コード例 #1
static void playlists_menuitem_submenu_item_activated (PlaylistsMenuitem* self, gint menu_item_id) {
	GeeHashMap* _tmp0_;
	gint _tmp1_;
	gboolean _tmp2_ = FALSE;
	PlayerController* _tmp4_;
	PlayerController* _tmp5_;
	Mpris2Controller* _tmp6_;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp7_;
	gint _tmp8_;
	gpointer _tmp9_ = NULL;
	DbusmenuMenuitem* _tmp10_;
	const gchar* _tmp11_ = NULL;
	g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
	_tmp0_ = self->priv->current_playlists;
	_tmp1_ = menu_item_id;
	_tmp2_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp0_, GINT_TO_POINTER (_tmp1_));
	if (!_tmp2_) {
		gint _tmp3_;
		_tmp3_ = menu_item_id;
		g_warning ("playlists-menu-item.vala:129: item %i was activated but we don't have " \
"a corresponding playlist", _tmp3_);
	_tmp4_ = player_item_get_owner ((PlayerItem*) self);
	_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
	_tmp6_ = _tmp5_->mpris_bridge;
	_tmp7_ = self->priv->current_playlists;
	_tmp8_ = menu_item_id;
	_tmp9_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp7_, GINT_TO_POINTER (_tmp8_));
	_tmp10_ = (DbusmenuMenuitem*) _tmp9_;
	_tmp11_ = dbusmenu_menuitem_property_get (_tmp10_, DBUSMENU_PLAYLIST_MENUITEM_PATH);
	mpris2_controller_activate_playlist (_tmp6_, (const char*) _tmp11_);
	_g_object_unref0 (_tmp10_);
 * Register a plaintext description for a query container. The passed
 * string will be modified to the checksum id of the container.
 * @param id Originally contains the plaintext id which is replaced with
 *           the hashed id on return.
rygel_media_export_query_container_factory_register_id (RygelMediaExportQueryContainerFactory  *self,
                                                        gchar                                 **id) {
  gchar *md5;
  gchar *tmp;
  GeeAbstractMap *abstract_virtuals;
  RygelMediaExportQueryContainerFactoryPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (id != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (*id != NULL);

  priv = self->priv;
  md5 = g_compute_checksum_for_string (G_CHECKSUM_MD5, *id, (gsize) (-1));
  abstract_virtuals = GEE_ABSTRACT_MAP (priv->virtual_container_map);

  if (!gee_abstract_map_has_key (abstract_virtuals, md5)) {
    gee_abstract_map_set (abstract_virtuals, md5, *id);
    g_debug ("Registering %s for %s", md5, *id);
  g_free (md5);
  g_free (*id);
  *id = tmp;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Wind.c プロジェクト: couchjd/playground
static gboolean soy_fields_wind_real_exert (soyfieldsField* base, soybodiesBody* other) {
	soyfieldsWind * self;
	gboolean result = FALSE;
	soybodiesBody* _tmp0_ = NULL;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp1_ = NULL;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp2_ = NULL;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp3_ = NULL;
	gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE;
	gboolean _tmp5_ = FALSE;
#line 38 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	self = (soyfieldsWind*) base;
#line 38 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	g_return_val_if_fail (other != NULL, FALSE);
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	_tmp0_ = other;
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	_tmp1_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp0_);
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	_tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	_tmp4_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp3_, "cd");
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	_g_object_unref0 (_tmp3_);
#line 39 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	if (_tmp5_) {
#line 223 "Wind.c"
		gfloat dx = 0.0F;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp6_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp7_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp8_ = NULL;
		gfloat _tmp9_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp10_ = 0.0F;
		soybodiesBody* _tmp11_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp12_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp13_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp14_ = NULL;
		gfloat _tmp15_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp16_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp17_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat dy = 0.0F;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp18_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp19_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp20_ = NULL;
		gfloat _tmp21_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp22_ = 0.0F;
		soybodiesBody* _tmp23_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp24_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp25_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp26_ = NULL;
		gfloat _tmp27_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp28_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp29_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat dz = 0.0F;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp30_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp31_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp32_ = NULL;
		gfloat _tmp33_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp34_ = 0.0F;
		soybodiesBody* _tmp35_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp36_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp37_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp38_ = NULL;
		gfloat _tmp39_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp40_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp41_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat d2 = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp42_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp43_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp44_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp45_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp46_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp47_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp48_ = 0.0F;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp6_ = soy_fields_wind_get_wind (self);
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp9_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_x (_tmp8_);
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp10_ = _tmp9_;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp11_ = other;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp12_ = soy_bodies_body_get_velocity (_tmp11_);
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp15_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_x (_tmp14_);
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp16_ = _tmp15_;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp17_ = _tmp10_ - _tmp16_;
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp14_);
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp8_);
#line 40 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		dx = _tmp17_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp18_ = soy_fields_wind_get_wind (self);
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp19_ = _tmp18_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp20_ = _tmp19_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp21_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_y (_tmp20_);
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp22_ = _tmp21_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp23_ = other;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp24_ = soy_bodies_body_get_velocity (_tmp23_);
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp25_ = _tmp24_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp26_ = _tmp25_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp27_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_y (_tmp26_);
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp28_ = _tmp27_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp29_ = _tmp22_ - _tmp28_;
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp26_);
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp20_);
#line 41 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		dy = _tmp29_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp30_ = soy_fields_wind_get_wind (self);
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp31_ = _tmp30_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp32_ = _tmp31_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp33_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_z (_tmp32_);
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp34_ = _tmp33_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp35_ = other;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp36_ = soy_bodies_body_get_velocity (_tmp35_);
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp37_ = _tmp36_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp38_ = _tmp37_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp39_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_z (_tmp38_);
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp40_ = _tmp39_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp41_ = _tmp34_ - _tmp40_;
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp38_);
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp32_);
#line 42 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		dz = _tmp41_;
#line 43 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp42_ = dx;
#line 43 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp43_ = dx;
