コード例 #1
ファイル: endpoint.c プロジェクト: ni-webtech/http
void httpMatchHost(HttpConn *conn)
    MprSocket       *listenSock;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    HttpHost        *host;
    Http            *http;

    http = conn->http;
    listenSock = conn->sock->listenSock;

    if ((endpoint = httpLookupEndpoint(http, listenSock->ip, listenSock->port)) == 0) {
        mprError("No listening endpoint for request from %s:%d", listenSock->ip, listenSock->port);
        mprCloseSocket(conn->sock, 0);
    if (httpHasNamedVirtualHosts(endpoint)) {
        host = httpLookupHostOnEndpoint(endpoint, conn->rx->hostHeader);
    } else {
        host = mprGetFirstItem(endpoint->hosts);
    if (host == 0) {
        httpSetConnHost(conn, 0);
        httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "No host to serve request. Searching for %s", conn->rx->hostHeader);
        conn->host = mprGetFirstItem(endpoint->hosts);
    if (conn->rx->traceLevel >= 0) {
        mprLog(conn->rx->traceLevel, "Select host: \"%s\"", host->name);
    conn->host = host;
コード例 #2
ファイル: convenience.c プロジェクト: ni-webtech/appweb-4
    This will restart the default server on a new IP:PORT. It will stop listening on the default endpoint on the default
    server, optionally modify the IP:PORT and resume listening. NOTE: running requests will be unaffected.
    WARNING: this is demonstration code and has no error checking.
void maRestartServer(cchar *ip, int port)
    MaAppweb        *appweb;
    MaServer        *server;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;

    appweb = MPR->appwebService;
    server = mprGetFirstItem(appweb->servers);
    endpoint = mprGetFirstItem(server->endpoints);

        Alternatively, iterate over all endpoints by

        Http *http = MPR->httpService;
        int  next;
        for (ITERATE_ITEMS(http->endpoints, endpoint, next)) {

    if (port) {
        endpoint->port = port;
    if (ip) {
        endpoint->ip = sclone(ip);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ejsXMLList.c プロジェクト: monmarzia/ejs-2
    Cast the object operand to a primitive type
static EjsObj *xlCast(Ejs *ejs, EjsXML *vp, EjsType *type)
    MprBuf      *buf;
    EjsObj      *result;
    EjsXML      *elt, *item;
    int         next;

    if (type == ESV(XML)) {
        return (EjsObj*) vp;
    switch (type->sid) {
    case S_Object:

    case S_Boolean:
        return (EjsObj*) ejsCreateBoolean(ejs, 1);

    case S_Number:
        result = xlCast(ejs, vp, ESV(String));
        result = (EjsObj*) ejsToNumber(ejs, result);
        return result;

    case S_String:
        buf = mprCreateBuf(MPR_BUFSIZE, -1);
        if (mprGetListLength(vp->elements) == 1) {
            elt = mprGetFirstItem(vp->elements);
            if (elt->kind == EJS_XML_ELEMENT) {
                if (elt->elements == 0) {
                    return (EjsObj*) ESV(empty);
                if (elt->elements && mprGetListLength(elt->elements) == 1) {
                    //  TODO - what about PI and comments?
                    item = mprGetFirstItem(elt->elements);
                    if (item->kind == EJS_XML_TEXT) {
                        return (EjsObj*) item->value;
        for (next = 0; (elt = mprGetNextItem(vp->elements, &next)) != 0; ) {
            if (ejsXMLToBuf(ejs, buf, elt, -1) < 0) {
                return 0;
            if (next < vp->elements->length) {
                mprPutStringToBuf(buf, " ");
        return (EjsObj*) ejsCreateStringFromAsc(ejs, (char*) buf->start);

        ejsThrowTypeError(ejs, "Cannot cast to this type");
        return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ejsHttpServer.c プロジェクト: monmarzia/ejs-2
static void setHttpPipeline(Ejs *ejs, EjsHttpServer *sp) 
    EjsString       *vs;
    HttpHost        *host;
    HttpRoute       *route;
    Http            *http;
    HttpStage       *stage;
    cchar           *name;
    int             i;

