コード例 #1
 * Iterate over the given JSON array, passing elements of it to the given iteration function.
 * If the iteration function ever returns STOP, return the array element passed to it which caused it to first return STOP.
 * If the iteration function returns CONTINUE for each and every array element, return NULL.
 * The iteration function is not guaranteed to be called for each and every element in the given array.
static struct json_object *
json_array_find(keystone_context_t *context, struct json_object *array, item_callback_func_t callback, void *callback_arg)
	struct json_object *item;
	unsigned int i;

	assert(context != NULL);
	assert(array != NULL);
	assert(callback != NULL);

	i = json_array_length(context, array);
	while (i--) {
		item_callback_return_t ret;
		item = json_array_get(context, array, i);
		ret = callback(context, item, callback_arg);
		switch (ret) {
		case CONTINUE:
		case STOP:
			return item;

	return NULL;
コード例 #2

START_TEST (test_valid_3)
	char *s = "[{\"key1\":2  ,  \"key2\":\"val\"}, 45, null]";
    struct json_object *j_ar = json_parser_parse(s);

    fail_unless(json_type(j_ar) == json_type_array, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_array_length(j_ar) == 3, "bad length");

    struct json_object *j_obj = json_array_get(j_ar, 0);
    struct json_object *j_int1 = json_array_get(j_ar, 1);
    struct json_object *j_null = json_array_get(j_ar, 2);

    fail_unless(json_type(j_obj) == json_type_object, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_type(j_int1) == json_type_int, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_type(j_null) == json_type_null, "bad type");

    struct json_object *j_int2 = json_object_get(j_obj, "key1");
    struct json_object *j_str = json_object_get(j_obj, "key2");

    fail_unless(json_int_get(j_int1) == 45, "bad value");
    fail_unless(json_int_get(j_int2) == 2, "bad value");
    fail_unless(strcmp(json_string_get(j_str), "val") == 0, "bad value");

コード例 #3
ファイル: opensensordata.c プロジェクト: baltoche/p2pfoodlab
   -1: group object is corrupted
    0: didn't find datastream
    1: found datastream
int osd_group_has_photostream(json_object_t g, int id)
        json_object_t a = json_object_get(g, "photostreams");
        if (!json_isarray(a))
                return -1;
        int len = json_array_length(a);
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                json_object_t d = json_array_get(a, i);
                if (!json_isobject(d))
                        return -1;
                int x = osd_object_get_id(d);
                if (x == -1) 
                        return -1;
                if (x == id)
                        return 1;
        return 0;
コード例 #4

START_TEST (test_valid_2)
	char *s = "[2  ,  3]";
    struct json_object *obj = json_parser_parse(s);

    fail_unless(json_type(obj) == json_type_array, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_array_length(obj) == 2, "bad length");

    struct json_object *j_int0 = json_array_get(obj, 0);
    struct json_object *j_int1 = json_array_get(obj, 1);
    fail_unless(json_type(j_int0) == json_type_int, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_type(j_int1) == json_type_int, "bad type");

    fail_unless(json_int_get(j_int0) == 2, "bad value");
    fail_unless(json_int_get(j_int1) == 3, "bad value");

コード例 #5
 * Return the index'th element of the given JSON array.
static struct json_object *
json_array_get(keystone_context_t *context, struct json_object *array, unsigned int index)
	struct json_object *item;

	assert(context != NULL);
	assert(array != NULL);

	if (json_object_is_type(array, json_type_array)) {
		if (index < json_array_length(context, array)) {
			item = json_object_array_get_idx(array, index);
			if (NULL == item) {
				context->keystone_error("failed to index into JSON array", KSERR_PARSE);
		} else {
			context->keystone_error("JSON array index out of bound", KSERR_PARSE);
			item = NULL;
	} else {
		context->keystone_error("JSON object is not an array", KSERR_PARSE);
		item = NULL;
	return item;
コード例 #6

START_TEST (test_valid_4_utf)
	char *s = "[\"Элементы\", 5, \"массива\"]";
    struct json_object *j_ar = json_parser_parse(s);

    fail_unless(json_type(j_ar) == json_type_array, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_array_length(j_ar) == 3, "bad length");

    struct json_object *j_str_1 = json_array_get(j_ar, 0);
    struct json_object *j_int = json_array_get(j_ar, 1);
    struct json_object *j_str_2 = json_array_get(j_ar, 2);

    fail_unless(json_type(j_str_1) == json_type_string, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_type(j_str_2) == json_type_string, "bad type");
    fail_unless(json_type(j_int) == json_type_int, "bad type");

    fail_unless(json_int_get(j_int) == 5, "bad value_int");
    fail_unless(strcmp(json_string_get(j_str_1), "Элементы") == 0, "bad value_str_1");
    fail_unless(strcmp(json_string_get(j_str_2), "массива") == 0, "bad value_str_2");

コード例 #7
ファイル: serverbrowser.cpp プロジェクト: Enyltyn/AllTheHaxx
void CServerBrowser::LoadDDNet()
	// reset servers / countries
	m_NumDDNetCountries = 0;
	m_NumDDNetTypes = 0;

	// load ddnet server list
	IStorageTW *pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface<IStorageTW>();
	IOHANDLE File = pStorage->OpenFile("tmp/cache/ddnet-servers.json", IOFLAG_READ, IStorageTW::TYPE_ALL);

		char aBuf[4096*4];
		mem_zero(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));

		io_read(File, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));

		// parse JSON
		json_value *pCountries = json_parse(aBuf);

		if (pCountries && pCountries->type == json_array)
			for (int i = 0; i < json_array_length(pCountries) && m_NumDDNetCountries < MAX_DDNET_COUNTRIES; i++)
				// pSrv - { name, flagId, servers }
				const json_value *pSrv = json_array_get(pCountries, i);
				const json_value *pTypes = json_object_get(pSrv, "servers");
				const json_value *pName = json_object_get(pSrv, "name");
				const json_value *pFlagID = json_object_get(pSrv, "flagId");

				if (pSrv->type != json_object || pTypes->type != json_object || pName->type != json_string || pFlagID->type != json_integer)
					dbg_msg("client_srvbrowse", "invalid attributes");

				// build structure
				CDDNetCountry *pCntr = &m_aDDNetCountries[m_NumDDNetCountries];


				str_copy(pCntr->m_aName, json_string_get(pName), sizeof(pCntr->m_aName));
				pCntr->m_FlagID = json_int_get(pFlagID);

				// add country
				for (unsigned int t = 0; t < pTypes->u.object.length; t++)
					const char *pType = pTypes->u.object.values[t].name;
					const json_value *pAddrs = pTypes->u.object.values[t].value;

					// add type
					if(json_array_length(pAddrs) > 0 && m_NumDDNetTypes < MAX_DDNET_TYPES)
						int pos;
						for(pos = 0; pos < m_NumDDNetTypes; pos++)
							if(!str_comp(m_aDDNetTypes[pos], pType))
						if(pos == m_NumDDNetTypes)
							str_copy(m_aDDNetTypes[m_NumDDNetTypes], pType, sizeof(m_aDDNetTypes[m_NumDDNetTypes]));

					// add addresses
					for (int g = 0; g < json_array_length(pAddrs); g++, pCntr->m_NumServers++)
						const json_value *pAddr = json_array_get(pAddrs, g);
						const char* pStr = json_string_get(pAddr);
						net_addr_from_str(&pCntr->m_aServers[pCntr->m_NumServers], pStr);
						str_copy(pCntr->m_aTypes[pCntr->m_NumServers], pType, sizeof(pCntr->m_aTypes[pCntr->m_NumServers]));


		if (pCountries)