コード例 #1
ファイル: 150.c プロジェクト: ben01122/mps-temporary
static void messagepoll(mycell **ref, int faction)
 mps_message_t message;

 if (mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_finalization())) {
  final_count -=1;
  process_mess(message, faction, (mps_addr_t*)ref);
 if (mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_gc())) {
コード例 #2
/* legally finalized. */
static void report(mps_arena_t arena, int expect)
  int found = 0;

  /* Test any finalized objects */
  while (mps_message_poll(arena)) {
    mps_message_t message;
    mps_word_t *obj;
    mps_word_t objind;
    mps_addr_t objaddr;

    cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_finalization()),

    found += 1;
    mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message);
    obj = objaddr;
    objind = dylan_int_int(obj[vectorSLOT(0)]);
    printf("Finalizing: object %lu at %p\n", objind, objaddr);
    cdie(root[objind] == NULL, "finalized live");
    cdie(state[objind] == finalizableSTATE, "not finalizable");
    state[objind] = finalizedSTATE;
    mps_message_discard(arena, message);
  if(found < expect) {
    printf("...expected %d finalizations, but got fewer: only %d!\n", 
           expect, found);
  } else if(found > expect) {
    printf("...expected %d finalizations, but got more: %d!\n", 
           expect, found);
コード例 #3
static void report(mps_arena_t arena)
  mps_message_t message;
  static int nCollections = 0;
  while (mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_gc())) {
    size_t live, condemned, not_condemned;

    live = mps_message_gc_live_size(arena, message);
    condemned = mps_message_gc_condemned_size(arena, message);
    not_condemned = mps_message_gc_not_condemned_size(arena, message);

    printf("\nCollection %d finished:\n", ++nCollections);
    printf("live %lu\n", (unsigned long)live);
    printf("condemned %lu\n", (unsigned long)condemned);
    printf("not_condemned %lu\n", (unsigned long)not_condemned);

    mps_message_discard(arena, message);

    if (condemned > (gen1SIZE + gen2SIZE + (size_t)128) * 1024)
      /* When condemned size is larger than could happen in a gen 2
       * collection (discounting ramps, natch), guess that was a dynamic
       * collection, and reset the commit limit, so it doesn't run out. */
      die(mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, 2 * testArenaSIZE), "set limit");
コード例 #4
ファイル: zmess.c プロジェクト: BarAgent/mps-temporary
/* report -- get and check messages
 * Get messages, report what was got, check they are the expected 
 * messages, and (for finalization messages) check that these objects 
 * should have been finalized (because we made them unreachable).
 * .discard: The client should always call mps_message_discard when 
 * it has finished with the message.  But calling with the "discard" 
 * parameter set to false lets us check how the MPS handles naughty 
 * clients.  The undiscarded messages must be cleared up by 
 * ArenaDestroy.
static void report(mps_arena_t arena, const char *pm, Bool discard)
  int found = 0;
  char mFound = '\0';
  mps_message_type_t type;

  while (mps_message_queue_type(&type, arena)) {
    mps_message_t message;
    mps_word_t *obj;
    mps_word_t objind;
    mps_addr_t objaddr;

    cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, type),
    found += 1;
    switch(type) {
      case mps_message_type_gc_start(): {
        printf("    Begin Collection\n");
        mFound = 'b';
      case mps_message_type_gc(): {
        printf("    End Collection\n");
        mFound = 'e';
      case mps_message_type_finalization(): {
        mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message);
        obj = objaddr;
        objind = DYLAN_INT_INT(DYLAN_VECTOR_SLOT(obj, 0));
        printf("    Finalization for object %"PRIuLONGEST" at %p\n",
               (ulongest_t)objind, objaddr);
        cdie(myroot[objind] == NULL, "finalized live");
        cdie(state[objind] == finalizableSTATE, "not finalizable");
        state[objind] = finalizedSTATE;
        mFound = 'f';
      default: {
        cdie(0, "message type");
    if(discard) {
      mps_message_discard(arena, message);  /* .discard */

    cdie('\0' != *pm, "Found message, but did not expect any");
    cdie(mFound == *pm, "Found message type != Expected message type");
  mFound = '\0';
  cdie(mFound == *pm, "No message found, but expected one");
コード例 #5
static void finalpoll(mycell **ref, int faction)
 mps_message_t message;

