コード例 #1
ファイル: editcmd_dialogs.c プロジェクト: Acidburn0zzz/mc
editcmd_dialog_raw_key_query (const char *heading, const char *query, gboolean cancel)
    int w, wq;
    int y = 2;
    WDialog *raw_dlg;

    w = str_term_width1 (heading) + 6;
    wq = str_term_width1 (query);
    w = MAX (w, wq + 3 * 2 + 1 + 2);

    raw_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, cancel ? 7 : 5, w, WPOS_CENTER | WPOS_TRYUP, FALSE, dialog_colors,
                    editcmd_dialog_raw_key_query_cb, NULL, NULL, heading);
    widget_want_tab (WIDGET (raw_dlg), TRUE);

    add_widget (raw_dlg, label_new (y, 3, query));
    add_widget (raw_dlg, input_new (y++, 3 + wq + 1, input_colors,
                                    w - (6 + wq + 1), "", 0, INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE));
    if (cancel)
        add_widget (raw_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));
        /* Button w/o hotkey to allow use any key as raw or macro one */
        add_widget_autopos (raw_dlg, button_new (y, 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, _("Cancel"), NULL),
                            WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, NULL);

    w = dlg_run (raw_dlg);
    dlg_destroy (raw_dlg);

    return (cancel && (w == ESC_CHAR || w == B_CANCEL)) ? 0 : w;
コード例 #2
char *
tree_box (const char *current_dir)
    WTree *mytree;
    Dlg_head *dlg;
    char *val = NULL;
    WButtonBar *bar;

    (void) current_dir;

    /* Create the components */
    dlg = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, LINES - 9, COLS - 20, dialog_colors,
                      tree_callback, "[Directory Tree]",
                      _("Directory tree"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    mytree = tree_new (2, 2, dlg->lines - 6, dlg->cols - 5, FALSE);
    add_widget (dlg, mytree);
    add_widget (dlg, hline_new (dlg->lines - 4, 1, -1));
    bar = buttonbar_new (TRUE);
    add_widget (dlg, bar);
    /* restore ButtonBar coordinates after add_widget() */
    ((Widget *) bar)->x = 0;
    ((Widget *) bar)->y = LINES - 1;

    if (run_dlg (dlg) == B_ENTER)
        val = g_strdup (tree_selected_name (mytree));

    destroy_dlg (dlg);
    return val;
コード例 #3
ファイル: boxes.c プロジェクト: ActionLuzifer/mc
char *
tree_box (const char *current_dir)
    WTree *mytree;
    WDialog *dlg;
    Widget *wd;
    char *val = NULL;
    WButtonBar *bar;

    (void) current_dir;

    /* Create the components */
    dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, LINES - 9, COLS - 20, dialog_colors, tree_callback, NULL,
                      "[Directory Tree]", _("Directory tree"), DLG_CENTER);
    wd = WIDGET (dlg);

    mytree = tree_new (2, 2, wd->lines - 6, wd->cols - 5, FALSE);
    add_widget_autopos (dlg, mytree, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
    add_widget_autopos (dlg, hline_new (wd->lines - 4, 1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
    bar = buttonbar_new (TRUE);
    add_widget (dlg, bar);
    /* restore ButtonBar coordinates after add_widget() */
    WIDGET (bar)->x = 0;
    WIDGET (bar)->y = LINES - 1;

    if (dlg_run (dlg) == B_ENTER)
        const vfs_path_t *selected_name;
        selected_name = tree_selected_name (mytree);
        val = g_strdup (vfs_path_as_str (selected_name));

    dlg_destroy (dlg);
    return val;
コード例 #4
ファイル: filegui.c プロジェクト: artzub/mc
file_op_context_create_ui_without_init (FileOpContext * ctx, gboolean with_eta,
                                        filegui_dialog_type_t dialog_type)
    FileOpContextUI *ui;
    int minus = 0, total_reserve = 0;
    const char *abort_button_label = N_("&Abort");
    const char *skip_button_label = N_("&Skip");
    int abort_button_width, skip_button_width, buttons_width;
    int dlg_width;

    g_return_if_fail (ctx != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (ctx->ui == NULL);

    abort_button_label = _(abort_button_label);
    skip_button_label = _(skip_button_label);

    abort_button_width = str_term_width1 (abort_button_label) + 3;
    skip_button_width = str_term_width1 (skip_button_label) + 3;
    buttons_width = abort_button_width + skip_button_width + 2;

    dlg_width = max (WX, buttons_width + 6);

    ui = g_new0 (FileOpContextUI, 1);
    ctx->ui = ui;

    ctx->dialog_type = dialog_type;

    switch (dialog_type)
        total_reserve = 0;
        minus = verbose ? 0 : 2;
        total_reserve = 5;
        minus = verbose ? 0 : 7;
        total_reserve = -5;
        minus = 0;

    ctx->recursive_result = RECURSIVE_YES;

    ui->replace_result = REPLACE_YES;
    ui->showing_eta = with_eta;
    ui->showing_bps = with_eta;

    ui->op_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, WY - minus + 1 + total_reserve, dlg_width,
                    dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, op_names[ctx->operation], DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg,
                button_new (WY - minus - 2 + total_reserve,
                            dlg_width / 2 + 1, FILE_ABORT,
                            NORMAL_BUTTON, abort_button_label, NULL));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg,
                button_new (WY - minus - 2 + total_reserve,
                            dlg_width / 2 - 1 - skip_button_width, FILE_SKIP,
                            NORMAL_BUTTON, skip_button_label, NULL));

