コード例 #1
ファイル: tic_tac_toe.cpp プロジェクト: chunkyan/DirectX
//Handle mouse input
void mouse(int mouseButton, int buttonState, int x, int y)
	GLfloat mouseX,mouseY;
	Point mousePt(mouseX,mouseY,0);

	if(sb->getResetButton().pointInButton(mousePt) &&
		buttonState == GLUT_DOWN)  //did user click on reset button
	if(sb->getResetButton().pointInButton(mousePt) &&
		sb->getResetButton().isButtonPressed() &&
		buttonState == GLUT_UP)  //did user click on reset button

	if (gameStatus!= IN_PLAY)
	if( mouseButton == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON  &&
		buttonState == GLUT_DOWN)
		gamePiece tmp = player1Turn?player1GamePiece:player2GamePiece;
		Move m= getSlotFromPoint(mousePt);
		makeMove(m ,tmp);
コード例 #2
ファイル: testApp.cpp プロジェクト: BenVanCitters/BVC_Walls_
void testApp::keyPressed(int key) {
    if(key == ' ') {
        if(bullets.size() < maxBullets) {
            bFire = true;
            Bullet b;
            // the two points for the mouse and gun
            ofVec2f gunPt(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()-20);
            ofVec2f mousePt(ofGetMouseX(), ofGetMouseY());
            // the vector between the two
            ofVec2f vec = mousePt - gunPt;
            // normalize = 0.0 - 1.0
            // bullet position = the start pos of the gun
            // and the vec scaled by 100
            ofVec2f bulletPos = gunPt + (vec * 100);
            b.pos     = bulletPos;
            b.vel     = vec * ofRandom(9, 12); // randomly make it faster        
            b.bRemove = false;
            // add the bullets to the array
コード例 #3
ファイル: testApp.cpp プロジェクト: 6301158/ofx-dev
void testApp::update(){
		//we are going to be smart!
		//we don't want to record a point unless it is at least 2 pixels away from our previous point!
		ofxVec2f mousePt(mouseX, mouseY);
		//find the distance between our mouse and our previous point
		ofxVec2f dist = mousePt - prevPoint;
		if( dist.length() > 2 ){
			//add the point in.
			ptsList.push_back( mousePt );
			//lets store the current position 
		//if we are not recording we are playing back 
		//playPos goes from 0.0 - 1.0
		//when we draw we scale up that number by the number of pts in the list 
		//so it will draw from point 0 up to a certain percentage of the total points. 
		playPos += 0.01;
		if(playPos > 2.0){
			playPos = 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: twwindow.cpp プロジェクト: hiitiger/tworkvx
bool TwWindow::onWinMessage( UINT msg, WPARAM w, LPARAM l, LRESULT& r )

    switch (msg)
            TwSize<int> preferredSize = this->preferredSize();
            if (preferredSize.width() > m_maxSize.width())
            if (preferredSize.height() > m_maxSize.height())

            MINMAXINFO* minmaxInfo = (MINMAXINFO*)l;
            minmaxInfo->ptMinTrackSize.x = preferredSize.width();
            minmaxInfo->ptMinTrackSize.y = preferredSize.height();

            minmaxInfo->ptMaxTrackSize.x = m_maxSize.width();
            minmaxInfo->ptMaxTrackSize.y = m_maxSize.height();