 if (mps_message_get(&message, arena, MPS_MESSAGE_TYPE_FINALIZATION)) {
  final_count -=1;
  process_mess(message, faction, (mps_addr_t*)ref);
コード例 #6
ファイル: amcss.c プロジェクト: et4te/memory-pool-system
static void report(mps_arena_t arena)
  static int nCollsStart = 0;
  static int nCollsDone = 0;
  mps_message_type_t type;
  while(mps_message_queue_type(&type, arena)) {
    mps_message_t message;

    cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, type), "message get");

    switch(type) {
      /* @@@@ is using these macros in a switch supported? */
      case mps_message_type_gc_start(): {
        nCollsStart += 1;
        printf("\n{\n  Collection %d started.  Because:\n", nCollsStart);
        printf("    %s\n", mps_message_gc_start_why(arena, message));
        printf("    clock: %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)mps_message_clock(arena, message));
      case mps_message_type_gc(): {
        size_t live, condemned, not_condemned;
        nCollsDone += 1;
        live = mps_message_gc_live_size(arena, message);
        condemned = mps_message_gc_condemned_size(arena, message);
        not_condemned = mps_message_gc_not_condemned_size(arena, message);

        printf("\n  Collection %d finished:\n", nCollsDone);
        printf("    live %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)live);
        printf("    condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)condemned);
        printf("    not_condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)not_condemned);
        printf("    clock: %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)mps_message_clock(arena, message));

        if(condemned > (gen1SIZE + gen2SIZE + (size_t)128) * 1024) {
          /* When condemned size is larger than could happen in a gen 2
           * collection (discounting ramps, natch), guess that was a dynamic
           * collection, and reset the commit limit, so it doesn't run out. */
          die(mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, 2 * testArenaSIZE),
            "set limit");
      default: {
        cdie(0, "unknown message type");
    mps_message_discard(arena, message);

コード例 #7
ファイル: amcss.c プロジェクト: alisheikh/hornet
static void report(mps_arena_t arena)
  static int nCollsStart = 0;
  static int nCollsDone = 0;
  mps_message_type_t type;
  while(mps_message_queue_type(&type, arena)) {
    mps_message_t message;

    cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, type), "message get");

    if (type == mps_message_type_gc_start()) {
      nCollsStart += 1;
      printf("\n{\n  Collection %d started.  Because:\n", nCollsStart);
      printf("    %s\n", mps_message_gc_start_why(arena, message));
      printf("    clock: %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)mps_message_clock(arena, message));

    } else if (type == mps_message_type_gc()) {
      size_t live, condemned, not_condemned;
      nCollsDone += 1;
      live = mps_message_gc_live_size(arena, message);
      condemned = mps_message_gc_condemned_size(arena, message);
      not_condemned = mps_message_gc_not_condemned_size(arena, message);

      printf("\n  Collection %d finished:\n", nCollsDone);
      printf("    live %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)live);
      printf("    condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)condemned);
      printf("    not_condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)not_condemned);
      printf("    clock: %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)mps_message_clock(arena, message));

      if(condemned > (gen1SIZE + gen2SIZE + (size_t)128) * 1024) {
        /* When condemned size is larger than could happen in a gen 2
         * collection (discounting ramps, natch), guess that was a dynamic
         * collection, and reset the commit limit, so it doesn't run out.
         * GDR 2013-03-12: Fiddling with the commit limit was causing
         * the test to fail sometimes (see job003440), so I've commented
         * out this feature.
        /* die(mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, 2 * testArenaSIZE), "set limit"); */

    } else {
      cdie(0, "unknown message type");

    mps_message_discard(arena, message);

コード例 #8
ファイル: airtest.c プロジェクト: bhanug/mps
static void test_air(int interior, int stack)
  size_t n_finalized = 0;
  size_t i, j;
  obj_t *s[OBJ_COUNT] = {0};
  mps_root_t root = NULL;
  if (!stack) {
    mps_addr_t *p = (void *)s;
    die(mps_root_create_table(&root, scheme_arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, p,
                              OBJ_COUNT), "mps_root_create_table");
  mps_message_type_enable(scheme_arena, mps_message_type_finalization());
  for (j = 0; j < OBJ_COUNT; ++j) {
    obj_t n = scheme_make_integer(obj_ap, (long)j);
    obj_t obj = scheme_make_vector(obj_ap, OBJ_LEN, n);
    mps_addr_t ref = obj;
    mps_finalize(scheme_arena, &ref);
    s[j] = obj->vector.vector;
  for (i = 1; i < OBJ_LEN; ++i) {
    obj_t n = scheme_make_integer(obj_ap, (long)i);
    mps_message_t msg;
    for (j = 0; j + 1 < OBJ_COUNT; ++j) {
      *++s[j] = n;
    if (mps_message_get(&msg, scheme_arena, mps_message_type_finalization())) {
      mps_addr_t ref;
      mps_message_finalization_ref(&ref, scheme_arena, msg);
      ++ n_finalized;
      if (interior) {
        obj_t o;
        o = ref;
        error("wrongly finalized vector %ld at %p",
              o->vector.vector[0]->integer.integer, (void *)o);
  if (!interior && n_finalized < OBJ_COUNT) {
    error("only finalized %"PRIuLONGEST" out of %"PRIuLONGEST" vectors.",
          (ulongest_t)n_finalized, (ulongest_t)OBJ_COUNT);
  if (!stack) {
コード例 #9
ファイル: amcsshe.c プロジェクト: epu/mps
static void report(mps_arena_t arena)
  mps_message_t message;
  static int nCollections = 0;
  while (mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_gc())) {
    size_t live, condemned, not_condemned;