    if (verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, hline_new (8, 1, dlg_width - 2));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_bytes_label = label_new (8, FCOPY_LABEL_X + 15, ""));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_total_gauge =
                    gauge_new (9, FCOPY_LABEL_X + 3, 0, 100, 0));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_files_processed_label =
                    label_new (11, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->time_label = label_new (12, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_label = label_new (7, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_gauge = gauge_new (6, FCOPY_LABEL_X + 3, 0, 100, 0));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_string[1] = label_new (5, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_label[1] = label_new (4, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_string[0] = label_new (3, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_label[0] = label_new (2, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    if ((right_panel == current_panel) && !classic_progressbar)
        ui->progress_file_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
        if (verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
            ui->progress_total_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: chown.c プロジェクト: LubkaB/mc
static WDialog *
init_chown (void)
    int lines, cols;
    int i;
    int y;
    struct passwd *l_pass;
    struct group *l_grp;
    WDialog *ch_dlg;

    do_refresh ();

    end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0;
    single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 3 : 0;

    cols = GW * 3 + 2 + 6;
    lines = GH + 4 + (single_set ? 2 : 4);

    ch_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, chown_callback, NULL, "[Chown]",
                    _("Chown command"), DLG_CENTER);

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 3, GH, GW, _("User name")));
    l_user = listbox_new (3, 4, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_user);
    /* add field for unknown names (numbers) */
    listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown user>"), NULL);
    /* get and put user names in the listbox */
    setpwent ();
    while ((l_pass = getpwent ()) != NULL)
        listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_pass->pw_name, NULL);
    endpwent ();

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 4 + GW, GH, GW, _("Group name")));
    l_group = listbox_new (3, 5 + GW, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_group);
    /* add field for unknown names (numbers) */
    listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown group>"), NULL);
    /* get and put group names in the listbox */
    setgrent ();
    while ((l_grp = getgrent ()) != NULL)
        listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_grp->gr_name, NULL);
    endgrent ();

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 5 + GW * 2, GH, GW, _("File")));
    /* add widgets for the file information */
    for (i = 0; i < LABELS; i++)
        chown_label[i].l = label_new (chown_label[i].y, 7 + GW * 2, "");
        add_widget (ch_dlg, chown_label[i].l);

    if (!single_set)
        int x;

        add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (lines - chown_but[0].y - 1, -1, -1));

        y = lines - chown_but[0].y;
        x = (cols - blen) / 2;

        for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS - 2; i++)
            add_widget (ch_dlg,
                        button_new (y, x, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags,
                                    chown_but[i].text, NULL));
            x += chown_but[i].len + 1;

    i = BUTTONS - 2;
    y = lines - chown_but[i].y;
    add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (y - 1, -1, -1));
    add_widget (ch_dlg,
                button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 - chown_but[i].len, chown_but[i].ret_cmd,
                            chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL));
    add_widget (ch_dlg,
                button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 + 1, chown_but[i].ret_cmd,
                            chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL));

    /* select first listbox */
    dlg_select_widget (l_user);

    return ch_dlg;
コード例 #6
ファイル: learn.c プロジェクト: MidnightCommander/mc
static void
init_learn (void)
    const int dlg_width = 78;
    const int dlg_height = 23;

    /* buttons */
    int bx0, bx1;
    const char *b0 = N_("&Save");
    const char *b1 = N_("&Cancel");
    int bl0, bl1;

    int x, y, i;
    const key_code_name_t *key;

    static gboolean i18n_flag = FALSE;
    if (!i18n_flag)
        learn_title = _(learn_title);
        i18n_flag = TRUE;

    b0 = _(b0);
    b1 = _(b1);
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

    do_refresh ();

    learn_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, dlg_height, dlg_width, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors,
                    learn_callback, NULL, "[Learn keys]", learn_title);

    /* find first unshown button */
    for (key = key_name_conv_tab, learn_total = 0;
         key->name != NULL && strcmp (key->name, "kpleft") != 0; key++, learn_total++)

    learnok = 0;
    learnchanged = FALSE;

    learnkeys = g_new (learnkey_t, learn_total);

    x = UX;
    y = UY;

    /* add buttons and "OK" labels */
    for (i = 0; i < learn_total; i++)
        char buffer[BUF_TINY];
        const char *label;
        int padding;

        learnkeys[i].ok = FALSE;
        learnkeys[i].sequence = NULL;

        label = _(key_name_conv_tab[i].longname);
        padding = 16 - str_term_width1 (label);
        padding = MAX (0, padding);
        g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s%*s", label, padding, "");

        learnkeys[i].button =
            WIDGET (button_new (y, x, B_USER + i, NARROW_BUTTON, buffer, learn_button));
        learnkeys[i].label = WIDGET (label_new (y, x + 19, ""));
        add_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys[i].button);
        add_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys[i].label);

        if (y == UY + ROWS)
            x += COLSHIFT;
            y = UY;

    add_widget (learn_dlg, hline_new (dlg_height - 8, -1, -1));
    add_widget (learn_dlg,
                label_new (dlg_height - 7, 5,
                           _("Press all the keys mentioned here. After you have done it, check\n"
                             "which keys are not marked with OK. Press space on the missing\n"
                             "key, or click with the mouse to define it. Move around with Tab.")));
    add_widget (learn_dlg, hline_new (dlg_height - 4, -1, -1));
    /* buttons */
    bl0 = str_term_width1 (b0) + 5;     /* default button */
    bl1 = str_term_width1 (b1) + 3;     /* normal button */
    bx0 = (dlg_width - (bl0 + bl1 + 1)) / 2;
    bx1 = bx0 + bl0 + 1;
    add_widget (learn_dlg, button_new (dlg_height - 3, bx0, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, b0, NULL));
    add_widget (learn_dlg, button_new (dlg_height - 3, bx1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, b1, NULL));
コード例 #7
ファイル: achown.c プロジェクト: jskDr/mc
static void
init_chown_advanced (void)
    int i;
    int dlg_h = 12;
    int dlg_w = 74;
    int y;