            r = 0;
            return true;
    case WM_SETCURSOR:
            if (LOWORD(l) == HTCLIENT)
                POINT pt;
                TwPoint<int> mousePt(pt.x, pt.y);
                TwWidget* w = m_rootWidget->eventHandlerFromPoint(mapFromScreenToClient(mousePt));
                if (w && w->isEnabled())
                    HCURSOR cursorHandle = WindowsCursorS::windowsCursors()->getWindowsCursor(w->cursor().cursorType())->cursorHandle();
                    r = 1;
                    return true;
    return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: JHCEdit.cpp プロジェクト: JohnHind/Winsh.lua
LRESULT JHCEdit::OnContextMenu(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
	UINT cmd;
	CPoint mousePt(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
	DWORD sel = GetSel();
	if (this->GetStyle() & ES_READONLY)
		conMenu.AppendMenu(((LOWORD(sel) == HIWORD(sel))? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED), WM_COPY, _T("Copy"));
		conMenu.AppendMenu(((LOWORD(sel) == HIWORD(sel))? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED), WM_CUT, _T("Cut"));
		conMenu.AppendMenu(((LOWORD(sel) == HIWORD(sel))? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED), WM_COPY, _T("Copy"));
		conMenu.AppendMenu(((::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) || ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT))?
								MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED), WM_PASTE, _T("Paste"));
		conMenu.AppendMenu(((LOWORD(sel) == HIWORD(sel))? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED), WM_CLEAR, _T("Delete"));
	this->SendMessage((HWND)this->GetTopLevelParent(), WM_CONTEXTMENU, (WPARAM)conMenu.m_hMenu, (LPARAM)sel);
	cmd = conMenu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD, mousePt.x, mousePt.y, m_hWnd);
	switch (cmd)
	case WM_CUT:
	case WM_COPY:
	case WM_PASTE:
	case WM_CLEAR:
		this->SendMessage(cmd, 0, -1);
		this->SendMessage((HWND)this->GetTopLevelParent(), WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)cmd, 0);
	return 0;
コード例 #6
void oilWaterNode::updateActive(){
	//TODO: Figure put when particles are not on screen
	//TODO: AVOID [] operator - for each create a reference and work with that
	//8% CPU!!!
	//TODO: fabs using 2% CPU
	//for particle vs particle each particle needs to check itself against every other particle
	//this is very slow as for 10 particles you have 100 calculations for 100 particles you have 10,000 calculations
	//it is called an n-squared problem
	//so we try to be smart - we sort our vector of particles by X
	//so they go in order from smallest x pos to largest pos.
	//we then will check the difference in x pos between our particle and the one to be checked if it is greater than a certain amount we can stop checking all other particles
	//as we know that they will be getting further and further away from us
	sort(balls.begin(), balls.end(), xSort);
	//lets create some vars here which we will use a lot in the loop
	float ppDist;
	float frcPct; 
	ofVec2f repulsionAmnt;
	ofVec2f deltaVec;
	bool soundFired = false;
	//we will work with squared values as much as possible - as the sqrt in ofVec2f::length() is slow
	float repulsionDistTmp = repulsionDist;
	float repulsionDistSquared =  repulsionDist*repulsionDist;
	float ppDistSquared;
	float maxVel = 8.0;
	ofVec2f mousePt(myPerson.pos.x, myPerson.pos.y);
	if( bRise ){
		mousePt.y += 100.0;
		mousePt.y -= 100.0;
	//NOTE: this is a performance hack - don't update particles that are far from the person
	float vDistToPerson;
	int frameNo = ofGetFrameNum();
	for(int i = 0; i < balls.size(); i++){
		oilParticle & pI = balls[i];

