コード例 #1
ファイル: pipeline.c プロジェクト: jsjohnst/appweb
 *  Manage requests to directories. This will either do an external redirect back to the browser or do an internal 
 *  (transparent) redirection and serve different content back to the browser. This routine may modify the requested 
 *  URI and/or the request handler.
static void processDirectory(MaConn *conn, bool *rescan)
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MprFileInfo     *info;
    char            path[MPR_MAX_FNAME], urlBuf[MPR_MAX_FNAME], *index;
    int             len;

    req = conn->request;
    resp = conn->response;
    info = &resp->fileInfo;

    index = req->dir->indexName;
    if (req->url[strlen(req->url) - 1] == '/') {
         *  Internal directory redirections
        len = (int) strlen(resp->filename);
        if (resp->filename[len - 1] == '/') {
            resp->filename[len - 1] = '\0';
        path[0] = '\0';
        mprAssert(resp->filename && *resp->filename);
        mprAssert(index && *index);
        mprStrcat(path, sizeof(path), NULL, resp->filename, "/", index, NULL);
        if (mprAccess(resp, path, R_OK)) {
             *  Index file exists, so do an internal redirect to it. Client will not be aware of this happening.
             *  Must rematch the handler on return.
            maSetRequestUri(conn, addIndex(conn, urlBuf, sizeof(urlBuf), index));

            resp->filename = mprStrdup(resp, path);
            mprGetFileInfo(conn, resp->filename, &resp->fileInfo);

            resp->extension = getExtension(conn);
            if ((resp->mimeType = (char*) maLookupMimeType(conn->host, resp->extension)) == 0) {
                resp->mimeType = (char*) "text/html";
            *rescan = 1;

     *  External redirect. Ask the client to re-issue a request for a new location. See if an index exists and if so, 
     *  construct a new location for the index. If the index can't be accessed, just append a "/" to the URI and redirect.
    if (req->parsedUri->query && req->parsedUri->query[0]) {
        mprSprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s?%s", req->url, index, req->parsedUri->query);
    } else {
        mprSprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", req->url, index);
    if (!mprAccess(resp, path, R_OK)) {
        mprSprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/", req->url);
    maRedirect(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, path);
    resp->handler = conn->http->passHandler;
コード例 #2
ファイル: egiHandler.c プロジェクト: jsjohnst/appweb
static void upload(MaQueue *q)
    MaConn      *conn;
    char        *sw;
    char        *newLocation;
    int         responseStatus;

    conn = q->conn;
    newLocation = 0;
    responseStatus = 0;

    sw = (char*) strstr(maGetFormVar(conn, "QUERY_STRING", ""), "SWITCHES=");
    if (sw) {
        sw = mprStrdup(q, sw + 9);
        mprUrlDecode(sw, (int) strlen(sw) + 1, sw);
        if (*sw == '-') {
            if (sw[1] == 'l') {
                newLocation = sw + 3;
            } else if (sw[1] == 's') {
                responseStatus = atoi(sw + 3);

    maSetResponseCode(conn, 200);
    maSetResponseMimeType(conn, "text/html");

     *  Test writing headers. The Server header overwrote the "Server" header
     *  maSetHeader(conn, "MyCustomHeader: true");
     *  maSetHeader(conn, "Server: private");

    if (maGetCookies(conn) == 0) {
        maSetCookie(conn, "appwebTest", "Testing can be fun", 43200, "/", 0);

    if (newLocation) {
        maRedirect(conn, 302, newLocation);

    } else if (responseStatus) {
        maFailRequest(conn, responseStatus, "Custom Status");

    } else {
        maWrite(q, "<HTML><TITLE>egiProgram: EGI Output</TITLE><BODY>\r\n");


        maWrite(q, "</BODY></HTML>\r\n");
    if (sw) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: simpleEgi.c プロジェクト: doghell/appweb-3
static void myEgi(MaQueue *q)
	MaConn	*conn;

	conn = q->conn;

	maSetResponseCode(conn, 200);
	maWrite(q, "<HTML><TITLE>simpleEgi</TITLE><BODY>\r\n");
	maWrite(q, "<p>Name: %s</p>\n", maGetFormVar(conn, "name", "-"));
	maWrite(q, "<p>Address: %s</p>\n", maGetFormVar(conn, "address", "-"));
	maWrite(q, "</BODY></HTML>\r\n");

	 *	Useful things to do in egi forms
	maSetResponseCode(conn, 200);
	maSetResponseMimeType(conn, "text/plain");
	maRedirect(conn, 302, "/myURl");
	maFailRequest(conn, 409, "My message : %d", 5);
コード例 #4
ファイル: request.c プロジェクト: gamman/appweb-3
static void reportFailure(MaConn *conn, int code, cchar *fmt, va_list args)
    MaResponse  *resp;
    MaRequest   *req;
    cchar       *url, *status;
    char        *emsg, *msg, *filename;

    if (conn->requestFailed) {
    conn->requestFailed = 1;
    if (fmt == 0) {
        fmt = "";
    req = conn->request;
    resp = conn->response;

    msg = mprVasprintf(conn, MA_BUFSIZE, fmt, args);

    if (resp == 0 || req == 0) {
        mprLog(conn, 2, "\"%s\", code %d: %s.", mprGetHttpCodeString(conn, code), code, msg);

    } else {
        resp->code = code;
        filename = resp->filename ? resp->filename : 0;
        /* 711 is a custom error used by the test suite. */
        if (code != 711) {
            mprLog(resp, 2, "Error: \"%s\", code %d for URI \"%s\", file \"%s\": %s.", 
                mprGetHttpCodeString(conn, code), code, req->url ? req->url : "", filename ? filename : "", msg);
         *  Use an error document rather than standard error boilerplate.
        if (req->location) {
            url = maLookupErrorDocument(req->location, code);
            if (url && *url) {
                maRedirect(conn, 302, url);

