int cap_getnameinfo(cap_channel_t *chan, const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen, char *host, size_t hostlen, char *serv, size_t servlen, int flags) { nvlist_t *nvl; int error; nvl = nvlist_create(0); nvlist_add_string(nvl, "cmd", "getnameinfo"); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "hostlen", (uint64_t)hostlen); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "servlen", (uint64_t)servlen); nvlist_add_binary(nvl, "sa", sa, (size_t)salen); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "flags", (uint64_t)flags); nvl = cap_xfer_nvlist(chan, nvl, 0); if (nvl == NULL) return (EAI_MEMORY); if (nvlist_get_number(nvl, "error") != 0) { error = (int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "error"); nvlist_destroy(nvl); return (error); } if (host != NULL) strlcpy(host, nvlist_get_string(nvl, "host"), hostlen + 1); if (serv != NULL) strlcpy(serv, nvlist_get_string(nvl, "serv"), servlen + 1); nvlist_destroy(nvl); return (0); }
static struct hostent * hostent_unpack(const nvlist_t *nvl, struct hostent *hp) { unsigned int ii, nitems; char nvlname[64]; int n; hostent_free(hp); hp->h_name = strdup(nvlist_get_string(nvl, "name")); if (hp->h_name == NULL) goto fail; hp->h_addrtype = (int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "addrtype"); hp->h_length = (int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "length"); nitems = (unsigned int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "naliases"); hp->h_aliases = calloc(sizeof(hp->h_aliases[0]), nitems + 1); if (hp->h_aliases == NULL) goto fail; for (ii = 0; ii < nitems; ii++) { n = snprintf(nvlname, sizeof(nvlname), "alias%u", ii); assert(n > 0 && n < (int)sizeof(nvlname)); hp->h_aliases[ii] = strdup(nvlist_get_string(nvl, nvlname)); if (hp->h_aliases[ii] == NULL) goto fail; } hp->h_aliases[ii] = NULL; nitems = (unsigned int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "naddrs"); hp->h_addr_list = calloc(sizeof(hp->h_addr_list[0]), nitems + 1); if (hp->h_addr_list == NULL) goto fail; for (ii = 0; ii < nitems; ii++) { hp->h_addr_list[ii] = malloc(hp->h_length); if (hp->h_addr_list[ii] == NULL) goto fail; n = snprintf(nvlname, sizeof(nvlname), "addr%u", ii); assert(n > 0 && n < (int)sizeof(nvlname)); bcopy(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, nvlname, NULL), hp->h_addr_list[ii], hp->h_length); } hp->h_addr_list[ii] = NULL; return (hp); fail: hostent_free(hp); h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return (NULL); }
static int pwd_allowed_users(const nvlist_t *oldlimits, const nvlist_t *newlimits) { const char *name, *uname; void *cookie; uid_t uid; int type; cookie = NULL; while ((name = nvlist_next(newlimits, &type, &cookie)) != NULL) { switch (type) { case NV_TYPE_NUMBER: uid = (uid_t)nvlist_get_number(newlimits, name); uname = NULL; break; case NV_TYPE_STRING: uid = (uid_t)-1; uname = nvlist_get_string(newlimits, name); break; default: return (EINVAL); } if (!pwd_allowed_user(oldlimits, uname, uid)) return (ENOTCAPABLE); } return (0); }
static struct addrinfo * addrinfo_unpack(const nvlist_t *nvl) { struct addrinfo *ai; const void *addr; size_t addrlen; const char *canonname; addr = nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "ai_addr", &addrlen); ai = malloc(sizeof(*ai) + addrlen); if (ai == NULL) return (NULL); ai->ai_flags = (int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "ai_flags"); ai->ai_family = (int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "ai_family"); ai->ai_socktype = (int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "ai_socktype"); ai->ai_protocol = (int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "ai_protocol"); ai->ai_addrlen = (socklen_t)addrlen; canonname = nvlist_get_string(nvl, "ai_canonname"); if (canonname != NULL) { ai->ai_canonname = strdup(canonname); if (ai->ai_canonname == NULL) { free(ai); return (NULL); } } else { ai->ai_canonname = NULL; } ai->ai_addr = (void *)(ai + 1); bcopy(addr, ai->ai_addr, addrlen); ai->ai_next = NULL; return (ai); }
static int grp_allowed_groups(const nvlist_t *oldlimits, const nvlist_t *newlimits) { const char *name, *gname; void *cookie; gid_t gid; int type; cookie = NULL; while ((name = nvlist_next(newlimits, &type, &cookie)) != NULL) { switch (type) { case NV_TYPE_NUMBER: gid = (gid_t)nvlist_get_number(newlimits, name); gname = NULL; break; case NV_TYPE_STRING: gid = (gid_t)-1; gname = nvlist_get_string(newlimits, name); break; default: return (EINVAL); } if (!grp_allowed_group(oldlimits, gname, gid)) return (ENOTCAPABLE); } return (0); }