#line 43 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp44_ = dy;
#line 43 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp45_ = dy;
#line 43 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp46_ = dz;
#line 43 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp47_ = dz;
#line 43 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		d2 = ((_tmp42_ * _tmp43_) + (_tmp44_ * _tmp45_)) + (_tmp46_ * _tmp47_);
#line 44 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		_tmp48_ = d2;
#line 44 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
		if (_tmp48_ != ((gfloat) 0)) {
#line 379 "Wind.c"
			gfloat f = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp49_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp50_ = 0.0F;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp51_ = NULL;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp52_ = NULL;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp53_ = NULL;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp54_ = NULL;
			gpointer _tmp55_ = NULL;
			gfloat _tmp56_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat r = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp57_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp58_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp59_ = 0.0F;
			gboolean _tmp60_ = FALSE;
			gboolean _tmp61_ = FALSE;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp62_ = NULL;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp63_ = NULL;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp64_ = NULL;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp65_ = NULL;
			gboolean _tmp66_ = FALSE;
			gboolean _tmp67_ = FALSE;
			gboolean _tmp73_ = FALSE;
			gboolean _tmp79_ = FALSE;
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp49_ = self->priv->_viscosity;
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp50_ = d2;
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp51_ = other;
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp52_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp51_);
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp53_ = _tmp52_;
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp54_ = _tmp53_;
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp55_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp54_, "cd");
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp56_ = ((0.5f * _tmp49_) * _tmp50_) * ((gfloat) (*((gfloat*) _tmp55_)));
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp54_);
#line 45 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			f = _tmp56_;
#line 46 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp57_ = f;
#line 46 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp58_ = d2;
#line 46 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp59_ = sqrtf (_tmp58_);
#line 46 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			r = _tmp57_ / _tmp59_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp62_ = other;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp63_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp62_);
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp64_ = _tmp63_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp65_ = _tmp64_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp66_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp65_, "cpx");
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp67_ = _tmp66_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp65_);
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			if (_tmp67_) {
#line 447 "Wind.c"
				soybodiesBody* _tmp68_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp69_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp70_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp71_ = NULL;
				gboolean _tmp72_ = FALSE;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp68_ = other;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp69_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp68_);
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp70_ = _tmp69_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp71_ = _tmp70_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp72_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp71_, "cpy");
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp61_ = _tmp72_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_g_object_unref0 (_tmp71_);
#line 467 "Wind.c"
			} else {
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp61_ = FALSE;
#line 471 "Wind.c"
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp73_ = _tmp61_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			if (_tmp73_) {
#line 477 "Wind.c"
				soybodiesBody* _tmp74_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp75_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp76_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp77_ = NULL;
				gboolean _tmp78_ = FALSE;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp74_ = other;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp75_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp74_);
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp76_ = _tmp75_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp77_ = _tmp76_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp78_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp77_, "cpz");
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp60_ = _tmp78_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_g_object_unref0 (_tmp77_);
#line 497 "Wind.c"
			} else {
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp60_ = FALSE;
#line 501 "Wind.c"
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			_tmp79_ = _tmp60_;
#line 47 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
			if (_tmp79_) {
#line 507 "Wind.c"
				soybodiesBody* _tmp80_ = NULL;
				gfloat _tmp81_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp82_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp83_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp84_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp85_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp86_ = 0.0F;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp80_ = other;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp81_ = r;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp82_ = dx;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp83_ = r;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp84_ = dy;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp85_ = r;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				_tmp86_ = dz;
#line 48 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
				soy_bodies_body_addForce (_tmp80_, (dReal) (_tmp81_ * _tmp82_), (dReal) (_tmp83_ * _tmp84_), (dReal) (_tmp85_ * _tmp86_));
#line 531 "Wind.c"
#line 49 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	result = TRUE;
#line 49 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Wind.gs"
	return result;
#line 539 "Wind.c"
コード例 #4
ファイル: Shockwave.c プロジェクト: RONNCC/pysoy
static gboolean soy_fields_shockwave_real_exert (soyfieldsField* base, soybodiesBody* other) {
	soyfieldsShockwave * self;
	gboolean result = FALSE;
	gfloat depth = 0.0F;
	gfloat force = 0.0F;
	gfloat dx = 0.0F;
	gfloat dy = 0.0F;
	gfloat dz = 0.0F;
	gfloat d = 0.0F;
	soybodiesBody* _tmp0_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp1_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp2_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp3_;
	gfloat _tmp4_;
	gfloat _tmp5_;
	soybodiesBody* _tmp6_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp7_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp8_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp9_;
	gfloat _tmp10_;
	gfloat _tmp11_;
	soybodiesBody* _tmp12_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp13_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp14_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp15_;
	gfloat _tmp16_;
	gfloat _tmp17_;
	gfloat _tmp18_ = 0.0F;
	gboolean _tmp19_ = FALSE;
	gfloat _tmp20_;
	gboolean _tmp24_;
	self = (soyfieldsShockwave*) base;
	g_return_val_if_fail (other != NULL, FALSE);
	_tmp0_ = other;
	_tmp1_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp0_);
	_tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
	_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
	_tmp4_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp3_);
	_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
	_tmp6_ = other;
	_tmp7_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp6_);
	_tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
	_tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
	_tmp10_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp9_);
	_tmp11_ = _tmp10_;
	_tmp12_ = other;
	_tmp13_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp12_);
	_tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
	_tmp15_ = _tmp14_;
	_tmp16_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp15_);
	_tmp17_ = _tmp16_;
	_tmp18_ = soy_bodies_body_pointDepth ((soybodiesBody*) self, _tmp5_, _tmp11_, _tmp17_);
	depth = _tmp18_;
	_g_object_unref0 (_tmp15_);
	_g_object_unref0 (_tmp9_);
	_g_object_unref0 (_tmp3_);
	_tmp20_ = depth;
	if (_tmp20_ > ((gfloat) 0)) {
		gfloat _tmp21_;
		gfloat _tmp22_;
		gfloat _tmp23_;
		_tmp21_ = depth;
		_tmp22_ = soy_fields_shockwave_get_length (self);
		_tmp23_ = _tmp22_;
		_tmp19_ = _tmp21_ < _tmp23_;
	} else {
		_tmp19_ = FALSE;