    http = sp->endpoint->http;
    host = mprGetFirstItem(sp->endpoint->hosts);
    route = mprGetFirstItem(host->routes);

    if (sp->outgoingStages) {
        httpClearRouteStages(route, HTTP_STAGE_TX);
        for (i = 0; i < sp->outgoingStages->length; i++) {
            vs = ejsGetProperty(ejs, sp->outgoingStages, i);
            if (vs && ejsIs(ejs, vs, String)) {
                name = vs->value;
                if (httpLookupStage(http, name) == 0) {
                    ejsThrowArgError(ejs, "Cannot find pipeline stage name %s", name);
                httpAddRouteFilter(route, name, NULL, HTTP_STAGE_TX);
    if (sp->incomingStages) {
        httpClearRouteStages(route, HTTP_STAGE_RX);
        for (i = 0; i < sp->incomingStages->length; i++) {
            vs = ejsGetProperty(ejs, sp->incomingStages, i);
            if (vs && ejsIs(ejs, vs, String)) {
                name = vs->value;
                if (httpLookupStage(http, name) == 0) {
                    ejsThrowArgError(ejs, "Cannot find pipeline stage name %s", name);
                httpAddRouteFilter(route, name, NULL, HTTP_STAGE_RX);
    if (sp->connector) {
        if ((stage = httpLookupStage(http, sp->connector)) == 0) {
            ejsThrowArgError(ejs, "Cannot find pipeline stage name %s", sp->connector);
        route->connector = stage;
コード例 #5
ファイル: server.c プロジェクト: gamman/appweb-3
 *  Convenience function to create a new default host
MaHost *maCreateDefaultHost(MaServer *server, cchar *docRoot, cchar *ipAddr, int port)
    MaHost          *host;
    MaListen        *listen;
    MaHostAddress   *address;

    if (ipAddr == 0) {
         *  If no IP:PORT specified, find the first listening endpoint. In this case, we expect the caller to
         *  have setup the lisenting endponts and to have added them to the host address hash.
        listen = mprGetFirstItem(server->listens);
        if (listen) {
            ipAddr = listen->ipAddr;
            port = listen->port;

        } else {
            listen = maCreateListen(server, "localhost", MA_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT_NUM, 0);
            maAddListen(server, listen);
            ipAddr = "localhost";
            port = MA_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT_NUM;
        host = maCreateHost(server, ipAddr, NULL);

    } else {
         *  Create a new listening endpoint
        listen = maCreateListen(server, ipAddr, port, 0);
        maAddListen(server, listen);
        host = maCreateHost(server, ipAddr, NULL);

    if (maOpenMimeTypes(host, "mime.types") < 0) {

     *  Insert the host and create a directory object for the docRoot
    maAddHost(server, host);
    maInsertDir(host, maCreateBareDir(host, docRoot));
    maSetDocumentRoot(host, docRoot);

     *  Ensure we are in the hash lookup of all the addresses to listen to acceptWrapper uses this hash to find
     *  the host to serve the request.
    address = maLookupHostAddress(server, ipAddr, port);
    if (address == 0) {
        address = maCreateHostAddress(server, ipAddr, port);
        mprAddItem(server->hostAddresses, address);
    maInsertVirtualHost(address, host);

    if (server->defaultHost == 0) {
        server->defaultHost = host;
    return host;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ejsXML.c プロジェクト: embedthis/ejscript
    Create a value node. If the value is an XML node already, we are done. Otherwise, cast the value to a string
    and create a text child node containing the string value.
static EjsXML *createValueNode(Ejs *ejs, EjsXML *elt, EjsObj *value)
    EjsXML      *text;
    EjsString   *str;

    if (ejsIsXML(ejs, value)) {
        return (EjsXML*) value;
    if ((str = (EjsString*) ejsCast(ejs, value, String)) == NULL) {
        return 0;
    if (mprGetListLength(elt->elements) == 1) {
            Update an existing text element
        text = mprGetFirstItem(elt->elements);
        if (text->kind == EJS_XML_TEXT) {
            text->value = str;
            return elt;