    static gboolean i18n = FALSE;

    if (!i18n)
        for (i = BUTTONS_PERM; i < BUTTONS; i++)
            chown_advanced_but[i].text = _(chown_advanced_but[i].text);
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

            chown_advanced_but[i].len = str_term_width1 (chown_advanced_but[i].text) + 3;
            if (chown_advanced_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
                chown_advanced_but[i].len += 2; /* "<>" */

        i18n = TRUE;

    do_refresh ();

    sf_stat = g_new (struct stat, 1);
    current_file = 0;
    end_chown = need_update = FALSE;
    single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2);
    memset (ch_flags, '=', 11);
    flag_pos = 0;
    x_toggle = 070;

    if (!single_set)
        dlg_h += 2;

    ch_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, dlg_h, dlg_w, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors,
                    advanced_chown_callback, NULL, "[Advanced Chown]", _("Chown advanced command"));

    l_filename = label_new (2, 3, "");
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_filename);

    add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (3, -1, -1));

#define XTRACT(i,y) y, BX+chown_advanced_but[i].x, \
        chown_advanced_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_advanced_but[i].flags, \
        (chown_advanced_but[i].text), NULL
    b_att[0] = button_new (XTRACT (0, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[0].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[0]);
    b_att[1] = button_new (XTRACT (1, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[1].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[1]);
    b_att[2] = button_new (XTRACT (2, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[2].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[2]);
    b_user = button_new (XTRACT (3, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[3].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_user);
    b_group = button_new (XTRACT (4, BY));
    chown_advanced_but[4].id = add_widget (ch_dlg, b_group);
#undef XTRACT

    l_mode = label_new (BY + 2, 3, "");
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_mode);

    y = BY + 3;
    if (!single_set)
        i = BUTTONS_PERM;
        add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));
        chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                               button_new (y,
                                                           WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 -
                                                           chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));
        chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                               button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 + 1,
                                                           chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));

    i = BUTTONS_PERM + 2;
    add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));
    chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                           button_new (y,
                                                       WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 -
                                                       chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));
    chown_advanced_but[i].id = add_widget (ch_dlg,
                                           button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 + 1,
                                                       chown_advanced_but[i].text, NULL));

    dlg_select_widget (b_att[0]);
コード例 #8
ファイル: filegui.c プロジェクト: CTU-OSP/mc
file_op_context_create_ui (file_op_context_t * ctx, gboolean with_eta,
                           filegui_dialog_type_t dialog_type)
    file_op_context_ui_t *ui;
    int buttons_width;
    int dlg_width = 58, dlg_height = 17;
    int y = 2, x = 3;

    if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui != NULL)

    if (progress_buttons[0].len == -1)
        size_t i;

        for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (progress_buttons); i++)
            progress_buttons[i].text = _(progress_buttons[i].text);

    ctx->dialog_type = dialog_type;
    ctx->recursive_result = RECURSIVE_YES;
    ctx->ui = g_new0 (file_op_context_ui_t, 1);

    ui = ctx->ui;
    ui->replace_result = REPLACE_YES;

    ui->op_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, dlg_height, dlg_width, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                    op_names[ctx->operation], DLG_CENTER);

    if (dialog_type != FILEGUI_DIALOG_DELETE_ITEM)
        ui->showing_eta = with_eta && ctx->progress_totals_computed;
        ui->showing_bps = with_eta;

        ui->src_file_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->src_file_label);

        ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->src_file);

        ui->tgt_file_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->tgt_file_label);

        ui->tgt_file = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->tgt_file);

        ui->progress_file_gauge = gauge_new (y++, x + 3, dlg_width - (x + 3) * 2, FALSE, 100, 0);
        if (!classic_progressbar && (current_panel == right_panel))
            ui->progress_file_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
        add_widget_autopos (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_gauge, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ,

        ui->progress_file_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_label);

        if (verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
            ui->total_bytes_label = hline_new (y++, -1, -1);
            add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_bytes_label);

            if (ctx->progress_totals_computed)
                ui->progress_total_gauge =
                    gauge_new (y++, x + 3, dlg_width - (x + 3) * 2, FALSE, 100, 0);
                if (!classic_progressbar && (current_panel == right_panel))
                    ui->progress_total_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
                add_widget_autopos (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_total_gauge,
                                    WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ, NULL);

            ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
            add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_files_processed_label);

            ui->time_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
            add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->time_label);
        ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->src_file);

        ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, "");
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_files_processed_label);

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    progress_buttons[0].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[0].action,
                                                progress_buttons[0].flags, progress_buttons[0].text,
    if (progress_buttons[0].len == -1)
        progress_buttons[0].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[0].w));

    progress_buttons[1].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[1].action,
                                                progress_buttons[1].flags, progress_buttons[1].text,
    if (progress_buttons[1].len == -1)
        progress_buttons[1].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[1].w));

    if (progress_buttons[2].len == -1)
        /* create and destroy button to get it length */
        progress_buttons[2].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[2].action,
        progress_buttons[2].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[2].w));
        send_message (progress_buttons[2].w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
        g_free (progress_buttons[2].w);
    progress_buttons[2].w = progress_buttons[1].w;

    progress_buttons[3].w = WIDGET (button_new (y, 0, progress_buttons[3].action,
                                                progress_buttons[3].flags, progress_buttons[3].text,
    if (progress_buttons[3].len == -1)
        progress_buttons[3].len = button_get_len (BUTTON (progress_buttons[3].w));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, progress_buttons[0].w);
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, progress_buttons[1].w);
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, progress_buttons[3].w);

    buttons_width = 2 +
        progress_buttons[0].len + max (progress_buttons[1].len, progress_buttons[2].len) +

