void load_config(void) { /* config._.RollStabilizaionAilerons = ROLL_STABILIZATION_AILERONS; config._.RollStabilizationRudder = ROLL_STABILIZATION_RUDDER; config._.PitchStabilization = PITCH_STABILIZATION; config._.YawStabilizationRudder = YAW_STABILIZATION_RUDDER; config._.YawStabilizationAileron = YAW_STABILIZATION_AILERON; config._.AileronNavigation = AILERON_NAVIGATION; config._.RudderNavigation = RUDDER_NAVIGATION; config._.AltitudeholdStabilized = ALTITUDEHOLD_STABILIZED; config._.AltitudeholdWaypoint = ALTITUDEHOLD_WAYPOINT; config._.RacingMode = RACING_MODE; */ config._.RollStabilizaionAilerons = ini_getbool(strStabilise, "roll_ail", ROLL_STABILIZATION_AILERONS, strConfigFile); config._.RollStabilizationRudder = ini_getbool(strStabilise, "roll_rud", ROLL_STABILIZATION_RUDDER, strConfigFile); config._.PitchStabilization = ini_getbool(strStabilise, "pitch", PITCH_STABILIZATION, strConfigFile); config._.YawStabilizationRudder = ini_getbool(strStabilise, "yaw_rud", YAW_STABILIZATION_RUDDER, strConfigFile); config._.YawStabilizationAileron = ini_getbool(strStabilise, "yaw_ail", YAW_STABILIZATION_AILERON, strConfigFile); config._.AileronNavigation = ini_getbool(strNavigation, "ail", AILERON_NAVIGATION, strConfigFile); config._.RudderNavigation = ini_getbool(strNavigation, "rud", RUDDER_NAVIGATION, strConfigFile); // = ini_getbool(strNavigation, "wind", WIND_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT, strConfigFile); config._.AltitudeholdStabilized = ini_getl(strAltitude, "stabilised", ALTITUDEHOLD_STABILIZED, strConfigFile); config._.AltitudeholdWaypoint = ini_getl(strAltitude, "waypoint", ALTITUDEHOLD_WAYPOINT, strConfigFile); // config._.RacingMode = ini_getbool(strMode, "racing", RACING_MODE, strConfigFile); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { char temp[1024]=""; char ini_file[]="lightfield.ini"; ini_gets("Main", "TerrainFile", "", temp, 512, ini_file); string terrain_file=ToString(temp); ini_gets("Main", "Resources", "", temp, 512, ini_file); string resources=ToString(temp); ini_gets("Main", "Stage", "", temp, 512, ini_file); string stage=ToString(temp); ini_gets("Main", "GIA", "", temp, 512, ini_file); string gia=ToString(temp); float sample_unit_distance=ini_getf("Main", "SampleUnitDistance", 0.75f, ini_file); float saturation_multiplier=ini_getf("Main", "SaturationMultiplier", 1.0f, ini_file); float lookup_grid_size=ini_getf("Main", "LookupGridSize", 5.0f, ini_file); LibGens::initialize(); LibGens::Error::setLogging(true); LibGens::Terrain terrain(terrain_file, resources, stage, gia); printf("Done loading Terrain\n"); // Sample Unit Distance, Saturation Multiplier LibGens::VRMap *vrmap=terrain.generateVRMap(sample_unit_distance, saturation_multiplier); printf("VR Map setup...\n"); vrmap->generateLookupGrid(lookup_grid_size, sample_unit_distance); printf("Done generating VR Map of %d samples covering %f units of area.\n", vrmap->getSampleList().size(), vrmap->getAABB().size()); LibGens::LightField lightfield; float ambient_color_r=ini_getf("Main", "AmbientColorR", 1.0f, ini_file); float ambient_color_g=ini_getf("Main", "AmbientColorG", 1.0f, ini_file); float ambient_color_b=ini_getf("Main", "AmbientColorB", 1.0f, ini_file); float ambient_color_a=ini_getf("Main", "AmbientColorA", 1.0f, ini_file); int sample_min_count=ini_getl("Main", "SampleMinCount", 2, ini_file); float sample_blend_distance=ini_getf("Main", "SampleBlendDistance", 8.0f, ini_file); float min_octree_cube_size=ini_getf("Main", "MinOctreeCubeSize", 3.0f, ini_file); int cpu_threads=ini_getl("Main", "Threads", 1, ini_file); // Ambient Color, Sample Min Count, Sample Blend Distance, Min Octree Cube Size lightfield.generate(vrmap, LibGens::Color(ambient_color_r, ambient_color_g, ambient_color_b, ambient_color_a), sample_min_count, sample_blend_distance, min_octree_cube_size, cpu_threads); printf("Done generating lightfield.\n"); lightfield.save("light-field.lft"); printf("Saved lightfield. Press Enter to exit.\n"); getchar(); return 0; }
static void load_network(void) { int port = 0; int result; result = ini_gets(strNetwork, "address", "", address, sizeof(address), strConfigFile); result = ini_gets(strNetwork, "gateway", "", gateway, sizeof(gateway), strConfigFile); result = ini_gets(strNetwork, "subnet", "", subnet, sizeof(subnet), strConfigFile); port = ini_getl(strNetwork, "port", 21, strConfigFile); dhcp = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "dhcp", 1, strConfigFile); printf("IP address: %s\r\n", address); printf("IP gateway: %s\r\n", gateway); printf("IP subnet: %s\r\n", subnet); printf("IP port: %u\r\n", port); printf("DHCP: %u\r\n", dhcp); nw_mod._.uart1 = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "uart1", NETWORK_USE_UART1, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.uart2 = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "uart2", NETWORK_USE_UART2, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.flybywire = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "flybywire", NETWORK_USE_FLYBYWIRE, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.mavlink = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "mavlink", NETWORK_USE_MAVLINK, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.debug = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "debug", NETWORK_USE_DEBUG, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.adsb = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "adsb", NETWORK_USE_ADSB, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.logo = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "logo", NETWORK_USE_LOGO, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.cam_tracking = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "cam_tracking", NETWORK_USE_CAM_TRACKING, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.gpstest = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "gpstest", NETWORK_USE_GPSTEST, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.pwmreport = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "pwmreport", NETWORK_USE_PWMREPORT, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.xplane = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "xplane", NETWORK_USE_XPLANE, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.telemetry_extra = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "telemetry_extra", NETWORK_USE_TELEMETRY_EXTRA, strConfigFile); nw_mod._.ground_station = ini_getbool(strNetwork, "ground_station", NETWORK_USE_GROUND_STATION, strConfigFile); }
int get_key_len(const char **user){ char section[50]; //nazwa sekcji char mobile[50]; //nazwa telefonu dla uzytkownika int key_len; // dlogosc klucza z konfigu int s; //iterator sekcji int b; // enabled, true/false // Szukaj uzytkownikow for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile_users) > 0; s++) { printf("get_key_len() [%s] user: %s\n", section, *user); if (!strcmp(*user, section)){ printf("user cfg exists\n"); b = ini_getbool(section, "enabled", 0, inifile_users); if(b == 1){ //pobierz nazwe telfonu przypisanego do uzytkownika ini_gets(section, "mobile", "0", mobile, sizearray(mobile), inifile_users); // pobierz dlugosc klucza i klucz key_len = ini_getl(mobile, "key_len", 1, inifile_mobiles); printf("get_key_len(): key length: %d\n", key_len); return key_len; } } } /* for */ return -1; }
static speed_t getBaud() { long n = ini_getl("sms", "baud", 19200, inifile); speed_t speed; switch (n) { case 50: speed = B50; break; case 75: speed = B75; break; case 110: speed = B110; break; case 134: speed = B134; break; case 150: speed = B150; break; case 200: speed = B200; break; case 300: speed = B300; break; case 600: speed = B600; break; case 1200: speed = B1200; break; case 1800: speed = B1800; break; case 2400: speed = B2400; break; case 4800: speed = B4800; break; case 9600: speed = B9600; break; case 19200: speed = B19200; break; case 38400: speed = B38400; break; case 57600: speed = B57600; break; case 115200: speed = B115200; break; default: die("Invalid speed %d", n); } return speed; }
static int GetPrivateProfileInt( char* SecName, char* ParmName, int defval, char* iniPath) { return ini_getl( SecName, ParmName, defval, iniPath); }
// Wejscie: // user - login // Wyjscia // btaddr // port // mobile_id // rssi int get_user_data(const char **user, char* btaddr, int *port, char *mobile_id, float *rssi){ char section[50]; //nazwa sekcji char mobile[50]; //nazwa telefonu dla uzytkownika char addr[18]; int s; //iterator sekcji int b; // enabled, true/false int p; // port float min_rssi; // rssi //char user_login[] = *user; for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile_users) > 0; s++) { //printf(" [%s] user: %s\n", section, *user); if (!strcmp(*user, section)){ printf("user cfg exists\n"); b = ini_getbool(section, "enabled", 0, inifile_users); if(b == 1){ //pobierz nazwe telfonu przypisanego do uzytkownika ini_gets(section, "mobile", "0", mobile, sizearray(mobile), inifile_users); //pobierrz btaddr i port telefonu o ww nazwie ini_gets(mobile, "btaddr", "999", addr, sizearray(addr), inifile_mobiles); p = ini_getl(mobile, "port", 999, inifile_mobiles); // pobierz wartosc progu RSSI min_rssi = ini_getf(mobile, "min_rssi", "-5.0", inifile_users); printf("user %s enabled with mobile: %s\n", *user, mobile); printf("mobile btaddr: %s, port: %d\n", addr, p); printf("rssi threshold: %f\n", min_rssi); //printf("check_user(): key length: %d, key: %s\n", key_len, k); //zapisz btaddr, port i klucz do adresow z argumetu strcpy(btaddr,addr); strcpy(mobile_id, mobile); *port = p; *rssi = min_rssi; return 0; } //for (k = 0; ini_getkey(section, k, str, sizearray(str), inifile) > 0; k++) { // printf("\t%s\n", str); //} /* for */ } } /* for */ return E_INI_FILE; }
int cwmp_conf_get_int(const char * key) { char * s, *k; char name[INI_BUFFERSIZE] = {0}; FUNCTION_TRACE(); if(key == NULL) { return 0; } TRstrncpy(name, key, INI_BUFFERSIZE); cwmp_conf_split(name, &s, &k); return (int)ini_getl(s,k,0,cwmp_conf_handle->filename); }