        Create a new text element
    if (str->value[0] != '\0') {
        text = ejsCreateXML(ejs, EJS_XML_TEXT, N(NULL, NULL), elt, str);
        elt = ejsAppendToXML(ejs, elt, text);
    return elt;
コード例 #7
ファイル: demo.c プロジェクト: gamman/appweb-4
static void restart() {
    MaAppweb        *appweb;
    MaServer        *server;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    appweb = MPR->appwebService;
    server = mprGetFirstItem(appweb->servers);
    endpoint = mprGetFirstItem(server->endpoints);
    endpoint->port = 5555;
    print("RESTARTING ON PORT 5555");
コード例 #8
ファイル: ejsService.c プロジェクト: monmarzia/ejs-2
void ejsDestroyVM(Ejs *ejs)
    EjsService  *sp;
    EjsState    *state;
    EjsModule   *mp;   

    ejs->destroying = 1;
    sp = ejs->service;
    if (sp) {
        while ((mp = mprGetFirstItem(ejs->modules)) != 0) {
            ejsRemoveModule(ejs, mp);
        assure(ejs->modules->length == 0);
        state = ejs->state;
        if (state && state->stackBase) {
            mprVirtFree(state->stackBase, state->stackSize);
            state->stackBase = 0;
            ejs->state = 0;
        mprRemoveItem(sp->vmlist, ejs);
        ejs->service = 0;
        ejs->result = 0;
        if (ejs->dispatcher) {
    mprLog(6, "ejs: destroy VM");
コード例 #9
ファイル: appweb.c プロジェクト: cwhis/appweb
    Write the port so the monitor can manage
static int writePort(MaServer *server)
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    char            numBuf[16], *path;
    int             fd, len;

    if ((endpoint = mprGetFirstItem(server->http->endpoints)) == 0) {
        mprLog("error appweb", 0, "No configured endpoints");
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS;
    //  FUTURE - should really go to a ME_LOG_DIR (then fix uninstall.sh)
    path = mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), "../.port.log");
    if ((fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0666)) < 0) {
        mprLog("error appweb", 0, "Could not create port file %s", path);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
    fmt(numBuf, sizeof(numBuf), "%d", endpoint->port);

    len = (int) strlen(numBuf);
    numBuf[len++] = '\n';
    if (write(fd, numBuf, len) != len) {
        mprLog("error appweb", 0, "Write to file %s failed", path);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: conn.c プロジェクト: embedthis/appweb-3
 *  Accept a new client connection. If multithreaded, this will come in on a worker thread dedicated to this connection.
 *  This is called from the listen wait handler.
int maAcceptConn(MprSocket *sock, MaServer *server, cchar *ip, int port)
    MaHostAddress   *address;
    MaHost          *host;
    MaConn          *conn;
    MprSocket       *listenSock;
    MprHeap         *arena;
    int             rc;

    mprAssert(port > 0);

    rc = 0;
    listenSock = sock->listenSock;

    mprLog(server, 4, "New connection from %s:%d for %s:%d %s",
        ip, port, listenSock->ipAddr, listenSock->port, listenSock->sslSocket ? "(secure)" : "");

     *  Map the address onto a suitable host to initially serve the request initially until we can parse the Host header.
    address = (MaHostAddress*) maLookupHostAddress(server, listenSock->ipAddr, listenSock->port);

    if (address == 0 || (host = mprGetFirstItem(address->vhosts)) == 0) {
        mprError(server, "No host configured for request %s:%d", listenSock->ipAddr, listenSock->port);
        return 1;
    arena = mprAllocHeap(host, "conn", 1, 0, NULL);
    if (arena == 0) {
        mprError(server, "Can't create connect arena object. Insufficient memory.");
        return 1;
    conn = createConn(arena, host, sock, ip, port, address);
    if (conn == 0) {
        mprError(server, "Can't create connect object. Insufficient memory.");
        return 1;
    conn->arena = arena;
    if (maAddConn(host, conn) < 0) {
        return 1;
    mprSetSocketCallback(conn->sock, (MprSocketProc) ioEvent, conn, MPR_READABLE, MPR_NORMAL_PRIORITY);
    return rc;
コード例 #11
ファイル: endpoint.c プロジェクト: ni-webtech/http
static bool validateEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint)
    HttpHost    *host;