    /* adjust dialog sizes  */
    dlg_set_size (ui->op_dlg, y + 3, max (COLS * 2 / 3, buttons_width + 6));

    place_progress_buttons (ui->op_dlg, FALSE);

    dlg_select_widget (progress_buttons[0].w);

    /* We will manage the dialog without any help, that's why
       we have to call dlg_init */
    dlg_init (ui->op_dlg);
コード例 #9
ファイル: filegui.c プロジェクト: CTU-OSP/mc
 * FIXME: probably it is better to replace this with quick dialog machinery,
 * but actually I'm not familiar with it and have not much time :(
 *   alex
static replace_action_t
overwrite_query_dialog (file_op_context_t * ctx, enum OperationMode mode)
#define ADD_RD_BUTTON(i, ypos) \
    add_widget_autopos (ui->replace_dlg, \
                        button_new (ypos, rd_widgets [i].xpos, rd_widgets [i].value, \
                                    NORMAL_BUTTON, rd_widgets [i].text, NULL), \
                        rd_widgets [i].pos_flags, ui->replace_dlg->current->data)

#define ADD_RD_LABEL(i, p1, p2, ypos) \
    g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), rd_widgets [i].text, p1, p2); \
    label2 = WIDGET (label_new (ypos, rd_widgets [i].xpos, buffer)); \
    add_widget_autopos (ui->replace_dlg, label2, rd_widgets [i].pos_flags, \
                        ui->replace_dlg->current != NULL ? ui->replace_dlg->current->data : NULL)

    /* dialog sizes */
    const int rd_ylen = 1;
    int rd_xlen = 60;
    int y = 2;
    unsigned long yes_id;

        const char *text;
        int ypos, xpos;
        widget_pos_flags_t pos_flags;
        int value;              /* 0 for labels */
    } rd_widgets[] =
    /* *INDENT-OFF* */
        /*  0 */
        { N_("Target file already exists!"), 3, 4, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, 0 },
        /*  1 */
        { "%s", 4, 4, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, 0 },
        /*  2 */
        { N_("New     : %s, size %s"), 6, 4, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
        /*  3 */
        { N_("Existing: %s, size %s"), 7, 4, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
        /*  4 */
        { N_("Overwrite this target?"), 9, 4, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
        /*  5 */
        { N_("&Yes"), 9, 28, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_YES },
        /*  6 */
        { N_("&No"), 9, 37, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_NO },
        /*  7 */
        { N_("A&ppend"), 9, 45, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_APPEND },
        /*  8 */
        { N_("&Reget"), 10, 28, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_REGET },
        /*  9 */
        { N_("Overwrite all targets?"), 11, 4, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
        /* 10 */
        { N_("A&ll"), 11, 28, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_ALWAYS },
        /* 11 */
        { N_("&Update"), 11, 36, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_UPDATE },
        /* 12 */
        { N_("Non&e"), 11, 47, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_NEVER },
        /* 13 */
        { N_("If &size differs"), 12, 28, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_SIZE },
        /* 14 */
        { N_("&Abort"), 14, 25, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, REPLACE_ABORT }
    /* *INDENT-ON* */

    const size_t num = G_N_ELEMENTS (rd_widgets);
    int *widgets_len;

    file_op_context_ui_t *ui = ctx->ui;

    char buffer[BUF_SMALL];
    char fsize_buffer[BUF_SMALL];
    Widget *label1, *label2;
    const char *title;
    vfs_path_t *stripped_vpath;
    const char *stripped_name;
    char *stripped_name_orig;
    int result;

    widgets_len = g_new0 (int, num);

    if (mode == Foreground)
        title = _("File exists");
        title = _("Background process: File exists");

    stripped_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (ui->replace_filename);
    stripped_name = stripped_name_orig =
        vfs_path_to_str_flags (stripped_vpath, 0, VPF_STRIP_HOME | VPF_STRIP_PASSWORD);
    vfs_path_free (stripped_vpath);

        size_t i;
        int l1, l2, l, row;
        int stripped_name_len;

        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
            if (i != 1)         /* skip filename */
                rd_widgets[i].text = _(rd_widgets[i].text);
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
            widgets_len[i] = str_term_width1 (rd_widgets[i].text);

         * longest of "Overwrite..." labels
         * (assume "Target date..." are short enough)
        l1 = max (widgets_len[9], widgets_len[4]);

        /* longest of button rows */
        l = l2 = 0;
        row = 0;
        for (i = 1; i < num - 1; i++)
            if (rd_widgets[i].value != 0)
                if (row != rd_widgets[i].ypos)
                    row = rd_widgets[i].ypos;
                    l2 = max (l2, l);
                    l = 0;
                l += widgets_len[i] + 4;

        l2 = max (l2, l);       /* last row */
        rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, l1 + l2 + 8);
        /* rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, str_term_width1 (title) + 2); */
        stripped_name_len = str_term_width1 (stripped_name);
        rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, min (COLS, stripped_name_len + 8));

        /* Now place widgets */
        l1 += 5;                /* start of first button in the row */
        l = l1;
        row = 0;
        for (i = 2; i < num - 1; i++)
            if (rd_widgets[i].value != 0)
                if (row != rd_widgets[i].ypos)
                    row = rd_widgets[i].ypos;
                    l = l1;
                rd_widgets[i].xpos = l;
                l += widgets_len[i] + 4;

    /* FIXME - missing help node */
    ui->replace_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, rd_ylen, rd_xlen, alarm_colors, NULL, NULL, "[Replace]", title,

