コード例 #1
ファイル: glplpf.c プロジェクト: fmartinelli/libqif
void lpf_ftran(LPF *lpf, double x[])
{     int m0 = lpf->m0;
      int m = lpf->m;
      int n  = lpf->n;
      int *P_col = lpf->P_col;
      int *Q_col = lpf->Q_col;
      double *fg = lpf->work1;
      double *f = fg;
      double *g = fg + m0;
      int i, ii;
      double *b;
      if (!lpf->valid)
         xfault("lpf_ftran: the factorization is not valid\n");
      xassert(0 <= m && m <= m0 + n);
      /* save the right-hand side vector */
      b = xcalloc(1+m, sizeof(double));
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) b[i] = x[i];
      /* (f g) := inv(P) * (b 0) */
      for (i = 1; i <= m0 + n; i++)
         fg[i] = ((ii = P_col[i]) <= m ? x[ii] : 0.0);
      /* f1 := inv(L0) * f */
#if 0 /* 06/VI-2013 */
      luf_f_solve(lpf->luf, 0, f);
      luf_f_solve(lpf->lufint->luf, f);
      /* g1 := g - S * f1 */
      s_prod(lpf, g, -1.0, f);
      /* g2 := inv(C) * g1 */
      scf_solve_it(lpf->scf, 0, g);
      /* f2 := inv(U0) * (f1 - R * g2) */
      r_prod(lpf, f, -1.0, g);
#if 0 /* 06/VI-2013 */
      luf_v_solve(lpf->luf, 0, f);
      {  double *work = lpf->lufint->sgf->work;
         luf_v_solve(lpf->lufint->luf, f, work);
         memcpy(&f[1], &work[1], m0 * sizeof(double));
      /* (x y) := inv(Q) * (f2 g2) */
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
         x[i] = fg[Q_col[i]];
      /* check relative error in solution */
      check_error(lpf, 0, x, b);
コード例 #2
ファイル: glpinv.c プロジェクト: MasonXQY/OPSP
void inv_ftran(INV *inv, double x[], int save)
{     int m = inv->m;
      int *pp_row = inv->luf->pp_row;
      int *pp_col = inv->luf->pp_col;
      double eps_tol = inv->luf->eps_tol;
      int *p0_row = inv->p0_row;
      int *p0_col = inv->p0_col;
      int *cc_ndx = inv->cc_ndx;
      double *cc_val = inv->cc_val;
      int i, len;
      double temp;
      if (!inv->valid)
         fault("inv_ftran: the factorization is not valid");
      /* B = F*H*V, therefore inv(B) = inv(V)*inv(H)*inv(F) */
      inv->luf->pp_row = p0_row;
      inv->luf->pp_col = p0_col;
      luf_f_solve(inv->luf, 0, x);
      inv->luf->pp_row = pp_row;
      inv->luf->pp_col = pp_col;
      inv_h_solve(inv, 0, x);
      /* save partially transformed column (if required) */
      if (save)
      {  len = 0;
         for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
         {  temp = x[i];
            if (temp == 0.0 || fabs(temp) < eps_tol) continue;
            cc_ndx[len] = i;
            cc_val[len] = temp;
         inv->cc_len = len;
      luf_v_solve(inv->luf, 0, x);
コード例 #3
ファイル: glpinv.c プロジェクト: MasonXQY/OPSP
void inv_btran(INV *inv, double x[])
{     int *pp_row = inv->luf->pp_row;
      int *pp_col = inv->luf->pp_col;
      int *p0_row = inv->p0_row;
      int *p0_col = inv->p0_col;
      /* B = F*H*V, therefore inv(B') = inv(F')*inv(H')*inv(V') */
      if (!inv->valid)
         fault("inv_btran: the factorization is not valid");
      luf_v_solve(inv->luf, 1, x);
      inv_h_solve(inv, 1, x);
      inv->luf->pp_row = p0_row;
      inv->luf->pp_col = p0_col;
      luf_f_solve(inv->luf, 1, x);
      inv->luf->pp_row = pp_row;
      inv->luf->pp_col = pp_col;
コード例 #4
ファイル: glpfhv.c プロジェクト: Shicheng-Guo/methylFlow
void fhv_btran(FHV *fhv, double x[])
{     int *pp_row = fhv->luf->pp_row;
      int *pp_col = fhv->luf->pp_col;
      int *p0_row = fhv->p0_row;
      int *p0_col = fhv->p0_col;