    if ((host = mprGetFirstItem(endpoint->hosts)) == 0) {
        mprError("Missing host object on endpoint");
        return 0;
    return 1;
コード例 #12
ファイル: testList.c プロジェクト: sunfirefox/mpr-4
static void testIsListEmpty(MprTestGroup *gp)
    MprList     *lp;

    lp = mprCreateList(0, 0);
    tassert(lp != 0);

    tassert(mprGetListLength(lp) == 0);
    tassert(mprGetFirstItem(lp) == 0);
コード例 #13
ファイル: ejsHttpServer.c プロジェクト: embedthis/ejs.web
    function set name(hostname: String): Void
static EjsObj *hs_set_name(Ejs *ejs, EjsHttpServer *sp, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    HttpHost    *host;

    sp->name = ejsToMulti(ejs, argv[0]);
    if (sp->endpoint && sp->name) {
        host = mprGetFirstItem(sp->endpoint->hosts);
        httpSetHostName(host, sp->name);
    return 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: cgiHandler.c プロジェクト: doghell/appweb-3
static int parseCgi(MaHttp *http, cchar *key, char *value, MaConfigState *state)
    MaLocation  *location;
    MaServer    *server;
    MaHost      *host;
    MaAlias     *alias;
    MaDir       *dir, *parent;
    char        *program, *mimeType, *prefix, *path;

    host = state->host;
    server = state->server;
    location = state->location;

    if (mprStrcmpAnyCase(key, "Action") == 0) {
        if (maSplitConfigValue(http, &mimeType, &program, value, 1) < 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_BAD_SYNTAX;
        maSetMimeActionProgram(host, mimeType, program);
        return 1;

    } else if (mprStrcmpAnyCase(key, "ScriptAlias") == 0) {
        if (maSplitConfigValue(server, &prefix, &path, value, 1) < 0 || path == 0 || prefix == 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_BAD_SYNTAX;

            Create an alias and location with a cgiHandler and pathInfo processing
        path = maMakePath(host, path);

        dir = maLookupDir(host, path);
        if (maLookupDir(host, path) == 0) {
            parent = mprGetFirstItem(host->dirs);
            dir = maCreateDir(host, path, parent);
        alias = maCreateAlias(host, prefix, path, 0);
        mprLog(server, 4, "ScriptAlias \"%s\" for \"%s\"", prefix, path);

        maInsertAlias(host, alias);

        if ((location = maLookupLocation(host, prefix)) == 0) {
            location = maCreateLocation(host, state->location);
            maSetLocationAuth(location, state->dir->auth);
            maSetLocationPrefix(location, prefix);
            maAddLocation(host, location);
        } else {
            maSetLocationPrefix(location, prefix);
        maSetHandler(http, host, location, "cgiHandler");
        return 1;
    return 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: convenience.c プロジェクト: cwhis/appweb
    This will restart the default server on a new IP:PORT. It will stop listening on the default endpoint on 
    the default server, optionally modify the IP:PORT and resume listening. NOTE: running requests will be
    unaffected.  WARNING: this is demonstration code and has no error checking.
PUBLIC void maRestartServer(cchar *ip, int port)
    MaAppweb        *appweb;
    MaServer        *server;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;

    appweb = MPR->appwebService;
    server = mprGetFirstItem(appweb->servers);
    endpoint = mprGetFirstItem(server->endpoints);

    if (port) {
        endpoint->port = port;
    if (ip) {
        endpoint->ip = sclone(ip);
コード例 #16
ファイル: appweb.c プロジェクト: embedthis/appweb-3
 *  Create an ejs application location block and alias
static void createEjsAlias(Mpr *mpr, MaHttp *http, MaServer *server, cchar *ejsPrefix, cchar *ejsPath)
    MaAlias     *alias;
    MaHost      *host;
    MaDir       *dir, *parent;
    MaLocation  *location;
    int         flags;

