Handle<Value> MSMap::New(const Arguments &args) { HandleScope scope; mapObj *map; MSMap *obj; if (!args.IsConstructCall()) return ThrowException(String::New("Cannot call constructor as function, you need to use 'new' keyword")); if (args[0]->IsExternal()) { Local<External> ext = Local<External>::Cast(args[0]); void *ptr = ext->Value(); MSMap *f = static_cast<MSMap *>(ptr); f->Wrap(args.This()); return args.This(); } if (args.Length() == 2) { REQ_STR_ARG(0, mapfile); REQ_STR_ARG(1, mappath); map = msLoadMap(*mapfile, *mappath); } else if (args.Length() == 1) { REQ_STR_ARG(0, mapfile); map = msLoadMap(*mapfile, NULL); } else { map = msNewMapObj(); } if (map == NULL) { THROW_ERROR(Error, "Unable to load requested map."); } obj = new MSMap(map); obj->Wrap(args.This()); return args.This(); }
/********************************************************************** * class extensions for mapObj **********************************************************************/ mapObj *mapObj_new(char *filename, char *new_path) { if(filename && strlen(filename)) return msLoadMap(filename, new_path); else { /* create an empty map, no layers etc... */ return msNewMapObj(); } }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_source_mapserver * \sa mapcache_source::configuration_check() */ void _mapcache_source_mapserver_configuration_check(mapcache_context *ctx, mapcache_cfg *cfg, mapcache_source *source) { mapcache_source_mapserver *src = (mapcache_source_mapserver*)source; mapObj *map; /* check all required parameters are configured */ if(!src->mapfile) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "mapserver source %s has no <mapfile> configured",source->name); } if(!src->mapfile) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"mapserver source \"%s\" has no mapfile configured",src->source.name); return; } msSetup(); /* do a test load to check the mapfile is correct */ map = msLoadMap(src->mapfile, NULL); if(!map) { msWriteError(stderr); ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"failed to load mapfile \"%s\"",src->mapfile); return; } msFreeMap(map); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mapObj *map=NULL; imageObj *img=NULL; if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) { printf("%s\n", msGetVersion()); exit(0); } if( argc < 3 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Syntax: legend [mapfile] [output image]\n" ); exit(0); } map = msLoadMap(argv[1], NULL); if(!map) { msWriteError(stderr); exit(0); } img = msDrawLegend(map, MS_FALSE); if(!img) { msWriteError(stderr); exit(0); } msSaveImage(NULL, img, argv[2]); msFreeImage(img); msFreeMap(map); return(MS_TRUE); }
static apr_status_t _ms_get_mapobj(void **conn_, void *params, apr_pool_t *pool) { mapcache_source_mapserver *src = (mapcache_source_mapserver*) params; struct mc_mapobj *mcmap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct mc_mapobj)); *conn_ = mcmap; mcmap->map = msLoadMap(src->mapfile,NULL); if(!mcmap->map) { errorObj *errors = NULL; msWriteError(stderr); errors = msGetErrorObj(); mcmap->error = apr_psprintf(pool,"Failed to load mapfile '%s'. Mapserver reports: %s",src->mapfile, errors->message); return APR_EGENERAL; } msMapSetLayerProjections(mcmap->map); return APR_SUCCESS; }
void mapcache_mapserver_connection_constructor(mapcache_context *ctx, void **conn_, void *params) { mapcache_source_mapserver *src = (mapcache_source_mapserver*) params; struct mc_mapobj *mcmap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct mc_mapobj)); mcmap->map = msLoadMap(src->mapfile,NULL); if(!mcmap->map) { errorObj *errors = NULL; ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "Failed to load mapfile '%s'",src->mapfile); errors = msGetErrorObj(); while(errors) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 500, "Failed to load mapfile '%s'. Mapserver reports: %s",src->mapfile, errors->message); errors = errors->next; } return; } msMapSetLayerProjections(mcmap->map); *conn_ = mcmap; }