	_tmp24_ = _tmp19_;
	if (_tmp24_) {
		gfloat _tmp25_;
		gfloat _tmp26_;
		gfloat _tmp27_;
		gfloat _tmp28_;
		gfloat _tmp29_ = 0.0F;
		soybodiesBody* _tmp30_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp31_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp32_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp33_;
		gfloat _tmp34_;
		gfloat _tmp35_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp36_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp37_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp38_;
		gfloat _tmp39_;
		gfloat _tmp40_;
		soybodiesBody* _tmp41_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp42_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp43_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp44_;
		gfloat _tmp45_;
		gfloat _tmp46_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp47_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp48_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp49_;
		gfloat _tmp50_;
		gfloat _tmp51_;
		soybodiesBody* _tmp52_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp53_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp54_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp55_;
		gfloat _tmp56_;
		gfloat _tmp57_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp58_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp59_;
		soyatomsPosition* _tmp60_;
		gfloat _tmp61_;
		gfloat _tmp62_;
		gfloat _tmp63_;
		gfloat _tmp64_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp65_;
		gfloat _tmp66_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp67_;
		gfloat _tmp68_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp69_ = 0.0F;
		gfloat _tmp70_;
		gfloat _tmp71_;
		gfloat _tmp72_;
		gfloat _tmp73_;
		gfloat _tmp74_;
		gfloat _tmp75_;
		gfloat _tmp76_;
		gfloat _tmp77_;
		gfloat _tmp78_;
		gboolean _tmp79_ = FALSE;
		gboolean _tmp80_ = FALSE;
		soybodiesBody* _tmp81_;
		GeeHashMap* _tmp82_;
		GeeHashMap* _tmp83_;
		GeeHashMap* _tmp84_;
		gboolean _tmp85_ = FALSE;
		gboolean _tmp86_;
		gboolean _tmp92_;
		gboolean _tmp98_;
		_tmp25_ = self->priv->_outer;
		_tmp26_ = soy_fields_shockwave_get_swvel (self);
		_tmp27_ = _tmp26_;
		_tmp28_ = depth;
		_tmp29_ = powf ((((gfloat) _tmp25_) * _tmp27_) - _tmp28_, (gfloat) 2);
		force = 1 / (12.56637061f * _tmp29_);
		_tmp30_ = other;
		_tmp31_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp30_);
		_tmp32_ = _tmp31_;
		_tmp33_ = _tmp32_;
		_tmp34_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp33_);
		_tmp35_ = _tmp34_;
		_tmp36_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
		_tmp37_ = _tmp36_;
		_tmp38_ = _tmp37_;
		_tmp39_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp38_);
		_tmp40_ = _tmp39_;
		dx = _tmp35_ - _tmp40_;
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp38_);
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp33_);
		_tmp41_ = other;
		_tmp42_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp41_);
		_tmp43_ = _tmp42_;
		_tmp44_ = _tmp43_;
		_tmp45_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp44_);
		_tmp46_ = _tmp45_;
		_tmp47_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
		_tmp48_ = _tmp47_;
		_tmp49_ = _tmp48_;
		_tmp50_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp49_);
		_tmp51_ = _tmp50_;
		dy = _tmp46_ - _tmp51_;
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp49_);
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp44_);
		_tmp52_ = other;
		_tmp53_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp52_);
		_tmp54_ = _tmp53_;
		_tmp55_ = _tmp54_;
		_tmp56_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp55_);
		_tmp57_ = _tmp56_;
		_tmp58_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
		_tmp59_ = _tmp58_;
		_tmp60_ = _tmp59_;
		_tmp61_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp60_);
		_tmp62_ = _tmp61_;
		dz = _tmp57_ - _tmp62_;
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp60_);
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp55_);
		_tmp63_ = dx;
		_tmp64_ = powf (_tmp63_, (gfloat) 2);
		_tmp65_ = dy;
		_tmp66_ = powf (_tmp65_, (gfloat) 2);
		_tmp67_ = dz;
		_tmp68_ = powf (_tmp67_, (gfloat) 2);
		_tmp69_ = sqrtf ((_tmp64_ + _tmp66_) + _tmp68_);
		d = _tmp69_;
		_tmp70_ = force;
		_tmp71_ = dx;
		_tmp72_ = d;
		dx = (_tmp70_ * _tmp71_) / _tmp72_;
		_tmp73_ = force;
		_tmp74_ = dy;
		_tmp75_ = d;
		dy = (_tmp73_ * _tmp74_) / _tmp75_;
		_tmp76_ = force;
		_tmp77_ = dz;
		_tmp78_ = d;
		dz = (_tmp76_ * _tmp77_) / _tmp78_;
		_tmp81_ = other;
		_tmp82_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp81_);
		_tmp83_ = _tmp82_;
		_tmp84_ = _tmp83_;
		_tmp85_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp84_, "cpx");
		_tmp86_ = _tmp85_;
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp84_);
		if (_tmp86_) {
			soybodiesBody* _tmp87_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp88_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp89_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp90_;
			gboolean _tmp91_ = FALSE;
			_tmp87_ = other;
			_tmp88_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp87_);
			_tmp89_ = _tmp88_;
			_tmp90_ = _tmp89_;
			_tmp91_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp90_, "cpy");
			_tmp80_ = _tmp91_;
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp90_);
		} else {
			_tmp80_ = FALSE;
		_tmp92_ = _tmp80_;
		if (_tmp92_) {
			soybodiesBody* _tmp93_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp94_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp95_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp96_;
			gboolean _tmp97_ = FALSE;
			_tmp93_ = other;
			_tmp94_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp93_);
			_tmp95_ = _tmp94_;
			_tmp96_ = _tmp95_;
			_tmp97_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp96_, "cpz");
			_tmp79_ = _tmp97_;
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp96_);
		} else {
			_tmp79_ = FALSE;
		_tmp98_ = _tmp79_;
		if (_tmp98_) {
			soybodiesBody* _tmp99_;
			gfloat _tmp100_;
			gfloat _tmp101_;
			gfloat _tmp102_;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp103_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp104_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp105_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp106_;
			gpointer _tmp107_ = NULL;
			gfloat* _tmp108_;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp109_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp110_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp111_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp112_;
			gpointer _tmp113_ = NULL;
			gfloat* _tmp114_;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp115_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp116_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp117_;
			GeeHashMap* _tmp118_;
			gpointer _tmp119_ = NULL;
			gfloat* _tmp120_;
			_tmp99_ = other;
			_tmp100_ = dx;
			_tmp101_ = dy;
			_tmp102_ = dz;
			_tmp103_ = other;
			_tmp104_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp103_);
			_tmp105_ = _tmp104_;
			_tmp106_ = _tmp105_;
			_tmp107_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp106_, "cpx");
			_tmp108_ = (gfloat*) _tmp107_;
			_tmp109_ = other;
			_tmp110_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp109_);
			_tmp111_ = _tmp110_;
			_tmp112_ = _tmp111_;
			_tmp113_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp112_, "cpy");
			_tmp114_ = (gfloat*) _tmp113_;
			_tmp115_ = other;
			_tmp116_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp115_);
			_tmp117_ = _tmp116_;
			_tmp118_ = _tmp117_;
			_tmp119_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp118_, "cpz");
			_tmp120_ = (gfloat*) _tmp119_;
			soy_bodies_body_addForceAtRelPos (_tmp99_, (dReal) _tmp100_, (dReal) _tmp101_, (dReal) _tmp102_, *_tmp108_, *_tmp114_, *_tmp120_);
			_g_free0 (_tmp120_);
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp118_);
			_g_free0 (_tmp114_);
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp112_);
			_g_free0 (_tmp108_);
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp106_);
		} else {
			soybodiesBody* _tmp121_;
			gfloat _tmp122_;
			gfloat _tmp123_;
			gfloat _tmp124_;
			_tmp121_ = other;
			_tmp122_ = dx;
			_tmp123_ = dy;
			_tmp124_ = dz;
			soy_bodies_body_addForce (_tmp121_, (dReal) _tmp122_, (dReal) _tmp123_, (dReal) _tmp124_);
	result = TRUE;
	return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: GMenuEntries.c プロジェクト: fbrinkworth/slingscold
void slingshot_backend_gmenu_entries_enumerate_apps (GeeArrayList* source, GeeHashMap* icons, gint icon_size, GeeArrayList** list) {
    GeeArrayList* _vala_list = NULL;
    GtkIconTheme* _tmp0_ = NULL;
    GtkIconTheme* _tmp1_;
    GtkIconTheme* icon_theme;
    GeeArrayList* _tmp2_;
    GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
    g_return_if_fail (source != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (icons != NULL);
    _tmp0_ = gtk_icon_theme_get_default ();
    _tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_);
    icon_theme = _tmp1_;
    _tmp2_ = gee_array_list_new (GEE_TYPE_HASH_MAP, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_object_ref, g_object_unref, NULL);
    _g_object_unref0 (_vala_list);
    _vala_list = _tmp2_;
        GeeArrayList* _tmp3_;
        GeeArrayList* _tmp4_;
        GeeArrayList* _app_list;
        GeeArrayList* _tmp5_;
        gint _tmp6_;
        gint _tmp7_;
        gint _app_size;
        gint _app_index;