    live = mps_message_gc_live_size(arena, message);
    condemned = mps_message_gc_condemned_size(arena, message);
    not_condemned = mps_message_gc_not_condemned_size(arena, message);

    printf("\nCollection %d finished:\n", ++nCollections);
    printf("live %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)live);
    printf("condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)condemned);
    printf("not_condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)not_condemned);

    mps_message_discard(arena, message);
コード例 #10
ファイル: amsss.c プロジェクト: et4te/memory-pool-system
static void report(void)
  static int nStart = 0;
  static int nComplete = 0;
  mps_message_type_t type;

  while(mps_message_queue_type(&type, arena)) {
    mps_message_t message;

    cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, type), "message get");

    switch(type) {
    /* @@@@ is using these macros in a switch supported? */
    case mps_message_type_gc_start():
      printf("\nCollection start %d.  Because:\n", ++nStart);
      printf("%s\n", mps_message_gc_start_why(arena, message));

    case mps_message_type_gc():
        size_t live, condemned, not_condemned;

        live = mps_message_gc_live_size(arena, message);
        condemned = mps_message_gc_condemned_size(arena, message);
        not_condemned = mps_message_gc_not_condemned_size(arena, message);

        printf("\nCollection complete %d:\n", ++nComplete);
        printf("live %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)live);
        printf("condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)condemned);
        printf("not_condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)not_condemned);
      cdie(0, "unknown message type");
    mps_message_discard(arena, message);

コード例 #11
ファイル: amcss.c プロジェクト: CarterTsai/clasp
static void report(mps_arena_t arena)
  static int nCollsStart = 0;
  static int nCollsDone = 0;
  mps_message_type_t type;
  while(mps_message_queue_type(&type, arena)) {
    mps_message_t message;

    cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, type), "message get");

    if (type == mps_message_type_gc_start()) {
      nCollsStart += 1;
      printf("\n{\n  Collection %d started.  Because:\n", nCollsStart);
      printf("    %s\n", mps_message_gc_start_why(arena, message));
      printf("    clock: %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)mps_message_clock(arena, message));

    } else if (type == mps_message_type_gc()) {
      size_t live, condemned, not_condemned;
      nCollsDone += 1;
      live = mps_message_gc_live_size(arena, message);
      condemned = mps_message_gc_condemned_size(arena, message);
      not_condemned = mps_message_gc_not_condemned_size(arena, message);

      printf("\n  Collection %d finished:\n", nCollsDone);
      printf("    live %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)live);
      printf("    condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)condemned);
      printf("    not_condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)not_condemned);
      printf("    clock: %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)mps_message_clock(arena, message));
    } else {
      cdie(0, "unknown message type");

    mps_message_discard(arena, message);
コード例 #12
ファイル: amsss.c プロジェクト: aseaday/mps-temporary
static void report(void)
  static int nStart = 0;
  static int nComplete = 0;
  mps_message_type_t type;

  while(mps_message_queue_type(&type, arena)) {
    mps_message_t message;

    cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, type), "message get");

    if (type == mps_message_type_gc_start()) {
      printf("\nCollection start %d.  Because:\n", ++nStart);
      printf("%s\n", mps_message_gc_start_why(arena, message));

    } else if (type == mps_message_type_gc()) {
      size_t live, condemned, not_condemned;

      live = mps_message_gc_live_size(arena, message);
      condemned = mps_message_gc_condemned_size(arena, message);
      not_condemned = mps_message_gc_not_condemned_size(arena, message);

      printf("\nCollection complete %d:\n", ++nComplete);
      printf("live %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)live);
      printf("condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)condemned);
      printf("not_condemned %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)not_condemned);