static int group_unpack_members(const nvlist_t *nvl, char ***fieldp, char **bufferp, size_t *bufsizep) { const char *mem; char **outstrs, *str, nvlname[64]; size_t nmem, datasize, strsize; unsigned int ii; int n; if (!nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "gr_nmem")) { datasize = _ALIGNBYTES + sizeof(char *); if (datasize >= *bufsizep) return (ERANGE); outstrs = (char **)_ALIGN(*bufferp); outstrs[0] = NULL; *fieldp = outstrs; *bufferp += datasize; *bufsizep -= datasize; return (0); } nmem = (size_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "gr_nmem"); datasize = _ALIGNBYTES + sizeof(char *) * (nmem + 1); for (ii = 0; ii < nmem; ii++) { n = snprintf(nvlname, sizeof(nvlname), "gr_mem[%u]", ii); assert(n > 0 && n < (int)sizeof(nvlname)); mem = dnvlist_get_string(nvl, nvlname, NULL); if (mem == NULL) return (EINVAL); datasize += strlen(mem) + 1; } if (datasize >= *bufsizep) return (ERANGE); outstrs = (char **)_ALIGN(*bufferp); str = (char *)outstrs + sizeof(char *) * (nmem + 1); for (ii = 0; ii < nmem; ii++) { n = snprintf(nvlname, sizeof(nvlname), "gr_mem[%u]", ii); assert(n > 0 && n < (int)sizeof(nvlname)); mem = nvlist_get_string(nvl, nvlname); strsize = strlen(mem) + 1; memcpy(str, mem, strsize); outstrs[ii] = str; str += strsize; } assert(ii == nmem); outstrs[ii] = NULL; *fieldp = outstrs; *bufferp += datasize; *bufsizep -= datasize; return (0); }
static void casper_message(const cap_channel_t *capcas, struct service *service) { const char *cmd; nvlist_t *nvl; nvl = cap_recv_nvlist(capcas); if (nvl == NULL) pjdlog_exit(1, "Unable to receive message from Casper"); cmd = nvlist_get_string(nvl, "cmd"); if (strcmp(cmd, "connection") == 0) casper_message_connection(service, nvl); else PJDLOG_ABORT("Unknown command from Casper: %s.", cmd); }
static int group_unpack_string(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char *fieldname, char **fieldp, char **bufferp, size_t *bufsizep) { const char *str; size_t len; str = nvlist_get_string(nvl, fieldname); len = strlcpy(*bufferp, str, *bufsizep); if (len >= *bufsizep) return (ERANGE); *fieldp = *bufferp; *bufferp += len + 1; *bufsizep -= len + 1; return (0); }
static int pwd_getpwnam(const nvlist_t *limits, const nvlist_t *nvlin, nvlist_t *nvlout) { struct passwd *pwd; const char *name; if (!nvlist_exists_string(nvlin, "name")) return (EINVAL); name = nvlist_get_string(nvlin, "name"); PJDLOG_ASSERT(name != NULL); errno = 0; pwd = getpwnam(name); if (errno != 0) return (errno); (void)pwd_pack(limits, pwd, nvlout); return (0); }
static bool pwd_allowed_user(const nvlist_t *limits, const char *uname, uid_t uid) { const char *name; void *cookie; int type; if (limits == NULL) return (true); /* * If no limit was set on allowed users, then all users are allowed. */ if (!nvlist_exists_nvlist(limits, "users")) return (true); limits = nvlist_get_nvlist(limits, "users"); cookie = NULL; while ((name = nvlist_next(limits, &type, &cookie)) != NULL) { switch (type) { case NV_TYPE_NUMBER: if (uid != (uid_t)-1 && nvlist_get_number(limits, name) == (uint64_t)uid) { return (true); } break; case NV_TYPE_STRING: if (uname != NULL && strcmp(nvlist_get_string(limits, name), uname) == 0) { return (true); } break; default: PJDLOG_ABORT("Unexpected type %d.", type); } } return (false); }
static bool grp_allowed_group(const nvlist_t *limits, const char *gname, gid_t gid) { const char *name; void *cookie; int type; if (limits == NULL) return (true); /* * If no limit was set on allowed groups, then all groups are allowed. */ if (!nvlist_exists_nvlist(limits, "groups")) return (true); limits = nvlist_get_nvlist(limits, "groups"); cookie = NULL; while ((name = nvlist_next(limits, &type, &cookie)) != NULL) { switch (type) { case NV_TYPE_NUMBER: if (gid != (gid_t)-1 && nvlist_get_number(limits, name) == (uint64_t)gid) { return (true); } break; case NV_TYPE_STRING: if (gname != NULL && strcmp(nvlist_get_string(limits, name), gname) == 0) { return (true); } break; default: abort(); } } return (false); }
static void print_subsystem_schema(const nvlist_t * subsystem_schema) { const char *name, *type; const nvlist_t *parameter; void *it; int nvtype; it = NULL; while ((name = nvlist_next(subsystem_schema, &nvtype, &it)) != NULL) { parameter = nvlist_get_nvlist(subsystem_schema, name); type = nvlist_get_string(parameter, TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME); printf("\t%s : %s", name, type); if (dnvlist_get_bool(parameter, REQUIRED_SCHEMA_NAME, false)) printf(" (required)"); else if (nvlist_exists(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME)) print_default_value(parameter, type); else printf(" (optional)"); printf("\n"); } }