    /* prompt */
    ADD_RD_LABEL (0, "", "", y++);
    /* file name */
    ADD_RD_LABEL (1, "", "", y++);
    label1 = label2;

    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    /* source date and size */
    size_trunc_len (fsize_buffer, sizeof (fsize_buffer), ui->s_stat->st_size, 0,
    ADD_RD_LABEL (2, file_date (ui->s_stat->st_mtime), fsize_buffer, y++);
    rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, label2->cols + 8);
    /* destination date and size */
    size_trunc_len (fsize_buffer, sizeof (fsize_buffer), ui->d_stat->st_size, 0,
    ADD_RD_LABEL (3, file_date (ui->d_stat->st_mtime), fsize_buffer, y++);
    rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, label2->cols + 8);

    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    ADD_RD_LABEL (4, 0, 0, y);  /* Overwrite this target? */
    yes_id = ADD_RD_BUTTON (5, y);      /* Yes */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (6, y);       /* No */

    /* "this target..." widgets */
    if (!S_ISDIR (ui->d_stat->st_mode))
        ADD_RD_BUTTON (7, y++); /* Append */

        if ((ctx->operation == OP_COPY) && (ui->d_stat->st_size != 0)
            && (ui->s_stat->st_size > ui->d_stat->st_size))
            ADD_RD_BUTTON (8, y++);     /* Reget */

    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    ADD_RD_LABEL (9, 0, 0, y);  /* Overwrite all targets? */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (10, y);      /* All" */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (11, y);      /* Update */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (12, y++);    /* None */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (13, y++);    /* If size differs */

    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    ADD_RD_BUTTON (14, y);      /* Abort */

    label_set_text (LABEL (label1), str_trunc (stripped_name, rd_xlen - 8));
    dlg_set_size (ui->replace_dlg, y + 3, rd_xlen);
    dlg_select_by_id (ui->replace_dlg, yes_id);
    result = dlg_run (ui->replace_dlg);
    dlg_destroy (ui->replace_dlg);

    g_free (widgets_len);
    g_free (stripped_name_orig);

    return (result == B_CANCEL) ? REPLACE_ABORT : (replace_action_t) result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: panelize.c プロジェクト: andi5/mc
static void
init_panelize (void)
        int ret_cmd;
        button_flags_t flags;
        const char *text;
    } panelize_but[] =
        /* *INDENT-OFF* */
        { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_("Pane&lize") },
        { B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Remove") },
        { B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Add new") },
        { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Cancel") }
        /* *INDENT-ON* */

    size_t i;
    int blen;
    int panelize_cols;
    struct panelize *current;
    int x, y;

    last_listitem = 0;

    do_refresh ();

    i = G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but);
    blen = i - 1;               /* gaps between buttons */
    while (i-- != 0)
        panelize_but[i].text = _(panelize_but[i].text);
        blen += str_term_width1 (panelize_but[i].text) + 3 + 1;
        if (panelize_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
            blen += 2;

    panelize_cols = COLS - 6;
    panelize_cols = max (panelize_cols, blen + 4);

    panelize_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 20, panelize_cols, dialog_colors, panelize_callback, NULL,
                    "[External panelize]", _("External panelize"), DLG_CENTER);

    /* add listbox to the dialogs */
    y = UY;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, groupbox_new (y++, UX, 12, panelize_cols - UX * 2, ""));

    l_panelize = listbox_new (y, UX + 1, 10, panelize_cols - UX * 2 - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    for (current = panelize; current != NULL; current = current->next)
        listbox_add_item (l_panelize, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, current->label, current);
    listbox_select_entry (l_panelize, listbox_search_text (l_panelize, _("Other command")));
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, l_panelize);

    y += WIDGET (l_panelize)->lines + 1;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, label_new (y++, UX, _("Command")));
    pname =
        input_new (y++, UX, input_colors, panelize_cols - UX * 2, "", "in",
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, pname);

    add_widget (panelize_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    x = (panelize_cols - blen) / 2;
    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but); i++)
        WButton *b;

        b = button_new (y, x,
                        panelize_but[i].ret_cmd, panelize_but[i].flags, panelize_but[i].text, NULL);
        add_widget (panelize_dlg, b);

        x += button_get_len (b) + 1;

    dlg_select_widget (l_panelize);
コード例 #11
ファイル: quick.c プロジェクト: rutsky/mc
quick_dialog_skip (quick_dialog_t * quick_dlg, int nskip)
    int len;
    int blen = 0;
    int x, y;                   /* current positions */
    int y1 = 0;                 /* bottom of 1st column in case of two columns */
    int y2 = -1;                /* start of two columns */
    int width1 = 0;             /* width of single column */
    int width2 = 0;             /* width of each of two columns */
    gboolean have_groupbox = FALSE;
    gboolean two_columns = FALSE;
    gboolean put_buttons = FALSE;

    /* x position of 1st column is 3 */
    const int x1 = 3;
    /* x position of 2nd column is 4 and it will be fixed later, after creation of all widgets */
    int x2 = 4;

    GArray *widgets;
    size_t i;
    quick_widget_t *quick_widget;
    WGroupbox *g = NULL;
    WDialog *dd;
    int return_val;

    len = str_term_width1 (I18N (quick_dlg->title)) + 6;
    quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, len);

    y = 1;
    x = x1;

