コード例 #1
static int
node_editor(struct nk_context *ctx)
    int n = 0;
    struct nk_rect total_space;
    const struct nk_input *in = &ctx->input;
    struct nk_command_buffer *canvas;
    struct node *updated = 0;
    struct node_editor *nodedit = &nodeEditor;

    if (!nodeEditor.initialized) {
        nodeEditor.initialized = 1;

    if (nk_begin(ctx, "NodeEdit", nk_rect(0, 0, 800, 600),
        /* allocate complete window space */
        canvas = nk_window_get_canvas(ctx);
        total_space = nk_window_get_content_region(ctx);
        nk_layout_space_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, total_space.h, nodedit->node_count);
            struct node *it = nodedit->begin;
            struct nk_rect size = nk_layout_space_bounds(ctx);
            struct nk_panel *node = 0;

            if (nodedit->show_grid) {
                /* display grid */
                float x, y;
                const float grid_size = 32.0f;
                const struct nk_color grid_color = nk_rgb(50, 50, 50);
                for (x = (float)fmod(size.x - nodedit->scrolling.x, grid_size); x < size.w; x += grid_size)
                    nk_stroke_line(canvas, x+size.x, size.y, x+size.x, size.y+size.h, 1.0f, grid_color);
                for (y = (float)fmod(size.y - nodedit->scrolling.y, grid_size); y < size.h; y += grid_size)
                    nk_stroke_line(canvas, size.x, y+size.y, size.x+size.w, y+size.y, 1.0f, grid_color);

            /* execute each node as a movable group */
            while (it) {
                /* calculate scrolled node window position and size */
                nk_layout_space_push(ctx, nk_rect(it->bounds.x - nodedit->scrolling.x,
                    it->bounds.y - nodedit->scrolling.y, it->bounds.w, it->bounds.h));

                /* execute node window */
                if (nk_group_begin(ctx, it->name, NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE|NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR|NK_WINDOW_BORDER|NK_WINDOW_TITLE))
                    /* always have last selected node on top */

                    node = nk_window_get_panel(ctx);
                    if (nk_input_mouse_clicked(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, node->bounds) &&
                        (!(it->prev && nk_input_mouse_clicked(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT,
                        nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen(ctx, node->bounds)))) &&
                        nodedit->end != it)
                        updated = it;

                    /* ================= NODE CONTENT =====================*/
                    nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
                    nk_button_color(ctx, it->color);
                    it->color.r = (nk_byte)nk_propertyi(ctx, "#R:", 0, it->color.r, 255, 1,1);
                    it->color.g = (nk_byte)nk_propertyi(ctx, "#G:", 0, it->color.g, 255, 1,1);
                    it->color.b = (nk_byte)nk_propertyi(ctx, "#B:", 0, it->color.b, 255, 1,1);
                    it->color.a = (nk_byte)nk_propertyi(ctx, "#A:", 0, it->color.a, 255, 1,1);
                    /* ====================================================*/
                    /* node connector and linking */
                    float space;
                    struct nk_rect bounds;
                    bounds = nk_layout_space_rect_to_local(ctx, node->bounds);
                    bounds.x += nodedit->scrolling.x;
                    bounds.y += nodedit->scrolling.y;
                    it->bounds = bounds;

                    /* output connector */
                    space = node->bounds.h / (float)((it->output_count) + 1);
                    for (n = 0; n < it->output_count; ++n) {
                        struct nk_rect circle;
                        circle.x = node->bounds.x + node->bounds.w-4;
                        circle.y = node->bounds.y + space * (float)(n+1);
                        circle.w = 8; circle.h = 8;
                        nk_fill_circle(canvas, circle, nk_rgb(100, 100, 100));

                        /* start linking process */
                        if (nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, circle, nk_true)) {
                            nodedit->linking.active = nk_true;
                            nodedit->linking.node = it;
                            nodedit->linking.input_id = it->ID;
                            nodedit->linking.input_slot = n;

                        /* draw curve from linked node slot to mouse position */
                        if (nodedit->linking.active && nodedit->linking.node == it &&
                            nodedit->linking.input_slot == n) {
                            struct nk_vec2 l0 = nk_vec2(circle.x + 3, circle.y + 3);
                            struct nk_vec2 l1 = in->mouse.pos;
                            nk_stroke_curve(canvas, l0.x, l0.y, l0.x + 50.0f, l0.y,
                                l1.x - 50.0f, l1.y, l1.x, l1.y, 1.0f, nk_rgb(100, 100, 100));

                    /* input connector */
                    space = node->bounds.h / (float)((it->input_count) + 1);
                    for (n = 0; n < it->input_count; ++n) {
                        struct nk_rect circle;
                        circle.x = node->bounds.x-4;
                        circle.y = node->bounds.y + space * (float)(n+1);
                        circle.w = 8; circle.h = 8;
                        nk_fill_circle(canvas, circle, nk_rgb(100, 100, 100));
                        if (nk_input_is_mouse_released(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT) &&
                            nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, circle) &&
                            nodedit->linking.active && nodedit->linking.node != it) {
                            nodedit->linking.active = nk_false;
                            node_editor_link(nodedit, nodedit->linking.input_id,
                                nodedit->linking.input_slot, it->ID, n);
                it = it->next;