    host = server->defaultHost;
    flags = host->location->flags & (MA_LOC_BROWSER | MA_LOC_AUTO_SESSION);

    alias = maCreateAlias(host, ejsPrefix, ejsPath, 0);
    maInsertAlias(host, alias);
    mprLog(http, 4, "Alias \"%s\" for \"%s\"", ejsPrefix, ejsPath);

    if (maLookupLocation(host, ejsPrefix)) {
        mprError(http, "Location block already exists for \"%s\"", ejsPrefix);
    location = maCreateLocation(host, host->location);
    maSetLocationAuth(location, host->location->auth);
    maSetLocationPrefix(location, ejsPrefix);
    maAddLocation(host, location);
    maSetLocationFlags(location, MA_LOC_APP | flags);
    maSetHandler(http, host, location, "ejsHandler");

        Upload configuration
    location->autoDelete = 1;
    if (maAddFilter(http, location, "chunkFilter", "", MA_FILTER_INCOMING) < 0) {
        mprError(server, "Can't add chunkFilter for ejs");
    if (maAddFilter(http, location, "uploadFilter", "", MA_FILTER_INCOMING) < 0) {
        mprError(server, "Can't add uploadFilter for ejs");

     *  Make sure there is a directory for the alias target
    dir = maLookupBestDir(host, ejsPath);
    if (dir == 0) {
        parent = mprGetFirstItem(host->dirs);
        dir = maCreateDir(host, alias->filename, parent);
        maInsertDir(host, dir);
コード例 #17
ファイル: ejsXML.c プロジェクト: liexusong/ejs-2
    Cast the object operand to a primitive type
static EjsAny *castXml(Ejs *ejs, EjsXML *xml, EjsType *type)
    EjsXML      *item;
    EjsObj      *result;
    MprBuf      *buf;

    assert(ejsIsXML(ejs, xml));

    if (type == ESV(XMLList)) {
        return xml;

    switch (type->sid) {
    case S_Object:

    case S_Boolean:
        return ejsCreateBoolean(ejs, 1);

    case S_Number:
        result = castXml(ejs, xml, ESV(String));
        return ejsToNumber(ejs, result);

    case S_String:
        if (xml->kind == EJS_XML_ELEMENT) {
            if (xml->elements == 0) {
                return ESV(empty);
            if (xml->elements && mprGetListLength(xml->elements) == 1) {
                //  TODO - what about PI and comments?
                item = mprGetFirstItem(xml->elements);
                if (item->kind == EJS_XML_TEXT) {
                    return item->value;
        buf = mprCreateBuf(BIT_MAX_BUFFER, -1);
        if (ejsXMLToBuf(ejs, buf, xml, -1) < 0) {
            return 0;
        return ejsCreateStringFromAsc(ejs, (char*) buf->start);

        ejsThrowTypeError(ejs, "Cannot cast to this type");
        return 0;
    return 0;
コード例 #18
ファイル: conn.c プロジェクト: DavidQuan/http
    Create a new connection object
PUBLIC HttpConn *httpCreateConn(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, MprDispatcher *dispatcher)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    HttpHost    *host;
    HttpRoute   *route;

    if ((conn = mprAllocObj(HttpConn, manageConn)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    conn->protocol = HTTP->protocol;
    conn->http = HTTP;
    conn->port = -1;
    conn->retries = HTTP_RETRIES;
    conn->endpoint = endpoint;
    conn->lastActivity = HTTP->now;
    conn->ioCallback = httpIOEvent;

    if (endpoint) {
        conn->notifier = endpoint->notifier;
        host = mprGetFirstItem(endpoint->hosts);
        if (host && (route = host->defaultRoute) != 0) {
            conn->limits = route->limits;
            conn->trace = route->trace;
        } else {
            conn->limits = HTTP->serverLimits;
            conn->trace = HTTP->trace;
    } else {
        conn->limits = HTTP->clientLimits;
        conn->trace = HTTP->trace;
    conn->keepAliveCount = conn->limits->keepAliveMax;
    conn->serviceq = httpCreateQueueHead(conn, "serviceq");