    /* create widgets */
    widgets = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (quick_widget_item_t), 8);

    for (quick_widget = quick_dlg->widgets; quick_widget->widget_type != quick_end; quick_widget++)
        quick_widget_item_t item = { NULL, quick_widget };
        int width = 0;

        switch (quick_widget->widget_type)
        case quick_checkbox:
            item.widget =
                WIDGET (check_new
                        (++y, x, *quick_widget->u.checkbox.state,
                         I18N (quick_widget->u.checkbox.text)));
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_button:
            /* single button */
            item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (++y, x, quick_widget->u.button.action,
                                              quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ?
                                              DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON,
                                              I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text),
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_input:
            *quick_widget->u.input.result = NULL;
            if (quick_widget->u.input.label_location != input_label_none)
                quick_create_labeled_input (widgets, &y, x, quick_widget, &width);
                item.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (y, x, quick_widget));
                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
                width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_label:
            item.widget = WIDGET (label_new (++y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.label.text)));
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            y += item.widget->lines - 1;
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_radio:
            WRadio *r;
            char **items = NULL;

            /* create the copy of radio_items to avoid mwmory leak */
            items = g_new (char *, quick_widget->u.radio.count + 1);
            for (i = 0; i < (size_t) quick_widget->u.radio.count; i++)
                items[i] = g_strdup (_(quick_widget->u.radio.items[i]));
            items[i] = NULL;

            r = radio_new (++y, x, quick_widget->u.radio.count, (const char **) items);
            r->pos = r->sel = *quick_widget->u.radio.value;
            g_strfreev (items);
            item.widget = WIDGET (r);
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            y += item.widget->lines - 1;
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_start_groupbox:
            I18N (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
            len = str_term_width1 (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
            g = groupbox_new (++y, x, 1, len + 4, quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
            item.widget = WIDGET (g);
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            have_groupbox = TRUE;

        case quick_stop_groupbox:
            if (g != NULL)
                Widget *w = WIDGET (g);

                w->lines = y + 1 - w->y;
                g = NULL;

                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);

        case quick_separator:
            if (quick_widget->u.separator.line)
                item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, x, 1));
                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);

        case quick_start_columns:
            y2 = y;
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            two_columns = TRUE;

        case quick_next_column:
            x = x2;
            y1 = y;
            y = y2;

        case quick_stop_columns:
            x = x1;
            y = max (y1, y);
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            two_columns = FALSE;

        case quick_buttons:
            /* start put several buttons in bottom line */
            if (quick_widget->u.separator.space)

                if (quick_widget->u.separator.line)
                    item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, 1, -1));

            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);

            /* several buttons in bottom line */
            for (; quick_widget->widget_type == quick_button; quick_widget++)
                item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (y, x++, quick_widget->u.button.action,
                                                  quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ?
                                                  DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON,
                                                  I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text),
                item.quick_widget = quick_widget;
                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
                blen += item.widget->cols + 1;

            /* stop dialog build here */
            quick_widget->widget_type = quick_end;


    /* adjust dialog width */
    quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, blen + 6);
    if (have_groupbox)
        if (width1 != 0)
            width1 += 2;
        if (width2 != 0)
            width2 += 2;
    if (width2 == 0)
        len = width1 + 6;
        len = width2 * 2 + 7;
        if (width1 != 0)
            len = max (len, width1 + 6);

    quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, len);
    width1 = quick_dlg->cols - 6;
    width2 = (quick_dlg->cols - 7) / 2;

    if (quick_dlg->x == -1 || quick_dlg->y == -1)
        dd = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, y + 3, quick_dlg->cols,
                         dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback, quick_dlg->mouse, quick_dlg->help,
                         quick_dlg->title, DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP);
        dd = create_dlg (TRUE, quick_dlg->y, quick_dlg->x, y + 3, quick_dlg->cols,
                         dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback, quick_dlg->mouse, quick_dlg->help,
                         quick_dlg->title, DLG_NONE);

    /* add widgets into the dialog */
    x2 = x1 + width2 + 1;
    g = NULL;
    two_columns = FALSE;
    x = (WIDGET (dd)->cols - blen) / 2;

    for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
        quick_widget_item_t *item;
        int column_width;

        item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);
        column_width = two_columns ? width2 : width1;

        /* adjust widget width and x position */
        switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type)
        case quick_label:
            quick_widget_t *input = item->quick_widget->u.label.input;

            if (input != NULL && input->u.input.label_location == input_label_right)
                /* location of this label will be adjusted later */
        /* fall through */
        case quick_checkbox:
        case quick_radio:
            if (item->widget->x != x1)
                item->widget->x = x2;
            if (g != NULL)
                item->widget->x += 2;

        case quick_button:
            if (!put_buttons)
                if (item->widget->x != x1)
                    item->widget->x = x2;
                if (g != NULL)
                    item->widget->x += 2;
                item->widget->x = x;
                x += item->widget->cols + 1;

        case quick_input:
            Widget *label = WIDGET (INPUT (item->widget)->label);
            int width = column_width;

            if (g != NULL)
                width -= 4;

            switch (item->quick_widget->u.input.label_location)
            case input_label_left:
                /* label was adjusted before; adjust input line */
                item->widget->x = label->x + label->cols + 1 - WIDGET (label->owner)->x;
                item->widget->cols = width - label->cols - 1;

            case input_label_right:
                label->x =
                    item->widget->x + item->widget->cols + 1 - WIDGET (item->widget->owner)->x;
                item->widget->cols = width - label->cols - 1;

                if (item->widget->x != x1)
                    item->widget->x = x2;
                if (g != NULL)
                    item->widget->x += 2;
                item->widget->cols = width;

            /* forced update internal variables of inpuit line */
            input_set_origin (INPUT (item->widget), item->widget->x, item->widget->cols);

        case quick_start_groupbox:
            g = GROUPBOX (item->widget);
            if (item->widget->x != x1)
                item->widget->x = x2;
            item->widget->cols = column_width;

        case quick_stop_groupbox:
            g = NULL;

        case quick_separator:
            if (item->widget != NULL)
                if (g != NULL)
                    Widget *wg = WIDGET (g);

