コード例 #1
//   MAIN
extern "C" int WINAPI WinMain(  HINSTANCE hInstance,      // handle to current instance
                                HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,  // handle to previous instance
                                LPSTR lpCmdLine,          // command line
                                int nCmdShow   ){         // show state

  HANDLE hMutex;
  TCHAR szTokens[] = "-/";
  LPCTSTR lpszToken;
  int iRes;
  HWND hDlgWnd;
  UINT uiTimerID; 

  // Check for another instance
  hMutex = OpenMutex( SYNCHRONIZE,  // requested access (lowest possible)
                      FALSE,  // allow inheritance (does not matter)
                      x_szMutexName);  // unique name

    MessageBox( NULL, "Cannot start the application because another instance is already running.\n", 
                x_szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
    return 1;

  hMutex = CreateMutex( NULL,  // default security
                        TRUE,  // obtain ownership
                        x_szMutexName);  // unique name
    MessageBox( NULL, "Cannot create application mutex.\n", 
                x_szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
    return 1;

  // Parse the command line for options
  lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpCmdLine, szTokens);
  while (lpszToken != NULL) {
    if (lstrcmpi(lpszToken, "UnregServer")==0) {
      iRes = g_UnregisterCOM();
      if( iRes != 0 ) { 
        MessageBox( NULL, "Error: Can't unregister server. g_UnregisterCOM() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      else {
        MessageBox( NULL, "Success: the server is unregistered.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      return iRes;
    if (lstrcmpi(lpszToken, "RegServer")==0) {
      iRes = g_RegisterCOM();
      if( iRes != 0 ) { 
        MessageBox( NULL, "Error: Can't register server. g_RegisterCOM() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      else {
        MessageBox( NULL, "Success: the server is registered.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      return iRes;
    lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpszToken, szTokens);
  } // while there are tokens

//-------  Windows staff starts here
  CP_printfCreate(x_szTitle); // create console window

  hDlgWnd=CreateDialog(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN_DIALOG),
                      NULL, x_DialogProc); 
  g_hWnd = hDlgWnd;

  SetWindowText(hDlgWnd, x_szTitle);
  SendMessage(hDlgWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 
              (LPARAM)LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON_APPL)));
  SendMessage(hDlgWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 
             (LPARAM)LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON_APPL), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0));
  ShowWindow(hDlgWnd, SW_SHOW); 
  uiTimerID = SetTimer( hDlgWnd,  TIMER_ID,  TIMER_PERIOD_MS,  NULL ); 
  if ( uiTimerID == 0){ 
    CP_printf("Error: could not create timer!"); // don't exit we are still functional

  CP_printfHide();  // default is no log window

  // Init COM using single-thread apartment model
  hr = CoInitialize(NULL); 
  if( hr != S_OK) { 
    MessageBox( NULL, "Error in CoInitializeEx()", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
    return 1;

  iRes = g_Init_LibertyTrack( );
  if( iRes != 0 ) { 
    MessageBox( NULL, "Error: g_Init_LibertyTrack() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
    return 1;
  // Message loop
  MSG msg;
  while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) {
    // IsDialogMessage() processes keyboard events for the dialog and
    // passes others to translate/dispatch
  }  // end of uMsg loop

  KillTimer( hDlgWnd, TIMER_ID);

  return 0;
コード例 #2
//   MAIN
extern "C" int WINAPI WinMain(  HINSTANCE hInstance,      // handle to current instance
                                HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,  // handle to previous instance
                                LPSTR lpCmdLine,          // command line
                                int nCmdShow   ){         // show state

  TCHAR szTokens[] = "-/";
  int iRes;
  HWND hDlgWnd;
  UINT uiTimerID; 

