コード例 #1
ファイル: test_servo.c プロジェクト: nkolban/jpigpio
int main(void) {
	int rc = gpioInitialise();
	if (rc < 0) {
		printf("gpioInitialise() failed: %d\n", rc);
	int pwmPin = 17;
	int servoSweepDuration = 500; // Time in ms

	printf("pwmPin pin = %d\n", pwmPin);
	printf("servoSweepDuration = %d seconds\n", servoSweepDuration);

	int direction = 0; // 0 = up, 1 = down
	while(1) {
		unsigned int startTime = gpioTick();
		unsigned int sweepTime = servoSweepDuration * 1000 / 2;
		unsigned int delta = gpioTick() - startTime;
		while(delta < sweepTime) {
			// Position is going to be between 0 and 1 and represents how far along the sweep
			// we are.
			double position = (double)delta/sweepTime;

			unsigned int timeToWriteHighUSecs;
			position = -0.4;
			if (direction == 0) {
				timeToWriteHighUSecs = (position + 1.0) * 1000;
			} else {
				timeToWriteHighUSecs = (2.0 - position) * 1000;

			printf("Setting pulse width %d, %d, %d\n", timeToWriteHighUSecs, delta, startTime);
			gpioServo(pwmPin, timeToWriteHighUSecs);
			gpioDelay(20 * 1000);

			delta = gpioTick() - startTime;
		} // End of a sweep in one direction

		// Switch direction
		if (direction == 0) {
			direction = 1;
		} else {
			direction = 0;
	} // End of while true
	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: demolib.c プロジェクト: ciclonite/pigpio
void sonarLDRtick(void)
   /* trigger a sonar reading */

   gpioWrite(SONAR_TRIGGER, PI_ON);
   gpioWrite(SONAR_TRIGGER, PI_OFF);

   /* trigger a LDR reading */

   gpioSetMode(LDR, PI_OUTPUT); /* drain capacitor */

   gpioWrite(LDR, PI_OFF);


   LDRrechargeTick = gpioTick();

   gpioSetMode(LDR, PI_INPUT);  /* start capacitor recharge */
コード例 #3
ファイル: ping.c プロジェクト: eugenelet/Rasp_car_Video
void ping(void) {     // send out an ultrasonic 'ping'

   before = 0xffffffff; // set for guard variable

   gpioSetMode(TRIG, PI_OUTPUT);

   // trigger a sonar pulse
   gpioWrite(TRIG, PI_OFF);
   gpioWrite(TRIG, PI_ON);
   gpioWrite(TRIG, PI_OFF);

   gpioSetMode(ECHO, PI_INPUT);

   before = gpioTick(); // get tick right after sending pulse
コード例 #4
ファイル: motors.c プロジェクト: stefanmoshu/Solar_Panel
int get_last_AC_zero_crossing()
    //static int last_adc_raw_value = 0;
    //static int min_value = 0;
    int current_adc_raw_value;
    static unsigned int count = 0;
    static int raw_adc_buff[30];
    static unsigned int i = 0;
    static unsigned int tick1 = 0;
    static unsigned int tick2 = 0;
    int diffTick;
    char j;
    //char ac_present;
    int sum = 0;

    //current_adc_raw_value = get_adc_raw(AC_TRANSFORMATOR_SENSOR);
    raw_adc_buff[i % 30] = current_adc_raw_value;
    tick2 = gpioTick();

    for (j = 0; j < 30; ++j)
        sum = sum + raw_adc_buff[j];
        //printf(" %.4d", raw_adc_buff[j]);
    if ((sum / 30) < 400)
        ac_present = 0; //no AC
    else ac_present = 1;

