コード例 #1
void javax_virtualsense_network_Packet_javax_virtualsense_network_Packet_createPacket_byte__(){
	uint8_t i = 0;
	dj_object* ret = NULL;
	dj_int_array * byteArray = REF_TO_VOIDP(dj_exec_stackPopRef());
	// create an object or allocate the chunk as is ?
	//heap_chunk * chk = (heap_chunk *)byteArray;
	PRINTF("array size is %d\n", byteArray->array.length);

	// resolve runtime class
	dj_global_id refClass = dj_vm_resolveRuntimeClass(dj_exec_getVM(), byteArray->data.bytes[4]);
	if(refClass.infusion != NULL){
		ret = (dj_object*)dj_mem_alloc((byteArray->array.length - sizeof(heap_chunk)), byteArray->data.bytes[4]);

		heap_chunk  * chk = getChunk(ret);
		PRINTF("BEFORE W Created object id %d s %d\n", chk->id, chk->size);
		memcpy((char*)ret, (char*)(byteArray->data.bytes+sizeof(heap_chunk)), byteArray->array.length- sizeof(heap_chunk));

		chk = getChunk(ret);
		PRINTF("Created object id %d s %d\n", chk->id, chk->size);

		for(i = 0; i < byteArray->array.length; i++)
			PRINTF("%x-", byteArray->data.bytes[i]);
	}else {
		PRINTF("Packet not created\n");
	// crete a new object from array
コード例 #2
ファイル: ChunkWorld.cpp プロジェクト: Kelimion/SeaOfMemes
// load edges from neighbors
void ChunkWorld::updateEdges(
  ChunkObj* chunk)
  if (chunk->m_blobs[0] == NULL)
    return;  // empty cell

  ChunkObj* other;
  other = getChunk(chunk->m_originX - CHUNK_SIZE, chunk->m_originZ);
  if (other != NULL && other->m_blobs[0] != NULL)
    for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_COLUMN; i++)

  other = getChunk(chunk->m_originX + CHUNK_SIZE, chunk->m_originZ);
  if (other != NULL && other->m_blobs[0] != NULL)
    for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_COLUMN; i++)

  other = getChunk(chunk->m_originX, chunk->m_originZ - CHUNK_SIZE);
  if (other != NULL && other->m_blobs[0] != NULL)
    for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_COLUMN; i++)

  other = getChunk(chunk->m_originX, chunk->m_originZ + CHUNK_SIZE);
  if (other != NULL && other->m_blobs[0] != NULL)
    for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_COLUMN; i++)
コード例 #3
ファイル: dsWorld.cpp プロジェクト: prolikeapro/singledrop
DsChunkPtr DsWorld::generateChunk(int x, int y) const
	/*DsChunkPtr new_chunk = std::make_shared<DsChunk>(x, y, ROUGHNESS, getChunk(x - 1, y - 1), getChunk(x, y - 1), getChunk(x + 1, y), getChunk(x + 1, y + 1));*/
	DsChunkPtr new_chunk = new DsChunk(x, y, ROUGHNESS, getChunk(x - 1, y), getChunk(x, y - 1), getChunk(x + 1, y), getChunk(x, y + 1));
	chunk_dict->insert(std::pair <std::tuple<int, int>, DsChunkPtr>(std::tuple<int, int>(x, y), new_chunk));
	return new_chunk;
コード例 #4
ファイル: voxels.c プロジェクト: kyle1320/voxels
void fillWorld(World *world) {
    int cx, cy, cz, bx, by, bz;

    for (cx = 0; cx < world->size; cx++) {
        for (cy = 0; cy < world->size; cy++) {
            for (cz = 0; cz < world->size; cz++) {
                for (bx = 0; bx < CHUNK_SIZE; bx++) {
                    for (by = 0; by < CHUNK_SIZE; by++) {
                        for (bz = 0; bz < CHUNK_SIZE; bz++) {
                            int r = (!bx|(bx==CHUNK_SIZE-1))&(!bz|(bz==CHUNK_SIZE-1));
                            int m = (bx + by + bz) % 2 ? -1 : (-1 << 6);
                            if (r) {
                                m = 0;
                                r = 255;

