コード例 #1
void flattenDataToVector(omxMatrix* cov, omxMatrix* means, omxMatrix *obsThresholdMat,
			 std::vector< omxThresholdColumn > &thresholds, omxMatrix* vector) {
	// TODO: vectorize data flattening
	// if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Flattening out data vectors: cov 0x%x, mean 0x%x, thresh 0x%x[n=%d] ==> 0x%x", 
	//         cov, means, thresholds, nThresholds, vector); }
	int nextLoc = 0;
	for(int j = 0; j < cov->rows; j++) {
		for(int k = j; k < cov->rows; k++) {
			omxSetVectorElement(vector, nextLoc, omxMatrixElement(cov, j, k)); // Use upper triangle in case of SYMM-style mat.
	if (means != NULL) {
		for(int j = 0; j < cov->rows; j++) {
			omxSetVectorElement(vector, nextLoc, omxVectorElement(means, j));
	for(int j = 0; j < int(thresholds.size()); j++) {
		omxThresholdColumn* thresh = &thresholds[j];
		for(int k = 0; k < thresh->numThresholds; k++) {
			omxSetVectorElement(vector, nextLoc, omxMatrixElement(obsThresholdMat, k, thresh->column));
コード例 #2
void omxPopulateFIMLAttributes(omxFitFunction *off, SEXP algebra) {
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Populating FIML Attributes."); }
	omxFIMLFitFunction *argStruct = ((omxFIMLFitFunction*)off->argStruct);
	SEXP expCovExt, expMeanExt, rowLikelihoodsExt;
	omxMatrix *expCovInt, *expMeanInt;
	expCovInt = argStruct->cov;
	expMeanInt = argStruct->means;
	Rf_protect(expCovExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, expCovInt->rows, expCovInt->cols));
	for(int row = 0; row < expCovInt->rows; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < expCovInt->cols; col++)
			REAL(expCovExt)[col * expCovInt->rows + row] =
				omxMatrixElement(expCovInt, row, col);
	if (expMeanInt != NULL && expMeanInt->rows > 0  && expMeanInt->cols > 0) {
		Rf_protect(expMeanExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, expMeanInt->rows, expMeanInt->cols));
		for(int row = 0; row < expMeanInt->rows; row++)
			for(int col = 0; col < expMeanInt->cols; col++)
				REAL(expMeanExt)[col * expMeanInt->rows + row] =
					omxMatrixElement(expMeanInt, row, col);
	} else {
		Rf_protect(expMeanExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, 0, 0));		

	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("expCov"), expCovExt);
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("expMean"), expMeanExt);
		omxMatrix *rowLikelihoodsInt = argStruct->rowLikelihoods;
		Rf_protect(rowLikelihoodsExt = Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, rowLikelihoodsInt->rows));
		for(int row = 0; row < rowLikelihoodsInt->rows; row++)
			REAL(rowLikelihoodsExt)[row] = omxMatrixElement(rowLikelihoodsInt, row, 0);
		Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("likelihoods"), rowLikelihoodsExt);
コード例 #3
static void setLatentStartingValues(omxFitFunction *oo, FitContext *fc) //remove? TODO
	BA81FitState *state = (BA81FitState*) oo->argStruct;
	BA81Expect *estate = (BA81Expect*) oo->expectation->argStruct;
	std::vector<int> &latentMap = state->latentMap;
	ba81NormalQuad &quad = estate->getQuad();
	int maxAbilities = quad.maxAbilities;
	omxMatrix *estMean = estate->estLatentMean;
	omxMatrix *estCov = estate->estLatentCov;

	for (int a1 = 0; a1 < maxAbilities; ++a1) {
		if (latentMap[a1] >= 0) {
			int to = latentMap[a1];
			fc->est[to] = omxVectorElement(estMean, a1);

		for (int a2 = 0; a2 <= a1; ++a2) {
			int to = latentMap[maxAbilities + triangleLoc1(a1) + a2];
			if (to < 0) continue;
			fc->est[to] = omxMatrixElement(estCov, a1, a2);

	if (estate->verbose >= 1) {
		mxLog("%s: set latent parameters for version %d",
		      oo->name(), estate->ElatentVersion);
コード例 #4
void omxCopyMatrixToRow(omxMatrix* source, int row, omxMatrix* target) {
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < source->cols; i++) {
		omxSetMatrixElement(target, row, i, omxMatrixElement(source, 0, i));