         *  If the headers have already been filled, this alternate response body will be ignored.
        if (resp->altBody == 0) {
            status = mprGetHttpCodeString(conn, code);
             *  For security, escape the message
            emsg = mprEscapeHtml(resp, msg);
            resp->altBody = mprAsprintf(resp, -1, 
                "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
                "<html><head><title>Document Error: %s</title></head>\r\n"
                "<body><h2>Access Error: %d -- %s</h2>\r\n<p>%s</p>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n",
                status, code, status, emsg);
        resp->flags |= MA_RESP_NO_BODY;
コード例 #5
ファイル: pipeline.c プロジェクト: jsjohnst/appweb
 *  Find the matching handler for a request. If any errors occur, the pass handler is used to pass errors onto the 
 *  net/sendfile connectors to send to the client. This routine may rewrite the request URI and may redirect the request.
void maMatchHandler(MaConn *conn)
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaHost          *host;
    MaAlias         *alias;
    MaStage         *handler;
    bool            rescan;
    int             loopCount;

    req = conn->request;
    resp = conn->response;
    host = req->host;

     *  Find the alias that applies for this url. There is always a catch-all alias for the document root.
    alias = req->alias = maGetAlias(host, req->url);
    if (alias->redirectCode) {
        // TODO - what about internal redirects?
        maRedirect(conn, alias->redirectCode, alias->uri);

    if (conn->requestFailed || conn->request->method & (MA_REQ_OPTIONS | MA_REQ_TRACE)) {
        handler = conn->http->passHandler;

     *  Get the best (innermost) location block and see if a handler is explicitly set for that location block.
     *  Possibly rewrite the url and retry.
    loopCount = MA_MAX_REWRITE;
    do {
        rescan = 0;
        if ((handler = findLocationHandler(conn)) == 0) {
             *  Didn't find a location block handler, so try to match by extension and by handler match() routines.
             *  This may invoke processDirectory which may redirect and thus require reprocessing -- hence the loop.
            handler = findHandlerByExtension(conn);

        if (handler && !(handler->flags & MA_STAGE_VIRTUAL)) {
            if (!mapToFile(conn, &rescan)) {
    } while (handler && rescan && loopCount-- > 0);

    if (handler == 0) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_METHOD, "Requested method %s not supported for URL: %s", 
            req->methodName, req->url);
        handler = conn->http->passHandler;
    resp->handler = handler;

    mprLog(resp, 4, "Select handler: \"%s\" for \"%s\"", handler->name, req->url);

コード例 #6
ファイル: cgiHandler.c プロジェクト: varphone/appweb-3
    Parse the CGI output headers. 
    Sample CGI program:

    Content-type: text/html
static bool parseHeader(MaConn *conn, MprCmd *cmd)
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaQueue         *q;
    MprBuf          *buf;
    char            *endHeaders, *headers, *key, *value, *location;
    int             fd, len;

    resp = conn->response;
    location = 0;
    value = 0;

    buf = mprGetCmdBuf(cmd, MPR_CMD_STDOUT);
    headers = mprGetBufStart(buf);

        Split the headers from the body.
    len = 0;
    fd = mprGetCmdFd(cmd, MPR_CMD_STDOUT);
    if ((endHeaders = strstr(headers, "\r\n\r\n")) == NULL) {
        if ((endHeaders = strstr(headers, "\n\n")) == NULL) {
            if (fd >= 0 && strlen(headers) < MA_MAX_HEADERS) {
                /* Not EOF and less than max headers and have not yet seen an end of headers delimiter */
                return 0;
        } else len = 2;
    } else {
        len = 4;
    if (endHeaders) {
        endHeaders[len - 1] = '\0';
        endHeaders += len;

        Want to be tolerant of CGI programs that omit the status line.
    if (strncmp((char*) buf->start, "HTTP/1.", 7) == 0) {
        if (!parseFirstCgiResponse(conn, cmd)) {
            /* maFailConnection already called */
            return 0;
    if (endHeaders && strchr(mprGetBufStart(buf), ':')) {
        mprLog(conn, 4, "CGI: parseHeader: header\n%s", headers);

        while (mprGetBufLength(buf) > 0 && buf->start[0] && (buf->start[0] != '\r' && buf->start[0] != '\n')) {

            if ((key = getCgiToken(buf, ":")) == 0) {
                maFailConnection(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad header format");
                return 0;
            value = getCgiToken(buf, "\n");
            while (isspace((int) *value)) {
            len = (int) strlen(value);
            while (len > 0 && (value[len - 1] == '\r' || value[len - 1] == '\n')) {
                value[len - 1] = '\0';

            if (strcmp(key, "location") == 0) {
                location = value;

            } else if (strcmp(key, "status") == 0) {
                maSetResponseCode(conn, atoi(value));

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-type") == 0) {
                maSetResponseMimeType(conn, value);

            } else if (strcmp(key, "content-length") == 0) {
                maSetEntityLength(conn, (MprOff) mprAtoi(value, 10));
                resp->chunkSize = 0;

            } else {
                    Now pass all other headers back to the client
                maSetHeader(conn, 0, key, "%s", value);
        buf->start = endHeaders;
    if (location) {
        maRedirect(conn, resp->code, location);
        q = resp->queue[MA_QUEUE_SEND].nextQ;
        maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(q), 1);
    cmd->userFlags |= MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER;
    return 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ejsAppweb.c プロジェクト: jsjohnst/appweb
static void redirect(void *handle, int code, cchar *url)
    maRedirect(handle, code, url);