		//NOTE: this is a performance hack - don't update particles that are far from the person		
		vDistToPerson = fabs(pI.pos.y - myPerson.pos.y);
		if( vDistToPerson > ofGetHeight() && frameNo % 4 != 0 )continue;
//		if( pI.type ){
			ofVec2f delta = pos - pI.pos;
			pI.vel += delta.normalized() * 0.35;
//		}else{
//			ofVec2f delta = ofPoint(ofGetWidth()/2, 50 + ofGetHeight()/2) - pI.pos;
//			pI.vel += delta.normalized() * 0.05;
//		}
		for(int j = i; j >= 0; j--){
			//check 1 -- we shouldn't check against ourself
			if( j == i )continue;
			oilParticle & pJ = balls[j];
			repulsionDistTmp = MAX(repulsionDist, 1.6 * (pI.radius + pJ.radius));
			repulsionDistSquared = repulsionDistTmp*repulsionDistTmp;
			//check 2 -- once the x distance between us and the particle we are checking is greater than our repel distance we can stop checking all other particles
			//we can do this because the particles are sorted by x - so the next particle will be even further away.
			if( fabs( pJ.pos.x - pI.pos.x ) > repulsionDistTmp ){
				break; //this means stop the current loop we are in
			//check 3 -- we can also see if the difference in y is greater than our repulsion dist and if so skip the check
			if( fabs( pJ.pos.y - pI.pos.y ) > repulsionDistTmp ){
			deltaVec = pJ.pos - pI.pos;
			ppDistSquared  = deltaVec.lengthSquared();
			if( pI.type != (int)bRise && pJ.type != (int)bRise ){
				ppDistSquared *= 3.5;
			//check 3 -- we check the squared distances as this is much faster than calling square root
			if( ppDistSquared <= repulsionDistSquared ){
				//now we sqrt it as we know it will be needed
				ppDist = sqrt(ppDistSquared);
				//make the repulsion force get stronger as the particles get closer
				frcPct = 1.0 - (ppDist/repulsionDistTmp); 
				if( pI.type && !pJ.type ){
					repulsionAmnt = deltaVec.normalized() * frcPct * repulsionForce;
					ofPoint force;
					ofVec2f angVec;
					angVec = repulsionAmnt;
					float angle = angVec.angle(pI.vel);
					if( angle < 0 ){
						 force.set(repulsionAmnt.y * 0.5 + repulsionAmnt.x* 0.5, -repulsionAmnt.x * 0.5 + repulsionAmnt.y * 0.5);
						force.set(-repulsionAmnt.y * 0.5 + repulsionAmnt.x* 0.5, repulsionAmnt.x * 0.5 + repulsionAmnt.y * 0.5);
					if( fabs(myPerson.pos.y - pI.pos.y) < 500 && ofGetElapsedTimef() - lastTimeTriggered > ofRandom(0.06, 0.23) ){
//						if(  ofRandom(0, 200) > 100 ){
//							globalSnd.play("OIL_1", ofRandom(0.2, 0.7), 1.0, ofRandom(-0.6, 0.6));
//						}else{
							float volPct = ofMap(fabs(myPerson.pos.y - pI.pos.y), 200, ofGetHeight(), 1.0, 0.0, true); 
							globalSnd.play("OIL_WATER_COLLISION", ofRandom(0.2, 0.7) * volPct, ofRandom(0.4, 1.8), ofRandom(-0.6, 0.6));
//						}
						lastTimeTriggered = ofGetElapsedTimef();
					//no we apply the force to the two particles being checked - they will have opposite forces so one will be positive and one will be negative. 
					pI.vel -= force * 1.2;
					pJ.vel += repulsionAmnt*1.2;

					repulsionAmnt = deltaVec.normalized() * frcPct * repulsionForce;
					//no we apply the force to the two particles being checked - they will have opposite forces so one will be positive and one will be negative. 
					pI.vel -= repulsionAmnt;
					pJ.vel += repulsionAmnt;
		//for each particle lets look at the distance between it and the mouse
		//if the distance is less than a certain amount lets add a repulsive force that gets stronger with proximity
		ofVec2f distVec = mousePt - pI.pos;
		//to know how close we are to the particle we need the straight line distance - or the length of the distVec vector
		float straightDist = distVec.length();
		float repelDist = 240.0;
		int curType = 0;
		if( myPerson.vel.y < 0 ){
			curType = 1;
		if( straightDist < repelDist && pI.type == curType){
			//get the dist as a 0-1 value
			float pct = straightDist/repelDist;
//			//so we make a value for the amount of force to apply
//			//we make this inverse to the distance between the mouse and the ball
//			//ie: smaller the distance = greater the force
			float repulsionStrength = (1.0 - pct) * 2.6; 

//			if( straightDist < 16.0 ){
//				globalSnd.play("OIL_WATER_COLLISION_WITH_PERSON", ofRandom(0.1, 0.6), ofRandom(0.4, 1.8), ofRandom(-0.4, 0.4));
//			}
			//we now need a vector that describes the direction to move in.
			//because we want to move AWAY from the mouse we can just take the distVec and make it negative
			//we want it normalized so we can apply strength to it 
			ofVec2f repulVec = -distVec.normalized();
			float repelX = repulVec.x * repulsionStrength * 0.35;
			float repelY = repulVec.y * repulsionStrength;
			//finaly add the force to our balls velocity;
			pI.vel.x += repelX;
			pI.vel.y += repelY;
		if( pI.vel.lengthSquared() > maxVel*maxVel ){
			pI.vel *= maxVel;
		if( pI.type == 1 && bRise ){
			pI.extraScale = 1.2;
			pI.extraScale = 1.0;

		if( pI.type == 0 && !bRise ){
			pI.extraScale = 1.2;
			pI.extraScale = 1.0;