                    HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE;
                    item->widget->x = wg->x + 1 - WIDGET (wg->owner)->x;
                    item->widget->cols = wg->cols;
                else if (two_columns)
                    HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE;
                    if (item->widget->x != x1)
                        item->widget->x = x2;
                    item->widget->cols = column_width + 2;
                    HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = TRUE;

        case quick_start_columns:
            two_columns = TRUE;

        case quick_stop_columns:
            two_columns = FALSE;

        case quick_buttons:
            /* several buttons in bottom line */
            put_buttons = TRUE;


        if (item->widget != NULL)
            unsigned long id;

            /* add widget into dialog */
            item->widget->options |= item->quick_widget->options;       /* FIXME: cannot reset flags, setup only */
            id = add_widget_autopos (dd, item->widget, item->quick_widget->pos_flags, NULL);
            if (item->quick_widget->id != NULL)
                *item->quick_widget->id = id;

    while (nskip-- != 0)
        dd->current = g_list_next (dd->current);
        if (dd->current == NULL)
            dd->current = dd->widgets;

    return_val = run_dlg (dd);

    /* Get the data if we found something interesting */
    if (return_val != B_CANCEL)
        for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
            quick_widget_item_t *item;

            item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);

            switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type)
            case quick_checkbox:
                *item->quick_widget->u.checkbox.state = CHECK (item->widget)->state & C_BOOL;

            case quick_input:
                if ((quick_widget->u.input.flags & 2) != 0)
                    *item->quick_widget->u.input.result =
                        tilde_expand (INPUT (item->widget)->buffer);
                    *item->quick_widget->u.input.result = g_strdup (INPUT (item->widget)->buffer);

            case quick_radio:
                *item->quick_widget->u.radio.value = RADIO (item->widget)->sel;


    destroy_dlg (dd);

    /* destroy input labels created before */
    for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
        quick_widget_item_t *item;

        item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);
        if (item->quick_widget->widget_type == quick_input)
            g_free (item->quick_widget->u.input.label);

    g_array_free (widgets, TRUE);

    return return_val;
コード例 #12
ファイル: boxes.c プロジェクト: ActionLuzifer/mc
jobs_cmd (void)
        const char *name;
        int flags;
        int value;
        int len;
        bcback_fn callback;
    job_but[] =
        /* *INDENT-OFF* */
        { N_("&Stop"), NORMAL_BUTTON, B_STOP, 0, task_cb },
        { N_("&Resume"), NORMAL_BUTTON, B_RESUME, 0, task_cb },
        { N_("&Kill"), NORMAL_BUTTON, B_KILL, 0, task_cb },
        { N_("&OK"), DEFPUSH_BUTTON, B_CANCEL, 0, NULL }
        /* *INDENT-ON* */

    size_t i;
    const size_t n_but = G_N_ELEMENTS (job_but);

    WDialog *jobs_dlg;
    int cols = 60;
    int lines = 15;
    int x = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < n_but; i++)
        job_but[i].name = _(job_but[i].name);
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

        job_but[i].len = str_term_width1 (job_but[i].name) + 3;
        if (job_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
            job_but[i].len += 2;
        x += job_but[i].len;

    x += (int) n_but - 1;
    cols = max (cols, x + 6);

    jobs_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL,
                           "[Background jobs]", _("Background jobs"), DLG_CENTER);

    bg_list = listbox_new (2, 2, lines - 6, cols - 6, FALSE, NULL);
    jobs_fill_listbox (bg_list);
    add_widget (jobs_dlg, bg_list);

    add_widget (jobs_dlg, hline_new (lines - 4, -1, -1));

    x = (cols - x) / 2;
    for (i = 0; i < n_but; i++)
        add_widget (jobs_dlg,
                    button_new (lines - 3, x, job_but[i].value, job_but[i].flags, job_but[i].name,
        x += job_but[i].len + 1;

    (void) dlg_run (jobs_dlg);
    dlg_destroy (jobs_dlg);
コード例 #13
ファイル: layout.c プロジェクト: m32/mc
static WDialog *
init_layout (void)
    WDialog *layout_dlg;
    int l1 = 0, width;
    int b1, b2, b;
    size_t i;

    const char *title1 = N_("Panel split");
    const char *title2 = N_("Console output");
    const char *title3 = N_("Other options");

    const char *s_split_direction[2] = {

    const char *ok_button = N_("&OK");
    const char *cancel_button = N_("&Cancel");

    output_lines_label = _("Output lines:");

    /* save old params */
    _menubar_visible = menubar_visible;
    _command_prompt = command_prompt;
    _keybar_visible = mc_global.keybar_visible;
    _message_visible = mc_global.message_visible;
    _xterm_title = xterm_title;
    _free_space = free_space;
    old_output_lines = -1;
    _output_lines = output_lines;

        static gboolean i18n = FALSE;

        title1 = _(title1);
        title2 = _(title2);
        title3 = _(title3);

        i = G_N_ELEMENTS (s_split_direction);
        while (i-- != 0)
            s_split_direction[i] = _(s_split_direction[i]);

        if (!i18n)
            for (i = 0; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++)
                check_options[i].text = _(check_options[i].text);
            i18n = TRUE;

        ok_button = _(ok_button);
        cancel_button = _(cancel_button);