    if (ac_present)
        diffTick = tick2 - tick1;
        if ((current_adc_raw_value < 4) &&
                ((diffTick > 21000) ||
                 ((diffTick > 9900) && (diffTick < 10100)) ||
                 ((diffTick > 19500) && (diffTick < 20500))
            tick1 = gpioTick();
            //zero_tick = tick1;
            //gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 1); // Set PUMP_1_GPIO high.
            if (diffTick < 10500)
                zero_cros_diff_time += diffTick;
                zero_cros_diff_count ++;
            //gpioSetPWMfrequency(18, 100); // Set PUMP_1_GPIO to 100Hz.
            //gpioPWM(18, 50);
            //count = i;
            undetected_zero_crossing_count = 1;
            return 0;
        if ((current_adc_raw_value == 0)) //&& (i > count + 12))
           count = i;
           //gpioPWM(18, 50);
           return 0;
              else if ((raw_adc_buff[(i-2) % 30] > raw_adc_buff[(i-1) % 30]) &&
                       (current_adc_raw_value > raw_adc_buff[(i-1) % 30]) &&
                       (current_adc_raw_value < 500) &&
                       //(i > count + 20)
                       (diffTick > 8000)
        //         //log_to_csv(current_adc_raw_value);
        //         count = i;
        //         if (current_adc_raw_value < 20) gpioPWM(18, 50);
                 tick1 = gpioTick();
                 zero_tick = tick1;
                 gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 1); // Set PUMP_1_GPIO high.
                 //gpioSetPWMfrequency(18, 100); // Set PUMP_1_GPIO to 100Hz.
                 //gpioPWM(18, 50);
              else {}
    return 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: motors.c プロジェクト: stefanmoshu/Solar_Panel
void start_pwm_pump(void)
    unsigned int current_tick;
    int diffTick;
    unsigned int requested_pwm1;
    unsigned int requested_pwm2;

    //pump_pwm = 2;

    while (1)
        /*pwm_commands_count ++;
        if (pwm_commands_count > 20000) // ~ 2 second
           pwm_commands_count = 0;
           if (zero_crossing_count > 75) // ~ .75 seconds
              ac_present = 1;
              printf("ac_present = 1\n");
              ac_present = 0;
              printf("ac_present = 0\n");
           zero_crossing_count = 0;
        if (ac_present == 1)
            current_tick = gpioTick();
            diffTick = current_tick - zero_tick;

            //pump 1
            if (pump1_pwm > 90) gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 0);
            else if (pump1_pwm < 10) gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 1);
                requested_pwm1 = ticks_in_10ms + ZERRO_POINT_OFFSET - (pump1_pwm * 100);
                if ((diffTick >= requested_pwm1) && (diffTick <= (requested_pwm1 + 1000)))
                    gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 0);
                    gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 1);

            //pump 2
            if (pump2_pwm > 90) gpioWrite(PUMP_2_GPIO, 0);
            else if (pump2_pwm < 10) gpioWrite(PUMP_2_GPIO, 1);
                requested_pwm2 = ticks_in_10ms + ZERRO_POINT_OFFSET - (pump2_pwm * 100);
                if ((diffTick >= requested_pwm2) && (diffTick <= (requested_pwm2 + 1000)))
                    gpioWrite(PUMP_2_GPIO, 0);
                    gpioWrite(PUMP_2_GPIO, 1);
        } // ac_present = 1
           if (pump1_pwm > 0)
              gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 0);
              gpioWrite(PUMP_1_GPIO, 1);

           if (pump2_pwm > 0)
              gpioWrite(PUMP_2_GPIO, 0);
              gpioWrite(PUMP_2_GPIO, 1);
コード例 #6
ファイル: QTR-8RCTest.cpp プロジェクト: LeoWhite/OptimusPi
 * Reads in a single set of readings from the sensor
 * @param sensorDiff Filled in with the 'decay' time of each sensor
void readSensor(uint32_t (&sensorDiff)[8]) {
  uint32_t startTime;

  // Turn on the IR LEDs
  gpioWrite(LED_ON, 1);

  // Configure all the sensors for output
  for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    gpioSetMode(sensorGPIOs[i], PI_OUTPUT);
    gpioWrite(sensorGPIOs[i], 1);

