コード例 #1
ファイル: NodeList.cpp プロジェクト: JamesLinus/hifi
void NodeList::pingPunchForDomainServer() {
    // make sure if we're here that we actually still need to ping the domain-server
    if (_domainHandler.getIP().isNull() && _domainHandler.getICEPeer().hasSockets()) {

        // check if we've hit the number of pings we'll send to the DS before we consider it a fail

        if (_domainHandler.getICEPeer().getConnectionAttempts() == 0) {
            qCDebug(networking) << "Sending ping packets to establish connectivity with domain-server with ID"
                << uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(_domainHandler.getICEDomainID());
        } else {
            if (_domainHandler.getICEPeer().getConnectionAttempts() % NUM_DOMAIN_SERVER_PINGS_BEFORE_RESET == 0) {
                // if we have then nullify the domain handler's network peer and send a fresh ICE heartbeat
                qCDebug(networking) << "No ping replies received from domain-server with ID"
                    << uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(_domainHandler.getICEClientID()) << "-" << "re-sending ICE query.";




        // send the ping packet to the local and public sockets for this node
        auto localPingPacket = constructICEPingPacket(PingType::Local, _sessionUUID);
        sendPacket(std::move(localPingPacket), _domainHandler.getICEPeer().getLocalSocket());

        auto publicPingPacket = constructICEPingPacket(PingType::Public, _sessionUUID);
        sendPacket(std::move(publicPingPacket), _domainHandler.getICEPeer().getPublicSocket());

コード例 #2
ファイル: NodeList.cpp プロジェクト: VR-cdrone/hifi
void NodeList::sendDomainServerCheckIn() {
    if (_publicSockAddr.isNull() && !_hasCompletedInitialSTUNFailure) {
        // we don't know our public socket and we need to send it to the domain server
        // send a STUN request to figure it out
    } else if (_domainHandler.getIP().isNull() && _domainHandler.requiresICE()) {
    } else if (!_domainHandler.getIP().isNull()) {
        bool isUsingDTLS = false;
        PacketType domainPacketType = !_domainHandler.isConnected()
            ? PacketTypeDomainConnectRequest : PacketTypeDomainListRequest;
        if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) {
            qDebug() << "Sending connect request to domain-server at" << _domainHandler.getHostname();
        // construct the DS check in packet
        QUuid packetUUID = _sessionUUID;
        if (domainPacketType == PacketTypeDomainConnectRequest) {
            if (!_domainHandler.getAssignmentUUID().isNull()) {
                // this is a connect request and we're an assigned node
                // so set our packetUUID as the assignment UUID
                packetUUID = _domainHandler.getAssignmentUUID();
            } else if (_domainHandler.requiresICE()) {
                // this is a connect request and we're an interface client
                // that used ice to discover the DS
                // so send our ICE client UUID with the connect request
                packetUUID = _domainHandler.getICEClientID();
        QByteArray domainServerPacket = byteArrayWithPopulatedHeader(domainPacketType, packetUUID);
        QDataStream packetStream(&domainServerPacket, QIODevice::Append);
        // pack our data to send to the domain-server
        packetStream << _ownerType << _publicSockAddr << _localSockAddr << _nodeTypesOfInterest.toList();
        // if this is a connect request, and we can present a username signature, send it along
        if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) {
            DataServerAccountInfo& accountInfo = AccountManager::getInstance().getAccountInfo();
            packetStream << accountInfo.getUsername();
            const QByteArray& usernameSignature = AccountManager::getInstance().getAccountInfo().getUsernameSignature();
            if (!usernameSignature.isEmpty()) {
                qDebug() << "Including username signature in domain connect request.";
                packetStream << usernameSignature;
        if (!isUsingDTLS) {
            writeDatagram(domainServerPacket, _domainHandler.getSockAddr(), QUuid());
        static unsigned int numDomainCheckins = 0;
        // send a STUN request every Nth domain server check in so we update our public socket, if required
        if (numDomainCheckins++ % NUM_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECKINS_PER_STUN_REQUEST == 0) {
        if (_numNoReplyDomainCheckIns >= MAX_SILENT_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECK_INS) {
            // we haven't heard back from DS in MAX_SILENT_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECK_INS
            // so emit our signal that says that
            emit limitOfSilentDomainCheckInsReached();
        // increment the count of un-replied check-ins
コード例 #3
ファイル: NodeList.cpp プロジェクト: JamesLinus/hifi
void NodeList::sendDomainServerCheckIn() {
    if (_isShuttingDown) {
        qCDebug(networking) << "Refusing to send a domain-server check in while shutting down.";
    if (_publicSockAddr.isNull()) {
        // we don't know our public socket and we need to send it to the domain server
        qCDebug(networking) << "Waiting for inital public socket from STUN. Will not send domain-server check in.";
    } else if (_domainHandler.getIP().isNull() && _domainHandler.requiresICE()) {
        qCDebug(networking) << "Waiting for ICE discovered domain-server socket. Will not send domain-server check in.";
    } else if (!_domainHandler.getIP().isNull()) {
        bool isUsingDTLS = false;