        _tmp3_ = source;
        _tmp4_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp3_);
        _app_list = _tmp4_;
        _tmp5_ = _app_list;
        _tmp6_ = gee_abstract_collection_get_size ((GeeCollection*) _tmp5_);
        _tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
        _app_size = _tmp7_;
        _app_index = -1;
        while (TRUE) {
            gint _tmp8_;
            gint _tmp9_;
            gint _tmp10_;
            GeeArrayList* _tmp11_;
            gint _tmp12_;
            gpointer _tmp13_ = NULL;
            GMenuTreeEntry* app;
            gboolean _tmp14_ = FALSE;
            gboolean _tmp15_ = FALSE;
            GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp16_;
            gboolean _tmp17_ = FALSE;
            gboolean _tmp20_;
            gboolean _tmp23_;
            _tmp8_ = _app_index;
            _app_index = _tmp8_ + 1;
            _tmp9_ = _app_index;
            _tmp10_ = _app_size;
            if (!(_tmp9_ < _tmp10_)) {
            _tmp11_ = _app_list;
            _tmp12_ = _app_index;
            _tmp13_ = gee_abstract_list_get ((GeeAbstractList*) _tmp11_, _tmp12_);
            app = (GMenuTreeEntry*) _tmp13_;
            _tmp16_ = app;
            _tmp17_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_is_nodisplay (_tmp16_);
            if (_tmp17_ == FALSE) {
                GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp18_;
                gboolean _tmp19_ = FALSE;
                _tmp18_ = app;
                _tmp19_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_is_excluded (_tmp18_);
                _tmp15_ = _tmp19_ == FALSE;
            } else {
                _tmp15_ = FALSE;
            _tmp20_ = _tmp15_;
            if (_tmp20_) {
                GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp21_;
                const gchar* _tmp22_ = NULL;
                _tmp21_ = app;
                _tmp22_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_icon (_tmp21_);
                _tmp14_ = _tmp22_ != NULL;
            } else {
                _tmp14_ = FALSE;
            _tmp23_ = _tmp14_;
            if (_tmp23_) {
                GeeHashMap* _tmp24_;
                GeeHashMap* app_to_add;
                GeeHashMap* _tmp25_;
                GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp26_;
                const gchar* _tmp27_ = NULL;
                GeeHashMap* _tmp28_;
                GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp29_;
                const gchar* _tmp30_ = NULL;
                GeeHashMap* _tmp31_;
                GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp32_;
                const gchar* _tmp33_ = NULL;
                GeeHashMap* _tmp34_;
                GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp35_;
                const gchar* _tmp36_ = NULL;
                GeeHashMap* _tmp37_;
                GeeHashMap* _tmp38_;
                gpointer _tmp39_ = NULL;
                gchar* _tmp40_;
                gboolean _tmp41_ = FALSE;
                gboolean _tmp42_;
                GeeArrayList* _tmp102_;
                GeeHashMap* _tmp103_;
                _tmp24_ = gee_hash_map_new (G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, g_free, G_TYPE_STRING, (GBoxedCopyFunc) g_strdup, g_free, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                app_to_add = _tmp24_;
                _tmp25_ = app_to_add;
                _tmp26_ = app;
                _tmp27_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_comment (_tmp26_);
                gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp25_, "description", _tmp27_);
                _tmp28_ = app_to_add;
                _tmp29_ = app;
                _tmp30_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_name (_tmp29_);
                gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp28_, "name", _tmp30_);
                _tmp31_ = app_to_add;
                _tmp32_ = app;
                _tmp33_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_exec (_tmp32_);
                gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp31_, "command", _tmp33_);
                _tmp34_ = app_to_add;
                _tmp35_ = app;
                _tmp36_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_desktop_file_path (_tmp35_);
                gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp34_, "desktop_file", _tmp36_);
                _tmp37_ = icons;
                _tmp38_ = app_to_add;
                _tmp39_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp38_, "command");
                _tmp40_ = (gchar*) _tmp39_;
                _tmp41_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp37_, _tmp40_);
                _tmp42_ = !_tmp41_;
                _g_free0 (_tmp40_);
                if (_tmp42_) {
                    GMenuTreeEntry* _tmp43_;
                    const gchar* _tmp44_ = NULL;
                    gchar* _tmp45_;
                    gchar* app_icon;
                    GtkIconTheme* _tmp46_;
                    const gchar* _tmp47_;
                    gboolean _tmp48_ = FALSE;
                    _tmp43_ = app;
                    _tmp44_ = gmenu_tree_entry_get_icon (_tmp43_);
                    _tmp45_ = g_strdup (_tmp44_);
                    app_icon = _tmp45_;
                    _tmp46_ = icon_theme;
                    _tmp47_ = app_icon;
                    _tmp48_ = gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (_tmp46_, _tmp47_);
                    if (_tmp48_) {
                        GtkIconTheme* _tmp49_;
                        const gchar* _tmp50_;
                        gint _tmp51_;
                        GtkIconInfo* _tmp52_ = NULL;
                        GtkIconInfo* _tmp53_;
                        GdkPixbuf* _tmp54_ = NULL;
                        GdkPixbuf* _tmp55_;
                        GdkPixbuf* _tmp56_;
                        GeeHashMap* _tmp57_;
                        GeeHashMap* _tmp58_;
                        gpointer _tmp59_ = NULL;
                        gchar* _tmp60_;
                        GdkPixbuf* _tmp61_;
                        _tmp49_ = icon_theme;
                        _tmp50_ = app_icon;
                        _tmp51_ = icon_size;
                        _tmp52_ = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (_tmp49_, _tmp50_, _tmp51_, 0);
                        _tmp53_ = _tmp52_;
                        _tmp54_ = gtk_icon_info_load_icon (_tmp53_, &_inner_error_);
                        _tmp55_ = _tmp54_;
                        _gtk_icon_info_free0 (_tmp53_);
                        _tmp56_ = _tmp55_;
                        if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
                            _g_free0 (app_icon);
                            _g_object_unref0 (app_to_add);
                            _gmenu_tree_item_unref0 (app);
                            _g_object_unref0 (_app_list);
                            _g_object_unref0 (icon_theme);
                            g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
                            g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
                        _tmp57_ = icons;
                        _tmp58_ = app_to_add;
                        _tmp59_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp58_, "command");
                        _tmp60_ = (gchar*) _tmp59_;
                        _tmp61_ = _tmp56_;
                        gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp57_, _tmp60_, _tmp61_);
                        _g_object_unref0 (_tmp61_);
                        _g_free0 (_tmp60_);
                    } else {
                        const gchar* _tmp62_;
                        GFile* _tmp63_ = NULL;
                        GFile* _tmp64_;
                        gboolean _tmp65_ = FALSE;
                        gboolean _tmp66_;
                        _tmp62_ = app_icon;
                        _tmp63_ = g_file_new_for_path (_tmp62_);
                        _tmp64_ = _tmp63_;
                        _tmp65_ = g_file_query_exists (_tmp64_, NULL);
                        _tmp66_ = _tmp65_;
                        _g_object_unref0 (_tmp64_);
                        if (_tmp66_) {
                                const gchar* _tmp67_;
                                const gchar* _tmp68_ = NULL;
                                gint _tmp69_;
                                GdkPixbuf* _tmp70_;
                                GdkPixbuf* _tmp71_;
                                GeeHashMap* _tmp72_;
                                GeeHashMap* _tmp73_;
                                gpointer _tmp74_ = NULL;
                                gchar* _tmp75_;
                                GdkPixbuf* _tmp76_;
                                _tmp67_ = app_icon;
                                _tmp68_ = string_to_string (_tmp67_);
                                _tmp69_ = icon_size;
                                _tmp70_ = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale (_tmp68_, -1, _tmp69_, TRUE, &_inner_error_);
                                _tmp71_ = _tmp70_;
                                if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
                                    goto __catch1_g_error;
                                _tmp72_ = icons;
                                _tmp73_ = app_to_add;
