/* Recursive helper */ static void gen_chararrayr(Dimset* dimset, int dimindex, int lastunlimited, Bytebuffer* databuf, Datalist* data, int fillchar, int unitsize, int expectedsize) { int i; size_t dimsize = dimset->dimsyms[dimindex]->dim.declsize; if(dimindex < lastunlimited) { /* keep recursing */ for(i=0;i<dimsize;i++) { NCConstant* c = datalistith(data,i); ASSERT(islistconst(c)); gen_chararrayr(dimset,dimindex+1,lastunlimited,databuf, c->value.compoundv,fillchar,unitsize,expectedsize); } } else {/* we should be at a list of simple constants */ for(i=0;i<data->length;i++) { NCConstant* c = datalistith(data,i); ASSERT(!islistconst(c)); if(isstringable(c->nctype)) { int j; size_t constsize; constsize = gen_charconstant(c,databuf,fillchar); if(constsize % unitsize > 0) { size_t padsize = unitsize - (constsize % unitsize); for(j=0;j<padsize;j++) bbAppend(databuf,fillchar); } } else { semwarn(constline(c), "Encountered non-string and non-char constant in datalist; ignored"); } } } /* If |databuf| > expectedsize, complain: exception is zero length */ if(bbLength(databuf) == 0 && expectedsize == 1) { /* this is okay */ } else if(bbLength(databuf) > expectedsize) { semwarn(data->data[0].lineno,"character data list too long"); } else { size_t bufsize = bbLength(databuf); /* Pad to size dimproduct size */ if(bufsize % expectedsize > 0) { size_t padsize = expectedsize - (bufsize % expectedsize); for(i=0;i<padsize;i++) bbAppend(databuf,fillchar); } } }
/* recursive helper for validataNIL */ static void validateNILr(Datalist* src) { int i; for(i=0;i<src->length;i++) { NCConstant* con = datalistith(src,i); if(isnilconst(con)) semerror(con->lineno,"NIL data can only be assigned to variables or attributes of type string"); else if(islistconst(con)) /* recurse */ validateNILr(con->value.compoundv); } }
/* Recursive helper */ static void gen_chararrayr(Dimset* dimset, int dimindex, Bytebuffer* databuf, Datalist* data, int fillchar, int unitsize, int expectedsize) { int i; size_t dimsize = declsizefor(dimset,dimindex); int rank = dimset->ndims; int firstunlim = findunlimited(dimset,0); int lastunlimited = findlastunlimited(dimset); int nextunlimited = findunlimited(dimset,dimindex+1); int islastgroup = (lastunlimited == rank || dimindex >= lastunlimited || dimindex == rank-1); Odometer* subodom = NULL; ASSERT(rank > 0); ASSERT((islastgroup)); /* we should be at a list of simple constants */ for(i=0;i<data->length;i++) { NCConstant* c = datalistith(data,i); ASSERT(!islistconst(c)); if(isstringable(c->nctype)) { int j; size_t constsize; constsize = gen_charconstant(c,databuf,fillchar); if(constsize % unitsize > 0) { size_t padsize = unitsize - (constsize % unitsize); for(j=0;j<padsize;j++) bbAppend(databuf,fillchar); } } else { semwarn(constline(c), "Encountered non-string and non-char constant in datalist; ignored"); } }/* for */ /* If |databuf| > expectedsize, complain: exception is zero length */ if(bbLength(databuf) == 0 && expectedsize == 1) { /* this is okay */ } else if(bbLength(databuf) > expectedsize) { semwarn(data->data[0].lineno,"character data list too long; expected %d character constant, found %d: ",expectedsize,bbLength(databuf)); } else { size_t bufsize = bbLength(databuf); /* Pad to size dimproduct size */ if(bufsize % expectedsize > 0) { size_t padsize = expectedsize - (bufsize % expectedsize); for(i=0;i<padsize;i++) bbAppend(databuf,fillchar); } } }
static void gen_leafchararray(Dimset* dimset, int dimindex, Datalist* data, Bytebuffer* charbuf, int fillchar) { int i; size_t expectedsize,xproduct,unitsize; int rank = rankfor(dimset); ASSERT(bbLength(charbuf) == 0); ASSERT((findlastunlimited(dimset) == rank || findlastunlimited(dimset) == dimindex)); /* There are a number of special cases that must be considered, mostly driven by the need to keep consistent with ncgen3. These cases are driven by the number of dimensions, which dimensions are unlimited (if any), etc. The general rule is based on the size of the last dimension, we compute the required size (after padding) of each string constant. Expected size is then the size of concat of the string constants after padding. There is another special case used for back compatability with ncgen3. In the datalist, all sequences of character constants (i.e. 