/** * @details This is called by `FromFileAsync` and runs in a different thread to * that function. * * @param req The asynchronous libuv request. */ void Map::FromFileWork(uv_work_t *req) { /* No HandleScope! This is run in a separate thread: *No* contact should be made with the Node/V8 world here. */ MapfileBaton *baton = static_cast<MapfileBaton*>(req->data); baton->map = msLoadMap(const_cast<char *>(baton->mapfile.c_str()), NULL); if (!baton->map) { errorObj *error = msGetErrorObj(); if (!error || error->code == MS_NOERR || !strlen(error->message)) { baton->error = new MapserverError("Could not load mapfile", "Map::FromStringWork()"); } else { baton->error = new MapserverError(error); } } msResetErrorList(); return; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mapObj *map=NULL; imageObj *image = NULL; msSetup(); if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) { printf("%s\n", msGetVersion()); exit(0); } /* ---- check the number of arguments, return syntax if not correct ---- */ if( argc < 3 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Syntax: scalebar [mapfile] [output image]\n" ); exit(1); } map = msLoadMap(argv[1], NULL); if(!map) { msWriteError(stderr); exit(1); } image = msDrawScalebar(map); if(!image) { msWriteError(stderr); exit(1); } msSaveImage(map, image, argv[2]); msFreeImage(image); msFreeMap(map); return(MS_TRUE); }
/* That's the second part of the overall magic. This function will be called * when the configuration reaches the "WMS_Map" parameter. It will be passed * in as argument and should contain the full path and name of the map file. * We try to load it and store the resulting mapObj in the config of the * current directory. If we fail we throw a message... */ static const char* mapserver_set_map (cmd_parms *cmd, void *config, const char *arg) { mapserver_dir_config *conf = (mapserver_dir_config*) config; /* if the mapObj already exists the WMS_Map was given more than once - * may be the user forgot to comment something out... */ if (conf->map) { msWriteError (stderr); return (char*) apr_psprintf (cmd->temp_pool, "An MAP-file has already been registered for " "this URI - not accepting '%s'.", arg ); } /* Simply try loading the argument as map file. */ conf->mapfile_name = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, arg); conf->map = msLoadMap ((char*) arg, NULL); /* Ooops - we failed. We report it and fail. So beware: Always do a * configcheck before really restarting your web server! */ if (!conf->map) { msWriteError (stderr); return (char*) apr_psprintf (cmd->temp_pool, "The given MAP-file '%s' could not be loaded", arg); } apr_finfo_t status; if (apr_stat (&status, conf->mapfile_name, APR_FINFO_MTIME, cmd->pool) != APR_SUCCESS) { ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, NULL, "%s: unable to stat file %s", __func__, conf->mapfile_name); } conf->mtime = status.mtime; return NULL; }
/*** * The main request handler. **/ static int mapserver_handler (request_rec *r) { /* aquire the apropriate configuration for this directory */ mapserver_dir_config *conf; conf = (mapserver_dir_config*) ap_get_module_config (r->per_dir_config, &mapserver_module); /* decline the request if there's no map configured */ if (!conf || !conf->map) return DECLINED; apr_finfo_t mapstat; if (apr_stat (&mapstat, conf->mapfile_name, APR_FINFO_MTIME, r->pool) == APR_SUCCESS) { if (apr_time_sec (mapstat.mtime) > apr_time_sec (conf->mtime)) { mapObj *newmap = msLoadMap (conf->mapfile_name, NULL); if (newmap) { msFreeMap (conf->map); conf->map = newmap; conf->mtime = mapstat.mtime; } else { ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, NULL, "unable to reload map file %s", conf->mapfile_name); } } } else { ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, NULL, "%s: unable to stat file %s", __func__, conf->mapfile_name); } /* make a copy of the URI so we can modify it safely */ char *uri = apr_pstrdup (r->pool, r->uri); int len = strlen (uri); int conf_uri_len = strlen (conf->uri); /* If the URI points to a subdirectory we want to decline. */ if (len > conf_uri_len) return DECLINED; int argc = 0; char **ParamNames = NULL; char **ParamValues = NULL; char *post_data = NULL; int szMethod = -1; char *szContentType = NULL; mapservObj *mapserv = NULL; /* Try decoding the query string */ if (r->method_number == M_GET) { argc = mapserver_decode_args (r->pool, (char*) apr_pstrdup (r->pool, r->args), &ParamNames, &ParamValues); szMethod = MS_GET_REQUEST; } else if (r->method_number == M_POST) { szContentType = (char*) apr_table_get (r->headers_in, "Content-Type"); post_data = mapserver_read_post_data (r); szMethod = MS_POST_REQUEST; if (strcmp (szContentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0) { argc = mapserver_decode_args (r->pool, (char*) apr_pstrdup (r->pool, r->args), &ParamNames, &ParamValues); } } else return HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED; if (!argc && !post_data) return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; /* Now we install the IO redirection. */ if (msIO_installApacheRedirect (r) != MS_TRUE) ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, NULL, "%s: could not install apache redirect", __func__); mapserv = msAllocMapServObj(); mapserv->request->NumParams = argc; mapserv->request->ParamNames = ParamNames; mapserv->request->ParamValues = ParamValues; mapserv->request->type = (enum MS_REQUEST_TYPE) szMethod; mapserv->request->postrequest = post_data; mapserv->request->contenttype = szContentType; //mapserv->map = msModuleLoadMap(mapserv,conf); mapserv->map = conf->map; if(!mapserv->map) { msCGIWriteError(mapserv); goto end_request; } if(msCGIDispatchRequest(mapserv) != MS_SUCCESS) { msCGIWriteError(mapserv); goto end_request; } end_request: if(mapserv) { msCGIWriteLog(mapserv,MS_FALSE); mapserv->request->ParamNames = NULL; mapserv->request->ParamValues = NULL; mapserv->request->postrequest = NULL; mapserv->request->contenttype = NULL; mapserv->map = NULL; msFreeMapServObj(mapserv); } msResetErrorList(); /* Check if status was set inside MapServer functions. If it was, we * return it's value instead of simply OK. This is to support redirects * from maptemplate.c */ if (r->status == HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY) return r->status; return OK; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i,j,k; mapObj *map=NULL; imageObj *image = NULL; char **layers=NULL; int num_layers=0; int layer_found=0; char *outfile=NULL; /* no -o sends image to STDOUT */ int iterations = 1; int draws = 0; for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-c") == 0) { /* user specified number of draws */ iterations = atoi(argv[i+1]); printf("We will draw %d times...\n", iterations); continue; } if(strcmp(argv[i], "-all_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* global debug */ { int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]); msSetGlobalDebugLevel(debug_level); /* Send output to stderr by default */ if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL) msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL); continue; } } for(draws=0; draws<iterations; draws++) { struct mstimeval requeststarttime, requestendtime; if(msGetGlobalDebugLevel() >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING) msGettimeofday(&requeststarttime, NULL); if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) { printf("%s\n", msGetVersion()); exit(0); } /* ---- check the number of arguments, return syntax if not correct ---- */ if( argc < 3 ) { fprintf(stdout, "\nPurpose: convert a mapfile to an image\n\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Syntax: shp2img -m mapfile [-o image] [-e minx miny maxx maxy] [-s sizex sizey]\n" " [-l \"layer1 [layers2...]\"] [-i format]\n" " [-all_debug n] [-map_debug n] [-layer_debug n] [-p n] [-c n] [-d layername datavalue]\n"); fprintf(stdout," -m mapfile: Map file to operate on - required\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -i format: Override the IMAGETYPE value to pick output format\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -o image: output filename (stdout if not provided)\n"); fprintf(stdout," -e minx miny maxx maxy: extents to render\n"); fprintf(stdout," -s sizex sizey: output image size\n"); fprintf(stdout," -l layers: layers / groups to enable - make sure they are quoted and space seperated if more than one listed\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -all_debug n: Set debug level for map and all layers\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -map_debug n: Set map debug level\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -layer_debug layer_name n: Set layer debug level\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -c n: draw map n number of times\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -p n: pause for n seconds after reading the map\n" ); fprintf(stdout," -d layername datavalue: change DATA value for layer\n" ); exit(0); } if ( msSetup() != MS_SUCCESS ) { msWriteError(stderr); exit(1); } /* Use MS_ERRORFILE and MS_DEBUGLEVEL env vars if set */ if ( msDebugInitFromEnv() != MS_SUCCESS ) { msWriteError(stderr); msCleanup(0); exit(1); } for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { /* Step though the user arguments, 1st to find map file */ if(strcmp(argv[i],"-m") == 0) { map = msLoadMap(argv[i+1], NULL); if(!map) { msWriteError(stderr); msCleanup(0); exit(1); } msApplyDefaultSubstitutions(map); } } if(!map) { fprintf(stderr, "Mapfile (-m) option not specified.\n"); msCleanup(0); exit(1); } for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { /* Step though the user arguments */ if(strcmp(argv[i],"-m") == 0) { /* skip it */ i+=1; } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p") == 0) { int pause_length = atoi(argv[i+1]); time_t start_time = time(NULL); printf( "Start pause of %d seconds.