コード例 #5
ファイル: omxMatrix.cpp プロジェクト: falkcarl/OpenMx
 * Copies an omxMatrix to a new R matrix object
 * \param om the omxMatrix to copy
 * \return a Rf_protect'd SEXP for the R matrix object
SEXP omxExportMatrix(omxMatrix *om) {
	SEXP nextMat;
	Rf_protect(nextMat = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, om->rows, om->cols));
	for(int row = 0; row < om->rows; row++) {
		for(int col = 0; col < om->cols; col++) {
			REAL(nextMat)[col * om->rows + row] =
				omxMatrixElement(om, row, col);
	return nextMat;
コード例 #6
ファイル: omxFitFunction.cpp プロジェクト: falkcarl/OpenMx
void loglikelihoodCIFun(omxFitFunction *ff, int want, FitContext *fc)
	const omxConfidenceInterval *CI = fc->CI;

		fc->targetFit = (fc->lowerBound? CI->lbound : CI->ubound) + fc->fit;
		//mxLog("Set target fit to %f (MLE %f)", fc->targetFit, fc->fit);

	if (!(want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT)) {
		Rf_error("Not implemented yet");

	omxMatrix *fitMat = ff->matrix;

	// We need to compute the fit here because that's the only way to
	// check our soft feasibility constraints. If parameters don't
	// change between here and the constraint evaluation then we
	// should avoid recomputing the fit again in the constraint. TODO

	omxFitFunctionCompute(fitMat->fitFunction, FF_COMPUTE_FIT, fc);
	const double fit = totalLogLikelihood(fitMat);
	omxRecompute(CI->matrix, fc);
	double CIElement = omxMatrixElement(CI->matrix, CI->row, CI->col);
	omxResizeMatrix(fitMat, 1, 1);

	if (!std::isfinite(fit) || !std::isfinite(CIElement)) {
		fc->recordIterationError("Confidence interval is in a range that is currently incalculable. Add constraints to keep the value in the region where it can be calculated.");
		fitMat->data[0] = nan("infeasible");

	if (want & FF_COMPUTE_FIT) {
		double param = (fc->lowerBound? CIElement : -CIElement);
		if (fc->compositeCIFunction) {
			double diff = fc->targetFit - fit;
			diff *= diff;
			if (diff > 1e2) {
				// Ensure there aren't any creative solutions
				diff = nan("infeasible");
			fitMat->data[0] = diff + param;
		} else {
			fitMat->data[0] = param;
		//mxLog("param at %f", fitMat->data[0]);
		// add deriv adjustments here TODO
コード例 #7
void omxPopulateNormalAttributes(omxExpectation *ox, SEXP algebra) {
    if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Populating Normal Attributes."); }

	omxNormalExpectation* one = (omxNormalExpectation*) (ox->argStruct);
	omxMatrix *cov = one->cov;
	omxMatrix *means = one->means;

	omxRecompute(cov, NULL);
	if(means != NULL) omxRecompute(means, NULL);

		SEXP expCovExt;
	ScopedProtect p1(expCovExt, Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, cov->rows, cov->cols));
	for(int row = 0; row < cov->rows; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < cov->cols; col++)
			REAL(expCovExt)[col * cov->rows + row] =
				omxMatrixElement(cov, row, col);
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("ExpCov"), expCovExt);

	if (means != NULL) {
		SEXP expMeanExt;
		ScopedProtect p1(expMeanExt, Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, means->rows, means->cols));
		for(int row = 0; row < means->rows; row++)
			for(int col = 0; col < means->cols; col++)
				REAL(expMeanExt)[col * means->rows + row] =
					omxMatrixElement(means, row, col);
		Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("ExpMean"), expMeanExt);
	} else {
		SEXP expMeanExt;
		ScopedProtect p1(expMeanExt, Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, 0, 0));
		Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("ExpMean"), expMeanExt);