                            if (by == 0 && cy == 0) {
                                setBlock(getChunk(world, cx, cy, cz), bx, by, bz,
                                    (Block){1, {{255 & (r|m), 255 & m, 255 & m, 255}}});
                            // } else if (((bx == 0 && cx == 0) || (bz == 0 && cz == 0)) && by == 1 && cy == 0) {
                            //     setBlock(getChunk(world, cx, cy, cz), bx, by, bz,
                            //         (Block){1, {{255 & m, 255 & m, 255 & m, 255}}});
                            // }

                renderChunk(getChunk(world, cx, cy, cz));
コード例 #5
ファイル: map_openvdb.cpp プロジェクト: voodooattack/ADWIF
void MapImpl::set(int x, int y, int z, const MapCell & cell)
    if (!myPruneThread.joinable())

    uint64_t hash = myBank->put(cell);

    std::shared_ptr<Chunk> chunk = getChunk(x, y, z);
    boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> guard(chunk->lock);
//     boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(guard);
    if (hash == myBackgroundValue)
            ovdb::Coord(x % myChunkSize.x(), y % myChunkSize.y(), z % myChunkSize.z()), hash);
            ovdb::Coord(x % myChunkSize.x(), y % myChunkSize.y(), z % myChunkSize.z()), hash);

    chunk->dirty = true;

//     if (!myChunks.empty() && (myAccessCounter++ % myAccessTolerance == 0))
//       prune(false);
コード例 #6
ファイル: voxels.c プロジェクト: kyle1320/voxels
int solidBlockInArea(World *world, int minx, int miny, int minz, int maxx, int maxy, int maxz) {
    int x, y, z;
    int bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz;

    for (x = minx; x < maxx; x++) {
        for (y = miny; y < maxy; y++) {
            for (z = minz; z < maxz; z++) {
                bx = x & BLOCK_MASK;
                by = y & BLOCK_MASK;
                bz = z & BLOCK_MASK;
                cx = x >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
                cy = y >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
                cz = z >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;

                if (bx >= 0 && by >= 0 && bz >= 0 &&
                    bx < CHUNK_SIZE && by < CHUNK_SIZE && bz < CHUNK_SIZE &&
                    cx >= 0 && cy >= 0 && cz >= 0 &&
                    cx < world->size && cy < world->size && cz < world->size &&
                    getBlock(getChunk(world, cx, cy, cz), bx, by, bz)->active)
                    return 1;

    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: worldcache.cpp プロジェクト: gr4y/mapcrafter
Block WorldCache::getBlock(const mc::BlockPos& pos, const mc::Chunk* chunk, int get) {
	// this can happen when we check for the bottom block shadow edges
	if (pos.y < 0)
		return Block();

	mc::ChunkPos chunk_pos(pos);
	const mc::Chunk* mychunk = chunk;
	if (chunk == nullptr || chunk_pos != chunk->getPos())
		mychunk = getChunk(chunk_pos);
	// chunk may be nullptr
	if (mychunk == nullptr) {
		return Block();
	// otherwise get all required block data
	} else {
		mc::LocalBlockPos local(pos);
		Block block;
		if (get & GET_ID)
			block.id = mychunk->getBlockID(local);
		if (get & GET_DATA)
			block.data = mychunk->getBlockData(local);
		if (get & GET_BIOME)
			block.biome = mychunk->getBiomeAt(local);
		if (get & GET_BLOCK_LIGHT)
			block.block_light = mychunk->getBlockLight(local);
		if (get & GET_SKY_LIGHT)
			block.sky_light = mychunk->getSkyLight(local);
		return block;
コード例 #8
static long
PNGdecodeImage_getBytes(void *p, unsigned char *buffer, long count)
    idatInflateData *d = (idatInflateData *)p;
    imageSrcPtr src = d->src;
    unsigned long chunkType = UNDF_CHUNK;

