PTreeNode findOrInsert(BinaryTree bt, NodeData d) { PTreeNode pCurr, pNode; int cmp; if (bt.pRoot == NULL) { pNode = newTreeNode(d); pNode->parent = NULL; return pNode; } pCurr = bt.pRoot; while ((cmp = strcmp(d.word, pCurr->data.word)) != 0) { if (cmp < 0) { if (pCurr->left == NULL) { pCurr->left = newTreeNode(d); pCurr->left->parent = pCurr; return pCurr->left; } pCurr = pCurr->left; } else { if (pCurr->right == NULL) { pCurr->right = newTreeNode(d); pCurr->right->parent = pCurr; return pCurr->right; } pCurr = pCurr->right; } } return pCurr; }
TNODE *makeFlatTree(const TEXTNODE *list) { const TEXTNODE *listnode = list; qsort(prims, sizeof(prims)/sizeof(prims[0]), sizeof(PRIMTYPE), cmpPrim); if (DEBUG) printf("Making Syntax Tree...\n"); //create command tree from list array TNODE *tree = NIL; TNODE *current = NIL; //split text into expressions and commands... while (listnode) { //printf("List[%d]: %s (%s)\n", i++, listnode->text, dispPrimType(listnode->ntype)); if (tree == NIL) { current = tree = newTreeNode(listnode); } else { current = setNextNode(current, newTreeNode(listnode)); } listnode = listnode->next; } return tree; }
TNODE *makeFlatTree(TEXTNODE *list) { TEXTNODE *listnode = list; TEXTNODE *next; //no need to qsort, already presorted... qsort(prims, sizeof(prims)/sizeof(prims[0]), sizeof(PRIMTYPE), cmpPrim); if (DEBUG) Serial.print("Making Syntax Tree...\n"); //create command tree from list array TNODE *tree = NIL; TNODE *current = NIL; //split text into expressions and commands... while (listnode) { if (DEBUG) { Serial.print(listnode->text); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(dispPrimType(listnode->type)); } if (listnode->type == ID) { if (strcmp(listnode->text, "TRUE") == 0) { listnode->text = "1"; listnode->type = NUM; } if (strcmp(listnode->text, "FALSE") == 0) { listnode->text = "0"; listnode->type = NUM; } } if (tree == NIL) { current = tree = newTreeNode(listnode); } else { current = setNextNode(current, newTreeNode(listnode)); } free(listnode->text); next = listnode->next; free(listnode); listnode = next; } return tree; }
static TreeNode * insertIntoTree(AVLTree * tree, TreeNode * node, void * data, Boolean * success) { if(node == NULL) return newTreeNode(data); int comparision = tree->compare(data, node->data); if(comparision == 0) { *success = false; return node; } int direction = comparision > 0 ? RIGHT : LEFT; if(direction == RIGHT) { node->right = insertIntoTree(tree, node->right, data, success); } else { node->left = insertIntoTree(tree, node->left, data, success); } updateHeight(node); node = balanceNode(node); return node; }
// Driver program int main() { // Create root struct binaryTreeNode *root = newTreeNode(1); root->left = newTreeNode(2); root->right = newTreeNode(3); root->left->left = newTreeNode(4); root->left->right = newTreeNode(5); printf("Primary binary tree is: \n"); levelOrderNonRecur(root); printf("\nlevel with max sum=%d", findLevelwithMaxSum(root)); return 0; }
// Driver program int main() { // Create root struct binaryTreeNode *root = newTreeNode(1); root->left = newTreeNode(2); root->right = newTreeNode(3); root->left->left = newTreeNode(4); root->left->right = newTreeNode(5); printf("Primary binary tree is: \n"); levelOrderNonRecur(root); printf("\nThe number of full node is: \n"); printf("%d\n", fullNodeNumberInBt(root)); return 0; }