    } else {
      cdie(0, "unknown message type");

    mps_message_discard(arena, message);

コード例 #13
ファイル: finalcv.c プロジェクト: et4te/memory-pool-system
static void *test(void *arg, size_t s)
  unsigned i;                        /* index */
  mps_ap_t ap;
  mps_fmt_t fmt;
  mps_chain_t chain;
  mps_pool_t amc;
  mps_res_t e;
  mps_root_t mps_root[2];
  mps_addr_t nullref = NULL;
  int state[rootCOUNT];
  mps_arena_t arena;
  void *p = NULL;
  mps_message_t message;

  arena = (mps_arena_t)arg;

  die(mps_fmt_create_A(&fmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "fmt_create\n");
  die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create");
  die(mps_pool_create(&amc, arena, mps_class_amc(), fmt, chain),
      "pool_create amc\n");
  die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root[0], arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0,
                            root, (size_t)rootCOUNT),
  die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root[1], arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0,
                            &p, (size_t)1),
  die(mps_ap_create(&ap, amc, mps_rank_exact()), "ap_create\n");

  /* Make registered-for-finalization objects. */
  /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.alloc> */
  for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) {
    do {
      MPS_RESERVE_BLOCK(e, p, ap, vectorSIZE);
      die(e, "MPS_RES_OK");
      die(dylan_init(p, vectorSIZE, &nullref, 1), "dylan_init");
    } while (!mps_commit(ap, p, vectorSIZE));

    /* store index in vector's slot */
    ((mps_word_t *)p)[vectorSLOT] = dylan_int(i);

    die(mps_finalize(arena, &p), "finalize\n");
    root[i] = p; state[i] = rootSTATE;
  p = NULL;

  mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization());

  /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.churn> */
  while (mps_collections(arena) < collectionCOUNT) {
    /* Perhaps cause (minor) collection */
    /* Maybe make some objects ready-to-finalize */
    /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.drop> */
    for (i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) {
      if (root[i] != NULL && state[i] == rootSTATE) {
        if (rnd() % finalizationRATE == 0) {
          /* for this object, either... */
          if (rnd() % 2 == 0) {
            /* ...definalize it, or */
            die(mps_definalize(arena, &root[i]), "definalize\n");
            state[i] = deadSTATE;
          } else {
            /* ...expect it to be finalized soon */
            state[i] = finalizableSTATE;
          /* Drop the root reference to it; this makes it */
          /* non-E-reachable: so either dead, or ready-to-finalize. */
          root[i] = NULL;

    /* Test any finalized objects, and perhaps resurrect some */
    while (mps_message_poll(arena)) {
      mps_word_t *obj;
      mps_word_t objind;
      mps_addr_t objaddr;

      /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.message> */
      cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_finalization()),
      cdie(0 == mps_message_clock(arena, message),
           "message clock should be 0 (unset) for finalization messages");
      mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message);
      obj = objaddr;
      objind = dylan_int_int(obj[vectorSLOT]);
      printf("Finalizing: object %lu at %p\n", objind, objaddr);
      /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.final.check> */
      cdie(root[objind] == NULL, "finalized live");
      cdie(state[objind] == finalizableSTATE, "finalized dead");
      state[objind] = finalizedSTATE;
      /* sometimes resurrect */
      if (rnd() % 2 == 0)
        root[objind] = objaddr;
      mps_message_discard(arena, message);

  /* @@@@ <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.nofinal.check> missing */


  return NULL;
コード例 #14
ファイル: 223.c プロジェクト: BarAgent/mps-temporary
static void test(void) {
 long int i;
 long int rsize;
 mps_message_t message;

 int inramp;

 mycell *r, *s;

 cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(),
   (size_t) 1024*1024*ARENALIMIT),
  "create arena");

 cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread");

  mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread,
   mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0),
  "create root");

  mps_root_create_table(&root1, arena, mps_rank_exact(), 0, &objtab[0], TABSIZE),
  "create root table");

  mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA),
  "create format");

 cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create");

  mps_pool_create(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain),
  "create pool");

  mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()),
  "create ap");

 mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_collection_stats());

 inramp = 0;