    /* while, because it's possible to have 0-length chunks! */
    while (d->clen == 0) {
        /* unsigned long CRC = */ (void)getInt(src);

        getChunk(src, &chunkType, &(d->clen));

        if (chunkType != IDAT_CHUNK) {
            return 0;

    if (d->clen <= (int)count) {
        count = d->clen;

    count = (long)(src->getBytes(src, buffer, (int)count));
    d->clen -= (int)count;
    return count;
コード例 #9
ファイル: ChunkPool.cpp プロジェクト: kavon/SALSA
ChunkPool::~ChunkPool() {
	SPChunk* c;
	AtomicStatistics* stat = new AtomicStatistics();
	while ((c  = getChunk(stat)) != NULL)
		delete c;
	delete stat;
	delete chunkQueue;
コード例 #10
ファイル: voxels.c プロジェクト: kyle1320/voxels
Selection selectBlock(World *world, vec3 position, vec3 direction, float radius) {
    Selection ret;
    ret.selected_active = ret.previous_active = 0;

    int x = floor(position[0]);
    int y = floor(position[1]);
    int z = floor(position[2]);

    float dx = direction[0];
    float dy = direction[1];
    float dz = direction[2];

    int stepX = dx > 0 ? 1 : dx < 0 ? -1 : 0;
    int stepY = dy > 0 ? 1 : dy < 0 ? -1 : 0;
    int stepZ = dz > 0 ? 1 : dz < 0 ? -1 : 0;

    float tMaxX = intbound(position[0], dx);
    float tMaxY = intbound(position[1], dy);
    float tMaxZ = intbound(position[2], dz);

    float tDeltaX = stepX / dx;
    float tDeltaY = stepY / dy;
    float tDeltaZ = stepZ / dz;

    int px = -1, py = -1, pz = -1;

    if (dx == 0 && dy == 0 && dz == 0) return ret;

    while (1) {
        if (!(x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= CHUNK_SIZE * world->size || y >= CHUNK_SIZE * world->size || z >= CHUNK_SIZE * world->size)) {
            ret.selected_chunk_x = x >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
            ret.selected_chunk_y = y >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
            ret.selected_chunk_z = z >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
            ret.selected_block_x = x & BLOCK_MASK;
            ret.selected_block_y = y & BLOCK_MASK;
            ret.selected_block_z = z & BLOCK_MASK;

            // now check if the block is solid
            if (getBlock(getChunk(world, ret.selected_chunk_x, ret.selected_chunk_y, ret.selected_chunk_z),
                         ret.selected_block_x, ret.selected_block_y, ret.selected_block_z)->active) {
                ret.selected_active = 1;

                if (px >= 0 && py >= 0 && pz >= 0 &&
                    px < CHUNK_SIZE * world->size &&
                    py < CHUNK_SIZE * world->size &&
                    pz < CHUNK_SIZE * world->size) {

                    ret.previous_chunk_x = px >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
                    ret.previous_chunk_y = py >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
                    ret.previous_chunk_z = pz >> LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
                    ret.previous_block_x = px & BLOCK_MASK;
                    ret.previous_block_y = py & BLOCK_MASK;
                    ret.previous_block_z = pz & BLOCK_MASK;
                    ret.previous_active = 1;

コード例 #11
ファイル: dsWorld.cpp プロジェクト: prolikeapro/singledrop
void DsWorld::deleteChunk(int x, int y) const
	auto ch = getChunk(x, y);
	if (ch != nullptr)
		chunk_dict->erase(std::tuple<int, int>(x, y));
	delete ch;
コード例 #12
char* disk_cache_man::getChunk(const string& id,unsigned int& size)
	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(cache_mut);
	fs::path chunkPath = getChunkPath(id);
		runtime_error("Specifed chunk does not exist in cache");
	return getChunk(chunkPath,size);
コード例 #13
ファイル: World.cpp プロジェクト: izissise/PFA
std::string		World::serialize(const std::vector<Vector2i> &chunkIds,
					 const std::vector<Vector2i> &positions,
					 const std::vector<Vector2i> &sizes)
  ProtocolMessage	msg;
  WorldZone		*worldZone = new WorldZone;
  ChunkZone		*chunkZone;
  VectorInt		*id;
  VectorUint		*position;
  VectorUint		*size;
  std::string		serialized;