// Driver program int main() { // Create root struct binaryTreeNode *root = newTreeNode(1); root->left = newTreeNode(2); root->right = newTreeNode(3); root->left->left = newTreeNode(4); root->left->right = newTreeNode(5); printf("Primary binary tree is: \n"); levelOrderNonRecur(root); printf("the deepest node is: \n"); printf("%d", deepestNodeInBT(root)->data); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage : %s <Infile> <OutFile>",argv[0]); return -1; } char *inname = argv[1]; char *outname = argv[2]; FILE *inFile,*outFile; char line_buffer[BUFSIZ]; /* BUFSIZ is defined if you include stdio.h */ char line_number; char *tempLine; inFile = fopen(inname, "r"); outFile = fopen(inname, "w"); if (!inFile) { printf("Couldn't open file %s for reading.\n", inname); return 0; } printf("Opened file %s for reading.\n", inname); line_number = 0; tempLine=(char *)malloc(strlen("")+1); strcpy(tempLine,""); treeNode *root = newTreeNode( tempLine ); while (fgets(line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), inFile)) { ++line_number; /* note that the newline is in the buffer */ printf("%4d: %s", line_number, line_buffer); tempLine=(char *)malloc(strlen(line_buffer)+1); strcpy(tempLine,line_buffer); treeNode *tempNode = newTreeNode( tempLine ); insert(&root,tempNode); } fclose(inFile); printf("\nTotal number of lines = %d\n", line_number); traverse(root, outFile); fclose(outFile); return 0; }
struct BFTreeNode* createChild(int curPos, int toPos, int maxmin, int level, int oppCurPos) { struct BFTreeNode* toReturn = malloc(sizeof(struct BFTreeNode)); struct TreeNode* createdNode = newTreeNode(graph,0,toPos-curPos,level); toReturn->nodeWrapped = createdNode; // Depends upon whether the row is a min or max row if (maxmin == 0) { toReturn->maxPos = toPos; toReturn->minPos = oppCurPos; } else { toReturn->minPos = toPos; toReturn->maxPos = oppCurPos; } return toReturn; }
bool insertKeyInTree(TreePtr tree, TreeItemPtr item){ if(NULL == tree) return false; assert(tree->root != NULL && item != NULL); if(MAX_KEY_COUNT != tree->root->keyCount) return insertKey(tree->root, item); TreeNodePtr newRoot = newTreeNode(0, NULL, false), oldRoot = tree->root; //newTreeNode also sets childCount to 1, so the following line fixes it newRoot->childCount = 0; oldRoot->parent = newRoot; tree->root = newRoot; addNode(newRoot, oldRoot, subforestKeyCount(oldRoot), 0); splitChild(newRoot, 0); return insertKey(tree->root, item); }
void insertBestBST(int n, PTreeNode lastNode[]) { static int numNodes = 0; PTreeNode pTreeNode = newTreeNode(newNodeData(n)); numNodes++; int level = getNodeLevel(numNodes); if (level > 0) { pTreeNode->left = lastNode[level - 1]; } if (lastNode[level + 1] != NULL && lastNode[level + 1]->right == NULL) { lastNode[level + 1]->right = pTreeNode; } lastNode[level] = pTreeNode; }
bool splitChild(TreeNodePtr node, int x){ assert(node != NULL && MAX_KEY_COUNT != node->keyCount); assert(x >= 0 && x <= node->keyCount && node->keyCount >= 0); TreeNodePtr child = node->nodes[x]; assert(child != NULL); TreeNodePtr newNode = newTreeNode(0, node, isLeaf(child)); if(NULL == newNode) return false; newNode->childCount = 0; pourElements(newNode, child, t); //insert mediane key in node addKey(node, x, child->items[t - 1]); child->items[t - 1] = NULL; addNode(node, newNode, subforestKeyCount(newNode), x + 1); node->subtreeKeyCount[x] -= node->subtreeKeyCount[x + 1] + 1; return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char word[MAX_WORD_SIZE]; FILE *in = fopen("", "r"); BinaryTree bst; bst.pRoot = NULL; while (fscanf(in, "%s", word) == 1) { if (bst.pRoot == NULL) { bst.pRoot = newTreeNode(newNodeData(word)); } else { findOrInsert(bst, newNodeData(word)); } } printf("\nThe in-order traversal is:"); inOrder(bst.pRoot); printf("\n\n"); printf("\nThe pre-order traversal is:"); preOrder(bst.pRoot); printf("\n\n"); fclose(in); /* FILE *in = fopen("", "r"); BinaryTree bt; bt.pRoot = buildTree(in); printf("\nThe in-order traversal is: "); preOrder(bt.pRoot); printf("\n\n"); fclose(in); */ return 0; }
