コード例 #1
ファイル: copy.c プロジェクト: 0xAX/mutt
_mutt_append_message (CONTEXT *dest, FILE *fpin, CONTEXT *src, HEADER *hdr,
		      BODY *body, int flags, int chflags)
  char buf[STRING];
  MESSAGE *msg;
  int r;

  fseeko (fpin, hdr->offset, 0);
  if (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fpin) == NULL)
    return -1;

  if ((msg = mx_open_new_message (dest, hdr, is_from (buf, NULL, 0, NULL) ? 0 : M_ADD_FROM)) == NULL)
    return -1;
  if (dest->magic == M_MBOX || dest->magic == M_MMDF)
    chflags |= CH_FROM | CH_FORCE_FROM;
  chflags |= (dest->magic == M_MAILDIR ? CH_NOSTATUS : CH_UPDATE);
  r = _mutt_copy_message (msg->fp, fpin, hdr, body, flags, chflags);
  if (mx_commit_message (msg, dest) != 0)
    r = -1;

  if (hdr && msg->commited_path && dest->magic == M_MAILDIR && src->magic == M_NOTMUCH)
	  nm_update_filename(src, NULL, msg->commited_path, hdr);

  mx_close_message (&msg);
  return r;
コード例 #2
ファイル: attach.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/mutt-win32
/* returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
int mutt_save_attachment (FILE *fp, BODY *m, char *path, int flags, HEADER *hdr)
  if (fp)
    /* recv mode */

    if(hdr &&
	m->hdr &&
	m->encoding != ENCBASE64 &&
	m->encoding != ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE &&
	mutt_is_message_type(m->type, m->subtype))
      /* message type attachments are written to mail folders. */

      char buf[HUGE_STRING];
      HEADER *hn;
      CONTEXT ctx;
      MESSAGE *msg;
      int chflags = 0;
      int r = -1;
      hn = m->hdr;
      hn->msgno = hdr->msgno; /* required for MH/maildir */
      hn->read = 1;

      fseeko (fp, m->offset, 0);
      if (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp) == NULL)
	return -1;
      if (mx_open_mailbox(path, M_APPEND | M_QUIET, &ctx) == NULL)
	return -1;
      if ((msg = mx_open_new_message (&ctx, hn, is_from (buf, NULL, 0, NULL) ? 0 : M_ADD_FROM)) == NULL)
	mx_close_mailbox(&ctx, NULL);
	return -1;
      if (ctx.magic == M_MBOX || ctx.magic == M_MMDF)
	chflags = CH_FROM | CH_UPDATE_LEN;
      chflags |= (ctx.magic == M_MAILDIR ? CH_NOSTATUS : CH_UPDATE);
      if (_mutt_copy_message (msg->fp, fp, hn, hn->content, 0, chflags) == 0 
	  && mx_commit_message (msg, &ctx) == 0)
	r = 0;
	r = -1;

      mx_close_message (&msg);
      mx_close_mailbox (&ctx, NULL);
      return r;
      /* In recv mode, extract from folder and decode */

      STATE s;

      memset (&s, 0, sizeof (s));
      s.flags |= M_CHARCONV;

      if ((s.fpout = mutt_save_attachment_open (path, flags)) == NULL)
	mutt_perror ("fopen");
	mutt_sleep (2);
	return (-1);
      fseeko ((s.fpin = fp), m->offset, 0);
      mutt_decode_attachment (m, &s);

      if (fclose (s.fpout) != 0)
	mutt_perror ("fclose");
	mutt_sleep (2);
	return (-1);
    /* In send mode, just copy file */

    FILE *ofp, *nfp;

    if ((ofp = fopen (m->filename, "r")) == NULL)
      mutt_perror ("fopen");
      return (-1);
    if ((nfp = mutt_save_attachment_open (path, flags)) == NULL)
      mutt_perror ("fopen");
      safe_fclose (&ofp);
      return (-1);

    if (mutt_copy_stream (ofp, nfp) == -1)
      mutt_error _("Write fault!");
      safe_fclose (&ofp);
      safe_fclose (&nfp);
      return (-1);
    safe_fclose (&ofp);
    safe_fclose (&nfp);