      if (!fhv->valid)
         xfault("fhv_btran: the factorization is not valid\n");
      /* B = F*H*V, therefore inv(B') = inv(F')*inv(H')*inv(V') */
      luf_v_solve(fhv->luf, 1, x);
      fhv_h_solve(fhv, 1, x);
      fhv->luf->pp_row = p0_row;
      fhv->luf->pp_col = p0_col;
      luf_f_solve(fhv->luf, 1, x);
      fhv->luf->pp_row = pp_row;
      fhv->luf->pp_col = pp_col;
コード例 #5
ファイル: glplpf.c プロジェクト: BohanHsu/developer
void lpf_btran(LPF *lpf, double x[])
{     int m0 = lpf->m0;
      int m = lpf->m;
      int n = lpf->n;
      int *P_row = lpf->P_row;
      int *Q_row = lpf->Q_row;
      double *fg = lpf->work1;
      double *f = fg;
      double *g = fg + m0;
      int i, ii;
      double *b;
      if (!lpf->valid)
         xfault("lpf_btran: the factorization is not valid\n");
      xassert(0 <= m && m <= m0 + n);
      /* save the right-hand side vector */
      b = xcalloc(1+m, sizeof(double));
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) b[i] = x[i];
      /* (f g) := Q * (b 0) */
      for (i = 1; i <= m0 + n; i++)
         fg[i] = ((ii = Q_row[i]) <= m ? x[ii] : 0.0);
      /* f1 := inv(U'0) * f */
      luf_v_solve(lpf->luf, 1, f);
      /* g1 := inv(C') * (g - R' * f1) */
      rt_prod(lpf, g, -1.0, f);
      scf_solve_it(lpf->scf, 1, g);
      /* g2 := g1 */
      g = g;
      /* f2 := inv(L'0) * (f1 - S' * g2) */
      st_prod(lpf, f, -1.0, g);
      luf_f_solve(lpf->luf, 1, f);
      /* (x y) := P * (f2 g2) */
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
         x[i] = fg[P_row[i]];
      /* check relative error in solution */
      check_error(lpf, 1, x, b);
コード例 #6
ファイル: scf.c プロジェクト: emersonxsu/glpk
void scf_s0_solve(SCF *scf, int tr, double x[/*1+n0*/],
      double w1[/*1+n0*/], double w2[/*1+n0*/], double w3[/*1+n0*/])
{     int n0 = scf->n0;
      switch (scf->type)
      {  case 1:
            /* A0 = F0 * V0, so S0 = V0 */
            if (!tr)
               luf_v_solve(scf->a0.luf, x, w1);
               luf_vt_solve(scf->a0.luf, x, w1);
         case 2:
            /* A0 = I * A0, so S0 = A0 */
            if (!tr)
               btf_a_solve(scf->a0.btf, x, w1, w2, w3);
               btf_at_solve(scf->a0.btf, x, w1, w2, w3);
            xassert(scf != scf);
      memcpy(&x[1], &w1[1], n0 * sizeof(double));
コード例 #7
ファイル: glplpf.c プロジェクト: fmartinelli/libqif
int lpf_update_it(LPF *lpf, int j, int bh, int len, const int ind[],
      const double val[])
{     int m0 = lpf->m0;
      int m = lpf->m;
      double *B = lpf->B;
      int n = lpf->n;
      int *R_ptr = lpf->R_ptr;
      int *R_len = lpf->R_len;
      int *S_ptr = lpf->S_ptr;
      int *S_len = lpf->S_len;
      int *P_row = lpf->P_row;
      int *P_col = lpf->P_col;
      int *Q_row = lpf->Q_row;
      int *Q_col = lpf->Q_col;
      int v_ptr = lpf->v_ptr;
      int *v_ind = lpf->v_ind;
      double *v_val = lpf->v_val;
      double *a = lpf->work2; /* new column */
      double *fg = lpf->work1, *f = fg, *g = fg + m0;
      double *vw = lpf->work2, *v = vw, *w = vw + m0;
      double *x = g, *y = w, z;
      int i, ii, k, ret;
      xassert(bh == bh);
      if (!lpf->valid)
         xfault("lpf_update_it: the factorization is not valid\n");
      if (!(1 <= j && j <= m))
         xfault("lpf_update_it: j = %d; column number out of range\n",
      xassert(0 <= m && m <= m0 + n);
      /* check if the basis factorization can be expanded */