  // Parse the command line for options
  LPCTSTR lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpCmdLine, szTokens);
  while (lpszToken != NULL) {
    if (lstrcmpi(lpszToken, "UnregServer")==0) {
      iRes = g_UnregisterCOM();
      if( iRes != 0 ) { 
        MessageBox( NULL, "Error: Can't unregister server. g_UnregisterCOM() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      else {
        MessageBox( NULL, "Success: the server is unregistered.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      return iRes;
    if (lstrcmpi(lpszToken, "RegServer")==0) {
      iRes = g_RegisterCOM();
      if( iRes != 0 ) { 
        MessageBox( NULL, "Error: Can't register server. g_RegisterCOM() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      else {
        MessageBox( NULL, "Success: the server is registered.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      return iRes;
    lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpszToken, szTokens);
  } // while there are tokens

//-------  Windows staff starts here
  CP_printfCreate(x_szTitle); // create console window

  hDlgWnd=CreateDialog(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN_DIALOG),
                      NULL, x_DialogProc); 
  SetWindowText(hDlgWnd, x_szTitle);
  SendMessage(hDlgWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 
              (LPARAM)LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON_APPL)));
  SendMessage(hDlgWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 
             (LPARAM)LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON_APPL), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0));
//  SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlgWnd, IDC_LBL_VERSION ) , g_szVersion);
  ShowWindow(hDlgWnd, SW_SHOW); 
  uiTimerID = SetTimer( hDlgWnd,  TIMER_ID,  TIMER_PERIOD_MS,  NULL ); 
  if ( uiTimerID == 0){ 
    CP_printf("Error: could not create timer!"); // don't exit we are still functional

  // Init COM using multi-threaded model

  if( hr != S_OK) { 
    MessageBox( NULL, "Error in CoInitializeEx()", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
    return 1;

  iRes = g_Init_EyeTrack( );
  if( iRes != 0 ) { 
    MessageBox( NULL, "Error: g_Init_EyeTrack() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
    return 1;
  // Message loop
  MSG msg;
  while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) {
    // Process dialog messages in IsDialogMessage() pass others to translate/dispatch
  }  // end of message loop
  KillTimer( hDlgWnd, TIMER_ID);

  return 0;
コード例 #3
//   MAIN
extern "C" int WINAPI WinMain(  HINSTANCE hInstance,      // handle to current instance
                                HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,  // handle to previous instance
                                LPSTR lpCmdLine,          // command line
                                int nCmdShow   ){         // show state

  HANDLE hMutex;
  TCHAR szTokens[] = "-/";
  LPCTSTR lpszToken;
  int iRes;

  x_hInstance = hInstance;

  // Check for another instance
  hMutex = OpenMutex( SYNCHRONIZE,  // requested access (lowest possible)
                      FALSE,  // allow inheritance (does not matter)
                      x_szMutexName);  // unique name

    MessageBox( NULL, "Cannot start the application because another instance is already running.\n", 
                x_szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
    return 1;

  hMutex = CreateMutex( NULL,  // default security
                        TRUE,  // obtain ownership
                        x_szMutexName);  // unique name
    MessageBox( NULL, "Cannot create application mutex.\n", 
                x_szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
    return 1;

  // Parse the command line for options
  lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpCmdLine, szTokens);
  while (lpszToken != NULL) {
    if (lstrcmpi(lpszToken, "UnregServer")==0) {
      iRes = g_UnregisterCOM();
      if( iRes != 0 ) { 
        MessageBox( NULL, "Error: Can't unregister server. g_UnregisterCOM() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      else {
        MessageBox( NULL, "Success: the server is unregistered.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      return iRes;
    if (lstrcmpi(lpszToken, "RegServer")==0) {
      iRes = g_RegisterCOM();
      if( iRes != 0 ) { 
        MessageBox( NULL, "Error: Can't register server. g_RegisterCOM() failed.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      else {
        MessageBox( NULL, "Success: the server is registered.", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
      return iRes;
    lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpszToken, szTokens);
  } // while there are tokens

//-------  Regular run starts here
  // Init COM using single-threaded model
  if( hRes != S_OK) { 
    MessageBox( NULL, "Error in CoInitializeEx()", x_szTitle, MB_OK);
    return 1;
  CP_printfCreate(x_szTitle); // create console window
  CP_printfHide(); // hide console window

  //-------  Windows main loop is here
  DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN_DIALOG), NULL, x_DialogProc); 


  return 0;