コード例 #1
ファイル: BIDMach_CUMACH.cpp プロジェクト: JihongMA/BIDMach
  JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_edu_berkeley_bid_CUMACH_multinomial
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nrows, jint ncols, jobject jA, jobject jB, jobject jNorm, jint nvals)
    float *A = (float*)getPointer(env, jA);
    int *B = (int*)getPointer(env, jB);
    float *Norm = (float*)getPointer(env, jNorm);

    return multinomial(nrows, ncols, A, B, Norm, nvals);
コード例 #2
ファイル: number_partition.C プロジェクト: SALAM2016/orbiter
void number_partition::multinomial_ordered(base &res, INT f_v)
	number_partition q;
	base a;
	multinomial(res, f_v);
	q.multinomial(a, f_v);
	res *= a;
	if (f_v) {
		cout << "multinomial_ordered(" << *this << ") = " << res << endl;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gaussianmdp.cpp プロジェクト: gregridgeway/hhsim
/* # code for computing a hierarchical model, with normally distributed
   # level 1 errors (variance known) and level 2 follows a DP
   # y[i]:      observed datum for obs i
   # theta[i]:  level 1 mean for obs i
   # phi:       vector of unique values of theta (i.e., clusters)
   # config[i]: cluster label / configuration indicator

HHRESULT CGaussianMDP::sample_config
   int *&config,
   int obs,
   double *sigma2,
   int n,
   double *y,
   double *phi,
   double alpha
    # config: vector of configuration indicators
    # obs:    index of observation under study
    # sigma2: (known) level 1 variances(
    # n:      sample size
   int i,j,nclus,oldconfig,ind;
   int sumconfig = 0;
   double sumprob;
   double tempphi = 0.0;
   /* get number of configurations/clusters 
      also set up other things to check */
   sumconfig = 0;
   nclus = 0; /* number of configurations */
   for(i=0; i<n; i++)
      if(config[i]==config[obs]) sumconfig++;
      nclus = imax2(config[i], nclus);

   /* ## STEP 1: nothing changes if obs under study (obs) has its own 
         cluster w/prob */
   if( (sumconfig == 1) && (runif(0.0,1.0) < (nclus-1.0)/nclus))
      goto Cleanup;
   // nconfig counts obs in clusters, current obs not included

   for(i=0; i<nclus; i++) 
      nconfig[i] = 0; 
   for(j=0; j<n; j++) 
   nconfig[config[obs]-1]--; /* #nclus-star */
   /* STEP 2: if there are more than 1  obs in case i's cluster, then: */

   if(sumconfig > 1)
      sumprob = 0;
      for(j=0; j<nclus; j++)
         prob[j] = nconfig[j] *
                   dnorm(y[obs], phi[j], sqrt(sigma2[obs]), 0);
         sumprob += prob[j];
      prob[nclus] = (alpha/(nclus+1)) *
                    dnorm(y[obs], phi[nclus], sqrt(sigma2[obs]), 0); 
         for(j=0; j<=nclus; j++) prob[j]=1.0;

      /* need to add in a sample-type function */
      config[obs] = multinomial(nclus+1,prob);
      goto Cleanup;

/* STEP 3: if there is just one obs in cluster but need to sample new clustr:*/
   /*         else  s(i)=1 and need to sample new cluster */
   if(sumconfig==1)  /* # s/b unnec line */
      for(i=0; i<n; i++)
         if(config[i] > oldconfig) config[i]--;

      for(i=1; i<nclus; i++)
            nconfig[i-1]=nconfig[i];/* last elt of nconfig now useless */
      // shifting the phis down by one, move phi[oldconfig-1] to the end
      if((oldconfig < nclus) && (nclus>1))
         tempphi = phi[oldconfig-1];
         for(i=oldconfig; i<nclus; i++)
            phi[i-1] = phi[i];
         phi[nclus-1] = tempphi;
      sumprob = 0.0;
      for(j=0; j<nclus; j++)
         prob[j] = nconfig[j] * 
                   dnorm(y[obs], phi[j], sqrt(sigma2[obs]), 0);
         sumprob += prob[j];
      prob[nclus] = (alpha/(nclus+1)) *
                    dnorm(y[obs], phi[nclus], sqrt(sigma2[obs]), 0);
      sumprob += prob[nclus];
      if(sumprob == 0) 
         for(i=0; i<=nclus; i++) prob[i] = 1.0;
      config[obs] = multinomial(nclus+1,prob);
   return hr;
   goto Cleanup;