        PacketType domainPacketType = !_domainHandler.isConnected()
            ? PacketType::DomainConnectRequest : PacketType::DomainListRequest;

        if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) {
            qCDebug(networking) << "Sending connect request to domain-server at" << _domainHandler.getHostname();

            // is this our localhost domain-server?
            // if so we need to make sure we have an up-to-date local port in case it restarted

            if (_domainHandler.getSockAddr().getAddress() == QHostAddress::LocalHost
                || _domainHandler.getHostname() == "localhost") {

                quint16 domainPort = DEFAULT_DOMAIN_SERVER_PORT;
                getLocalServerPortFromSharedMemory(DOMAIN_SERVER_LOCAL_PORT_SMEM_KEY, domainPort);
                qCDebug(networking) << "Local domain-server port read from shared memory (or default) is" << domainPort;


        // check if we're missing a keypair we need to verify ourselves with the domain-server
        auto& accountManager = AccountManager::getInstance();
        const QUuid& connectionToken = _domainHandler.getConnectionToken();

        // we assume that we're on the same box as the DS if it has the same local address and
        // it didn't present us with a connection token to use for username signature
        bool localhostDomain = _domainHandler.getSockAddr().getAddress() == QHostAddress::LocalHost
            || (_domainHandler.getSockAddr().getAddress() == _localSockAddr.getAddress() && connectionToken.isNull());

        bool requiresUsernameSignature = !_domainHandler.isConnected() && !connectionToken.isNull() && !localhostDomain;

        if (requiresUsernameSignature && !accountManager.getAccountInfo().hasPrivateKey()) {
            qWarning() << "A keypair is required to present a username signature to the domain-server"
                << "but no keypair is present. Waiting for keypair generation to complete.";

            // don't send the check in packet - wait for the keypair first

        auto domainPacket = NLPacket::create(domainPacketType);
        QDataStream packetStream(domainPacket.get());

        if (domainPacketType == PacketType::DomainConnectRequest) {
            QUuid connectUUID;

            if (!_domainHandler.getAssignmentUUID().isNull()) {
                // this is a connect request and we're an assigned node
                // so set our packetUUID as the assignment UUID
                connectUUID = _domainHandler.getAssignmentUUID();
            } else if (_domainHandler.requiresICE()) {
                // this is a connect request and we're an interface client
                // that used ice to discover the DS
                // so send our ICE client UUID with the connect request
                connectUUID = _domainHandler.getICEClientID();

            // pack the connect UUID for this connect request
            packetStream << connectUUID;

        // pack our data to send to the domain-server
        packetStream << _ownerType << _publicSockAddr << _localSockAddr << _nodeTypesOfInterest.toList();

        if (!_domainHandler.isConnected()) {
            DataServerAccountInfo& accountInfo = accountManager.getAccountInfo();
            packetStream << accountInfo.getUsername();

            // if this is a connect request, and we can present a username signature, send it along
            if (requiresUsernameSignature && accountManager.getAccountInfo().hasPrivateKey()) {
                const QByteArray& usernameSignature = accountManager.getAccountInfo().getUsernameSignature(connectionToken);
                packetStream << usernameSignature;


        if (!isUsingDTLS) {
            sendPacket(std::move(domainPacket), _domainHandler.getSockAddr());

        if (_numNoReplyDomainCheckIns >= MAX_SILENT_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECK_INS) {
            // we haven't heard back from DS in MAX_SILENT_DOMAIN_SERVER_CHECK_INS
            // so emit our signal that says that
            emit limitOfSilentDomainCheckInsReached();

        // increment the count of un-replied check-ins