    if (dispatcher) {
        conn->dispatcher = dispatcher;
    } else if (endpoint) {
        conn->dispatcher = endpoint->dispatcher;
    } else {
        conn->dispatcher = mprGetDispatcher();
    conn->rx = httpCreateRx(conn);
    conn->tx = httpCreateTx(conn, NULL);
    httpSetState(conn, HTTP_STATE_BEGIN);
    return conn;
コード例 #19
ファイル: endpoint.c プロジェクト: ni-webtech/http
    Convenience function to create and configure a new endpoint without using a config file.
HttpEndpoint *httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint(cchar *home, cchar *documents, cchar *ip, int port)
    Http            *http;
    HttpHost        *host;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    HttpRoute       *route;

    http = MPR->httpService;

    if (ip == 0) {
            If no IP:PORT specified, find the first endpoint
        if ((endpoint = mprGetFirstItem(http->endpoints)) != 0) {
            ip = endpoint->ip;
            port = endpoint->port;
        } else {
            ip = "localhost";
            if (port <= 0) {
                port = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT;
            if ((endpoint = httpCreateEndpoint(ip, port, NULL)) == 0) {
                return 0;
    } else {
        if ((endpoint = httpCreateEndpoint(ip, port, NULL)) == 0) {
            return 0;
    if ((host = httpCreateHost(home)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    if ((route = httpCreateRoute(host)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    httpSetHostDefaultRoute(host, route);
    httpSetHostIpAddr(host, ip, port);
    httpAddHostToEndpoint(endpoint, host);
    httpSetRouteDir(route, documents);
    return endpoint;
コード例 #20
ファイル: endpoint.c プロジェクト: ni-webtech/http
HttpHost *httpLookupHostOnEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, cchar *name)
    HttpHost    *host;
    int         next;

    if (name == 0 || *name == '\0') {
        return mprGetFirstItem(endpoint->hosts);
    for (next = 0; (host = mprGetNextItem(endpoint->hosts, &next)) != 0; ) {
        if (smatch(host->name, name)) {
            return host;
        if (*host->name == '*') {
            if (host->name[1] == '\0') {
                return host;
            if (scontains(name, &host->name[1])) {
                return host;
    return 0;
コード例 #21
ファイル: appweb.c プロジェクト: gamman/appweb-4
    Write the port so the monitor can manage
static int writePort(MaServer *server)
    HttpHost    *host;
    char        numBuf[16], *path;
    int         fd, len;

    host = mprGetFirstItem(server->http->hosts);
    //  TODO - should really go to a BLD_LOG_DIR
    path = mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), "../.port.log");
    if ((fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0666)) < 0) {
        mprError("Could not create port file %s", path);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE;
    mprSprintf(numBuf, sizeof(numBuf), "%d", host->port);

    len = (int) strlen(numBuf);
    numBuf[len++] = '\n';
    if (write(fd, numBuf, len) != len) {
        mprError("Write to file %s failed", path);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
    return 0;
コード例 #22
ファイル: ejsXMLList.c プロジェクト: monmarzia/ejs-2
static EjsXML *createElement(Ejs *ejs, EjsXML *list, EjsXML *targetObject, EjsName qname, EjsObj *value)
    EjsXML      *elt, *last, *attList;
    int         index;
    int         j;

    if (targetObject && ejsIsXML(ejs, targetObject) && targetObject->kind == EJS_XML_LIST) {

            If the target is a list it must have 1 element. So switch to it.
            TODO - could we get resolve to do this?
        if (mprGetListLength(targetObject->elements) != 1) {
            /* Spec says so - TODO why no error? */
            return 0;
        targetObject = mprGetFirstItem(targetObject->elements);