'X') are concatenated into a single string; the result, however is not concatenated with any trailing or leading string (with double quotes). */ /* Rebuild the datalist to merge 'x' constants */ { int i,cccount = 0; /* Do initial walk */ for(i=0;i<datalistlen(data);i++) { NCConstant* con = datalistith(data,i); if(consttype(con) == NC_CHAR || consttype(con) == NC_BYTE) { cccount++; } } if(cccount > 1) { char* accum = (char*)malloc(cccount+1); int len = 0; Datalist* newlist = builddatalist(datalistlen(data)); int lineno = 0; NCConstant* con; for(i=0;i<datalistlen(data);i++) { con = datalistith(data,i); if(consttype(con) == NC_CHAR || consttype(con) == NC_BYTE) { if(len == 0) lineno = constline(con); accum[len] = con->value.charv; len++; } else { if(len > 0) { con = makeconst(lineno,len,accum); len = 0; lineno = 0; } dlappend(newlist,con); } } /* deal with any unclosed strings */ if(len > 0) { con = makeconst(lineno,len,accum); len = 0; lineno = 0; dlappend(newlist,con); } free(accum); data = newlist; } } /* Compute crossproduct upto (but not includng) the last dimension */ xproduct = crossproduct(dimset,dimindex,rank-1); /* Start casing it out */ if(rank == 0) { unitsize = 1; expectedsize = (xproduct * unitsize); } else if(rank == 1) { unitsize = 1; expectedsize = (xproduct * declsizefor(dimset,rank-1)); } else if(isunlimited(dimset,rank-1)) {/* last dimension is unlimited */ unitsize = 1; expectedsize = (xproduct*declsizefor(dimset,rank-1)); } else { /* rank > 0 && last dim is not unlimited */ unitsize = declsizefor(dimset,rank-1); expectedsize = (xproduct * unitsize); } for(i=0;i<data->length;i++) { NCConstant* c = datalistith(data,i); ASSERT(!islistconst(c)); if(isstringable(c->nctype)) { int j; size_t constsize; constsize = gen_charconstant(c,charbuf,fillchar); if(constsize == 0 || constsize % unitsize > 0) { size_t padsize = unitsize - (constsize % unitsize); for(j=0;j<padsize;j++) bbAppend(charbuf,fillchar); } } else { semwarn(constline(c),"Encountered non-string and non-char constant in datalist; ignored"); } } /* If |databuf| > expectedsize, complain: exception is zero length */ if(bbLength(charbuf) == 0 && expectedsize == 1) { /* this is okay */ } else if(bbLength(charbuf) > expectedsize) { semwarn(data->data[0].lineno,"character data list too long; expected %d character constant, found %d: ",expectedsize,bbLength(charbuf)); } else { size_t bufsize = bbLength(charbuf); /* Pad to size dimproduct size */ if(bufsize % expectedsize > 0) { size_t padsize = expectedsize - (bufsize % expectedsize); for(i=0;i<padsize;i++) bbAppend(charbuf,fillchar); } } }
/* Generate an instance of the basetype */ void generate_basetype(Symbol* tsym, NCConstant* con, Bytebuffer* codebuf, Datalist* filler, Generator* generator) { Datalist* data; switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_ENUM: case NC_OPAQUE: case NC_PRIM: if(islistconst(con)) { semerror(constline(con),"Expected primitive found {..}"); } generate_primdata(tsym,con,codebuf,filler,generator); break; case NC_COMPOUND: { int i,uid, nfields, dllen; if(con == NULL || isfillconst(con)) { Datalist* fill = (filler==NULL?getfiller(tsym):filler); ASSERT(fill->length == 1); con = &fill->data[0]; if(!islistconst(con)) semerror(con->lineno,"Compound data fill value is not enclosed in {..}"); } if(!islistconst(con)) {/* fail on no compound*/ semerror(constline(con),"Compound data must be enclosed in {..}"); } data = con->value.compoundv; nfields = listlength(tsym->subnodes); dllen = datalistlen(data); if(dllen > nfields) { semerror(con->lineno,"Datalist longer than the number of compound fields"); break; } generator->listbegin(generator,LISTCOMPOUND,listlength(tsym->subnodes),codebuf,&uid); for(i=0;i<nfields;i++) { Symbol* field = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i); con = datalistith(data,i); generator->list(generator,LISTCOMPOUND,uid,i,codebuf); generate_basetype(field,con,codebuf,NULL,generator); } generator->listend(generator,LISTCOMPOUND,uid,i,codebuf); } break; case NC_VLEN: { Bytebuffer* vlenbuf; int uid; size_t count; if(con == NULL || isfillconst(con)) { Datalist* fill = (filler==NULL?getfiller(tsym):filler); ASSERT(fill->length == 1); con = &fill->data[0]; if(con->nctype != NC_COMPOUND) { semerror(con->lineno,"Vlen data fill value is not enclosed in {..}"); } } if(!islistconst(con)) { semerror(constline(con),"Vlen data must be enclosed in {..