    /* radiobuttons */
    i = G_N_ELEMENTS (s_split_direction);
    while (i-- != 0)
        l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (s_split_direction[i]) + 7);
    /* checkboxes */
    for (i = 0; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++)
        l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (check_options[i].text) + 7);
    /* groupboxes */
    l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title1) + 4);
    l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title2) + 4);
    l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title3) + 4);
    /* label + "+"/"-" buttons */
    output_lines_label_len = str_term_width1 (output_lines_label);
    l1 = max (l1, output_lines_label_len + 12);
    /* buttons */
    b1 = str_term_width1 (ok_button) + 5;       /* default button */
    b2 = str_term_width1 (cancel_button) + 3;
    b = b1 + b2 + 1;
    /* dialog width */
    width = max (l1 * 2 + 7, b);

    layout_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 15, width, dialog_colors, layout_callback, NULL, "[Layout]",
                    _("Layout"), DLG_CENTER);

#define XTRACT(i) *check_options[i].variable, check_options[i].text

    /* "Panel split" groupbox */
    add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 3, 6, l1, title1));

    radio_widget = radio_new (3, 5, 2, s_split_direction);
    radio_widget->sel = panels_layout.horizontal_split;
    add_widget (layout_dlg, radio_widget);

    check_options[0].widget = check_new (5, 5, XTRACT (0));
    add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[0].widget);

    equal_split = panels_layout.horizontal_split ?
                  panels_layout.horizontal_equal : panels_layout.vertical_equal;

    bleft_widget = button_new (6, 8, B_2LEFT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&<", b_left_right_cback);
    widget_disable (WIDGET (bleft_widget), equal_split);
    add_widget (layout_dlg, bleft_widget);

    bright_widget = button_new (6, 14, B_2RIGHT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&>", b_left_right_cback);
    widget_disable (WIDGET (bright_widget), equal_split);
    add_widget (layout_dlg, bright_widget);

    /* "Console output" groupbox */
        const int disabled = mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' ? 0 : W_DISABLED;
        Widget *w;

        w = WIDGET (groupbox_new (8, 3, 3, l1, title2));
        w->options |= disabled;
        add_widget (layout_dlg, w);

        w = WIDGET (button_new (9, output_lines_label_len + 5, B_PLUS,
                                NARROW_BUTTON, "&+", bplus_cback));
        w->options |= disabled;
        add_widget (layout_dlg, w);

        w = WIDGET (button_new (9, output_lines_label_len + 5 + 5, B_MINUS,
                                NARROW_BUTTON, "&-", bminus_cback));
        w->options |= disabled;
        add_widget (layout_dlg, w);

    /* "Other options" groupbox */
    add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 4 + l1, 9, l1, title3));

    for (i = 1; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++)
        check_options[i].widget = check_new (i + 2, 6 + l1, XTRACT (i));
        add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[i].widget);

#undef XTRACT

    add_widget (layout_dlg, hline_new (11, -1, -1));
    /* buttons */
    add_widget (layout_dlg,
                button_new (12, (width - b) / 2, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, ok_button, 0));
    add_widget (layout_dlg,
                button_new (12, (width - b) / 2 + b1 + 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON,
                            cancel_button, 0));

    dlg_select_widget (radio_widget);

    return layout_dlg;
コード例 #14
ファイル: filegui.c プロジェクト: TomyLobo/mc
file_op_context_create_ui_without_init (FileOpContext * ctx, gboolean with_eta,
                                        filegui_dialog_type_t dialog_type)
    FileOpContextUI *ui;
    const char *abort_button_label = N_("&Abort");
    const char *skip_button_label = N_("&Skip");
    int abort_button_width, skip_button_width, buttons_width;
    int dlg_width, dlg_height;

    g_return_if_fail (ctx != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (ctx->ui == NULL);

    abort_button_label = _(abort_button_label);
    skip_button_label = _(skip_button_label);

    abort_button_width = str_term_width1 (abort_button_label) + 3;
    skip_button_width = str_term_width1 (skip_button_label) + 3;
    buttons_width = abort_button_width + skip_button_width + 2;

    dlg_width = max (58, buttons_width + 6);
    dlg_height = 17;            /* to make compiler happy :) */

    ui = g_new0 (FileOpContextUI, 1);
    ctx->ui = ui;

    ctx->dialog_type = dialog_type;

    switch (dialog_type)
        dlg_height = verbose ? 12 : 10;
        dlg_height = !verbose ? 10 : file_op_compute_totals ? 17 : 15;
        dlg_height = 7;

    ctx->recursive_result = RECURSIVE_YES;

    ui->replace_result = REPLACE_YES;
    ui->showing_eta = with_eta && file_op_compute_totals;
    ui->showing_bps = with_eta;

    ui->op_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, dlg_height, dlg_width,
                    dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, NULL, op_names[ctx->operation],
                    DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg,
                button_new (dlg_height - 3, dlg_width / 2 + 1, FILE_ABORT,
                            NORMAL_BUTTON, abort_button_label, NULL));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg,
                button_new (dlg_height - 3, dlg_width / 2 - 1 - skip_button_width, FILE_SKIP,
                            NORMAL_BUTTON, skip_button_label, NULL));

    if (verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
        int dy = file_op_compute_totals ? 2 : 0;

        if (file_op_compute_totals)
            add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_total_gauge =
                        gauge_new (7 + dy, 3 + 3, 0, 100, 0));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (9 + dy, 3, ""));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->time_label = label_new (10 + dy, 3, ""));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_bytes_label = label_new (8, 3 + 15, ""));
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, hline_new (8, 1, dlg_width - 2));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_label = label_new (7, 3, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_gauge = gauge_new (6, 3 + 3, 0, 100, 0));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_string[1] = label_new (5, 3, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_label[1] = label_new (4, 3, ""));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_string[0] = label_new (3, 3, ""));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_label[0] = label_new (2, 3, ""));

    if ((right_panel == current_panel) && !classic_progressbar)
        ui->progress_file_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
        if (verbose && file_op_compute_totals && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
            ui->progress_total_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;