 for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
  if (i % 10000 == 0) {
   comment("%ld of %ld", i, ITERATIONS);
  if (inramp) {
   s = allocone(apamc, 3, mps_rank_exact());
   setref(r, 0, s);
   setref(s, 1, r);
   r = s;
   s = allocdumb(apamc, RAMPSIZE, mps_rank_exact());
   setref(r, 2, s);
   rsize ++;
   if (ranint(LEAVERAMP) == 0) {
    r = allocone(apamc, 2, mps_rank_exact());
    s = allocone(apamc, 2, mps_rank_exact());
    mps_ap_alloc_pattern_end(apamc, mps_alloc_pattern_ramp_collect_all());
    comment("ramp end, %ld objects", rsize);
    inramp = 0;
  } else {
   if (ranint(ENTERRAMP) == 0) {
    mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(apamc, mps_alloc_pattern_ramp_collect_all());
    comment("ramp begin");
    r = allocone(apamc, 3, mps_rank_exact());
    inramp = 1;
    rsize = 0;
  if(mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_collection_stats())) {
    unsigned long live, condemned, notCondemned;
    live = mps_message_collection_stats_live_size(arena, message);
    condemned = mps_message_collection_stats_condemned_size(arena, message);
    notCondemned = 
      mps_message_collection_stats_not_condemned_size(arena, message);
    comment("Collection: live=%ld,  condemned=%ld,  not condemned = %ld",
      live, condemned, notCondemned);
    mps_message_discard(arena, message);

 comment("Destroyed ap.");

 comment("Destroyed pool.");

 comment("Destroyed format.");

 comment("Destroyed chain.");

 comment("Destroyed roots.");

 comment("Deregistered thread.");

 comment("Destroyed arena.");
コード例 #15
ファイル: expt825.c プロジェクト: BarAgent/mps-temporary
static void *test(void *arg, size_t s)
  mps_ap_t ap;
  mps_fmt_t fmt;
  mps_chain_t chain;
  mps_word_t finals;
  mps_pool_t amc;
  mps_root_t mps_root;
  mps_arena_t arena;
  mps_message_t message;
  size_t i;

  arena = (mps_arena_t)arg;

  die(mps_fmt_create_A(&fmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "fmt_create\n");
  die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create");
  die(mps_pool_create(&amc, arena, mps_class_amc(), fmt, chain),
      "pool_create amc\n");
  die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root, arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0,
                            root, (size_t)rootCOUNT),
  die(mps_ap_create(&ap, amc, mps_rank_exact()), "ap_create\n");

  mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization());


  object_count = 0;

  printf("Making some finalized trees of objects.\n");
  /* make some trees */
  for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) {
          root[i] = (void *)make_numbered_tree(maxtreeDEPTH, ap);
          register_numbered_tree((mps_word_t)root[i], arena);


  printf("Losing all pointers to the trees.\n");
  /* clean out the roots */
  for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) {
          root[i] = 0;

  finals = 0;

  while ((finals < object_count) &&
         (mps_collections(arena) < collectionCOUNT)) {
          mps_word_t final_this_time = 0;
          die(mps_arena_collect(arena), "collect");
          printf(" Done.\n");
          while (mps_message_poll(arena)) {
                  mps_word_t obj;
                  mps_addr_t objaddr;
                  cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena,
                  mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message);
                  obj = (mps_word_t)objaddr;
                  mps_message_discard(arena, message);
                  ++ final_this_time;
          finals += final_this_time;
          printf("%"PRIuLONGEST" objects finalized: total %"PRIuLONGEST
                 " of %"PRIuLONGEST"\n",
                 (ulongest_t)final_this_time, (ulongest_t)finals,

  object_count = 0;

  printf("Making some indirectly finalized trees of objects.\n");
  /* make some trees */
  for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) {
          root[i] = (void *)make_indirect_tree(maxtreeDEPTH, ap);
          register_indirect_tree((mps_word_t)root[i], arena);

  printf("Losing all pointers to the trees.\n");
  /* clean out the roots */
  for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) {
          root[i] = 0;

  finals = 0;

  while ((finals < object_count) &&
         (mps_collections(arena) < collectionCOUNT)) {
          mps_word_t final_this_time = 0;
          die(mps_arena_collect(arena), "collect");
          printf(" Done.\n");
          while (mps_message_poll(arena)) {
                  mps_word_t obj;
                  mps_addr_t objaddr;
                  cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena,
                  mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message);
                  obj = (mps_word_t)objaddr;
                  mps_message_discard(arena, message);
                  ++ final_this_time;
          finals += final_this_time;
          printf("%"PRIuLONGEST" objects finalized: total %"PRIuLONGEST
                 " of %"PRIuLONGEST"\n",
                 (ulongest_t)final_this_time, (ulongest_t)finals,


  return NULL;