}"); } data = con->value.compoundv; /* generate the nc_vlen_t instance*/ vlenbuf = bbNew(); if(tsym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode == NC_CHAR) { gen_charvlen(data,vlenbuf); generator->vlenstring(generator,vlenbuf,&uid,&count); } else { generator->listbegin(generator,LISTVLEN,data->length,codebuf,&uid); for(count=0;count<data->length;count++) { NCConstant* con; generator->list(generator,LISTVLEN,uid,count,vlenbuf); con = datalistith(data,count); generate_basetype(tsym->typ.basetype,con,vlenbuf,NULL,generator); } generator->listend(generator,LISTVLEN,uid,count,codebuf,(void*)vlenbuf); } generator->vlendecl(generator,codebuf,tsym,uid,count,vlenbuf); bbFree(vlenbuf); } break; case NC_FIELD: if(tsym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) { /* Verify that we have a sublist (or fill situation) */ if(con != NULL && !isfillconst(con) && !islistconst(con)) semerror(constline(con),"Dimensioned fields must be enclose in {...}"); generate_fieldarray(tsym->typ.basetype,con,&tsym->typ.dimset,codebuf,filler,generator); } else { generate_basetype(tsym->typ.basetype,con,codebuf,NULL,generator); } break; default: PANIC1("generate_basetype: unexpected subclass %d",tsym->subclass); } }
static void generate_arrayr(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* code, Datalist* list, Odometer* odom, int dimindex, Datalist* filler, Generator* generator ) { Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; Dimset* dimset = &vsym->typ.dimset; int rank = dimset->ndims; int lastunlimited; int typecode = basetype->typ.typecode; lastunlimited = findlastunlimited(dimset); if(lastunlimited == rank) lastunlimited = 0; ASSERT(rank > 0); ASSERT(dimindex >= 0 && dimindex < rank); #ifdef CHARBUG ASSERT(typecode != NC_CHAR); #else /*!CHARBUG*/ if(dimindex == lastunlimited && typecode == NC_CHAR) { Bytebuffer* charbuf = bbNew(); gen_leafchararray(dimset,dimindex,list,charbuf,filler); generator->charconstant(generator,code,charbuf); bbFree(charbuf); } else #endif /*!CHARBUG*/ if(dimindex == lastunlimited) { int uid,i; Odometer* slabodom; /* build a special odometer to walk the last few dimensions (similar to case 2 above) */ slabodom = newsubodometer(odom,dimset,dimindex,rank); /* compute the starting offset in our datalist (Assumes that slabodom->index[i] == slabodom->start[i]) */ generator->listbegin(generator,LISTDATA,list->length,code,&uid); for(i=0;odometermore(slabodom);i++) { size_t offset = odometeroffset(slabodom); NCConstant* con = datalistith(list,offset); #ifdef USE_NOFILL if(nofill_flag && con == NULL) break; #endif generator->list(generator,LISTDATA,uid,i,code); generate_basetype(basetype,con,code,filler,generator); odometerincr(slabodom); } generator->listend(generator,LISTDATA,uid,i,code); odometerfree(slabodom); } else { /* If we are strictly to the left of the next unlimited then our datalist is a list of compounds representing the next unlimited; so walk the subarray from this index upto next unlimited. */ int i; Odometer* slabodom; int nextunlimited = findunlimited(dimset,dimindex+1); ASSERT((dimindex < nextunlimited && (dimset->dimsyms[nextunlimited]->dim.isunlimited))); /* build a sub odometer */ slabodom = newsubodometer(odom,dimset,dimindex,nextunlimited); /* compute the starting offset in our datalist (Assumes that slabodom->index[i] == slabodom->start[i]) */ for(i=0;odometermore(slabodom);i++) { size_t offset = odometeroffset(slabodom); NCConstant* con = datalistith(list,offset); #ifdef USE_NOFILL if(nofill_flag && con == NULL) break; #endif if(con == NULL || con->nctype == NC_FILL) { if(filler == NULL) filler = getfiller(vsym); generate_arrayr(vsym,code,filler,odom,nextunlimited,NULL,generator); } else if(!islistconst(con)) semwarn(constline(con),"Expected {...} representing unlimited list"); else { Datalist* sublist = con->value.compoundv; generate_arrayr(vsym,code,sublist,odom,nextunlimited,filler,generator); } odometerincr(slabodom); } odometerfree(slabodom); } return; }