  // Wait for the sensors to become 'charged'

  // Start listening for notifications
  if(gpioNotifyBegin(notifyPipe, notificationGPIOs) < 0) {
    std::cerr << "Failed to begin notification" << std::endl;

  // Remember our 'start' time
  startTime = gpioTick();

  // And switch all the GPIOs to input
  for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    gpioSetMode(sensorGPIOs[i], PI_INPUT);

  // wait for the sensors to 'discharge'

  // Pause notifications

  // turn off the IR LEDs
  gpioWrite(LED_ON, 0);

  // Process results
  gpioReport_t report;
  bool dataRead[8] = {0};

  // Loop through all the results queued up in the pipe
  while(sizeof(report) == read(notifyPipeFD, &report, sizeof(report))) {
    // Not interested in any of the flags (e.g. keep alive) so we
    // skip them
    if(report.flags) {

    // We need to detect when a GPIO has from high to low,
    // so for each message walk through all the sensors to
    // see if they have changed
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      // Has the sensor become 'low' for the first time
      if(!dataRead[i] && 0 == ((1 << sensorGPIOs[i]) & report.level)) {
        // Work out how long it took, and indicate we've gotten
        // a result for this sensor
        sensorDiff[i] = report.tick - startTime;
        dataRead[i] = true;
      // We may have gotten a spurious 'low', so if the GPIO goes high again then
      // reset the 'dataRead' for this sensor
      else if(dataRead[i] && ((1 << sensorGPIOs[i]) & report.level)) {
        dataRead[i] = false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: demolib.c プロジェクト: ciclonite/pigpio
void i2cTick(void)
   static int inited = 0;
   static int calibrated = 0;
   static int calibrations = 0;
   static int accCalibX  = 0, accCalibY  = 0, accCalibZ = 0;
   static int gyroCalibX = 0, gyroCalibY = 0, gyroCalibZ = 0;
   static int i2c;
   static float X=0.0, Y=0.0, Z=0.0;

   static uint32_t lastTick;

   uint32_t tick;
   int elapsed;
   int pulse;
   char str[256];

   if (inited)
      tick = gpioTick();
      elapsed = tick - lastTick;
      lastTick = tick;


      if (calibrated)
         X = estimateAngle(
            rawAcc[ROLL], rawGyr[ROLL] -gyroCalibX, X, elapsed);

         Y = estimateAngle(
            rawAcc[PITCH], rawGyr[PITCH] - gyroCalibY, Y, elapsed);

         Z = estimateAngle(
            rawAcc[YAW], rawGyr[YAW] - gyroCalibZ, Z, elapsed);

         pulse = 1500 + (Y * 1000 / 90);
         if (pulse < 500)  pulse = 500;
         if (pulse > 2500) pulse = 2500;
         gpioServo(SERVO1, pulse);

         pulse = 1500 - (X * 500 / 90);
         if (pulse < 1000) pulse = 1000;
         if (pulse > 2000) pulse = 2000;
         gpioServo(SERVO2, pulse);

         /* prefer Z but that doesn't change much */
         pulse = 1500 - (Y * 500 / 90);
         if (pulse < 800)  pulse = 800;
         if (pulse > 2200) pulse = 2200;
         gpioServo(SERVO3, pulse);

         sprintf(str, "X=%4.0f Y=%4.0f Z=%4.0f ", X, Y, Z);
         putTTYstr(1, 1, str);


         if (++calibrations >= CALIBRATIONS)
            accCalibX /= CALIBRATIONS;
            accCalibY /= CALIBRATIONS;
            accCalibZ /= CALIBRATIONS;

            gyroCalibX /= CALIBRATIONS;
            gyroCalibY /= CALIBRATIONS;
            gyroCalibZ /= CALIBRATIONS;

            calibrated = 1;
      i2c = initI2Cdevices();

      gpioServo(SERVO1, 1500);
      gpioServo(SERVO2, 1500);
      gpioServo(SERVO3, 1500);

      inited = 1;