSpace[regionSbr][regionOrig];

    invFiltLevel = max(invFiltLevel + detectorParams->EnergyCompFactor[regionNrg],0);

    return (INVF_MODE) (invFiltLevel);
コード例 #9
void* wsbrk (INTERNAL_SSIZE_T size)
        void* tmp;
        if (size > 0)
                if (gAddressBase == 0)
                        gAllocatedSize = max (RESERVED_SIZE, AlignPage (size));
                        gNextAddress = gAddressBase = 
                                (INTERNAL_SIZE_T)VirtualAlloc (NULL, gAllocatedSize, 
                                                                                        MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
                } else if (AlignPage (gNextAddress + size) > (gAddressBase +
                        INTERNAL_SIZE_T new_size = max (NEXT_SIZE, AlignPage (size));
                        void* new_address = (void*)(gAddressBase+gAllocatedSize);
                                new_address = findRegion (new_address, new_size);
                                if (new_address == 0)
                                        return (void*)-1;

                                gAddressBase = gNextAddress =
                                        (INTERNAL_SIZE_T)VirtualAlloc (new_address, new_size,
                                                                                                MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
                                // repeat in case of race condition
                                // The region that we found has been snagged 
                                // by another thread
                        while (gAddressBase == 0);

                        ASSERT (new_address == (void*)gAddressBase);

                        gAllocatedSize = new_size;

                        if (!makeGmListElement ((void*)gAddressBase))
                                return (void*)-1;
                if ((size + gNextAddress) > AlignPage (gNextAddress))
                        void* res;
                        res = VirtualAlloc ((void*)AlignPage (gNextAddress),
                                                                (size + gNextAddress - 
                                                                 AlignPage (gNextAddress)), 
                                                                MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
                        if (res == 0)
                                return (void*)-1;
                tmp = (void*)gNextAddress;
                gNextAddress = (INTERNAL_SIZE_T)tmp + size;
                return tmp;
        else if (size < 0)
                INTERNAL_SIZE_T alignedGoal = AlignPage (gNextAddress + size);
                /* Trim by releasing the virtual memory */
                if (alignedGoal >= gAddressBase)
                        VirtualFree ((void*)alignedGoal, gNextAddress - alignedGoal,  
                        gNextAddress = gNextAddress + size;
                        return (void*)gNextAddress;
                        VirtualFree ((void*)gAddressBase, gNextAddress - gAddressBase,
                        gNextAddress = gAddressBase;
                        return (void*)-1;
                return (void*)gNextAddress;
コード例 #10
initUsingCC( const vector<MapModuleNotice*>& oldVector )
   // This method should only be used for the old index.db.
   // Go through all the notices
   for ( uint32 i = 0; i < oldVector.size(); i++ ) {      
      MapModuleNotice* notice = oldVector[i];
      addNotice( notice, true ); // True means that regions should be faked.

   // Build the ItemIDTrees
   // We know that the top-regions only contain countries.
   // Save all the overview maps in a map sorted by cc.
   // WARNING: This will not work when there is more than
   //          one overview map per region,.
   map<StringTable::countryCode, uint32> overviewMaps;
   typedef  multimap<StringTable::countryCode, uint32> underviewMapMap_t;
   underviewMapMap_t underviewMaps;
   for( uint32 i = 0; i < oldVector.size(); ++i ) {
      MapModuleNotice* notice = m_allNotices[i];
      if ( MapBits::isCountryMap(notice->getMapID()) ) {
         overviewMaps[m_allNotices[i]->getCountryCode()] =
      } else if ( MapBits::isUnderviewMap( notice->getMapID() ) ) {

   // Loop over the found overview maps.
   for( map<StringTable::countryCode, uint32>::iterator
        it != overviewMaps.end();
        ++it ) {
      // Add the top level.
      ItemIDTree* idTree = findRegion( it->first )->getItemIDTreeForWriting();
      idTree->addMap( MAX_UINT32, it->second );
      // Add to or internal tree of all maps too.
      m_mapTree.addMap( MAX_UINT32, it->second );
      // Get the range of underview maps with the same county code
           underviewMapMap_t::const_iterator> range =
         underviewMaps.equal_range( it->first );
      for ( underviewMapMap_t::const_iterator ut(range.first);
            ut != range.second;
            ++ut ) {
         // Add it to the tree of the region
         idTree->addMap( it->second, ut->second);
         // Also add it to our tree of maps.
         m_mapTree.addMap( it->second, ut->second );

#ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL_4
   for(uint32 i = 0; i < m_allNotices.size(); ++i ) {
      mc2dbg << "Overview maps for " << m_allNotices[i]->getMapID()
             << endl;
      vector<uint32> overviewIDs;
      for(uint32 j = 0; j < overviewIDs.size(); ++j ) {
         mc2dbg << "    " << j << "=" << overviewIDs[j] << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL_4
   // Print stuff
   mc2dbg << "MAP_HIERARCHY" << endl;
   set<uint32> mapIDs;
   for(set<uint32>::const_iterator it = mapIDs.begin();
       it != mapIDs.end();
       ++it) {
      mc2dbg << "TopLevelMap :" << hex << *it << dec << " contains " 
             << endl;
      set<IDPair_t> items;
      m_mapTree.getContents(*it, items);
      for( set<IDPair_t>::iterator it = items.begin();
           it != items.end();
           ++it ) {
         mc2dbg << "      " << it->getMapID() << ":" << hex
                << it->getItemID() << dec << endl;
コード例 #11
ファイル: invf_est.c プロジェクト: cpopescu/whispermedialib
static INVF_MODE
decisionAlgorithm(const DETECTOR_PARAMETERS* detectorParams,
                  DETECTOR_VALUES detectorValues,
                  int transientFlag,
                  INVF_MODE prevInvfMode,
                  int* prevRegionSbr,
                  int* prevRegionOrig
  int invFiltLevel, regionSbr, regionOrig, regionNrg;

  const float *quantStepsSbr  = detectorParams->quantStepsSbr;
  const float *quantStepsOrig = detectorParams->quantStepsOrig;
  const float *nrgBorders     = detectorParams->nrgBorders;
  const int numRegionsSbr     = detectorParams->numRegionsSbr;
  const int numRegionsOrig    = detectorParams->numRegionsOrig;
  const int numRegionsNrg     = detectorParams->numRegionsNrg;

  float quantStepsSbrTmp[MAX_NUM_REGIONS];
  float quantStepsOrigTmp[MAX_NUM_REGIONS];

  float origQuotaMeanFilt;
  float sbrQuotaMeanFilt;
  float nrg;


  INDIRECT(6); MOVE(3); PTR_INIT(3); /* counting previous operations */

  ADD(3); MULT(3); TRANS(3);
  origQuotaMeanFilt = (float) (ILOG2*3.0*log(detectorValues.origQuotaMeanFilt+EPS));
  sbrQuotaMeanFilt  = (float) (ILOG2*3.0*log(detectorValues.sbrQuotaMeanFilt+EPS));
  nrg               = (float) (ILOG2*1.5*log(detectorValues.avgNrg+EPS));

  FUNC(2); LOOP(1); PTR_INIT(2); MOVE(1); STORE(numRegionsSbr);

  FUNC(2); LOOP(1); PTR_INIT(2); MOVE(1); STORE(numRegionsOrig);

  PTR_INIT(2); /* quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr]

  ADD(1); BRANCH(1);
  if(*prevRegionSbr < numRegionsSbr)
    ADD(1); STORE(1);
    quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr] = quantStepsSbr[*prevRegionSbr] + hysteresis;

  if(*prevRegionSbr > 0)
    ADD(1); STORE(1);
    quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr - 1] = quantStepsSbr[*prevRegionSbr - 1] - hysteresis;

  if(*prevRegionOrig < numRegionsOrig)
    ADD(1); STORE(1);
    quantStepsOrigTmp[*prevRegionOrig] = quantStepsOrig[*prevRegionOrig] + hysteresis;

  if(*prevRegionOrig > 0)
    ADD(1); STORE(1);
    quantStepsOrigTmp[*prevRegionOrig - 1] = quantStepsOrig[*prevRegionOrig - 1] - hysteresis;

  regionSbr  = findRegion(sbrQuotaMeanFilt, quantStepsSbrTmp, numRegionsSbr, *prevRegionSbr);

  regionOrig = findRegion(origQuotaMeanFilt, quantStepsOrigTmp, numRegionsOrig, *prevRegionOrig);

  regionNrg  = findRegion(nrg,nrgBorders,numRegionsNrg, 0);

  *prevRegionSbr = regionSbr;
  *prevRegionOrig = regionOrig;

  ADD(1); BRANCH(1);
  if(transientFlag == 1){

    INDIRECT(1); MOVE(1);
    invFiltLevel = detectorParams->regionSpaceTransient[regionSbr][regionOrig];
    INDIRECT(1); MOVE(1);
    invFiltLevel = detectorParams->regionSpace[regionSbr][regionOrig];

  INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1);
  invFiltLevel = max(invFiltLevel + detectorParams->EnergyCompFactor[regionNrg],0);


  return (INVF_MODE) (invFiltLevel);
コード例 #12
static INVF_MODE
decisionAlgorithm(const DETECTOR_PARAMETERS *detectorParams,     /*!< Struct with the detector parameters. */
                  DETECTOR_VALUES *detectorValues,               /*!< Struct with the detector values. */
                  INT transientFlag,                             /*!< Flag indicating if there is a transient present.*/
                  INT* prevRegionSbr,                            /*!< The previous region in which the Sbr value was. */
                  INT* prevRegionOrig                            /*!< The previous region in which the Orig value was. */
  INT invFiltLevel, regionSbr, regionOrig, regionNrg;

   Current thresholds.
  const FIXP_DBL *quantStepsSbr  = detectorParams->quantStepsSbr;
  const FIXP_DBL *quantStepsOrig = detectorParams->quantStepsOrig;
  const FIXP_DBL *nrgBorders     = detectorParams->nrgBorders;
  const INT numRegionsSbr     = detectorParams->numRegionsSbr;
  const INT numRegionsOrig    = detectorParams->numRegionsOrig;
  const INT numRegionsNrg     = detectorParams->numRegionsNrg;

  FIXP_DBL quantStepsOrigTmp[MAX_NUM_REGIONS];

   Current detector values.
  FIXP_DBL origQuotaMeanFilt;
  FIXP_DBL sbrQuotaMeanFilt;
  FIXP_DBL nrg;

  /* 0.375 = 3.0 / 8.0; 0.31143075889 = log2(RELAXATION)/64.0; 0.625 = log(16)/64.0; 0.6875 = 44/64.0 */
  origQuotaMeanFilt = (fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(2.f*0.375f), (FIXP_DBL)(CalcLdData(max(detectorValues->origQuotaMeanFilt,(FIXP_DBL)1)) + FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.31143075889f)))) << 0;  /* scaled by 1/2^9 */
  sbrQuotaMeanFilt  = (fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(2.f*0.375f), (FIXP_DBL)(CalcLdData(max(detectorValues->sbrQuotaMeanFilt,(FIXP_DBL)1)) + FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.31143075889f)))) << 0;   /* scaled by 1/2^9 */
  /* If energy is zero then we will get different results for different word lengths. */
  nrg               = (fMultDiv2(FL2FXCONST_DBL(2.f*0.375f), (FIXP_DBL)(CalcLdData(detectorValues->avgNrg+(FIXP_DBL)1) + FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.0625f) + FL2FXCONST_DBL(0.6875f)))) << 0;     /* scaled by 1/2^8; 2^44 -> qmf energy scale */


  if(*prevRegionSbr < numRegionsSbr)
    quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr] = quantStepsSbr[*prevRegionSbr] + hysteresis;
  if(*prevRegionSbr > 0)
    quantStepsSbrTmp[*prevRegionSbr - 1] = quantStepsSbr[*prevRegionSbr - 1] - hysteresis;

  if(*prevRegionOrig < numRegionsOrig)
    quantStepsOrigTmp[*prevRegionOrig] = quantStepsOrig[*prevRegionOrig] + hysteresis;
  if(*prevRegionOrig > 0)
    quantStepsOrigTmp[*prevRegionOrig - 1] = quantStepsOrig[*prevRegionOrig - 1] - hysteresis;

  regionSbr  = findRegion(sbrQuotaMeanFilt, quantStepsSbrTmp, numRegionsSbr);
  regionOrig = findRegion(origQuotaMeanFilt, quantStepsOrigTmp, numRegionsOrig);
  regionNrg  = findRegion(nrg,nrgBorders,numRegionsNrg);

  *prevRegionSbr = regionSbr;
  *prevRegionOrig = regionOrig;

  /* Use different settings if a transient is present*/
  invFiltLevel = (transientFlag == 1) ? detectorParams->regionSpaceTransient[regionSbr][regionOrig]
                                      : detectorParams->regionSpace[regionSbr][regionOrig];