/** The basic idea is to split the set of dimensions into groups and iterate over each group. A group is defined as the range of indices starting at an unlimited dimension upto (but not including) the next unlimited. The first group starts at index 0, even if dimension 0 is not unlimited. The last group is everything from the last unlimited dimension thru the last dimension (index rank-1). */ static void generate_arrayr(Symbol* vsym, Bytebuffer* code, Datalist* list, Odometer* odom, int dimindex, Datalist* filler, Generator* generator ) { int uid,i; Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; Dimset* dimset = &vsym->typ.dimset; int rank = dimset->ndims; int lastunlimited = findlastunlimited(dimset); int nextunlimited = findunlimited(dimset,dimindex+1); int typecode = basetype->typ.typecode; int islastgroup = (lastunlimited == rank || dimindex >= lastunlimited || dimindex == rank-1); Odometer* subodom = NULL; ASSERT(rank > 0); ASSERT((dimindex >= 0 && dimindex < rank)); if(islastgroup) { /* Handle NC_CHAR case separately */ if(typecode == NC_CHAR) { Bytebuffer* charbuf = bbNew(); gen_chararray(dimset,dimindex,list,charbuf,filler); generator->charconstant(generator,code,charbuf); bbFree(charbuf); } else { /* build a special odometer to walk the last few dimensions */ subodom = newsubodometer(odom,dimset,dimindex,rank); generator->listbegin(generator,LISTDATA,list->length,code,&uid); for(i=0;odometermore(subodom);i++) { size_t offset = odometeroffset(subodom); NCConstant* con = datalistith(list,offset); generator->list(generator,LISTDATA,uid,i,code); generate_basetype(basetype,con,code,filler,generator); odometerincr(subodom); } generator->listend(generator,LISTDATA,uid,i,code); odometerfree(subodom); subodom = NULL; } } else {/* !islastgroup */ /* Our datalist must be a list of compounds representing the next unlimited; so walk the subarray from this index upto next unlimited. */ ASSERT((dimindex < nextunlimited)); ASSERT((isunlimited(dimset,nextunlimited))); /* build a sub odometer */ subodom = newsubodometer(odom,dimset,dimindex,nextunlimited); for(i=0;odometermore(subodom);i++) { size_t offset = odometeroffset(subodom); NCConstant* con = datalistith(list,offset); if(con == NULL || con->nctype == NC_FILL) { if(filler == NULL) filler = getfiller(vsym); generate_arrayr(vsym,code,filler,odom,nextunlimited,NULL,generator); } else if(islistconst(con)) { Datalist* sublist = compoundfor(con); generate_arrayr(vsym,code,sublist,odom,nextunlimited,filler,generator); } else { semerror(constline(con),"Expected {...} representing unlimited list"); return; } odometerincr(subodom); } odometerfree(subodom); subodom = NULL; } if(subodom != NULL) odometerfree(subodom); return; }
void gen_leafchararray(Dimset* dimset, int lastunlim, Datalist* data, Bytebuffer* databuf, Datalist* fillsrc) { int i; size_t expectedsize,xproduct,unitsize; int ndims = dimset->ndims; int fillchar = getfillchar(fillsrc); ASSERT(bbLength(databuf) == 0); /* Assume dimindex is the last unlimited (or 0 if their are no unlimiteds => we should be at a list of simple constants */ /* Compute crossproduct upto the last dimension, starting at the last unlimited */ xproduct = crossproduct(dimset,lastunlim,ndims-1); /* Compute the required size (after padding) of each string constant */ /* expected size is the size of concat of the string constants after padding */ if(ndims == 0) { unitsize = 1; expectedsize = (xproduct * unitsize); } else if(lastunlim == ndims-1) {/* last dimension is unlimited */ unitsize = 1; expectedsize = (xproduct*dimset->dimsyms[lastunlim]->dim.declsize); } else { /* last dim is not unlimited */ unitsize = dimset->dimsyms[ndims-1]->dim.declsize; expectedsize = (xproduct * unitsize); } for(i=0;i<data->length;i++) { NCConstant* c = datalistith(data,i); ASSERT(!islistconst(c)); if(isstringable(c->nctype)) { int j; size_t constsize; constsize = gen_charconstant(c,databuf,fillchar); if(constsize == 0 || constsize % unitsize > 0) { size_t padsize = unitsize - (constsize % unitsize); for(j=0;j<padsize;j++) bbAppend(databuf,fillchar); } } else { semwarn(constline(c),"Encountered non-string and non-char constant in datalist; ignored"); } } /* If |databuf| > expectedsize, complain: exception is zero length */ if(bbLength(databuf) == 0 && expectedsize == 1) { /* this is okay */ } else if(bbLength(databuf) > expectedsize) { semwarn(data->data[0].lineno,"character data list too long"); } else { size_t bufsize = bbLength(databuf); /* Pad to size dimproduct size */ if(bufsize % expectedsize > 0) { size_t padsize = expectedsize - (bufsize % expectedsize); for(i=0;i<padsize;i++) bbAppend(databuf,fillchar); } } }