                                _tmp74_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp73_, "command");
                                _tmp75_ = (gchar*) _tmp74_;
                                _tmp76_ = _tmp71_;
                                gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp72_, _tmp75_, _tmp76_);
                                _g_object_unref0 (_tmp76_);
                                _g_free0 (_tmp75_);
                            goto __finally1;
                                GtkIconTheme* _tmp77_;
                                gint _tmp78_;
                                GtkIconInfo* _tmp79_ = NULL;
                                GtkIconInfo* _tmp80_;
                                GdkPixbuf* _tmp81_ = NULL;
                                GdkPixbuf* _tmp82_;
                                GdkPixbuf* _tmp83_;
                                GeeHashMap* _tmp84_;
                                GeeHashMap* _tmp85_;
                                gpointer _tmp86_ = NULL;
                                gchar* _tmp87_;
                                GdkPixbuf* _tmp88_;
                                FILE* _tmp89_;
                                g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
                                _inner_error_ = NULL;
                                _tmp77_ = icon_theme;
                                _tmp78_ = icon_size;
                                _tmp79_ = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (_tmp77_, "application-default-icon", _tmp78_, 0);
                                _tmp80_ = _tmp79_;
                                _tmp81_ = gtk_icon_info_load_icon (_tmp80_, &_inner_error_);
                                _tmp82_ = _tmp81_;
                                _gtk_icon_info_free0 (_tmp80_);
                                _tmp83_ = _tmp82_;
                                if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
                                    goto __finally1;
                                _tmp84_ = icons;
                                _tmp85_ = app_to_add;
                                _tmp86_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp85_, "command");
                                _tmp87_ = (gchar*) _tmp86_;
                                _tmp88_ = _tmp83_;
                                gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp84_, _tmp87_, _tmp88_);
                                _g_object_unref0 (_tmp88_);
                                _g_free0 (_tmp87_);
                                _tmp89_ = stdout;
                                fprintf (_tmp89_, "Failed to load icon from file.\n");
                            if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
                                _g_free0 (app_icon);
                                _g_object_unref0 (app_to_add);
                                _gmenu_tree_item_unref0 (app);
                                _g_object_unref0 (_app_list);
                                _g_object_unref0 (icon_theme);
                                g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
                                g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
                        } else {
                            GtkIconTheme* _tmp90_;
                            gint _tmp91_;
                            GtkIconInfo* _tmp92_ = NULL;
                            GtkIconInfo* _tmp93_;
                            GdkPixbuf* _tmp94_ = NULL;
                            GdkPixbuf* _tmp95_;
                            GdkPixbuf* _tmp96_;
                            GeeHashMap* _tmp97_;
                            GeeHashMap* _tmp98_;
                            gpointer _tmp99_ = NULL;
                            gchar* _tmp100_;
                            GdkPixbuf* _tmp101_;
                            _tmp90_ = icon_theme;
                            _tmp91_ = icon_size;
                            _tmp92_ = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (_tmp90_, "application-default-icon", _tmp91_, 0);
                            _tmp93_ = _tmp92_;
                            _tmp94_ = gtk_icon_info_load_icon (_tmp93_, &_inner_error_);
                            _tmp95_ = _tmp94_;
                            _gtk_icon_info_free0 (_tmp93_);
                            _tmp96_ = _tmp95_;
                            if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
                                _g_free0 (app_icon);
                                _g_object_unref0 (app_to_add);
                                _gmenu_tree_item_unref0 (app);
                                _g_object_unref0 (_app_list);
                                _g_object_unref0 (icon_theme);
                                g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
                                g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
                            _tmp97_ = icons;
                            _tmp98_ = app_to_add;
                            _tmp99_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp98_, "command");
                            _tmp100_ = (gchar*) _tmp99_;
                            _tmp101_ = _tmp96_;
                            gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp97_, _tmp100_, _tmp101_);
                            _g_object_unref0 (_tmp101_);
                            _g_free0 (_tmp100_);
                    _g_free0 (app_icon);
                _tmp102_ = _vala_list;
                _tmp103_ = app_to_add;
                gee_abstract_collection_add ((GeeAbstractCollection*) _tmp102_, _tmp103_);
                _g_object_unref0 (app_to_add);
            _gmenu_tree_item_unref0 (app);
        _g_object_unref0 (_app_list);
    _g_object_unref0 (icon_theme);
    if (list) {
        *list = _vala_list;
    } else {
        _g_object_unref0 (_vala_list);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Monopole.c プロジェクト: couchjd/playground
static void soy_fields_monopole_real_commit (soyfieldsField* base) {
	soyfieldsMonopole * self;
	GeeArrayList* _tmp90_ = NULL;
#line 51 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
	self = (soyfieldsMonopole*) base;
#line 227 "Monopole.c"
		GeeArrayList* _other_list = NULL;
		GeeArrayList* _tmp0_ = NULL;
		GeeArrayList* _tmp1_ = NULL;
		gint _other_size = 0;
		GeeArrayList* _tmp2_ = NULL;
		gint _tmp3_ = 0;
		gint _tmp4_ = 0;
		gint _other_index = 0;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_tmp0_ = self->priv->_affected;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_);
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_other_list = _tmp1_;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_tmp2_ = _other_list;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_tmp3_ = gee_abstract_collection_get_size ((GeeCollection*) _tmp2_);
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_other_size = _tmp4_;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_other_index = -1;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		while (TRUE) {
#line 255 "Monopole.c"
			gint _tmp5_ = 0;
			gint _tmp6_ = 0;
			gint _tmp7_ = 0;
			soybodiesBody* other = NULL;
			GeeArrayList* _tmp8_ = NULL;
			gint _tmp9_ = 0;
			gpointer _tmp10_ = NULL;
			gfloat xd = 0.0F;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp11_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp12_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp13_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp14_ = NULL;
			gfloat _tmp15_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp16_ = 0.0F;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp17_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp18_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp19_ = NULL;
			gfloat _tmp20_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp21_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp22_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat yd = 0.0F;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp23_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp24_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp25_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp26_ = NULL;
			gfloat _tmp27_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp28_ = 0.0F;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp29_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp30_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp31_ = NULL;
			gfloat _tmp32_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp33_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp34_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat zd = 0.0F;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp35_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp36_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp37_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp38_ = NULL;
			gfloat _tmp39_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp40_ = 0.0F;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp41_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp42_ = NULL;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp43_ = NULL;