int main(void) { char str[100]; long n; int s, k; char section[50]; /* string reading */ n = ini_gets("first", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"noot")==0); n = ini_gets("second", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"mies")==0); n = ini_gets("first", "undefined", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==5 && strcmp(str,"dummy")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_gets("", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile2); assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"noot")==0); n = ini_gets(NULL, "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile2); assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"noot")==0); /* ----- */ printf("1. String reading tests passed\n"); /* value reading */ n = ini_getl("first", "val", -1, inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_getl("second", "val", -1, inifile); assert(n==2); n = ini_getl("first", "undefined", -1, inifile); assert(n==-1); /* ----- */ n = ini_getl(NULL, "val", -1, inifile2); assert(n==1); /* ----- */ printf("2. Value reading tests passed\n"); /* string writing */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", "flagged as \"correct\"", inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("first", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==20 && strcmp(str,"flagged as \"correct\"")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "correct", inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("third", "test", "correct", inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("third", "test", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "overwrite", inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==9 && strcmp(str,"overwrite")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts(NULL, "alt", "correct", inifile2); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets(NULL, "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile2); assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ printf("3. String writing tests passed\n"); /* section/key enumeration */ printf("4. Section/key enumertion, file contents follows\n"); for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile) > 0; s++) { printf(" [%s]\n", section); for (k = 0; ini_getkey(section, k, str, sizearray(str), inifile) > 0; k++) { printf("\t%s\n", str); } /* for */ } /* for */ /* browsing through the file */ printf("5. browse through all settings, file contents follows\n"); ini_browse(Callback, NULL, inifile); /* string deletion */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", NULL, inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_puts("second", "alt", NULL, inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_puts("third", NULL, NULL, inifile); assert(n==1); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts(NULL, "alt", NULL, inifile2); assert(n==1); printf("6. String deletion tests passed\n"); return 0; }
/* Command interpreter for VBIT, The leading SO and trailing carriage return are already removed The X command returns 2 Other good commands return 0 and bad commands return 1. Also after a P command if selecting a single page fails, the page is created and 8 is the return code */ static int vbit_command(char *Line) { static uint8_t firstLine=true; static uint16_t SRAMAddress; // The address pointer into the FIFO serial ram unsigned char rwmode; unsigned char returncode=0; int pagecount; uint8_t directorySteps; int8_t sign; // 1=plus -1=minus char ch; unsigned char valid; long n; unsigned char i; char str[80]; char *ptr; char *dest; str[0]='O'; str[1]='K'; str[2]='\0'; // char data[80]; // This stuff is to do with locating pages in the display list (Directory command) // (also shared with ee/ea command for uploading pages) NODEPTR np; DISPLAYNODE node; PAGEINDEXRECORD ixRec; uint16_t charcount; uint8_t res; DWORD fileptr; // Used to save the file pointer to the body of the ttx file PAGE page; // ee/ea specific variable static DWORD StartOfPage; DWORD EndOfPage; // Records the start and end of the new page PAGEINDEXRECORD pageindex; uint16_t ix; char packet[45]; static uint8_t row; // Teletext row counter for JA/JZ/JW command // tba // Read, Update or not switch (Line[2]) { case 'R' : rwmode=CMD_MODE_READ; break; case 'U' : rwmode=CMD_MODE_WRITE;break; default: rwmode=CMD_MODE_NONE; } /* Is there actually any data */ if (*Line==0) returncode=1; else switch (Line[1]) { case 'b': // Dump the current page dumpPage(); break; case 'C': // Create magazine lists // TODO: Kill video // TODO: C<pages to pre-allocate> // this would speed up the process immensely // It only needs to be approximate as FatFS will extend the file as needed. cli(); pagecount=300; for (i=1;i<=1;i++) // TODO: Do we need more lists? Probably can find a way around it. SDCreateLists(i,pagecount); sei(); break; case 'D': // Directory - D[<F|L>][<+|->][<n>] // Where F=first, L=Last, +=next, -=prev, n=number of pages to step (default 1) //xprintf(PSTR("D Command needs to be written")); // It would probably be a good idea to save the seek pointer // do the reading required // and then reset it. This would save memory. // If the ee command is active, don't allow D to mess the page variable. if (firstLine) { returncode=1; // ee command is busy. break; } directorySteps=0; sign=1; for (i=2;Line[i];i++) { ch=Line[i]; // xprintf(PSTR("Processing Line[%d]=%c\n\r"),i,Line[i]); switch (ch) { case 'F' : ; // Set the first item DirectoryFirst(); break; case 'L' : ; // Set the last item DirectoryLast(); break; case '+' : ; // Next item directorySteps=1; sign=1; // xprintf(PSTR("D+ not implemented")); break; case '-' : ; // Previous item directorySteps=1; sign=-1; // xprintf(PSTR("D- not implemented")); break; default: // Number of steps (TODO: Extend to a generic decimal) if (ch>='0' && ch <='9') { directorySteps=ch; } Line[i]=0;// Force this to be the last option break; // Break because this must be the last option } // Find the page if (LocatePage(directorySteps*sign)==NULLPTR) { // Probably want to set an error value as we failed to iterate // But I don't think that we return anything different. // We rely on TED