コード例 #1
	 * The destructor only deletes the pointers if count reaches zero.
	  if( count == 0 or --*count == 0 ){
	    // could have allocated null pointer
	    if( ccgsl_pointer != 0 ) gsl_fft_real_workspace_float_free( ccgsl_pointer );
	    delete count;
コード例 #2
ファイル: space.c プロジェクト: juhnowski/FishingRod
static void
PyGSL_transform_space_dealloc(PyGSL_transform_space * self)
     case COMPLEX_WORKSPACE:           gsl_fft_complex_workspace_free(self->space.cws);       break;
     case COMPLEX_WAVETABLE:           gsl_fft_complex_wavetable_free(self->space.cwt);       break;
     case REAL_WORKSPACE:              gsl_fft_real_workspace_free(self->space.rws);          break;
     case REAL_WAVETABLE:	       gsl_fft_real_wavetable_free(self->space.rwt);          break;
     case HALFCOMPLEX_WAVETABLE:       gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable_free(self->space.hcwt);  break;
     case COMPLEX_WORKSPACE_FLOAT:     gsl_fft_complex_workspace_float_free(self->space.cwsf);      break;
     case COMPLEX_WAVETABLE_FLOAT:     gsl_fft_complex_wavetable_float_free(self->space.cwtf);      break;
     case REAL_WORKSPACE_FLOAT:        gsl_fft_real_workspace_float_free(self->space.rwsf);         break;
     case REAL_WAVETABLE_FLOAT:	       gsl_fft_real_wavetable_float_free(self->space.rwtf);         break;
     case HALFCOMPLEX_WAVETABLE_FLOAT: gsl_fft_halfcomplex_wavetable_float_free(self->space.hcwtf); break;
     case WAVELET_WORKSPACE          : gsl_wavelet_workspace_free(self->space.wws);                 break;
     default: pygsl_error("Got unknown switch", filename, __LINE__, GSL_ESANITY); break;
     self->space.v = NULL;
コード例 #3
	 * The assignment operator. This copies elementwise.
	 * @param v The workspace to copy
	workspace& operator=( workspace const& v ){
	  // first, possibly delete anything pointed to by this
	  if( count == 0 or --*count == 0 ){
	    if( ccgsl_pointer != 0 ) gsl_fft_real_workspace_float_free( ccgsl_pointer );
	    delete count;
	  } // Then copy
	  ccgsl_pointer = v.ccgsl_pointer; count = v.count; if( count != 0 ) ++*count; return *this;
コード例 #4
	 * The default constructor creates a new workspace of size n.
	 * @param n The size of the workspace.
	explicit workspace( size_t const n ){
	  ccgsl_pointer = gsl_fft_real_workspace_float_alloc( n );
	  // just plausibly we could allocate workspace but not count
	  try { count = new size_t; } catch( std::bad_alloc& e ){
	    // try to tidy up before rethrowing
	    gsl_fft_real_workspace_float_free( ccgsl_pointer );
	    throw e;
	  *count = 1; // initially there is just one reference to ccgsl_pointer