  Chunk			*chunk;
  unsigned int		x;
  unsigned int		y;
  unsigned int		chunkNb;
  unsigned int		nbChunks = chunkIds.size();

  for (chunkNb = 0; chunkNb < nbChunks; ++chunkNb)
      if ((chunk = getChunk(chunkIds[chunkNb])) != nullptr)
	  chunkZone = worldZone->add_chunkzone();

	  if (chunkZone == nullptr)
	    continue ;
  	  for (y = 0; y < Chunk::height; ++y)
  	      for (x = 0; x < Chunk::width; ++x)
  		  chunkZone->add_fgtiles(static_cast<unsigned int>(chunk->getTile(x, y)));
  	continue ;
      id = new VectorInt;
      position = new VectorUint;
      size = new VectorUint;

  return serialized;
コード例 #14
char* disk_cache_man::getLabel(const string& id,const string& tracker,unsigned int& size)
	//log_error(string("Attempting to get label ; id: ") + id + string(" tracker/peer: ") + tracker);	
	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(cache_mut);
	string first2;
	fs::path labelpath = getLabelPath(id,tracker);
		//throw runtime_error("Label doesn't exist!");
		return NULL;
	return getChunk(labelpath,size);
コード例 #15
void blockInversion(bit block[block_length]){
	int i;
	bit chunk[chunk_length];
	for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		getChunk(block , chunk , i);
		inverteArray(chunk , chunk_length);
		setChunk(block , chunk , i);			
コード例 #16
ファイル: IpcLogOutputter.cpp プロジェクト: 335/synergy
	if (m_buffer.empty() || !m_ipcServer.hasClients(m_clientType)) {

	IpcLogLineMessage message(getChunk(kMaxSendLines));
	m_sending = true;
	m_ipcServer.send(message, kIpcClientGui);
	m_sending = false;
コード例 #17
ファイル: ChunkManager.cpp プロジェクト: Zzzen/YourWorld
bool ChunkManager::setTileGID(int gid, const Vec2 & pos)
	auto chunk = getChunk(pos);

	if (chunk) {
		chunk->setTileGID(3, pos - chunk->getPosition());
		return true;
	else {
		return false;
コード例 #18
ファイル: log.hpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/OUCH
 void onIncoming(const void* msg, size_t len)
   lock_t l(_m);
   Head h(LOG, len);
   auto t = getChunk(sizeof(h) + h.len);
   memcpy(t->data + t->tail, &h, sizeof(h));
   t->tail += sizeof(h);
   memcpy(t->data + t->tail, msg, len);
   t->tail += len;
   uint64_t value = 1;
   if (::write(_fd, &value, 8)) {}
コード例 #19
ファイル: log.hpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/OUCH
 void onEvent(const char* msg)
   auto len = strlen(msg);
   lock_t l(_m);
   Head h(EVENT, len);
   auto t = getChunk(sizeof(h) + h.len);
   memcpy(t->data + t->tail, &h, sizeof(h));
   t->tail += sizeof(h);
   memcpy(t->data + t->tail, msg, len);
   t->tail += len;
   uint64_t value = 1;
   if (::write(_fd, &value, 8)) {}
コード例 #20
ファイル: GameWorld.cpp プロジェクト: vblanco20-1/2dCraft
Chunk* GameWorld::getChunkFromCoords(int x, int y)const
	Chunk * chosenchunk = nullptr;