scheduler to remember the count returned by the P command and NOT overrun } // TODO: Work out what to do with the rest of the parameters np=GetNodePtr(¤tPage); // TODO: Handle sub pages GetNode(&node,np); // Instead treat the page like a single page f_lseek(&listFIL,(node.pageindex)*sizeof(PAGEINDEXRECORD)); // Seek the page index f_read(&listFIL,&ixRec,sizeof(PAGEINDEXRECORD),&charcount); // and read it // Now seek the actual page that we are referencing res=f_open(&PageF,"pages.all",FA_READ); // Now look for the relevant page f_lseek(&PageF,ixRec.seekptr); // Seek the actual page // Now we have the page, we need to seek through it to get // the data while (PageF.fptr<(ixRec.seekptr+ixRec.pagesize)) { fileptr=PageF.fptr; // Save the file pointer in case we found "OL" f_gets(str,sizeof(str),&PageF); if (str[0]=='O' && str[1]=='L') { f_lseek (&PageF, fileptr); // Step back to the OL line break; } if (ParseLine(&page, str)) { xprintf(PSTR("[insert]file error handler needed:%s\n"),str); // At this point we are stuffed. f_close(&PageF); returncode=1; break; // what else should we do if we get here? } } // bb mpp qq cc tttt ssss n xxxxxxx // Leading zeros rely on PRINTF_LIB_FLOAT in makefile!!! sprintf_P(str,PSTR("%02X %03X %02d %02X %04X 0000 %1d 00000000"), 3, // seconds (hex) 0x100+(currentPage/2), // mpp page.subpage, // ss page.control, // S page.time, // Cycle time (secs) (currentPage>>8)+1); // Mag f_close(&PageF); } // str[0]=0; // might return the directory paramaters here break; case 'E' : // EO, ES, EN, EP, EL, EM - examine switch (Line[2]) { case 'M': // EM - Return Miscellaneous flags { // These are BFLSU. The code below is not correct n = ini_getl("service", "serialmode", 0, inifile); if (n) xputs(PSTR("20")); else xputs(PSTR("00")); break; } break; default: returncode=1; case 'O': // EO - Output dataline actions set by QO // 18 characters on a line, but odd ignores last action n = ini_gets("service", "outputodd", "111Q2233P445566778", str, sizearray(str), inifile); n = ini_gets("service", "outputeven", "111Q2233P445566778", str, sizearray(str), inifile); xprintf(PSTR("%s"),str); break; } break; // E commands case 'e' : // ea or ee : Upload page(s). // These pages add the lines at the end of the page file, and patch the index. // Warning. "page" is shared with the directory command // directory calls are blocked until you do ee. switch (Line[2]) { case 'a' : // Add a page, line at a time. passBackspace=true; if (firstLine) { firstLine=false; ClearPage(&page); // Clear out our Page object res=f_open(&PageF,"pages.all",FA_READ| FA_WRITE); // Ready to write // TODO: check the value of res //xprintf(PSTR("Size of pages.all=%ul\n\r"),PageF.fsize); /* Move to end of pages.all to append data */ res=f_lseek(&PageF, PageF.fsize); //xprintf(PSTR("lseek res=%d\n\r"),res); StartOfPage=PageF.fptr; // We need the Start Of Page for the index } // uh fellows, Although we get \r => Ctrl-P, we need to map it to 0x8d which is the file format. for (ptr=&Line[4];*ptr;ptr++) if (*ptr==0x10) *ptr=0x8d; f_puts(&Line[4],&PageF); // The rest of the line is the file contents f_putc('\n',&PageF); // Add the LF that the interpreter strips out xprintf(PSTR("Now writing:%s\n\r"),&Line[4]); // Don't unencode the line, pages.all should follow MRG \r => ctrl-P substitutions // Probably can ignore Viewdata escapes. // Write the rest of the line to pages.all // Parse the line so we have all the page details so we know where to put it in the array/node if (ParseLine(&page, &Line[4])) { xprintf(PSTR("Your page sucks. Unable to parse this nonsense\n\r")); returncode=1; // failed // TODO: implement the break // break; } break; // a case 'e' : // We finished. End the update passBackspace=false; EndOfPage=PageF.fptr; f_close(&PageF); // We are done with pages.all // We need to refresh the transmission file object so close and re-open it f_close(&pagefileFIL); res=f_open(&pagefileFIL,"pages.all",FA_READ); // Only need to open this once! // Or are we all done? We need to write the page to Pmpp.TTI so that we can rebuild the index later pageindex.seekptr=StartOfPage; pageindex.pagesize=(uint16_t)(EndOfPage-StartOfPage); // Warning! 16 bit file size limits to about 50 subpages. xprintf(PSTR("seek %ld size %d \n\r"),pageindex.seekptr,pageindex.pagesize); // 1: Append pages.idx with the file start/end (append pageindex) f_close(&listFIL); // TODO: Perhaps we should check that this is actually opened first? res=f_open(&listFIL,"pages.idx",FA_READ| FA_WRITE); // Ready to write // TODO: check the value of res ix=listFIL.fsize; // This is the address in the file res=f_lseek(&listFIL, ix); // Locate the end of the file // Now append the page index f_write(&listFIL,&(pageindex.seekptr),4,&charcount); // 4 byte seek pointer f_write(&listFIL,&(pageindex.pagesize),2,&charcount); // 2 byte file size // Now restore the file to the previous opened readonly state f_close(&listFIL); res=f_open(&listFIL,"pages.idx",FA_READ); // 2: Add the page to the page array. (Or we could rebuild just by doing a restart) ix=ix/sizeof(pageindex); xprintf(PSTR("New page mag=%d page=%02X --> added at ix=%d\n\r"),page.mag,page.page,ix); LinkPage(page.mag, page.page, page.subcode, ix); // TODO: // 3: Add the page to the node list. (ditto) // TODO: firstLine=true; // and reset ready for the next file break; // e default: str[0]=0; returncode=1; } break; // e commands