\n", pause_length ); while( time(NULL) < start_time + pause_length ) {} printf( "Done pause.\n" ); i+=1; } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-o") == 0) { /* load the output image filename */ outfile = argv[i+1]; i+=1; } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-i") == 0) { outputFormatObj *format; format = msSelectOutputFormat( map, argv[i+1] ); if( format == NULL ) printf( "No such OUTPUTFORMAT as %s.\n", argv[i+1] ); else { msFree( (char *) map->imagetype ); map->imagetype = msStrdup( argv[i+1] ); msApplyOutputFormat( &(map->outputformat), format, map->transparent, map->interlace, map->imagequality ); } i+=1; } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-d") == 0) { /* swap layer data */ for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) { if(strcmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name, argv[i+1]) == 0) { free(GET_LAYER(map, j)->data); GET_LAYER(map, j)->data = msStrdup(argv[i+2]); break; } } i+=2; } if(strcmp(argv[i], "-all_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* global debug */ { int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]); /* msSetGlobalDebugLevel() already called. Just need to force debug * level in map and all layers */ map->debug = debug_level; for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) { GET_LAYER(map, j)->debug = debug_level; } } if(strcmp(argv[i], "-map_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* debug */ { map->debug = atoi(argv[++i]); /* Send output to stderr by default */ if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL) msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL); } if(strcmp(argv[i], "-layer_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* debug */ { const char *layer_name = argv[++i]; int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]); int got_layer = 0; for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) { if(strcmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name,layer_name) == 0 ) { GET_LAYER(map, j)->debug = debug_level; got_layer = 1; } } if( !got_layer ) fprintf( stderr, " Did not find layer '%s' from -layer_debug switch.\n", layer_name ); /* Send output to stderr by default */ if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL) msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL); } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-e") == 0) { /* change extent */ if( argc <= i+4 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Argument -e needs 4 space separated numbers as argument.\n" ); msCleanup(0); exit(1); } map->extent.minx = atof(argv[i+1]); map->extent.miny = atof(argv[i+2]); map->extent.maxx = atof(argv[i+3]); map->extent.maxy = atof(argv[i+4]); i+=4; } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { msMapSetSize(map, atoi(argv[i+1]), atoi(argv[i+2])); i+=2; } if(strcmp(argv[i],"-l") == 0) { /* load layer list */ layers = msStringSplit(argv[i+1], ' ', &(num_layers)); for(j=0; j<num_layers; j++) { /* loop over -l */ layer_found=0; for(k=0; k<map->numlayers; k++) { if((GET_LAYER(map, k)->name && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, k)->name, layers[j]) == 0) || (GET_LAYER(map, k)->group && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, k)->group, layers[j]) == 0)) { layer_found = 1; break; } } if (layer_found==0) { fprintf(stderr, "Layer (-l) \"%s\" not found\n", layers[j]); msCleanup(0); exit(1); } } for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) { if(GET_LAYER(map, j)->status == MS_DEFAULT) continue; else { GET_LAYER(map, j)->status = MS_OFF; for(k=0; k<num_layers; k++) { if((GET_LAYER(map, j)->name && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name, layers[k]) == 0) || (GET_LAYER(map, j)->group && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->group, layers[k]) == 0)) { GET_LAYER(map, j)->status = MS_ON; break; } } } } msFreeCharArray(layers, num_layers); i+=1; } } image = msDrawMap(map, MS_FALSE); if(!image) { msWriteError(stderr); msFreeMap(map); msCleanup(0); exit(1); } if( msSaveImage(map, image, outfile) != MS_SUCCESS ) { msWriteError(stderr); } msFreeImage(image); msFreeMap(map); if(msGetGlobalDebugLevel() >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING) { msGettimeofday(&requestendtime, NULL); msDebug("shp2img total time: %.3fs\n", (requestendtime.tv_sec+requestendtime.tv_usec/1.0e6)- (requeststarttime.tv_sec+requeststarttime.tv_usec/1.0e6) ); } msCleanup(0); } /* for(draws=0; draws<iterations; draws++) { */ return(0); } /* ---- END Main Routine ---- */