			gfloat _tmp44_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp45_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp46_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat d2 = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp47_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp48_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp49_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp50_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp51_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp52_ = 0.0F;
			gfloat _tmp53_ = 0.0F;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp5_ = _other_index;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_other_index = _tmp5_ + 1;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp6_ = _other_index;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp7_ = _other_size;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			if (!(_tmp6_ < _tmp7_)) {
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
#line 322 "Monopole.c"
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp8_ = _other_list;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp9_ = _other_index;
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp10_ = gee_abstract_list_get ((GeeAbstractList*) _tmp8_, _tmp9_);
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			other = (soybodiesBody*) _tmp10_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp11_ = other;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp12_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp11_);
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp15_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp14_);
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp16_ = _tmp15_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp17_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp18_ = _tmp17_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp19_ = _tmp18_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp20_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp19_);
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp21_ = _tmp20_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp22_ = _tmp16_ - _tmp21_;
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp19_);
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp14_);
#line 53 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			xd = _tmp22_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp23_ = other;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp24_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp23_);
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp25_ = _tmp24_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp26_ = _tmp25_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp27_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp26_);
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp28_ = _tmp27_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp29_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp30_ = _tmp29_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp31_ = _tmp30_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp32_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp31_);
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp33_ = _tmp32_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp34_ = _tmp28_ - _tmp33_;
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp31_);
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp26_);
#line 54 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			yd = _tmp34_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp35_ = other;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp36_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp35_);
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp37_ = _tmp36_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp38_ = _tmp37_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp39_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp38_);
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp40_ = _tmp39_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp41_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp42_ = _tmp41_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp43_ = _tmp42_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp44_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp43_);
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp45_ = _tmp44_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp46_ = _tmp40_ - _tmp45_;
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp43_);
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp38_);
#line 55 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			zd = _tmp46_;
#line 58 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp47_ = xd;
#line 58 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp48_ = xd;
#line 58 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp49_ = yd;
#line 58 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp50_ = yd;
#line 58 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp51_ = zd;
#line 58 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp52_ = zd;
#line 58 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			d2 = ((_tmp47_ * _tmp48_) + (_tmp49_ * _tmp50_)) + (_tmp51_ * _tmp52_);
#line 59 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_tmp53_ = d2;
#line 59 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			if (_tmp53_ != ((gfloat) 0)) {
#line 440 "Monopole.c"
				gfloat d = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp54_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp55_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat mm2 = 0.0F;
				soybodiesBody* _tmp56_ = NULL;
				gfloat _tmp57_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp58_ = 0.0F;
				soybodiesBody* _tmp59_ = NULL;
				gfloat _tmp60_ = 0.0F;
				soybodiesBody* _tmp61_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp62_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp63_ = NULL;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp64_ = NULL;
				gboolean _tmp65_ = FALSE;
				gboolean _tmp66_ = FALSE;
				gfloat f = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp73_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp74_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp75_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp76_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp77_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp78_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp79_ = 0.0F;
				soybodiesBody* _tmp80_ = NULL;
				gfloat _tmp81_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp82_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp83_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp84_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp85_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp86_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp87_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp88_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat _tmp89_ = 0.0F;
#line 60 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp54_ = d2;
#line 60 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp55_ = sqrtf (_tmp54_);
#line 60 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				d = _tmp55_;
#line 62 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp56_ = other;
#line 62 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp57_ = soy_bodies_body_get_density (_tmp56_);
#line 62 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp58_ = _tmp57_;
#line 62 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp59_ = other;
#line 62 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp60_ = soy_bodies_body_volume (_tmp59_);
#line 62 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				mm2 = _tmp58_ * _tmp60_;
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp61_ = other;
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp62_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp61_);
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp63_ = _tmp62_;
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp64_ = _tmp63_;
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp65_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp64_, "bmass");
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp66_ = _tmp65_;
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_g_object_unref0 (_tmp64_);
#line 63 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				if (_tmp66_) {
#line 508 "Monopole.c"
					soybodiesBody* _tmp67_ = NULL;
					GeeHashMap* _tmp68_ = NULL;
					GeeHashMap* _tmp69_ = NULL;
					GeeHashMap* _tmp70_ = NULL;
					gpointer _tmp71_ = NULL;
					gfloat* _tmp72_ = NULL;
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_tmp67_ = other;
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_tmp68_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp67_);
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_tmp69_ = _tmp68_;
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_tmp70_ = _tmp69_;
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_tmp71_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp70_, "bmass");
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_tmp72_ = (gfloat*) _tmp71_;
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					mm2 = *_tmp72_;
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_g_free0 (_tmp72_);
#line 64 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
					_g_object_unref0 (_tmp70_);
#line 533 "Monopole.c"
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp73_ = soy_fields_monopole_get_multiplier (self);