case 'G': /* G - Packet 8/30 format 1 [p830f1]*/ if (rwmode==CMD_MODE_NONE) { str[0]=0; returncode=1; break; } /* C, L N, T, D */ switch (Line[3]) { case 'C' : /* Code. 1=format 1 */ //xputs(PSTR("GUC command not implemented. Why would we need it\n")); // It should always default to 0 /** Where is the initial page done? The code below is wrong */ //SetInitialPage(pkt830,str1,str2); // nb. Hard coded to 100 break; case 'D' : /* up to 20 characters label*/ if (rwmode==CMD_MODE_READ) { n = ini_gets("p830f1", "label", "VBITFax ", str, sizearray(str), inifile); xprintf(PSTR("%s"),str); } if (rwmode==CMD_MODE_WRITE) { n = ini_puts("p830f1", "label", &Line[4], inifile); SetStatusLabel(pkt830,&Line[4]); } break; case 'L' : /* Link */ xputs(PSTR("GUL command\n")); /* Alrighty. The MAG is already in the MRAG. All we actually need is ppssss where pp=hex page number and ssss=hex subcode */ n = ini_gets("p830f1", "initialpage", "003F7F", str, MAXSTR, inifile); break; case 'N' : /* Net IC */ if (rwmode==CMD_MODE_READ) { n = ini_gets("p830f1", "nic", "fa6f", str, sizearray(str), inifile); xprintf(PSTR("%s"),str); } if (rwmode==CMD_MODE_WRITE) { n = ini_puts("p830f1", "nic", &Line[4], inifile); SetNIC1(pkt830,&Line[4]); } break; case 'T' : /* Time */ xputs(PSTR("GUT command\n")); i2c_init(); break; default: str[0]=0; returncode=1; } break; case 'H': // H or HO. Set header if (Line[3]=='\0' || Line[5]=='\0') // Don't get confused by checksums { strcpy_P(str,PSTR(" ")); strncat(str,g_Header,32); // Just readback the header. TODO. Get the correct length str[40]=0; } else { strncpy(g_Header,&Line[9],32); // accept new header //g_Header[32]=0; // Make sure it is capped n = ini_puts("service", "header", g_Header, inifile); // Save this value back to the INI file. } break; case 'I': // III or I2 // I20xnnmm if (Line[2]=='2') // SAA7113 I2C. value. 0xnnmm where nn=address mm=value to write { strcpy_P(str,PSTR("Setting SAA7113 I2C register\n")); ptr=&Line[3]; xatoi(&ptr,&n); xprintf(PSTR("Blah=%04X\n"),n); i2c_SetRegister((n>>8)&0xff,n&0xff); xprintf(PSTR("Done\n")); } break; case 'J' : // J<h>,DATA - Send a packet to SRAM address // Probably want a whole family of J commands. // JA<h> - Set the address pointer to SRAM page <h> where <h> is 0..d // JW<data> - Write a complete 45 byte packet to the current address and increment // JR<data> - Read back the next block of data and increment the pointer. // [JT<h> - Retransmit page <h> immediately. (can't work. You must Tx the parent page) ] // JT<mpp> - Transmit page <mpp> immediately. (probably need to set a flag in the magazine stream // to insert the page in the next transmission slot switch (Line[2]) { case 'A': // eg. JA,0 - Set to the start of //xprintf(PSTR("JA set SRAM address (page level)\n")); Line[2]='0';Line[3]='x'; ptr=&Line[2]; xatoi(&ptr,&n); //xprintf(PSTR("JA page=%X SRAMPAGECOUNT=%X SRAMPAGEBASE=%X\n"),n,SRAMPAGECOUNT,SRAMPAGEBASE); if (n>=SRAMPAGECOUNT) // Make sure the page is in range returncode=1; else { n=SRAMPAGEBASE+n*SRAMPAGESIZE; // This is the actual address //xprintf(PSTR("JA address=%04X\n"),n); SRAMAddress=n; //row=1; } // We should now fill the packet with some instructions on how to use it! // Set the SRAM page address 0..e. There are 14 pages // Coarse address setting // For the lulz, JZ gives random access down to byte level break; case 'Z': // Jay-Z, geddit?, JZ<hex addr 16 bit> Line[2]='0';Line[3]='x'; ptr=&Line[2]; xatoi(&ptr,&n); //xprintf(PSTR("JZ set SRAM address (byte level)\n")); //xprintf(PSTR("JZ page=%04X\n"),n); // Set the SRAM page address at byte level. Needs an actual 16 bit address // where only 15 bits are used. // For finer control than the JA command. // For the lulz and ability to plonk stuff using random access. SRAMAddress=n; break; case 'W': // JW,<row>,data - Write a packet to the SRAM page buffer //xprintf(PSTR("JW Write SRAM data\n")); ptr=&Line[3]; while (*ptr>=' ' && !isdigit(*ptr)) ptr++; // Seek the row value row=atoi(ptr); if (!row) // Row address must be greater than 0 { returncode=1; break; } while (isdigit(*ptr) || *ptr==',') ptr++; // Seek the comma after row // If the fifo is transmitting, we must wait here for (i=0;FIFOBusy;i++); // Can this break if the video source has stopped? We may want to timeout on this! // xprintf(PSTR("JW addr=%d\n"),row); // Write a single packet // Not sure how we are going to map control codes but probably the same as OL // Write the packet that we are going to decode into @SRAMAddress // TODO: Check the row number to see we don't have a buffer overrun // Load and decode the packet // Replace this with a section that reads a line of data from USB // For the first attempt, I'll just copy the rest of the command line // I think it is null terminated? Hmm or \r // JW,<rest of command line> PORTC.OUT&=~VBIT_SEL; // Set the mux to MPU so that we are in control for (i=0;i<45;i++)packet[i]=0; WritePrefix(packet, 5, row); // This prefix gets replaced later packet[3]=row; // The row gets encoded just before writing to FIFO //row++; // MRG line format is bit 8 set if it is a control code < ' ' for (int i=5;i<45 && *ptr && *ptr!