            /* reset linking connection */
            if (nodedit->linking.active && nk_input_is_mouse_released(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
                nodedit->linking.active = nk_false;
                nodedit->linking.node = NULL;
                fprintf(stdout, "linking failed\n");

            /* draw each link */
            for (n = 0; n < nodedit->link_count; ++n) {
                struct node_link *link = &nodedit->links[n];
                struct node *ni = node_editor_find(nodedit, link->input_id);
                struct node *no = node_editor_find(nodedit, link->output_id);
                float spacei = node->bounds.h / (float)((ni->output_count) + 1);
                float spaceo = node->bounds.h / (float)((no->input_count) + 1);
                struct nk_vec2 l0 = nk_layout_space_to_screen(ctx,
                    nk_vec2(ni->bounds.x + ni->bounds.w, 3.0f + ni->bounds.y + spacei * (float)(link->input_slot+1)));
                struct nk_vec2 l1 = nk_layout_space_to_screen(ctx,
                    nk_vec2(no->bounds.x, 3.0f + no->bounds.y + spaceo * (float)(link->output_slot+1)));

                l0.x -= nodedit->scrolling.x;
                l0.y -= nodedit->scrolling.y;
                l1.x -= nodedit->scrolling.x;
                l1.y -= nodedit->scrolling.y;
                nk_stroke_curve(canvas, l0.x, l0.y, l0.x + 50.0f, l0.y,
                    l1.x - 50.0f, l1.y, l1.x, l1.y, 1.0f, nk_rgb(100, 100, 100));

            if (updated) {
                /* reshuffle nodes to have least recently selected node on top */
                node_editor_pop(nodedit, updated);
                node_editor_push(nodedit, updated);

            /* node selection */
            if (nk_input_mouse_clicked(in, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, nk_layout_space_bounds(ctx))) {
                it = nodedit->begin;
                nodedit->selected = NULL;
                nodedit->bounds = nk_rect(in->mouse.pos.x, in->mouse.pos.y, 100, 200);
                while (it) {
                    struct nk_rect b = nk_layout_space_rect_to_screen(ctx, it->bounds);
                    b.x -= nodedit->scrolling.x;
                    b.y -= nodedit->scrolling.y;
                    if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, b))
                        nodedit->selected = it;
                    it = it->next;

            /* contextual menu */
            if (nk_contextual_begin(ctx, 0, nk_vec2(100, 220), nk_window_get_bounds(ctx))) {
                const char *grid_option[] = {"Show Grid", "Hide Grid"};
                nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
                if (nk_contextual_item_label(ctx, "New", NK_TEXT_CENTERED))
                    node_editor_add(nodedit, "New", nk_rect(400, 260, 180, 220),
                            nk_rgb(255, 255, 255), 1, 2);
                if (nk_contextual_item_label(ctx, grid_option[nodedit->show_grid],NK_TEXT_CENTERED))
                    nodedit->show_grid = !nodedit->show_grid;

        /* window content scrolling */
        if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, nk_window_get_bounds(ctx)) &&
            nk_input_is_mouse_down(in, NK_BUTTON_MIDDLE)) {
            nodedit->scrolling.x += in->mouse.delta.x;
            nodedit->scrolling.y += in->mouse.delta.y;
    return !nk_window_is_closed(ctx, "NodeEdit");
コード例 #2
ファイル: tabs.c プロジェクト: jayden717/ccextractor
void draw_output_tab(struct nk_context *ctx, int *tab_screen_height, struct output_tab *output, struct main_tab *main_settings)
	const float roll_limit_ratio[] = { 0.55f, 0.45f };
	nk_flags active;
	static int len;
	static int cap_len;
	static int color_len = 6;
	const float gen_enc_ratio[] = { 0.701f, 0.302f };
	const float type_ratio[] = { 0.3f,0.7f };
	const float out_file_ratio[] = { 0.3f,0.53f,0.17f };
	const float cap_file_ratio[] = { 0.2f,0.63f,0.17f };
	const float delay_ratio[] = { 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.3f };
	const float color_roll_ratio[] = { 0.6f,0.401f };
	const float color_check_ratio[] = { 0.6f,0.23f,0.07f,0.1f };
	*tab_screen_height = 472;
	nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 160, 2, gen_enc_ratio);

	//General Group
	if (nk_group_begin(ctx, "General", NK_WINDOW_TITLE |NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR | NK_WINDOW_BORDER))
		int delay_secs = atoi(output->delay_sec_buffer);
		//Output Type
		nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 20, 2, type_ratio);
		nk_label(ctx, "Output Type:", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		output->type_select = nk_combo(ctx, output->type,  13, output->type_select, 25, nk_vec2(225, 200));

