コード例 #1
ファイル: ddr.c プロジェクト: eagle860/bare
int ddr_init( void )
	// tell dramc to configure				
	set_val( P1MEMCCMD, 0x4 );

	// set refresh period	
	set_val( P1REFRESH, nstoclk(7800) );

	// set timing para		
	set_val( P1CASLAT, ( 3 << 1 ) );  
	set_val( P1T_DQSS, 0x1 );	// 0.75 - 1.25
	set_val( P1T_MRD, 0x2 );
	set_val( P1T_RAS, nstoclk(45) );
	set_val( P1T_RC, nstoclk(68) );		

	unsigned int trcd = nstoclk( 23 );
	set_val( P1T_RCD, trcd | (( trcd - 3 ) << 3 ) );
	unsigned int trfc = nstoclk( 80 );
	set_val( P1T_RFC, trfc | ( ( trfc-3 ) << 5 ) );   
	unsigned int trp = nstoclk( 23 );
	set_val( P1T_RP, trp | ( ( trp - 3 ) << 3 ) ); 
	set_val( P1T_RRD, nstoclk(15) );
	set_val( P1T_WR, nstoclk(15) );
	set_val( P1T_WTR, 0x7 );
	set_val( P1T_XP, 0x2 );
	set_val( P1T_XSR, nstoclk(120) );
	set_val( P1T_ESR, nstoclk(120) );
	// set mem cfg 
	set_nbit( P1MEMCFG, 0, 3, 0x2 );  /* 10 column address */

	/* set_nbit: 把从第bit位开始的一共len位消零,然后把这几位设为val */
	set_nbit( P1MEMCFG, 3, 3, 0x3 );  /* 14 row address */
	set_zero( P1MEMCFG, 6 );		  /* A10/AP */
	set_nbit( P1MEMCFG, 15, 3, 0x2 ); /* Burst 4 */
	set_nbit( P1MEMCFG2, 0, 4, 0x5 );
	set_2bit( P1MEMCFG2, 6, 0x1 );		/* 32 bit */
	set_nbit( P1MEMCFG2, 8, 3, 0x3 );	/* Mobile DDR SDRAM */
	set_2bit( P1MEMCFG2, 11, 0x1 );

	set_one( P1_chip_0_cfg, 16 );		/* Bank-Row-Column organization */

	// memory init
	set_val( P1DIRECTCMD, 0xc0000 ); // NOP
	set_val( P1DIRECTCMD, 0x000 );	// precharge
	set_val( P1DIRECTCMD, 0x40000 );// auto refresh
	set_val( P1DIRECTCMD, 0x40000 );// auto refresh
	set_val( P1DIRECTCMD, 0xa0000 ); // EMRS
	set_val( P1DIRECTCMD, 0x80032 ); // MRS

	set_val( MEM_SYS_CFG, 0x0 );
	// set dramc to "go" status	
	set_val( P1MEMCCMD, 0x000 );

	// wait ready
	while( !(( read_val( P1MEMSTAT ) & 0x3 ) == 0x1));
コード例 #2
ファイル: ddr.c プロジェクト: bourne015/custom_boot
void ddr_init(void)
	/*makes DRAM enter "config" state*/
	P1MEMCCMD = 0x04;
	/*set memory timing parameter, chip config , 
	  id config register,etc...
	P1REFRESH = nstoclk(7800); //7.8us
	P1CASLAT = (3 << 1);
	P1T_DQSS = 0X1;
	P1T_MRD = 0X2;
 	P1T_RAS = nstoclk(45);
	P1T_RC = nstoclk(68);
	P1T_RCD = nstoclk(23);//| ((nstoclk(23)-3) << 3);	
	P1T_RFC = nstoclk(80);//| ((nstoclk(80)-3)  << 5);	
	P1T_RP = nstoclk(23);//| ((nstoclk(23)-3) << 3);	
	P1T_RRD = nstoclk(15);
	P1T_WR = nstoclk(15);
	P1T_WTR = 0X7;
	P1T_XP = 0X2;
	P1T_XSR = nstoclk(120);
	P1T_ESR = nstoclk(120);
	/*mem config*/
	P1MEMCFG &= ~(0x3f);
	P1MEMCFG |= 0x2; 	//10 columns
	P1MEMCFG |= (1 << 4);	//13 rows , 256M

	P1MEMCFG &= ~(0x7 << 15);
	P1MEMCFG |= (1 << 16); //burst 4

	P1MEMCFG2 |= 0x5;

	P1MEMCFG2 &= ~(0x3 << 6);
	P1MEMCFG2 |= (1 << 6);  //32bit

	P1MEMCFG2 &= ~(0x7 << 8);
	P1MEMCFG2 |= (0x3 << 8);

	P1MEMCFG2 &= ~(0x3 << 11);
	P1MEMCFG2 |= (1 << 11);

	p1_chip_0_cfg |= 1 << 16;

	P1DIRECTCMD = 0xc0000; //nop
	P1DIRECTCMD = 0x000;   //prechargeAII
	P1DIRECTCMD = 0x40000; //autorefresh 
	P1DIRECTCMD = 0x40000; 
	P1DIRECTCMD = 0xa0000; //MRS
	P1DIRECTCMD = 0x80032; //EMRS
	/*set DRAM to "ready" state*/
	P1MEMCCMD = 0x000;
	/*wait for "ready" state*/
	while ((P1MEMSTAT & 0X3) != 0X1);