='\r';i++) { packet[i]=*ptr++ & 0x7f; } // ** find the address of the row ** n=SRAMAddress+(row-1)*PACKETSIZE; SetSerialRamAddress(SPIRAM_WRITE, n); //xprintf(PSTR("JW write address=%04X\n"),n); //SRAMAddress+=PACKETSIZE; WriteSerialRam(packet,45); DeselectSerialRam(); break; case 'R': xprintf(PSTR("JR Read back SRAM data\n")); // Read back a single packet (translated back into OL format) break; case 'T': xprintf(PSTR("JT Transmit mpp\n")); // Set a flag to transmit the selected page ASAP. break; default: returncode=1; } break; case 'L': // L<nn>,<line data> // We don't use L in vbit. Because it would require RAM buffering or more file writing, // instead we use the e command which writes the file directly. xprintf(PSTR("L command not implemented. Use 'e'\n")); str[0]=0; returncode=1; break; case 'M': // MD - Delete all the pages selected by the last P command. xprintf(PSTR("Delete...\n")); // Iterate down all the pages // Traverse down subpages and release nodes // Go into the pages index and null out the entries in pages.idx break; case 'O': /* O - Opt out. Example: O1c*/ /* Two digit hex number. Only 6 bits are used so the valid range is 0..3f */ ptr=&Line[0]; Line[0]='0';Line[1]='x'; xatoi(&ptr,&n); OptRelays=n & 0x3f; break; case 'P': // P<mppss>. An invalid character will set null. P without parameters will return the current value ptr=&Line[2]; if (!*ptr) { sprintf_P(str,PSTR("%s\n\r"),pageFilter); break; } dest=pageFilter; for (i=0;i<5;i++) { ch=*ptr++; if (ch=='*') valid=1; else { switch (i) { case 0 : // M valid=(ch>'0' && ch<'9' );break; case 1 :; // PP case 2 : valid=((ch>='0' && ch<='9') || (ch>='A' && ch<='F'));break; case 3 :; // SS case 4 : valid=(ch>='0' && ch<='9');break; } } if (valid) *dest++ = ch; else { dest[0]=0; break; } } *dest=0; // terminate the string // TODO: Find out how many pages are in this page range pagecount=FindPageCount(); if (pagecount<0) { pagecount=1; returncode=8; // TODO: At this point we must create the page, as we are about to receive the contents. xprintf(PSTR("Page has been created. Please send some data to fill the page\n\r")); } sprintf_P(str,PSTR("%04d"),pagecount); // Where nnn is the number of pages in this filter. 099 is a filler ack and checksum // str[0]=0; break; case 'Q' : // QO, QM if (Line[2]=='M') // QMnn { ptr=&Line[3]; xatoi(&ptr,&n); xprintf(PSTR("QM command, n=%d\n"),n); n = ini_putl("service", "serialmode", n, inifile); // And at this point put it into the vbi configuration // vbi_mode_serial=0 or CTRL_C11_MAGAZINESERIAL_bm /** TBA. This setting needs to be in the VBI section if (n) vbi_mode_serial=0; else vbi_mode_serial=CTRL_C11_MAGAZINESERIAL_bm; */ break; } // QO sets both odd and even lines // QD only sets the odd. if (Line[2]=='O' || Line[2]=='D') // QO[18 characters <P|Q|1..8|F>]. QD is the odd line and has 18 lines { int i; char ch; ptr=&Line[3]; xputc('0'); // Validate it. for (i=0;i<18;i++) { ch=*ptr++; switch (ch) { case '1':;case'2':;case'3':;case'4':;case'5':;case'6':;case'7':;case'8':;case'I':; case'F':; case'P':; case'Q':; case'Z':; break; default: returncode=1; } g_OutputActions[0][i]=ch; // odd field if (Line[2]=='O') g_OutputActions[1][i]=ch; // even field (QO only) } *ptr=0; if (returncode) break; n = ini_puts("service", "outputodd", &Line[3], inifile); if (Line[2]=='O') n = ini_puts("service", "outputeven", &Line[3], inifile); // QO only break; } returncode=1; break; // We could probably use the S command to encapsulate Newfor. We aren't going to be setting the page status much. case 'S' : ; // Newfor. This should be a Newfor command. Hmm, but how to escape SO and SI? // Work out how to escape data. The parity and reserved characters will break the CI break; case 'T': // T <hhmmss> (this syntax was superceded by GUT and GUt) // testIni(); // test3(); // test2(); // UTC is the time of day in seconds Line[8]=0; ptr=&(Line[2]); UTC=0; // Maybe save this. We need to revert if it fails. for (i=2;i<8;i++) { // First multiply according to which digit switch (i) { case 3:; case 5:; case 7: UTC*=10;break; case 4:; case 6: UTC*=6;break; // (already *10!) } ch=*(ptr++)-'0'; UTC+=ch; } // xprintf(PSTR("UTC=%d\n\r"),UTC); // This upsets the protocol! /** UTC=Line[7]-'0'; // s units UTC=UTC+(Line[6]-'0')*10; // s tens UTC=UTC+(Line[5]-'0')*60; // m units UTC=UTC+(Line[4]-'0')*60*10; // m tens UTC=UTC+(Line[3]-'0')*60*60; // h units UTC=UTC+(Line[2]-'0')*60*60*10; // h tens */ // strcpy_P(str,PSTR("OK\n")); str[0]=0; break; case 'U': // TEST Init830F1(); break; case 'V': // Communication settings. 2 hex chars (bit=(on/off) 7=Viewdata/Text 1=CRLF/CR 0=Echo/Silent // VBIT seems a bit fussy. When using TED Scheduler it is best to sat V00 pagecount=sscanf(&(Line[2]),"%2X",&i); // xprintf(PSTR("sscanf returns %d. Parameter is %X0\n\r"),pagecount,i); if (pagecount>0) { echoMode=i; // Yes, it was OK // TODO: Save the result in the INI } else returncode=1; // No, it failed break; case 'W': // TEST Ad-tec opt outs // W14 - Send a mode 14 opt out // We want to be able to test various ATP950 modes. // read the parameter ptr=&Line[2]; xatoi(&ptr,&n); OptOutMode=n; xprintf(PSTR("W=%04X\n"),OptOutMode); // Which command? Set the appropriate opt out mode switch (OptOutMode) { case 14: xprintf(PSTR("Mode 14 shenanigans\n"),n); // Or just flag that we want an opt-out packet OptOutMode=14; OptOutType=OPTOUT_START; // Assemble a mode 14 packet break; default: OptOutMode=0; returncode=1; } // Assemble the packet and break; case 'X': /* X - Exit */ return 2; case 'Y': /* Y - Version. Y2 should return a date string */ strcpy_P(str,PSTR("VBIT620 Version 0.04")); break; case '?' :; // Status TODO xprintf(PSTR("STATUS %02X\n\r"),statusI2C); // Want to know if the chips check out and the file system is OK // Video Input: xprintf(PSTR("Video input: "));report(statusI2C & 0x01); // chip responds, generating field interrupts // Digital Encoder xprintf(PSTR("Digital encoder: "));report(statusI2C & 0x02); // chip responds // FIFO statusFIFO=test2(); xprintf(PSTR("FIFO R/W verified: "));report(statusFIFO); // we can read and write to it // File system xprintf(PSTR("File system: "));report(statusDisk); // There is a card, it is formatted, it has onair/pages.all break; default: xputs(PSTR("Unknown command\n")); returncode=1; }