LSQ_HandleT LSQ_CreateSequence(){ TreePtr tree = malloc(sizeof(Tree)); tree->size = 0; tree->root = newTreeNode(0, NULL, true); return (LSQ_HandleT)tree; }
TreeNode * tree_append_child(TreeNode *l,PData aItem){ //TreeNode * x=(TreeNode *)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); TreeNode * x = newTreeNode(); x->data = aItem; return _append_child(l,x); }
TreeNode * tree_prepend_child(TreeNode *l,PData aItem){ TreeNode * x= newTreeNode(); x->data = aItem; return _prepend_child(l,x); }
// Decomposes and assigns subtrees to the various processes // Stores the pointers to the subtree roots in temp_array void createGameTreeParallel(struct Graph* currentState, int depth, int procs, struct BFTreeNode** temp_array) { struct QuoriQueue* queue; struct TreeNode* root = newTreeNode(currentState,0,NULL,0); queue = createQueue(); // Initialize the root of the tree struct BFTreeNode* BFroot = (struct BFTreeNode*) malloc(sizeof(struct BFTreeNode)); BFroot->nodeWrapped = root; BFroot->maxPos = (int)sqrt(NUM_NODES)/2 + 1; BFroot->minPos = (NUM_NODES) - (int)sqrt(NUM_NODES)/2; game_tree_root = BFroot; int currentLevel = 0, total = 0, procs_assigned = 0; enQueue(queue,BFroot); struct BFTreeNode* current; int position = 0, opp = 0; int maxmin = 0; //MAX is 0 MIN is 1 // Building the small part of the tree that is built by every process to reference while (total < procs) { current = deQueue(queue); currentLevel = current->nodeWrapped->level; if (currentLevel%2 == 0) { position = current->maxPos; opp = current->minPos; maxmin = 0; } else { position = current->minPos; opp = current->maxPos; maxmin = 1; } struct BFTreeNode* newChild; // Use the same functions as in the serial version, using a BFS if (isValidMove(position,position+1)) { newChild = createChild(position,position+1,maxmin,currentLevel+1,opp); enQueue(queue,newChild); enQueue(current->nodeWrapped->children,newChild); total += 1; } if (isValidMove(position,position-1)) { newChild = createChild(position,position-1,maxmin,currentLevel+1,opp); enQueue(queue,newChild); enQueue(current->nodeWrapped->children,newChild); total += 1; } if (isValidMove(position,position+(int) sqrt(NUM_NODES))) { newChild = createChild(position,position+(int) sqrt(NUM_NODES),maxmin,currentLevel+1,opp); enQueue(queue,newChild); enQueue(current->nodeWrapped->children,newChild); total += 1; } if (isValidMove(position,position-(int) sqrt(NUM_NODES))) { newChild = createChild(position,position-(int) sqrt(NUM_NODES),maxmin,currentLevel+1,opp); enQueue(queue,newChild); enQueue(current->nodeWrapped->children,newChild); total += 1; } total -= 1; } // Assign the subtree roots to each process while (procs_assigned < procs - 1) { temp_array[procs_assigned] = deQueue(queue); procs_assigned++; } // Handle the special case where some process needs to hold mutiple subtrees (because the root is in the universal space) if (rank == procs-1) { struct BFTreeNode* node; int x = 0; while (queue->length > 0) { node = deQueue(queue); //printf("Node = level %d, from %d, move %d, num children %d, pid %d \n",node->nodeWrapped->level,node->minPos,node->maxPos,node->nodeWrapped->children->length,rank); node = createGameTree(node,depth,node->nodeWrapped->level%2); temp_array[rank+x] = node; x++; } if (x < 3) { for (x = x; x < 3; x++) { temp_array[rank+x] = NULL; } } } else { temp_array[rank] = createGameTree(temp_array[rank],depth,temp_array[rank]->nodeWrapped->level%2); } free(queue); }