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp74_ = _tmp73_;
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp75_ = soy_bodies_body_get_density ((soybodiesBody*) self);
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp76_ = _tmp75_;
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp77_ = soy_bodies_body_volume ((soybodiesBody*) self);
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp78_ = mm2;
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp79_ = d2;
#line 66 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				f = (((_tmp74_ * _tmp76_) * _tmp77_) * _tmp78_) / _tmp79_;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp80_ = other;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp81_ = f;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp82_ = xd;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp83_ = d;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp84_ = f;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp85_ = yd;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp86_ = d;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp87_ = f;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp88_ = zd;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				_tmp89_ = d;
#line 68 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
				soy_bodies_body_addForce (_tmp80_, (dReal) ((_tmp81_ * _tmp82_) / _tmp83_), (dReal) ((_tmp84_ * _tmp85_) / _tmp86_), (dReal) ((_tmp87_ * _tmp88_) / _tmp89_));
#line 573 "Monopole.c"
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
			_g_object_unref0 (other);
#line 577 "Monopole.c"
#line 52 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
		_g_object_unref0 (_other_list);
#line 581 "Monopole.c"
#line 69 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
	_tmp90_ = self->priv->_affected;
#line 69 "/home/jeff/Documents/libraries/libsoy/src/fields/Monopole.gs"
	gee_abstract_collection_clear ((GeeAbstractCollection*) _tmp90_);
#line 587 "Monopole.c"
コード例 #7
ファイル: Monopole.c プロジェクト: RONNCC/pysoy
static void soy_fields_monopole_real_commit (soyfieldsField* base) {
	soyfieldsMonopole * self;
	GeeArrayList* _tmp91_;
	self = (soyfieldsMonopole*) base;
		GeeArrayList* _tmp0_;
		GeeArrayList* _tmp1_;
		GeeArrayList* _other_list;
		GeeArrayList* _tmp2_;
		gint _tmp3_;
		gint _tmp4_;
		gint _other_size;
		gint _other_index;
		_tmp0_ = self->priv->_affected;
		_tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp0_);
		_other_list = _tmp1_;
		_tmp2_ = _other_list;
		_tmp3_ = gee_abstract_collection_get_size ((GeeCollection*) _tmp2_);
		_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
		_other_size = _tmp4_;
		_other_index = -1;
		while (TRUE) {
			gint _tmp5_;
			gint _tmp6_;
			gint _tmp7_;
			GeeArrayList* _tmp8_;
			gint _tmp9_;
			gpointer _tmp10_ = NULL;
			soybodiesBody* other;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp11_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp12_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp13_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp14_;
			gfloat _tmp15_;
			gfloat _tmp16_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp17_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp18_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp19_;
			gfloat _tmp20_;
			gfloat _tmp21_;
			gfloat _tmp22_;
			gfloat xd;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp23_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp24_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp25_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp26_;
			gfloat _tmp27_;
			gfloat _tmp28_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp29_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp30_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp31_;
			gfloat _tmp32_;
			gfloat _tmp33_;
			gfloat _tmp34_;
			gfloat yd;
			soybodiesBody* _tmp35_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp36_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp37_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp38_;
			gfloat _tmp39_;
			gfloat _tmp40_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp41_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp42_;
			soyatomsPosition* _tmp43_;
			gfloat _tmp44_;
			gfloat _tmp45_;
			gfloat _tmp46_;
			gfloat zd;
			gfloat _tmp47_;
			gfloat _tmp48_;
			gfloat _tmp49_;
			gfloat _tmp50_;
			gfloat _tmp51_;
			gfloat _tmp52_;
			gfloat d2;
			gfloat _tmp53_;
			_tmp5_ = _other_index;
			_other_index = _tmp5_ + 1;
			_tmp6_ = _other_index;
			_tmp7_ = _other_size;
			if (!(_tmp6_ < _tmp7_)) {
			_tmp8_ = _other_list;
			_tmp9_ = _other_index;
			_tmp10_ = gee_abstract_list_get ((GeeAbstractList*) _tmp8_, _tmp9_);
			other = (soybodiesBody*) _tmp10_;
			_tmp11_ = other;
			_tmp12_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp11_);
			_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
			_tmp14_ = _tmp13_;
			_tmp15_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp14_);
			_tmp16_ = _tmp15_;
			_tmp17_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
			_tmp18_ = _tmp17_;
			_tmp19_ = _tmp18_;
			_tmp20_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp19_);
			_tmp21_ = _tmp20_;
			_tmp22_ = _tmp16_ - _tmp21_;
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp19_);
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp14_);
			xd = _tmp22_;
			_tmp23_ = other;
			_tmp24_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp23_);
			_tmp25_ = _tmp24_;
			_tmp26_ = _tmp25_;
			_tmp27_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp26_);
			_tmp28_ = _tmp27_;
			_tmp29_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
			_tmp30_ = _tmp29_;
			_tmp31_ = _tmp30_;
			_tmp32_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp31_);
			_tmp33_ = _tmp32_;
			_tmp34_ = _tmp28_ - _tmp33_;
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp31_);
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp26_);
			yd = _tmp34_;
			_tmp35_ = other;
			_tmp36_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position (_tmp35_);
			_tmp37_ = _tmp36_;
			_tmp38_ = _tmp37_;
			_tmp39_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp38_);
			_tmp40_ = _tmp39_;
			_tmp41_ = soy_bodies_body_get_position ((soybodiesBody*) self);
			_tmp42_ = _tmp41_;
			_tmp43_ = _tmp42_;
			_tmp44_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp43_);
			_tmp45_ = _tmp44_;
			_tmp46_ = _tmp40_ - _tmp45_;
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp43_);
			_g_object_unref0 (_tmp38_);
			zd = _tmp46_;
			_tmp47_ = xd;
			_tmp48_ = xd;
			_tmp49_ = yd;
			_tmp50_ = yd;
			_tmp51_ = zd;
			_tmp52_ = zd;
			d2 = ((_tmp47_ * _tmp48_) + (_tmp49_ * _tmp50_)) + (_tmp51_ * _tmp52_);
			_tmp53_ = d2;
			if (_tmp53_ != ((gfloat) 0)) {
				gfloat _tmp54_;
				gfloat _tmp55_ = 0.0F;
				gfloat d;
				soybodiesBody* _tmp56_;
				soyMass* _tmp57_;
				soyMass* _tmp58_;
				gfloat _tmp59_;
				gfloat _tmp60_;
				gfloat mm2;
				soybodiesBody* _tmp61_;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp62_;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp63_;
				GeeHashMap* _tmp64_;
				gboolean _tmp65_ = FALSE;
				gboolean _tmp66_;
				gfloat _tmp73_;
				gfloat _tmp74_;
				soyMass* _tmp75_;
				soyMass* _tmp76_;
				gfloat _tmp77_;
				gfloat _tmp78_;
				gfloat _tmp79_;
				gfloat _tmp80_;
				gfloat f;
				soybodiesBody* _tmp81_;
				gfloat _tmp82_;
				gfloat _tmp83_;
				gfloat _tmp84_;
				gfloat _tmp85_;
				gfloat _tmp86_;
				gfloat _tmp87_;
				gfloat _tmp88_;
				gfloat _tmp89_;
				gfloat _tmp90_;
				_tmp54_ = d2;
				_tmp55_ = sqrtf (_tmp54_);
				d = _tmp55_;
				_tmp56_ = other;
				_tmp57_ = soy_bodies_body_get_mass (_tmp56_);
				_tmp58_ = _tmp57_;
				_tmp59_ = soy_mass_get_mass (_tmp58_);
				_tmp60_ = _tmp59_;
				mm2 = _tmp60_;
				_tmp61_ = other;
				_tmp62_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp61_);
				_tmp63_ = _tmp62_;
				_tmp64_ = _tmp63_;
				_tmp65_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp64_, "bmass");
				_tmp66_ = _tmp65_;
				_g_object_unref0 (_tmp64_);
				if (_tmp66_) {
					soybodiesBody* _tmp67_;
					GeeHashMap* _tmp68_;
					GeeHashMap* _tmp69_;
					GeeHashMap* _tmp70_;
					gpointer _tmp71_ = NULL;
					gfloat* _tmp72_;
					_tmp67_ = other;
					_tmp68_ = soy_bodies_body_get_tags (_tmp67_);
					_tmp69_ = _tmp68_;
					_tmp70_ = _tmp69_;
					_tmp71_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp70_, "bmass");
					_tmp72_ = (gfloat*) _tmp71_;
					mm2 = *_tmp72_;
					_g_free0 (_tmp72_);
					_g_object_unref0 (_tmp70_);
				_tmp73_ = soy_fields_monopole_get_multiplier (self);
				_tmp74_ = _tmp73_;
				_tmp75_ = soy_bodies_body_get_mass ((soybodiesBody*) self);
				_tmp76_ = _tmp75_;
				_tmp77_ = soy_mass_get_mass (_tmp76_);
				_tmp78_ = _tmp77_;
				_tmp79_ = mm2;
				_tmp80_ = d2;
				f = ((_tmp74_ * _tmp78_) * _tmp79_) / _tmp80_;
				_tmp81_ = other;
				_tmp82_ = f;
				_tmp83_ = xd;
				_tmp84_ = d;
				_tmp85_ = f;
				_tmp86_ = yd;
				_tmp87_ = d;
				_tmp88_ = f;
				_tmp89_ = zd;
				_tmp90_ = d;
				soy_bodies_body_addForce (_tmp81_, (dReal) ((_tmp82_ * _tmp83_) / _tmp84_), (dReal) ((_tmp85_ * _tmp86_) / _tmp87_), (dReal) ((_tmp88_ * _tmp89_) / _tmp90_));
			_g_object_unref0 (other);
		_g_object_unref0 (_other_list);
	_tmp91_ = self->priv->_affected;
	gee_abstract_collection_clear ((GeeAbstractCollection*) _tmp91_);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Bumpmap.c プロジェクト: frmdstryr/pysoy-ping-pong