  /* Compensate for low energy.*/
  invFiltLevel = max(invFiltLevel + detectorParams->EnergyCompFactor[regionNrg],0);

  return (INVF_MODE) (invFiltLevel);
コード例 #13
ファイル: widget_utils.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/umbrello
     * Determine the approximate closest points of two polygons.
     * @param self  First QPolygonF.
     * @param other Second QPolygonF.
     * @return  QLineF::p1() returns point of \a self;
     *          QLineF::p2() returns point of \a other.
    QLineF closestPoints(const QPolygonF& self, const QPolygonF& other)
        const QRectF& selfRect = self.boundingRect();
        const QRectF& otherRect = other.boundingRect();
        Uml::Region::Enum region = findRegion(selfRect, otherRect);
        if (region == Uml::Region::Center)
            return QLineF();
        if (self.size() < 3 || other.size() < 3)
            return QLineF();
        QLineF result;
        const int selfLastIndex  = self.size()  - 1 - (int)self.isClosed();
        const int otherLastIndex = other.size() - 1 - (int)other.isClosed();
        QPointF selfPoint(self.at(selfLastIndex));
        QPointF otherPoint(other.at(otherLastIndex));
        QLineF selfLine, otherLine;
        int i;

        switch (region) {

        case Uml::Region::North:
            // Find other's line with largest Y values
            otherLine = findLine(other, Y, Largest, selfRect);
            // Find own line with smallest Y values
            selfLine = findLine(self, Y, Smallest, otherRect);
            // Use the middle value of the X values
            result.setLine(middle(selfLine.p2().x(), selfLine.p1().x()), selfLine.p1().y(),
                           middle(otherLine.p2().x(), otherLine.p1().x()), otherLine.p1().y());

        case Uml::Region::South:
            // Find other's line with smallest Y values
            otherLine = findLine(other, Y, Smallest, selfRect);
            // Find own line with largest Y values
            selfLine = findLine(self, Y, Largest, otherRect);
            // Use the middle value of the X values
            result.setLine(middle(selfLine.p2().x(), selfLine.p1().x()), selfLine.p1().y(),
                           middle(otherLine.p2().x(), otherLine.p1().x()), otherLine.p1().y());

        case Uml::Region::West:
            // Find other's line with largest X values
            otherLine = findLine(other, X, Largest, selfRect);
            // Find own line with smallest X values
            selfLine = findLine(self, X, Smallest, otherRect);
            // Use the middle value of the Y values
            result.setLine(selfLine.p1().x(), middle(selfLine.p2().y(), selfLine.p1().y()),
                           otherLine.p1().x(), middle(otherLine.p2().y(), otherLine.p1().y()));

        case Uml::Region::East:
            // Find other's line with smallest X values
            otherLine = findLine(other, X, Smallest, selfRect);
            // Find own line with largest X values
            selfLine = findLine(self, X, Largest, otherRect);
            // Use the middle value of the Y values
            result.setLine(selfLine.p1().x(), middle(selfLine.p2().y(), selfLine.p1().y()),
                           otherLine.p1().x(), middle(otherLine.p2().y(), otherLine.p1().y()));

        case Uml::Region::NorthWest:
            // Find other's point with largest X and largest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < otherLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(other.at(i));
                if (current.x() + current.y() >= otherPoint.x() + otherPoint.y()) {
                    otherPoint = current;
            // Find own point with smallest X and smallest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < selfLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(self.at(i));
                if (current.x() + current.y() <= selfPoint.x() + selfPoint.y()) {
                    selfPoint = current;
            result.setPoints(selfPoint, otherPoint);

        case Uml::Region::SouthWest:
            // Find other's point with largest X and smallest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < otherLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(other.at(i));
                if (current.x() >= otherPoint.x() && current.y() <= otherPoint.y()) {
                    otherPoint = current;
            // Find own point with smallest X and largest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < selfLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(self.at(i));
                if (current.x() <= selfPoint.x() && current.y() >= selfPoint.y()) {
                    selfPoint = current;
            result.setPoints(selfPoint, otherPoint);

        case Uml::Region::NorthEast:
            // Find other's point with smallest X and largest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < otherLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(other.at(i));
                if (current.x() <= otherPoint.x() && current.y() >= otherPoint.y()) {
                    otherPoint = current;
            // Find own point with largest X and smallest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < selfLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(self.at(i));
                if (current.x() >= selfPoint.x() && current.y() <= selfPoint.y()) {
                    selfPoint = current;
            result.setPoints(selfPoint, otherPoint);

        case Uml::Region::SouthEast:
            // Find other's point with smallest X and smallest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < otherLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(other.at(i));
                if (current.x() + current.y() <= otherPoint.x() + otherPoint.y()) {
                    otherPoint = current;
            // Find own point with largest X and largest Y value
            for (i = 0; i < selfLastIndex; ++i) {
                QPointF current(self.at(i));
                if (current.x() + current.y() >= selfPoint.x() + selfPoint.y()) {
                    selfPoint = current;
            result.setPoints(selfPoint, otherPoint);

            // Error

        return result;