TNODE *makeParseTree(TNODE *tree) { //set parent and child nodes... short priority, nodePriority; TNODE *current = NULL; TNODE *opcmd = NULL; TNODE *left = NULL; TNODE *right = NULL; TNODE *listCurrent = NULL; int listCount; //handle lists first current = tree; while (current) { //any list beginnings? if (current->ntype == NT_LIST_START) { listCurrent = current; listCount = 0; while (listCurrent) { switch (listCurrent->ntype) { case NT_LIST_START: listCount++; break; case NT_LIST_END: listCount--; if (listCount == 0) { //end of list reached... left = current->next; //1st expression in list right = listCurrent; //list end makeExpNode(current, left, right); //make everything in list the left child of list start, right child is list end left->prev = NULL; //1st expression in list has no prior nodes if (right->next != NULL) right->next->prev = current; current->next = right->next; //list points to node after end of the list right->prev->next = NULL; //the "next" of the last element in list should point to nothing right->prev = NULL; //the list end should point to nothing right->next = NULL; //the list end should point to nothing left = makeParseTree(left); //inner list is its own tree, parse it if (current->left != left) current->left = left; //fix tree if root changed } break; default: break; } listCurrent = listCurrent->next; } } current = current->next; } //handle nodes from highest priority to lowest for (priority = INFIX_PRIORITY + 4; priority >= 0; priority--) { current = tree; while (current) { nodePriority = (current->primIdx != -1 ? prims[current->primIdx].priority : 0); if (nodePriority == priority) { switch (current->ntype) { case NT_OP: //swap 1st and 2nd to make the op the current opcmd = current; //"numargs" not stored in nodes anymore, now comes from primitives array //if (opcmd->numargs != 1) // (don't swap if op is is a "NOT") if (prims[opcmd->primIdx].numargs != 1) // (don't swap if op is is a "NOT") { left = current->prev; opcmd->prev = left->prev; if (opcmd->prev != NULL) opcmd->prev->next = opcmd; left->next = opcmd->next; if (left->next != NULL) left->next->prev = left; opcmd->next = left; left->prev = opcmd; if (left == tree) tree = opcmd; //fix tree if first node was left } /* no break */ case NT_CONTROL: opcmd = current; left = current->next; right = (current->next != NULL ? current->next->next : NULL); if (prims[opcmd->primIdx].numargs == 1) { /* unexpected missing argument, create one */ if (left == NULL) { TEXTNODE *tmp = getNewTextNode("0"); tmp->type = NUM; left = newTreeNode(tmp); free(tmp); } makeExpNode(opcmd, left, NULL); opcmd->next = left->next; if (opcmd->next != NULL) opcmd->next->prev = opcmd; left->prev = NULL; left->next = NULL; } else if (prims[opcmd->primIdx].numargs == 2) { makeExpNode(opcmd, left, right); if (left != NULL) { left->prev = NULL; //don't do this if type == NT_OP... //still buggy, EQ... //if (opcmd->ntype == NT_CONTROL) left->next = NULL; } if (right != NULL) { opcmd->next = right->next; if (opcmd->next) opcmd->next->prev = opcmd; right->prev = NULL; right->next = NULL; } else { opcmd->next = NULL; } } break; case NT_NUM: case NT_VAR: break; default: break; } } current = current->next; } } return tree; }
// Driver program int main() { // Create root struct binaryTreeNode *root = newTreeNode(1); root->left = newTreeNode(2); root->right = newTreeNode(3); root->left->left = newTreeNode(4); root->left->right = newTreeNode(5); root->right->left = newTreeNode(6); struct binaryTreeNode *root1 = newTreeNode(1); root1->left = newTreeNode(2); root1->right = newTreeNode(3); root1->left->left = newTreeNode(4); root1->left->right = newTreeNode(5); root1->right->left = newTreeNode(6); printf("Primary binary tree is: \n"); levelOrderNonRecur(root); levelOrderNonRecur(root1); printf("\n%d", sameStructBt(root, root1)); return 0; }