void soy_textures_bumpmap_set (soytexturesBumpmap* self, gint index, GObject* value) {
	soyatomsVector* vector = NULL;
	GObject* _tmp0_;
	GObject* _tmp1_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp2_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp3_;
	gfloat _tmp4_;
	gfloat _tmp5_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp11_;
	gfloat _tmp12_;
	gfloat _tmp13_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp19_;
	gfloat _tmp20_;
	gfloat _tmp21_;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp27_;
	gint _tmp28_;
	gboolean _tmp29_ = FALSE;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp37_;
	gint _tmp38_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp39_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp40_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp41_;
	guchar* _tmp42_;
	gint _tmp43_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp44_;
	gfloat _tmp45_;
	gfloat _tmp46_;
	guchar _tmp47_;
	guchar* _tmp48_;
	gint _tmp49_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp50_;
	gfloat _tmp51_;
	gfloat _tmp52_;
	guchar _tmp53_;
	guchar* _tmp54_;
	gint _tmp55_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp56_;
	gfloat _tmp57_;
	gfloat _tmp58_;
	guchar _tmp59_;
	g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (value != NULL);
	_tmp0_ = value;
		_g_object_unref0 (vector);
	_tmp1_ = value;
	_tmp2_ = _g_object_ref0 (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (_tmp1_, SOY_ATOMS_TYPE_VECTOR, soyatomsVector));
	_g_object_unref0 (vector);
	vector = _tmp2_;
	_tmp3_ = vector;
	_tmp4_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_x (_tmp3_);
	_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
	if (_tmp5_ > 1.0f) {
		soyatomsVector* _tmp6_;
		_tmp6_ = vector;
		soy_atoms_vector_set_x (_tmp6_, 1.0f);
	} else {
		soyatomsVector* _tmp7_;
		gfloat _tmp8_;
		gfloat _tmp9_;
		_tmp7_ = vector;
		_tmp8_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_x (_tmp7_);
		_tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
		if (_tmp9_ < (-1.0f)) {
			soyatomsVector* _tmp10_;
			_tmp10_ = vector;
			soy_atoms_vector_set_x (_tmp10_, -1.0f);
	_tmp11_ = vector;
	_tmp12_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_y (_tmp11_);
	_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
	if (_tmp13_ > 1.0f) {
		soyatomsVector* _tmp14_;
		_tmp14_ = vector;
		soy_atoms_vector_set_y (_tmp14_, 1.0f);
	} else {
		soyatomsVector* _tmp15_;
		gfloat _tmp16_;
		gfloat _tmp17_;
		_tmp15_ = vector;
		_tmp16_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_y (_tmp15_);
		_tmp17_ = _tmp16_;
		if (_tmp17_ < (-1.0f)) {
			soyatomsVector* _tmp18_;
			_tmp18_ = vector;
			soy_atoms_vector_set_y (_tmp18_, -1.0f);
	_tmp19_ = vector;
	_tmp20_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_z (_tmp19_);
	_tmp21_ = _tmp20_;
	if (_tmp21_ > 1.0f) {
		soyatomsVector* _tmp22_;
		_tmp22_ = vector;
		soy_atoms_vector_set_z (_tmp22_, 1.0f);
	} else {
		soyatomsVector* _tmp23_;
		gfloat _tmp24_;
		gfloat _tmp25_;
		_tmp23_ = vector;
		_tmp24_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_z (_tmp23_);
		_tmp25_ = _tmp24_;
		if (_tmp25_ < (-1.0f)) {
			soyatomsVector* _tmp26_;
			_tmp26_ = vector;
			soy_atoms_vector_set_z (_tmp26_, -1.0f);
	_tmp27_ = self->priv->_texel_objs;
	_tmp28_ = index;
	_tmp29_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp27_, (gpointer) ((gintptr) _tmp28_));
	if (_tmp29_) {
		GeeHashMap* _tmp30_;
		gint _tmp31_;
		gpointer _tmp32_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp33_;
		soyatomsVector* old;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp34_;
		guint _tmp35_ = 0U;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp36_;
		_tmp30_ = self->priv->_texel_objs;
		_tmp31_ = index;
		_tmp32_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp30_, (gpointer) ((gintptr) _tmp31_));
		_tmp33_ = _g_object_ref0 ((soyatomsVector*) _tmp32_);
		old = _tmp33_;
		_tmp34_ = old;
		g_signal_parse_name ("on-set", SOY_ATOMS_TYPE_VECTOR, &_tmp35_, NULL, FALSE);
		g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (_tmp34_, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, _tmp35_, 0, NULL, (GCallback) __soy_textures_bumpmap_texel_set_soy_atoms_vector_on_set, self);
		_tmp36_ = old;
		g_object_weak_unref ((GObject*) _tmp36_, __soy_textures_bumpmap_texel_weak_gweak_notify, self);
		_g_object_unref0 (old);
	_tmp37_ = self->priv->_texel_objs;
	_tmp38_ = index;
	_tmp39_ = vector;
	gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp37_, (gpointer) ((gintptr) _tmp38_), _tmp39_);
	_tmp40_ = vector;
	g_signal_connect_object (_tmp40_, "on-set", (GCallback) __soy_textures_bumpmap_texel_set_soy_atoms_vector_on_set, self, 0);
	_tmp41_ = vector;
	g_object_weak_ref ((GObject*) _tmp41_, __soy_textures_bumpmap_texel_weak_gweak_notify, self);
	_tmp42_ = ((soytexturesTexture*) self)->texels;
	_tmp43_ = index;
	_tmp44_ = vector;
	_tmp45_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_x (_tmp44_);
	_tmp46_ = _tmp45_;
	_tmp42_[_tmp43_ * 3] = (guchar) ((gchar) (_tmp46_ * 128.0f));
	_tmp47_ = _tmp42_[_tmp43_ * 3];
	_tmp48_ = ((soytexturesTexture*) self)->texels;
	_tmp49_ = index;
	_tmp50_ = vector;
	_tmp51_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_y (_tmp50_);
	_tmp52_ = _tmp51_;
	_tmp48_[(_tmp49_ * 3) + 1] = (guchar) ((gchar) (_tmp52_ * 128.0f));
	_tmp53_ = _tmp48_[(_tmp49_ * 3) + 1];
	_tmp54_ = ((soytexturesTexture*) self)->texels;
	_tmp55_ = index;
	_tmp56_ = vector;
	_tmp57_ = soy_atoms_vector_get_z (_tmp56_);
	_tmp58_ = _tmp57_;
	_tmp54_[(_tmp55_ * 3) + 2] = (guchar) ((gchar) (_tmp58_ * 128.0f));
	_tmp59_ = _tmp54_[(_tmp55_ * 3) + 2];
	g_mutex_lock (&self->priv->_mutex);
	((soytexturesTexture*) self)->updated = TRUE;
	g_mutex_unlock (&self->priv->_mutex);
	_g_object_unref0 (vector);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Bumpmap.c プロジェクト: frmdstryr/pysoy-ping-pong
soyatomsVector* soy_textures_bumpmap_get (soytexturesBumpmap* self, gint index) {
	soyatomsVector* result = NULL;
	soyatomsVector* ret;
	gboolean _tmp0_ = FALSE;
	gint _tmp1_;
	gboolean _tmp13_;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp14_;
	gint _tmp15_;
	gboolean _tmp16_ = FALSE;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp34_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp35_;
	GeeHashMap* _tmp36_;
	gint _tmp37_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp38_;
	soyatomsVector* _tmp39_;
	g_return_val_if_fail (self != NULL, NULL);
	ret = NULL;
	_tmp1_ = index;
	if (_tmp1_ < 0) {
		_tmp0_ = TRUE;
	} else {
		gint _tmp2_;
		soyatomsSize* _tmp3_;
		soyatomsSize* _tmp4_;
		soyatomsSize* _tmp5_;
		gfloat _tmp6_;
		gfloat _tmp7_;
		soyatomsSize* _tmp8_;
		soyatomsSize* _tmp9_;
		soyatomsSize* _tmp10_;
		gfloat _tmp11_;
		gfloat _tmp12_;
		_tmp2_ = index;
		_tmp3_ = soy_textures_texture_get_size ((soytexturesTexture*) self);
		_tmp4_ = _tmp3_;
		_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
		_tmp6_ = soy_atoms_size_get_width (_tmp5_);
		_tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
		_tmp8_ = soy_textures_texture_get_size ((soytexturesTexture*) self);
		_tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
		_tmp10_ = _tmp9_;
		_tmp11_ = soy_atoms_size_get_height (_tmp10_);
		_tmp12_ = _tmp11_;
		_tmp0_ = ((gfloat) _tmp2_) >= (_tmp7_ * _tmp12_);
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp10_);
		_g_object_unref0 (_tmp5_);
	_tmp13_ = _tmp0_;
	if (_tmp13_) {
		result = NULL;
		_g_object_unref0 (ret);
		return result;
	_tmp14_ = self->priv->_texel_objs;
	_tmp15_ = index;
	_tmp16_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp14_, (gpointer) ((gintptr) _tmp15_));
	if (_tmp16_) {
		GeeHashMap* _tmp17_;
		gint _tmp18_;
		gpointer _tmp19_ = NULL;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp20_;
		_tmp17_ = self->priv->_texel_objs;
		_tmp18_ = index;
		_tmp19_ = gee_abstract_map_get ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp17_, (gpointer) ((gintptr) _tmp18_));
		_tmp20_ = _g_object_ref0 ((soyatomsVector*) _tmp19_);
		_g_object_unref0 (ret);
		ret = _tmp20_;
	} else {
		guchar* _tmp21_;
		gint _tmp22_;
		guchar _tmp23_;
		gfloat x;
		guchar* _tmp24_;
		gint _tmp25_;
		guchar _tmp26_;
		gfloat y;
		guchar* _tmp27_;
		gint _tmp28_;
		guchar _tmp29_;
		gfloat z;
		gfloat _tmp30_;
		gfloat _tmp31_;
		gfloat _tmp32_;
		soyatomsVector* _tmp33_;
		_tmp21_ = ((soytexturesTexture*) self)->texels;
		_tmp22_ = index;
		_tmp23_ = _tmp21_[_tmp22_ * 3];
		x = (_tmp23_ - 127) / 128.0f;
		_tmp24_ = ((soytexturesTexture*) self)->texels;
		_tmp25_ = index;
		_tmp26_ = _tmp24_[(_tmp25_ * 3) + 1];
		y = (_tmp26_ - 127) / 128.0f;
		_tmp27_ = ((soytexturesTexture*) self)->texels;
		_tmp28_ = index;
		_tmp29_ = _tmp27_[(_tmp28_ * 3) + 2];
		z = (_tmp29_ - 127) / 128.0f;
		_tmp30_ = x;
		_tmp31_ = y;
		_tmp32_ = z;
		_tmp33_ = soy_atoms_vector_new (_tmp30_, _tmp31_, _tmp32_);
		_g_object_unref0 (ret);
		ret = _tmp33_;
	_tmp34_ = ret;
	g_signal_connect_object (_tmp34_, "on-set", (GCallback) __soy_textures_bumpmap_texel_set_soy_atoms_vector_on_set, self, 0);
	_tmp35_ = ret;
	g_object_weak_ref ((GObject*) _tmp35_, __soy_textures_bumpmap_texel_weak_gweak_notify, self);
	_tmp36_ = self->priv->_texel_objs;
	_tmp37_ = index;
	_tmp38_ = ret;
	gee_abstract_map_set ((GeeAbstractMap*) _tmp36_, (gpointer) ((gintptr) _tmp37_), _tmp38_);
	_tmp39_ = ret;
	ret = NULL;
	result = _tmp39_;
	_g_object_unref0 (ret);
	return result;