        Return if the target object is not an XML element
    if (!ejsIsXML(ejs, targetObject) || targetObject->kind != EJS_XML_ELEMENT) {
            /* Spec says so - TODO why no error? */
        return 0;

    elt = ejsCreateXML(ejs, EJS_XML_ELEMENT, list->targetProperty, targetObject, NULL);

    if (list->targetProperty.name && list->targetProperty.name->value[0] == '@') {
        elt->kind = EJS_XML_ATTRIBUTE;
        attList = ejsGetPropertyByName(ejs, (EjsObj*) targetObject, list->targetProperty);
        if (attList && mprGetListLength(attList->elements) > 0) {
            /* Spec says so. But this surely means you can't update an attribute? */
            return 0;
    } else if (list->targetProperty.name == NULL || qname.name->value[0] == '*') {
        elt->kind = EJS_XML_TEXT;
        elt->qname.name = 0;

    index = mprGetListLength(list->elements);

    if (elt->kind != EJS_XML_ATTRIBUTE) {
        if (targetObject) {
            if (index > 0) {
                    Find the place of the last list item in the resolved target object.
                last = mprGetItem(list->elements, index - 1);
                j = mprLookupItem(targetObject->elements, last);
            } else {
                j = -1;
            if (j < 0) {
                j = mprGetListLength(targetObject->elements) - 1;
            //  TODO - really need to wrap this ejsInsertXML(EjsXML *xml, int index, EjsXML *node)
            if (targetObject->elements == 0) {
                targetObject->elements = mprCreateList(-1, 0);
                Insert into the target object
            mprInsertItemAtPos(targetObject->elements, j + 1, elt);

        if (ejsIsXML(ejs, value)) {
            if (((EjsXML*) value)->kind == EJS_XML_LIST) {
                elt->qname = ((EjsXML*) value)->targetProperty;
            } else {
                elt->qname = ((EjsXML*) value)->qname;

            Insert into the XML list
        mprSetItem(list->elements, index, elt);
    return (EjsXML*) mprGetItem(list->elements, index);
コード例 #23
ファイル: service.c プロジェクト: DavidQuan/http
PUBLIC HttpEndpoint *httpGetFirstEndpoint()
    return mprGetFirstItem(HTTP->endpoints);
コード例 #24
ファイル: server.c プロジェクト: gamman/appweb-4
    Configure the server. If the configFile is defined, use it. If not, then consider home, documents, ip and port.
int maConfigureServer(MaServer *server, cchar *configFile, cchar *home, cchar *documents, cchar *ip, int port)
    MaAppweb        *appweb;
    Http            *http;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    HttpHost        *host;
    HttpRoute       *route;
    char            *path;

    appweb = server->appweb;
    http = appweb->http;

    if (configFile) {
        path = mprGetAbsPath(configFile);
        if (maParseConfig(server, path, 0) < 0) {
            /* mprUserError("Can't configure server using %s", path); */
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE;
        return 0;

    } else {
        mprLog(2, "DocumentRoot %s", documents);
        if ((endpoint = httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint(home, documents, ip, port)) == 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
        maAddEndpoint(server, endpoint);
        host = mprGetFirstItem(endpoint->hosts);
        route = mprGetFirstItem(host->routes);

        searchPath = getSearchPath(dir);

        maLoadModule(appweb, "cgiHandler", "mod_cgi");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "cgiHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "cgiHandler", "cgi cgi-nph bat cmd pl py");
                Add cgi-bin with a route for the /cgi-bin URL prefix.
            path = "cgi-bin";
            if (mprPathExists(path, X_OK)) {
                HttpRoute *cgiRoute;
                cgiRoute = httpCreateAliasRoute(route, "/cgi-bin/", path, 0);
                mprLog(4, "ScriptAlias \"/cgi-bin/\":\"%s\"", path);
                httpSetRouteHandler(cgiRoute, "cgiHandler");
        maLoadModule(appweb, "espHandler", "mod_esp");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "espHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "espHandler", "esp");
        maLoadModule(appweb, "ejsHandler", "mod_ejs");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "ejsHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "ejsHandler", "ejs");
        maLoadModule(appweb, "phpHandler", "mod_php");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "phpHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "phpHandler", "php");
        httpAddRouteHandler(route, "fileHandler", "");
    if (home) {
        maSetServerHome(server, home);
    if (ip || port > 0) {
        maSetServerAddress(server, ip, port);
    return 0;