	Vector2f position;
	position.x = x*ChunkSize*TileSize + 5;
	position.y = y*ChunkSize*TileSize + 5;

	chosenchunk = getChunk(position);

	return chosenchunk;
コード例 #21
ファイル: utils.c プロジェクト: Diatirios/CLTP1
 * Duplicate a string value using the chunk allocator.
 * The returned string cannot be individually freed, but can only be freed
 * with other strings when freeChunks is called.  Returns NULL on failure.
char *
chunkstrdup(const char * str)
	int	len;
	char *	newStr;

	len = strlen(str) + 1;
	newStr = getChunk(len);

	if (newStr)
		memcpy(newStr, str, len);

	return newStr;
コード例 #22
void inverse_sboxLayer(bit block[block_length]){
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		bit chunk[chunk_length];	
		getChunk(block , chunk , i);
		inverse_sbox(chunk , i);
		setChunk(block , chunk , i);		
コード例 #23
ファイル: chunklist.cpp プロジェクト: bizzehdee/wasabi
int ChunkListI::setChunk(const char *type, void *data, int size, ChunkInfos *infos) {
  Chunk *c;
    if(!infos) {
      // copy old infos into new one
      infos=new ChunkInfosI(c->getChunkInfos());
  m_chunklist.addItem(new ChunkI(type,data,size,infos));
  return 1;
コード例 #24
ファイル: gridfs.cpp プロジェクト: RyokoAkizuki/freshcity
    gridfs_offset GridFile::write( ostream & out ) {

        const int num = getNumChunks();

        for ( int i=0; i<num; i++ ) {
            GridFSChunk c = getChunk( i );

            int len;
            const char * data = c.data( len );
            out.write( data , len );

        return getContentLength();
コード例 #25
ファイル: map_openvdb.cpp プロジェクト: voodooattack/ADWIF
const MapCell & MapImpl::get(int x, int y, int z) const
    std::shared_ptr<Chunk> chunk = getChunk(x, y, z);
    boost::upgrade_lock<boost::shared_mutex> guard(chunk->lock);
        boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(guard);
//     if (myAccessCounter++ % myAccessTolerance == 0)
//       prune(false);
    const MapCell & value = myBank->get(chunk->accessor->getValue(
                                            ovdb::Coord(x % myChunkSize.x(), y % myChunkSize.y(), z % myChunkSize.z())));
    return value;
コード例 #26
	 uint8_t i = 0;
	 dj_object *obj = REF_TO_VOIDP(dj_exec_stackPopRef());
	 heap_chunk * chk = getChunk(obj);
	 dj_int_array * ret;
	 uint16_t length = chk->size;
	 PRINTF("obj id is %d and array size is %d \n", chk->id, chk->size);
	 ret = dj_int_array_create(T_BYTE, length);
	 // data.bytes conatains | chunk struct | chk->size -sizeof(heap_chunk) bytes |
	 memcpy(ret->data.bytes, (char*)chk, length);
	 for(i = 0; i < ret->array.length; i++)
		 PRINTF("%x-", ret->data.bytes[i]);

コード例 #27
void mixingLayerMatrixMul(bit block[block_length] , bit result_chunk[chunk_length], unsigned int column){
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < chunk_length; i++)
		result_chunk[i] = 0;

	for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		bit chunk[chunk_length];
		getChunk(block , chunk , i);
		arrayMul(chunk , mixingMatrix[i][column] , primitivePoly , chunk , primitivePolyDegree);
		arraySum(result_chunk , chunk , result_chunk , chunk_length);	
コード例 #28
ファイル: audioeffect.cpp プロジェクト: Fooway/ChuckDelay
VstIntPtr AudioEffect::dispatcher (VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt)
	VstIntPtr v = 0;
	switch (opcode)
		case effOpen:				open ();											break;
		case effClose:				close ();											break;
		case effSetProgram:			if (value < numPrograms) setProgram ((VstInt32)value); break;
		case effGetProgram:			v = getProgram ();									break;
		case effSetProgramName: 	setProgramName ((char*)ptr);						break;
		case effGetProgramName: 	getProgramName ((char*)ptr);						break;
		case effGetParamLabel:		getParameterLabel (index, (char*)ptr);				break;
		case effGetParamDisplay:	getParameterDisplay (index, (char*)ptr);			break;
		case effGetParamName:		getParameterName (index, (char*)ptr);				break;