static void print_default_value(const nvlist_t *parameter, const char *type) { const uint8_t *mac; size_t size; if (strcasecmp(type, "bool") == 0) printf(" (default = %s)", nvlist_get_bool(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME) ? "true" : "false"); else if (strcasecmp(type, "string") == 0) printf(" (default = %s)", nvlist_get_string(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME)); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint8_t") == 0) printf(" (default = %ju)", (uintmax_t)nvlist_get_number(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME)); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint16_t") == 0) printf(" (default = %ju)", (uintmax_t)nvlist_get_number(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME)); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint32_t") == 0) printf(" (default = %ju)", (uintmax_t)nvlist_get_number(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME)); else if (strcasecmp(type, "uint64_t") == 0) printf(" (default = %ju)", (uintmax_t)nvlist_get_number(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME)); else if (strcasecmp(type, "unicast-mac") == 0) { mac = nvlist_get_binary(parameter, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME, &size); printf(" (default = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x)", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); } else errx(1, "Unexpected type in schema: '%s'", type); }
static int sysctl_command(const char *cmd, const nvlist_t *limits, nvlist_t *nvlin, nvlist_t *nvlout) { const char *name; const void *newp; void *oldp; uint64_t operation; size_t oldlen, newlen; size_t *oldlenp; int error; if (strcmp(cmd, "sysctl") != 0) return (EINVAL); error = sysctl_check_one(nvlin, false); if (error != 0) return (error); name = nvlist_get_string(nvlin, "name"); operation = nvlist_get_number(nvlin, "operation"); if (!sysctl_allowed(limits, name, operation)) return (ENOTCAPABLE); if ((operation & CAP_SYSCTL_WRITE) != 0) { if (!nvlist_exists_binary(nvlin, "newp")) return (EINVAL); newp = nvlist_get_binary(nvlin, "newp", &newlen); assert(newp != NULL && newlen > 0); } else { newp = NULL; newlen = 0; } if ((operation & CAP_SYSCTL_READ) != 0) { if (nvlist_exists_null(nvlin, "justsize")) { oldp = NULL; oldlen = 0; oldlenp = &oldlen; } else { if (!nvlist_exists_number(nvlin, "oldlen")) return (EINVAL); oldlen = (size_t)nvlist_get_number(nvlin, "oldlen"); if (oldlen == 0) return (EINVAL); oldp = calloc(1, oldlen); if (oldp == NULL) return (ENOMEM); oldlenp = &oldlen; } } else { oldp = NULL; oldlen = 0; oldlenp = NULL; } if (sysctlbyname(name, oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen) == -1) { error = errno; free(oldp); return (error); } if ((operation & CAP_SYSCTL_READ) != 0) { if (nvlist_exists_null(nvlin, "justsize")) nvlist_add_number(nvlout, "oldlen", (uint64_t)oldlen); else nvlist_move_binary(nvlout, "oldp", oldp, oldlen); } return (0); }
static void parent(int sock) { nvlist_t *nvl; const nvlist_t *cnvl; const char *name, *cname; void *cookie, *ccookie; int type, ctype; size_t size; nvl = nvlist_recv(sock); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); if (nvlist_error(nvl) != 0) err(1, "nvlist_recv() failed"); cookie = NULL; name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_BOOL); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/bool/true") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(nvl, name) == true); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_BOOL); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/bool/false") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(nvl, name) == false); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/number/0") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, name) == 0); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/number/1") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, name) == 1); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/number/-1") == 0); CHECK((int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, name) == -1); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/number/UINT64_MAX") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, name) == UINT64_MAX); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/number/INT64_MIN") == 0); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, name) == INT64_MIN); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/number/INT64_MAX") == 0); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, name) == INT64_MAX); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_STRING); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/string/") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, name), "") == 0); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_STRING); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/string/x") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, name), "x") == 0); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_STRING); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/string/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/descriptor/STDERR_FILENO") == 0); CHECK(fd_is_valid(nvlist_get_descriptor(nvl, name))); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_BINARY); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/binary/x") == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, name, NULL), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, name, &size), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(size == 1); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_BINARY); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, name, NULL), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, name, &size), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(size == sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name != NULL); CHECK(type == NV_TYPE_NVLIST); CHECK(strcmp(name, "nvlist/nvlist") == 0); cnvl = nvlist_get_nvlist(nvl, name); ccookie = NULL; cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_BOOL); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/bool/true") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(cnvl, cname) == true); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_BOOL); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/bool/false") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(cnvl, cname) == false); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/number/0") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(cnvl, cname) == 0); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/number/1") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(cnvl, cname) == 1); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/number/-1") == 0); CHECK((int)nvlist_get_number(cnvl, cname) == -1); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/number/UINT64_MAX") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(cnvl, cname) == UINT64_MAX); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/number/INT64_MIN") == 0); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(cnvl, cname) == INT64_MIN); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_NUMBER); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/number/INT64_MAX") == 0); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(cnvl, cname) == INT64_MAX); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_STRING); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/string/") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(cnvl, cname), "") == 0); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_STRING); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/string/x") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(cnvl, cname), "x") == 0); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_STRING); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/string/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(cnvl, cname), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/descriptor/STDERR_FILENO") == 0); CHECK(fd_is_valid(nvlist_get_descriptor(cnvl, cname))); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_BINARY); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/binary/x") == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, cname, NULL), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, cname, &size), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(size == 1); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname != NULL); CHECK(ctype == NV_TYPE_BINARY); CHECK(strcmp(cname, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, cname, NULL), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, cname, &size), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(size == sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); cname = nvlist_next(cnvl, &ctype, &ccookie); CHECK(cname == NULL); name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie); CHECK(name == NULL); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd[2]; socketpair(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd); int kq = kqueue(); struct kevent ke; memset(&ke, 0, sizeof(ke)); EV_SET(&ke, fd[0], EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL); kevent(kq, &ke, 1, NULL, 0, NULL); memset(&ke, 0, sizeof(ke)); EV_SET(&ke, fd[1], EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL); kevent(kq, &ke, 1, NULL, 0, NULL); signal(SIGWINCH, resize); nvlist_t *nvl = NULL; for (;;) { if (res) { struct winsize size; ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &size); nvl = nvlist_create(0); nvlist_add_string(nvl, "type", "resize"); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "rows", size.ws_row); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "cols", size.ws_col); if (nvlist_send(fd[0], nvl) < 0) err(1, "nvlist_send()"); nvlist_destroy(nvl); res = 0; } memset(&ke, 0, sizeof(ke)); int i = kevent(kq, NULL, 0, &ke, 1, NULL); if (i == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; err(1, "kevent()"); } else if (i == 0) continue; if (ke.ident == fd[0]) { nvl = nvlist_recv(fd[0]); if (nvl == NULL) err(1, "nvlist_recv()"); const char *type = nvlist_get_string(nvl, "type"); if (strcmp(type, "ack") == 0) { int ok = nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "ok"); printf("received ack, ok?: %s\n", ok ? "true" : "false"); } nvlist_destroy(nvl); } else if (ke.ident == fd[1]) { nvl = nvlist_recv(fd[1]); if (nvl == NULL) err(1, "nvlist_recv()"); const char *type = nvlist_get_string(nvl, "type"); if (strcmp(type, "resize") == 0) { int rows = nvlist_get_number(nvl, "rows"); int cows = nvlist_get_number(nvl, "cols"); printf("got resize signal. new size: %d %d\n", rows, cows); } nvlist_destroy(nvl); nvl = nvlist_create(0); nvlist_add_string(nvl, "type", "ack"); nvlist_add_bool(nvl, "ok", 1); if (nvlist_send(fd[1], nvl) < 0) err(1, "nvlist_send()"); nvlist_destroy(nvl); } } }
void service_message(struct service *service, struct service_connection *sconn) { nvlist_t *nvlin, *nvlout; const char *cmd; int error; nvlin = cap_recv_nvlist(service_connection_get_chan(sconn)); if (nvlin == NULL) { if (errno == ENOTCONN) { pjdlog_debug(1, "Connection closed by the client."); } else { pjdlog_errno(LOG_ERR, "Unable to receive message from client"); } service_connection_remove(service, sconn); return; } error = EDOOFUS; nvlout = nvlist_create(0); cmd = nvlist_get_string(nvlin, "cmd"); pjdlog_debug(1, "Command received from client: %s.", cmd); if (pjdlog_debug_get() >= 2) nvlist_fdump(nvlin, stderr); if (strcmp(cmd, "limit_set") == 0) { nvlist_t *nvllim; nvllim = nvlist_take_nvlist(nvlin, "limits"); error = service->s_limit(service_connection_get_limits(sconn), nvllim); if (error == 0) { service_connection_set_limits(sconn, nvllim); /* Function consumes nvllim. */ } else { nvlist_destroy(nvllim); } } else if (strcmp(cmd, "limit_get") == 0) { const nvlist_t *nvllim; nvllim = service_connection_get_limits(sconn); if (nvllim != NULL) nvlist_add_nvlist(nvlout, "limits", nvllim); else nvlist_add_null(nvlout, "limits"); error = 0; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "clone") == 0) { int sock; sock = service_connection_clone(service, sconn); if (sock == -1) { error = errno; } else { nvlist_add_descriptor(nvlout, "sock", sock); error = 0; } } else { nvlout = nvlist_create(0); error = service->s_command(cmd, service_connection_get_limits(sconn), nvlin, nvlout); } nvlist_destroy(nvlin); nvlist_add_number(nvlout, "error", (uint64_t)error); pjdlog_debug(1, "Sending reply to client (error=%d).", error); if (pjdlog_debug_get() >= 2) nvlist_fdump(nvlout, stderr); if (cap_send_nvlist(service_connection_get_chan(sconn), nvlout) == -1) { pjdlog_errno(LOG_ERR, "Unable to send message to client"); service_connection_remove(service, sconn); return; } }
int main(void) { const nvlist_t *cnvl; nvlist_t *nvl; size_t size; printf("1..83\n"); nvl = nvlist_create(0); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/true")); nvlist_add_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/true", true); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/true") == true); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/false")); nvlist_add_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/false", false); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/false") == false); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/0")); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/0", 0); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/0") == 0); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/1")); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/1", 1); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/1") == 1); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/-1")); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/-1", -1); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK((int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/-1") == -1); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/UINT64_MAX")); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/UINT64_MAX", UINT64_MAX); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/UINT64_MAX") == UINT64_MAX); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MIN")); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MIN", INT64_MIN); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MIN") == INT64_MIN); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MAX")); nvlist_add_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MAX", INT64_MAX); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MAX") == INT64_MAX); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/")); nvlist_add_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/", ""); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/"), "") == 0); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/x")); nvlist_add_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/x", "x"); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/x"), "x") == 0); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); nvlist_add_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_descriptor(nvl, "nvlist/descriptor/STDERR_FILENO")); nvlist_add_descriptor(nvl, "nvlist/descriptor/STDERR_FILENO", STDERR_FILENO); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(fd_is_valid(nvlist_get_descriptor(nvl, "nvlist/descriptor/STDERR_FILENO"))); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/x")); nvlist_add_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/x", "x", 1); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/x", NULL), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/x", &size), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(size == 1); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); nvlist_add_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", NULL), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", &size), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(size == sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); CHECK(!nvlist_exists_nvlist(nvl, "nvlist/nvlist")); nvlist_add_nvlist(nvl, "nvlist/nvlist", nvl); CHECK(nvlist_error(nvl) == 0); cnvl = nvlist_get_nvlist(nvl, "nvlist/nvlist"); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(cnvl, "nvlist/bool/true") == true); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(cnvl, "nvlist/bool/false") == false); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(cnvl, "nvlist/number/0") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(cnvl, "nvlist/number/1") == 1); CHECK((int)nvlist_get_number(cnvl, "nvlist/number/-1") == -1); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(cnvl, "nvlist/number/UINT64_MAX") == UINT64_MAX); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(cnvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MIN") == INT64_MIN); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(cnvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MAX") == INT64_MAX); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(cnvl, "nvlist/string/"), "") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(cnvl, "nvlist/string/x"), "x") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(cnvl, "nvlist/string/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); /* TODO */ CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, "nvlist/binary/x", NULL), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, "nvlist/binary/x", &size), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(size == 1); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", NULL), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(cnvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", &size), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(size == sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/true") == true); CHECK(nvlist_get_bool(nvl, "nvlist/bool/false") == false); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/0") == 0); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/1") == 1); CHECK((int)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/-1") == -1); CHECK(nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/UINT64_MAX") == UINT64_MAX); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MIN") == INT64_MIN); CHECK((int64_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, "nvlist/number/INT64_MAX") == INT64_MAX); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/"), "") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/x"), "x") == 0); CHECK(strcmp(nvlist_get_string(nvl, "nvlist/string/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") == 0); CHECK(fd_is_valid(nvlist_get_descriptor(nvl, "nvlist/descriptor/STDERR_FILENO"))); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/x", NULL), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/x", &size), "x", 1) == 0); CHECK(size == 1); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", NULL), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(nvlist_get_binary(nvl, "nvlist/binary/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", &size), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) == 0); CHECK(size == sizeof("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); nvlist_destroy(nvl); return (0); }