  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pop.cpp プロジェクト: badeip/neomutt
/* Fetch messages and save them in $spoolfile */
void pop_fetch_mail(void)
    char buffer[LONG_STRING];
    char msgbuf[SHORT_STRING];
    char *url, *p;
    int i, delanswer, last = 0, msgs, bytes, rset = 0, ret;
    CONNECTION *conn;
    CONTEXT ctx;
    MESSAGE *msg = NULL;
    ACCOUNT acct;
    POP_DATA *pop_data;

    if (!PopHost) {
        mutt_error _("POP host is not defined.");

    url = p = safe_calloc(strlen(PopHost) + 7, sizeof(char));

    if (url_check_scheme(PopHost) == U_UNKNOWN) {
        strcpy(url, "pop://"); /* __STRCPY_CHECKED__ */
        p = strchr(url, '\0');
    strcpy(p, PopHost);        /* __STRCPY_CHECKED__ */

    ret = pop_parse_path(url, &acct);

    if (ret) {
        mutt_error(_("%s is an invalid POP path"), PopHost);

    conn = mutt_conn_find(NULL, &acct);

    if (!conn)

    pop_data = safe_calloc(1, sizeof(POP_DATA));
    pop_data->conn = conn;

    if (pop_open_connection(pop_data) < 0) {

    conn->data = pop_data;

    mutt_message _("Checking for new messages...");

    /* find out how many messages are in the mailbox. */
    strfcpy(buffer, "STAT\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
    ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));

    if (ret == -1)
        goto fail;

    if (ret == -2) {
        mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);
        goto finish;

    sscanf(buffer, "+OK %d %d", &msgs, &bytes);

    /* only get unread messages */
    if ((msgs > 0)
        && option(OPTPOPLAST)) {
        strfcpy(buffer, "LAST\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
        ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));

        if (ret == -1)
            goto fail;

        if (ret == 0)
            sscanf(buffer, "+OK %d", &last);

    if (msgs <= last) {
        mutt_message _("No new mail in POP mailbox.");
        goto finish;

    if (mx_open_mailbox(NONULL(Spoolfile), M_APPEND, &ctx) == NULL)
        goto finish;

    delanswer = query_quadoption(OPT_POPDELETE, _(
                                     "Delete messages from server?"));

    snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), _(
                 "Reading new messages (%d bytes)..."), bytes);
    mutt_message("%s", msgbuf);

    for (i = last + 1; i <= msgs; i++) {
        if ((msg = mx_open_new_message(&ctx, NULL, M_ADD_FROM)) == NULL)
            ret = -3;
        else {
            snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "RETR %d\r\n", i);
            ret =
                pop_fetch_data(pop_data, buffer, NULL, fetch_message, msg->fp);

            if (ret == -3)
                rset = 1;

            if ((ret == 0)
                && (mx_commit_message(msg, &ctx) != 0)) {
                rset = 1;
                ret = -3;


        if ((ret == 0)
            && (delanswer == M_YES)) {
            /* delete the message on the server */
            snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "DELE %d\r\n", i);
            ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));

        if (ret == -1) {
            mx_close_mailbox(&ctx, NULL);
            goto fail;

        if (ret == -2) {
            mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);

        if (ret == -3) {
            mutt_error _("Error while writing mailbox!");

                         "%s [%d of %d messages read]"), msgbuf, i - last,
                     msgs - last);

    mx_close_mailbox(&ctx, NULL);

    if (rset) {
        /* make sure no messages get deleted */
        strfcpy(buffer, "RSET\r\n", sizeof(buffer));

        if (pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == -1)
            goto fail;


    /* exit gracefully */
    strfcpy(buffer, "QUIT\r\n", sizeof(buffer));

    if (pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == -1)
        goto fail;

    mutt_error _("Server closed connection!");
コード例 #4
void mutt_fetchPopMail (void)
  struct sockaddr_in sin;
#if SIZEOF_LONG == 4
  long n;
  int n;
  struct hostent *he;
  char buffer[2048];
  char msgbuf[SHORT_STRING];
  int s, i, last = 0, msgs, bytes, err = 0;
  CONTEXT ctx;
  MESSAGE *msg = NULL;

  if (!PopHost)
    mutt_error _("POP host is not defined.");

  if (!PopUser)
    mutt_error _("No POP username is defined.");
  if (!getPass ()) return;


  memset ((char *) &sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
  sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
  sin.sin_port = htons (PopPort);

  if ((n = inet_addr (NONULL(PopHost))) == -1)
    /* Must be a DNS name */
    if ((he = gethostbyname (NONULL(PopHost))) == NULL)
      mutt_error (_("Could not find address for host %s."), PopHost);
    memcpy ((void *)&sin.sin_addr, *(he->h_addr_list), he->h_length);
    memcpy ((void *)&sin.sin_addr, (void *)&n, sizeof(n));
  mutt_message (_("Connecting to %s"), inet_ntoa (sin.sin_addr));

  if (connect (s, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)) == -1)
    mutt_perror ("connect");
  if (getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1)
    goto fail;

  if (mutt_strncmp (buffer, "+OK", 3) != 0)
    mutt_remove_trailing_ws (buffer);
    mutt_error ("%s", buffer);
    goto finish;

  snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "user %s\r\n", PopUser);
  write (s, buffer, mutt_strlen (buffer));

  if (getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1)
    goto fail;

  if (mutt_strncmp (buffer, "+OK", 3) != 0)
    mutt_remove_trailing_ws (buffer);
    mutt_error ("%s", buffer);
    goto finish;
  snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "pass %s\r\n", NONULL(PopPass));
  write (s, buffer, mutt_strlen (buffer));
  if (getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1)
    goto fail;

  if (mutt_strncmp (buffer, "+OK", 3) != 0)
      memset(PopPass, 0, mutt_strlen(PopPass));
    safe_free((void **) &PopPass); /* void the given password */
    mutt_remove_trailing_ws (buffer);
    mutt_error ("%s", buffer[0] ? buffer : _("Server closed connection!"));
    goto finish;
  /* find out how many messages are in the mailbox. */
  write (s, "stat\r\n", 6);
  if (getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1)
    goto fail;

  if (mutt_strncmp (buffer, "+OK", 3) != 0)
    mutt_remove_trailing_ws (buffer);
    mutt_error ("%s", buffer);
    goto finish;
  sscanf (buffer, "+OK %d %d", &msgs, &bytes);

  if (msgs == 0)
    mutt_message _("No new mail in POP mailbox.");
    goto finish;

  if (mx_open_mailbox (NONULL(Spoolfile), M_APPEND, &ctx) == NULL)
    goto finish;

  /* only get unread messages */
    write (s, "last\r\n", 6);
    if (getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1)
      goto fail;
    if (mutt_strncmp (buffer, "+OK", 3) == 0)
      sscanf (buffer, "+OK %d", &last);
      /* ignore an error here and assume all messages are new */
      last = 0;
  snprintf (msgbuf, sizeof (msgbuf),
	    msgs > 1 ? _("Reading new messages (%d bytes)...") :
		    _("Reading new message (%d bytes)..."), bytes);
  mutt_message (msgbuf);

  for (i = last + 1 ; i <= msgs ; i++)
    snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "retr %d\r\n", i);
    write (s, buffer, mutt_strlen (buffer));

    if (getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) == -1)
      mx_fastclose_mailbox (&ctx);
      goto fail;

    if (mutt_strncmp (buffer, "+OK", 3) != 0)
      mutt_remove_trailing_ws (buffer);
      mutt_error ("%s", buffer);

    if ((msg = mx_open_new_message (&ctx, NULL, M_ADD_FROM)) == NULL)
      err = 1;

    /* Now read the actual message. */
      char *p;
      int chunk;

      if ((chunk = getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer))) == -1)
	mutt_error _("Error reading message!");
	err = 1;

      /* check to see if we got a full line */
      if (buffer[chunk-2] == '\r' && buffer[chunk-1] == '\n')
	if (mutt_strcmp(".\r\n", buffer) == 0)
	  /* end of message */

	/* change CRLF to just LF */
	buffer[chunk-2] = '\n';
	buffer[chunk-1] = 0;

	/* see if the line was byte-stuffed */
	if (buffer[0] == '.')
	  p = buffer + 1;
	  p = buffer;
	p = buffer;
      fwrite (p, 1, chunk, msg->fp);

    if (mx_commit_message (msg, &ctx) != 0)
      mutt_error _("Error while writing mailbox!");
      err = 1;

    mx_close_message (&msg);

    if (err)

    if (option (OPTPOPDELETE))
      /* delete the message on the server */
      snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "dele %d\r\n", i);
      write (s, buffer, mutt_strlen (buffer));

      /* eat the server response */
      getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
      if (mutt_strncmp (buffer, "+OK", 3) != 0)
	err = 1;
        mutt_remove_trailing_ws (buffer);
	mutt_error ("%s", buffer);
    if ( msgs > 1)
      mutt_message (_("%s [%d of %d messages read]"), msgbuf, i, msgs);
      mutt_message (_("%s [%d message read]"), msgbuf, msgs);


  if (msg)
    if (mx_commit_message (msg, &ctx) != 0)
      err = 1;
    mx_close_message (&msg);
  mx_close_mailbox (&ctx, NULL);

  if (err)
    /* make sure no messages get deleted */
    write (s, "rset\r\n", 6);
    getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)); /* snarf the response */


  /* exit gracefully */
  write (s, "quit\r\n", 6);
  getLine (s, buffer, sizeof (buffer)); /* snarf the response */
  close (s);

  /* not reached */


  mutt_error _("Server closed connection!");
  close (s);
コード例 #5
ファイル: editmsg.c プロジェクト: aschrab/mutt
static int edit_one_message (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *cur)
  char tmp[_POSIX_PATH_MAX];
  char buff[STRING];
  int omagic;
  int oerrno;
  int rc;

  unsigned short o_read;
  unsigned short o_old;

  int of, cf;
  CONTEXT tmpctx;
  MESSAGE *msg;