		case effSetSampleRate:		setSampleRate (opt);								break;
		case effSetBlockSize:		setBlockSize ((VstInt32)value);						break;
		case effMainsChanged:		if (!value) suspend (); else resume ();				break;
		case effGetVu:				v = (VstIntPtr)(getVu () * 32767.);					break;

		case effEditGetRect:		if (editor) v = editor->getRect ((ERect**)ptr) ? 1 : 0;	break;
		case effEditOpen:			if (editor) v = editor->open (ptr) ? 1 : 0;			break;
		case effEditClose:			if (editor) editor->close ();						break;		
		case effEditIdle:			if (editor) editor->idle ();						break;
		case effEditDraw:			if (editor) editor->draw ((ERect*)ptr);				break;
		case effEditMouse:			if (editor) v = editor->mouse (index, value);		break;
		case effEditKey:			if (editor) v = editor->key (value);				break;
		case effEditTop:			if (editor) editor->top ();							break;
		case effEditSleep:			if (editor) editor->sleep ();						break;
		case DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdentify):	v = CCONST ('N', 'v', 'E', 'f');	break;

		case effGetChunk:			v = getChunk ((void**)ptr, index ? true : false);	break;
		case effSetChunk:			v = setChunk (ptr, (VstInt32)value, index ? true : false);	break;
	return v;
コード例 #29
	void ChunkManager::saveIndexFile()
		File fptr;
		if (!fptr.open(index_file,"wb"))
			throw Error(i18n("Cannot open index file %1 : %2").arg(index_file).arg(fptr.errorString()));
		for (unsigned int i = 0;i < tor.getNumChunks();i++)
			Chunk* c = getChunk(i);
			if (c->getStatus() != Chunk::NOT_DOWNLOADED)
				NewChunkHeader hdr;
				hdr.index = i;
コード例 #30
ファイル: AudioEffect.cpp プロジェクト: dskinner/sndobj
long AudioEffect::dispatcher(long opCode, long index, long value, void *ptr, float opt)
	long v = 0;

		case effOpen:				open();												break;
		case effClose:				close();											break;
		case effSetProgram:			if(value < numPrograms)	setProgram(value);			break;
		case effGetProgram:			v = getProgram();									break;
		case effSetProgramName: 	setProgramName((char *)ptr);						break;
		case effGetProgramName: 	getProgramName((char *)ptr);						break;
		case effGetParamLabel:		getParameterLabel(index, (char *)ptr);				break;
		case effGetParamDisplay:	getParameterDisplay(index, (char *)ptr);			break;
		case effGetParamName:		getParameterName(index, (char *)ptr);				break;

		case effSetSampleRate:		setSampleRate(opt);									break;
		case effSetBlockSize:		setBlockSize(value);								break;
		case effMainsChanged:		if(!value) suspend(); else resume();				break;
		case effGetVu:				v = (long)(getVu() * 32767.);						break;

	// editor
		case effEditGetRect:		if(editor) v = editor->getRect((ERect **)ptr);		break;
		case effEditOpen:			if(editor) v = editor->open(ptr);					break;
		case effEditClose:			if(editor) editor->close();							break;		
		case effEditIdle:			if(editor) editor->idle();							break;
		#if MAC
		case effEditDraw:			if(editor) editor->draw((ERect *)ptr);				break;
		case effEditMouse:			if(editor) v = editor->mouse(index, value);			break;
		case effEditKey:			if(editor) v = editor->key(value);					break;
		case effEditTop:			if(editor) editor->top();							break;
		case effEditSleep:			if(editor) editor->sleep();							break;
	// new

		case effIdentify:			v = 'NvEf';											break;
		case effGetChunk:			v = getChunk((void**)ptr, index ? true : false); break;
		case effSetChunk:			v = setChunk(ptr, value, index ? true : false); break;
	return v;