void testIni(void) { xputs(PSTR("TestIni\n")); char str[100]; long n; int s, k; char section[50]; xputs(PSTR("Test 1\n")); /* string reading */ n = ini_gets("first", "string", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); xprintf(PSTR("n=%d\n"),n); xprintf(PSTR("Test 1 str=%s (supposed to say noot)\n"),str); // assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"noot")==0); n = ini_gets("second", "string", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); xprintf(PSTR("Test 1 str=%s (supposed to say mies)\n"),str); // assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"mies")==0); n = ini_gets("first", "dummy", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); // assert(n==3 && strcmp(str,"aap")==0); xputs(PSTR("1. String reading tests passed\n")); /* value reading */ n = ini_getl("first", "val", -1, inifile); // assert(n==1); n = ini_getl("second", "val", -1, inifile); // assert(n==2); n = ini_getl("first", "dummy", -1, inifile); // assert(n==-1); xputs(PSTR("2. Value reading tests passed\n")); /* string writing */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", "flagged as \"correct\"", inifile); // assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("first", "alt", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); // assert(n==20 && strcmp(str,"flagged as \"correct\"")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "correct", inifile); // assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); // assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("third", "alt", "correct", inifile); // assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("third", "alt", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); // assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ xputs(PSTR("3. String writing tests passed\n")); /* section/key enumeration */ for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile) > 0; s++) { xprintf(PSTR("[%s]\n"), section); for (k = 0; ini_getkey(section, k, str, sizearray(str), inifile) > 0; k++) { xprintf(PSTR("\t%s\n"), str); } /* for */ } /* for */ /* string deletion */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", NULL, inifile); // assert(n==1); n = ini_puts("second", "alt", NULL, inifile); // assert(n==1); n = ini_puts("third", NULL, NULL, inifile); // assert(n==1); xputs(PSTR("All done\n")); }
int TestMiniIni(void) { char str[100]; long n; int s, k; char section[50]; /* string reading */ n = ini_gets("first", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); Check(n==4 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"noot")==0); n = ini_gets("second", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); Check(n==4 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"mies")==0); n = ini_gets("first", "undefined", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); Check(n==5 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"dummy")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_gets("", "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile2); Check(n==4 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"noot")==0); n = ini_gets(NULL, "string", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile2); Check(n==4 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"noot")==0); /* ----- */ SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"1. String reading tests passed\n"); /* value reading */ n = ini_getl("first", "val", -1, inifile); Check(n==1); n = ini_getl("second", "val", -1, inifile); Check(n==2); n = ini_getl("first", "undefined", -1, inifile); Check(n==-1); /* ----- */ n = ini_getl(NULL, "val", -1, inifile2); Check(n==1); /* ----- */ SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"2. Value reading tests passed\n"); /* string writing */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", "flagged as \"correct\"", inifile); Check(n==1); n = ini_gets("first", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); Check(n==20 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"flagged as \"correct\"")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "correct", inifile); Check(n==1); n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); Check(n==7 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("third", "test", "correct", inifile); Check(n==1); n = ini_gets("third", "test", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); Check(n==7 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "overwrite", inifile); Check(n==1); n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile); Check(n==9 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"overwrite")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts(NULL, "alt", "correct", inifile2); Check(n==1); n = ini_gets(NULL, "alt", "dummy", str, sizearray(str), inifile2); Check(n==7 && UTIL1_strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"3. String writing tests passed\n"); /* section/key enumeration */ SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"4. Section/key enumeration, file contents follows\n"); for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile) > 0; s++) { SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)" ["); SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)section); SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"]\r\n"); for (k = 0; ini_getkey(section, k, str, sizearray(str), inifile) > 0; k++) { SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"\t"); SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)str); SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"\r\n"); } /* for */ } /* for */ /* browsing through the file */ SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"5. browse through all settings, file contents follows\n"); ini_browse(Callback, NULL, inifile); /* string deletion */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", NULL, inifile); Check(n==1); n = ini_puts("second", "alt", NULL, inifile); Check(n==1); n = ini_puts("third", NULL, NULL, inifile); Check(n==1); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts(NULL, "alt", NULL, inifile2); Check(n==1); SHELL_SendString((unsigned char*)"6. String deletion tests passed\n"); return 0; }
int main(void) { char str[100]; long n; int s, k; char section[50]; /* string reading */ n = ini_gets("first", "string", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"noot")==0); n = ini_gets("second", "string", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==4 && strcmp(str,"mies")==0); n = ini_gets("first", "dummy", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==3 && strcmp(str,"aap")==0); printf("1. String reading tests passed\n"); /* value reading */ n = ini_getl("first", "val", -1, inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_getl("second", "val", -1, inifile); assert(n==2); n = ini_getl("first", "dummy", -1, inifile); assert(n==-1); printf("2. Value reading tests passed\n"); /* string writing */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", "flagged as \"correct\"", inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("first", "alt", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==20 && strcmp(str,"flagged as \"correct\"")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("second", "alt", "correct", inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("second", "alt", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ n = ini_puts("third", "alt", "correct", inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_gets("third", "alt", "aap", str, sizearray(str), inifile); assert(n==7 && strcmp(str,"correct")==0); /* ----- */ printf("3. String writing tests passed\n"); /* section/key enumeration */ for (s = 0; ini_getsection(s, section, sizearray(section), inifile) > 0; s++) { printf("[%s]\n", section); for (k = 0; ini_getkey(section, k, str, sizearray(str), inifile) > 0; k++) { printf("\t%s\n", str); } /* for */ } /* for */ /* string deletion */ n = ini_puts("first", "alt", NULL, inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_puts("second", "alt", NULL, inifile); assert(n==1); n = ini_puts("third", NULL, NULL, inifile); assert(n==1); return 0; }
void FanucAdapter::configMacrosAndPMC(const char *aIniFile) { // Read adapter configuration mPort = ini_getl("adapter", "port", mPort, aIniFile); ini_gets("adapter", "service", "MTConnect Fanuc Adapter", mName, SERVICE_NAME_LEN, aIniFile); ini_gets("focus", "host", mDeviceIP, mDeviceIP, MAX_HOST_LEN, aIniFile); mDevicePort = ini_getl("focus", "port", mDevicePort, aIniFile); // Read adapter.ini to get additional macro variables and // PMC registers char name[100]; int idx; const static char *sDigits = "0123456789"; mMacroMin = 99999; mMacroMax = 0; // First look for macro variables for (idx = 0; ini_getkey("macros", idx, name, sizeof(name), aIniFile) > 0 && idx < MAX_MACROS; idx++) { char numbers[256]; ini_gets("macros", name, "", numbers, 256, aIniFile); if (numbers[0] == '[') { // We have a path macro. int x, y, z; char *cp = numbers + 1, *n; x = strtol(cp, &n, 10); if (cp == n) continue; cp = n; y = strtol(cp, &n, 10); if (cp == n) continue; cp = n; z = strtol(cp, &n, 10); if (cp == n) continue; int i = mMacroPathCount++; mMacroPath[i] = new MacroPathPosition(name, x, y, z); addDatum(*mMacroPath[i]); printf("Adding path macro '%s' at location %d %d %d\n", name, x, y, z); if (x > mMacroMax) mMacroMax = x; if (x < mMacroMin) mMacroMin = x; if (y > mMacroMax) mMacroMax = y; if (y < mMacroMin) mMacroMin = y; if (z > mMacroMax) mMacroMax = z; if (z < mMacroMin) mMacroMin = z; } else { char *cp = numbers, *n; long v = strtol(cp, &n, 10); if (cp == n) continue; int i = mMacroSampleCount++; mMacroSample[i] = new MacroSample(name, v); addDatum(*mMacroSample[i]); printf("Adding sample macro '%s' at location %d\n", name, v); if (v > mMacroMax) mMacroMax = v; if (v < mMacroMin) mMacroMin = v; } } for (idx = 0; ini_getkey("pmc", idx, name, sizeof(name), aIniFile) > 0 && idx < MAX_PMC; idx++) { long v = ini_getl("pmc", name, 0, aIniFile); mPMCVariable[idx] = new IntEvent(name); mPMCAddress[idx] = v; addDatum(*mPMCVariable[idx]); printf("Adding pmc '%s' at location %d\n", name, v); } mPMCCount = idx; }