  FILE *fp = NULL;

  struct stat sb;
  time_t mtime = 0;
  mutt_mktemp (tmp, sizeof (tmp));

  omagic = DefaultMagic;
  DefaultMagic = MUTT_MBOX;

  rc = (mx_open_mailbox (tmp, MUTT_NEWFOLDER, &tmpctx) == NULL) ? -1 : 0;

  DefaultMagic = omagic;

  if (rc == -1)
    mutt_error (_("could not create temporary folder: %s"), strerror (errno));
    return -1;

  rc = mutt_append_message (&tmpctx, ctx, cur, 0, CH_NOLEN |
	((ctx->magic == MUTT_MBOX || ctx->magic == MUTT_MMDF) ? 0 : CH_NOSTATUS));
  oerrno = errno;

  mx_close_mailbox (&tmpctx, NULL);

  if (rc == -1)
    mutt_error (_("could not write temporary mail folder: %s"), strerror (oerrno));
    goto bail;

  if ((rc = stat (tmp, &sb)) == -1)
    mutt_error (_("Can't stat %s: %s"), tmp, strerror (errno));
    goto bail;

   * 2002-09-05 [email protected]
   * The file the user is going to edit is not a real mbox, so we need to
   * truncate the last newline in the temp file, which is logically part of
   * the message separator, and not the body of the message.  If we fail to
   * remove it, the message will grow by one line each time the user edits
   * the message.
  if (sb.st_size != 0 && truncate (tmp, sb.st_size - 1) == -1)
    mutt_error (_("could not truncate temporary mail folder: %s"),
		strerror (errno));
    goto bail;

  mtime = mutt_decrease_mtime (tmp, &sb);

  mutt_edit_file (NONULL(Editor), tmp);

  if ((rc = stat (tmp, &sb)) == -1)
    mutt_error (_("Can't stat %s: %s"), tmp, strerror (errno));
    goto bail;
  if (sb.st_size == 0)
    mutt_message (_("Message file is empty!"));
    rc = 1;
    goto bail;

  if (sb.st_mtime == mtime)
    mutt_message (_("Message not modified!"));
    rc = 1;
    goto bail;

  if ((fp = fopen (tmp, "r")) == NULL)
    rc = -1;
    mutt_error (_("Can't open message file: %s"), strerror (errno));
    goto bail;

  if (mx_open_mailbox (ctx->path, MUTT_APPEND, &tmpctx) == NULL)
    rc = -1;
    /* L10N: %s is from strerror(errno) */
    mutt_error (_("Can't append to folder: %s"), strerror (errno));
    goto bail;

  of = 0;
  cf = ((tmpctx.magic == MUTT_MBOX || tmpctx.magic == MUTT_MMDF) ? 0 : CH_NOSTATUS);
  if (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), fp) && is_from (buff, NULL, 0, NULL))
    if (tmpctx.magic == MUTT_MBOX || tmpctx.magic == MUTT_MMDF)
      cf = CH_FROM | CH_FORCE_FROM;
    of = MUTT_ADD_FROM;

   * XXX - we have to play games with the message flags to avoid
   * problematic behavior with maildir folders.

  o_read = cur->read; o_old = cur->old;
  cur->read = cur->old = 0;
  msg = mx_open_new_message (&tmpctx, cur, of);
  cur->read = o_read; cur->old = o_old;

  if (msg == NULL)
    mutt_error (_("Can't append to folder: %s"), strerror (errno));
    mx_close_mailbox (&tmpctx, NULL);
    goto bail;

  if ((rc = mutt_copy_hdr (fp, msg->fp, 0, sb.st_size, CH_NOLEN | cf, NULL)) == 0)
    fputc ('\n', msg->fp);
    rc = mutt_copy_stream (fp, msg->fp);

  rc = mx_commit_message (msg, &tmpctx);
  mx_close_message (&tmpctx, &msg);
  mx_close_mailbox (&tmpctx, NULL);
  if (fp) safe_fclose (&fp);

  if (rc >= 0)
    unlink (tmp);

  if (rc == 0)
    mutt_set_flag (Context, cur, MUTT_DELETE, 1);
    mutt_set_flag (Context, cur, MUTT_PURGE, 1);
    mutt_set_flag (Context, cur, MUTT_READ, 1);

    if (option (OPTDELETEUNTAG))
      mutt_set_flag (Context, cur, MUTT_TAG, 0);
  else if (rc == -1)
    mutt_message (_("Error. Preserving temporary file: %s"), tmp);

  return rc;