		//Output File
		nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 25, 3, out_file_ratio);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Output File:", &output->is_filename);
		nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_SIMPLE, output->filename, &output->filename_len, 255, nk_filter_ascii);
		if (nk_button_label(ctx, "Browse"))
			main_settings->scaleWindowForFileBrowser = nk_true;
			output->is_output_browser_active = nk_true;

		//Subtitle Delay
		nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 25, 3, delay_ratio);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Add delay in subtitles for", &output->is_delay);
		delay_secs = nk_propertyi(ctx, "", 0, delay_secs, 1000, 1, 1);
		sprintf(output->delay_sec_buffer, "%d", delay_secs);
		nk_label(ctx, "seconds", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		//Export XDS info
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Export XDS information (transcripts)", &output->is_export_xds);

	//Encoding Group
	if (nk_group_begin(ctx, "Encoding", NK_WINDOW_TITLE |NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR | NK_WINDOW_BORDER))
		static int option = UTF;
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "Latin", output->encoding == LATIN)) {
			output->encoding = LATIN;
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "Unicode", output->encoding == UNIC)) {
			output->encoding = UNIC;
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "UTF-8", output->encoding == UTF)) {
			output->encoding = UTF;

		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Byte Order Mark*", &output->is_bom);
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		nk_label(ctx, "*( For UNIX programs )", NK_TEXT_LEFT);

	nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 100, 2, gen_enc_ratio);
	//Capitalization Group
	if(nk_group_begin(ctx, "Capitalization", NK_WINDOW_TITLE|NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR | NK_WINDOW_BORDER))
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Standard capitalization rules.", &output->is_cap_standard);

		nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 25, 3, cap_file_ratio);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Cap file:", &output->is_cap_file);
		nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_SIMPLE, output->cap_dictionary, &output->cap_dictionary_len, 255, nk_filter_ascii);
		if (nk_button_label(ctx, "Browse"))
			main_settings->scaleWindowForFileBrowser = nk_true;
			output->is_cap_browser_active = nk_true;


	//Line Endings
	if (nk_group_begin(ctx, "Line Endings:", NK_WINDOW_TITLE | NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR |NK_WINDOW_BORDER))
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "CRLF (Windows)", output->line_ending == CRLF)) {
			output->line_ending = CRLF;
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "LF (UNIX-like)", output->line_ending == LF)) {
			output->line_ending = LF;


	nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 170, 2, color_roll_ratio);
	//Colors and Styles Group
	if (nk_group_begin(ctx, "Colors and Styles", NK_WINDOW_TITLE | NK_WINDOW_BORDER))

		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Center Text (remove left and right spaces)", &output->is_center);

		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Add dash (-) when speaker changes (for .srt)", &output->is_dash);
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		nk_checkbox_label(ctx, "Don't add typesetting tags(bold, italic, etc.)", &output->no_typesetting);

		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		if(nk_option_label(ctx, "Don't add color information", output->font_color == NO_COLOR)) {
			output->font_color = NO_COLOR;

		nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 20, 4, color_check_ratio);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "Default color (RRGGBB)#", output->font_color == DEFAULT_COLOR)) {
			output->font_color = DEFAULT_COLOR;
		active = nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_FIELD|NK_EDIT_SIG_ENTER, output->color_hex, &color_len, 7, nk_filter_hex);
		nk_label(ctx, "or", NK_TEXT_CENTERED);
		if (nk_button_color(ctx, output->color_rgb))
			output->color_popup = nk_true;
		if (show_color_from_picker)
			sprintf(output->color_hex, "%02X%02X%02X", output->color_rgb.r, output->color_rgb.g, output->color_rgb.b);
			show_color_from_picker = nk_false;
		/*if (active & NK_EDIT_COMMITED) {
			output->color_rgb.r = (int)strtol(strncat(output->color_hex[0], output->color_hex[1], 2), NULL, 16);
			output->color_rgb.g = (int)strtol(strncat(output->color_hex[2], output->color_hex[3], 2), NULL, 16);
			output->color_rgb.b = (int)strtol(strncat(output->color_hex[4], output->color_hex[5], 2), NULL, 16);
			printf("%d%d%d", output->color_rgb.r, output->color_rgb.g, output->color_rgb.b);



	//Roll-up Captions Group
	if (nk_group_begin(ctx, "Roll-up Captions", NK_WINDOW_TITLE | NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR | NK_WINDOW_BORDER))
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "Letters appear in realtime", output->onetime_or_realtime == REALTIME)) {
			output->onetime_or_realtime = REALTIME;
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
		nk_label(ctx, "(Allows duplication of content)", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_layout_row(ctx, NK_DYNAMIC, 20, 2, roll_limit_ratio);
		nk_label(ctx, "Limit visible lines", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		output->roll_limit_select = nk_combo(ctx, output->roll_limit, 4, output->roll_limit_select, 25, nk_vec2(80, 80));

		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 20, 1);
		if (nk_option_label(ctx, "Letters appear line by line", output->onetime_or_realtime == ONETIME)) {
			output->onetime_or_realtime = ONETIME;
		nk_layout_row_dynamic(ctx, 25, 1);
		nk_label(ctx, "(No duplication of content)", NK_TEXT_LEFT);