      if (n == lpf->n_max)
      {  lpf->valid = 0;
         ret = LPF_ELIMIT;
         goto done;
      /* convert new j-th column of B to dense format */
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
         a[i] = 0.0;
      for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
      {  i = ind[k];
         if (!(1 <= i && i <= m))
            xfault("lpf_update_it: ind[%d] = %d; row number out of rang"
               "e\n", k, i);
         if (a[i] != 0.0)
            xfault("lpf_update_it: ind[%d] = %d; duplicate row index no"
               "t allowed\n", k, i);
         if (val[k] == 0.0)
            xfault("lpf_update_it: val[%d] = %g; zero element not allow"
               "ed\n", k, val[k]);
         a[i] = val[k];
      /* change column in the basis matrix for debugging */
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
         B[(i - 1) * m + j] = a[i];
      /* (f g) := inv(P) * (a 0) */
      for (i = 1; i <= m0+n; i++)
         fg[i] = ((ii = P_col[i]) <= m ? a[ii] : 0.0);
      /* (v w) := Q * (ej 0) */
      for (i = 1; i <= m0+n; i++) vw[i] = 0.0;
      vw[Q_col[j]] = 1.0;
      /* f1 := inv(L0) * f (new column of R) */
#if 0 /* 06/VI-2013 */
      luf_f_solve(lpf->luf, 0, f);
      luf_f_solve(lpf->lufint->luf, f);
      /* v1 := inv(U'0) * v (new row of S) */
#if 0 /* 06/VI-2013 */
      luf_v_solve(lpf->luf, 1, v);
      {  double *work = lpf->lufint->sgf->work;
         luf_vt_solve(lpf->lufint->luf, v, work);
         memcpy(&v[1], &work[1], m0 * sizeof(double));
      /* we need at most 2 * m0 available locations in the SVA to store
         new column of matrix R and new row of matrix S */
      if (lpf->v_size < v_ptr + m0 + m0)
      {  enlarge_sva(lpf, v_ptr + m0 + m0);
         v_ind = lpf->v_ind;
         v_val = lpf->v_val;
      /* store new column of R */
      R_ptr[n+1] = v_ptr;
      for (i = 1; i <= m0; i++)
      {  if (f[i] != 0.0)
            v_ind[v_ptr] = i, v_val[v_ptr] = f[i], v_ptr++;
      R_len[n+1] = v_ptr - lpf->v_ptr;
      lpf->v_ptr = v_ptr;
      /* store new row of S */
      S_ptr[n+1] = v_ptr;
      for (i = 1; i <= m0; i++)
      {  if (v[i] != 0.0)
            v_ind[v_ptr] = i, v_val[v_ptr] = v[i], v_ptr++;
      S_len[n+1] = v_ptr - lpf->v_ptr;
      lpf->v_ptr = v_ptr;
      /* x := g - S * f1 (new column of C) */
      s_prod(lpf, x, -1.0, f);
      /* y := w - R' * v1 (new row of C) */
      rt_prod(lpf, y, -1.0, v);
      /* z := - v1 * f1 (new diagonal element of C) */
      z = 0.0;
      for (i = 1; i <= m0; i++) z -= v[i] * f[i];
      /* update factorization of new matrix C */
      switch (scf_update_exp(lpf->scf, x, y, z))
      {  case 0:
         case SCF_ESING:
            lpf->valid = 0;
            ret = LPF_ESING;
            goto done;
         case SCF_ELIMIT:
            xassert(lpf != lpf);
            xassert(lpf != lpf);
      /* expand matrix P */
      P_row[m0+n+1] = P_col[m0+n+1] = m0+n+1;
      /* expand matrix Q */
      Q_row[m0+n+1] = Q_col[m0+n+1] = m0+n+1;
      /* permute j-th and last (just added) column of matrix Q */
      i = Q_col[j], ii = Q_col[m0+n+1];
      Q_row[i] = m0+n+1, Q_col[m0+n+1] = i;
      Q_row[ii] = j, Q_col[j] = ii;
      /* increase the number of additional rows and columns */
      xassert(lpf->n <= lpf->n_max);
      /* the factorization has been successfully updated */
      ret = 0;
done: /* return to the calling program */
      return ret;