	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("numStats"), Rf_ScalarReal(omxDataDF(ox->data)));
コード例 #8
void omxComputeNumericDeriv::omxEstimateHessianOffDiagonal(int i, int l, struct hess_struct* hess_work)
	int ix = paramMap[i];
	int lx = paramMap[l];
    static const double v = 2.0; //Note: NumDeriv comments that this could be a parameter, but is hard-coded in the algorithm

	double *Haprox             = hess_work->Haprox;
	omxMatrix* fitMatrix = hess_work->fitMatrix; 
	FitContext* fc = hess_work->fc; 
	double *freeParams         = fc->est;

	double iOffset = std::max(fabs(stepSize*optima[i]), stepSize);
	double lOffset = std::max(fabs(stepSize*optima[l]), stepSize);

	for(int k = 0; k < numIter; k++) {
		freeParams[ix] = optima[i] + iOffset;
		freeParams[lx] = optima[l] + lOffset;


		omxRecompute(fitMatrix, fc);
		double f1 = omxMatrixElement(fitMatrix, 0, 0);

		freeParams[ix] = optima[i] - iOffset;
		freeParams[lx] = optima[l] - lOffset;


		omxRecompute(fitMatrix, fc);
		double f2 = omxMatrixElement(fitMatrix, 0, 0);

		Haprox[k] = (f1 - 2.0 * minimum + f2 - hessian[i*numParams+i]*iOffset*iOffset -
		if(verbose >= 2) {
			mxLog("Hessian first off-diagonal calculation: Haprox = %f, iOffset = %f, lOffset=%f from params %f, %f and %f, %f and %d (also: %f, %f and %f)",
			      Haprox[k], iOffset, lOffset, f1, hessian[i*numParams+i], hessian[l*numParams+l],
			      v, k, pow(v, k), stepSize*optima[i], stepSize*optima[l]);

		freeParams[ix] = optima[i];				// Reset parameter values
		freeParams[lx] = optima[l];

		iOffset = iOffset / v;					//  And shrink step
		lOffset = lOffset / v;

	for(int m = 1; m < numIter; m++) {						// Richardson Step
		for(int k = 0; k < (numIter - m); k++) {
			//if(OMX_DEBUG) {mxLog("Hessian off-diagonal calculation: Haprox = %f, iOffset = %f, lOffset=%f from params %f, %f and %f, %f and %d (also: %f, %f and %f, and %f).", Haprox[k], iOffset, lOffset, stepSize, optima[i], optima[l], v, m, pow(4.0, m), stepSize*optima[i], stepSize*optima[l], k);}
			Haprox[k] = (Haprox[k+1] * pow(4.0, m) - Haprox[k]) / (pow(4.0, m)-1);

	if(verbose >= 2) {
		mxLog("Hessian estimation: Populating Hessian"
		      " ([%d, %d] = %d and %d) with value %f...",
		      i, l, i*numParams+l, l*numParams+i, Haprox[0]);
	hessian[i*numParams+l] = Haprox[0];
	hessian[l*numParams+i] = Haprox[0];
コード例 #9
  @params i              parameter number
  @params hess_work      local copy
  @params optima         shared read-only variable
  @params gradient       shared write-only variable
  @params hessian        shared write-only variable
void omxComputeNumericDeriv::omxEstimateHessianOnDiagonal(int i, struct hess_struct* hess_work)
	int ix = paramMap[i];
	static const double v = 2.0; //Note: NumDeriv comments that this could be a parameter, but is hard-coded in the algorithm

	double *Haprox             = hess_work->Haprox;
	double *Gcentral             = hess_work->Gcentral;
	double *Gforward             = hess_work->Gforward;
	double *Gbackward            = hess_work->Gbackward;
	omxMatrix* fitMatrix = hess_work->fitMatrix; 
	FitContext* fc = hess_work->fc; 
	double *freeParams         = fc->est;

	/* Part the first: Gradient and diagonal */
	double iOffset = std::max(fabs(stepSize * optima[i]), stepSize);
	for(int k = 0; k < numIter; k++) {			// Decreasing step size, starting at k == 0
		freeParams[ix] = optima[i] + iOffset;

		omxRecompute(fitMatrix, fc);
		double f1 = omxMatrixElement(fitMatrix, 0, 0);

		freeParams[ix] = optima[i] - iOffset;


		omxRecompute(fitMatrix, fc);
		double f2 = omxMatrixElement(fitMatrix, 0, 0);

		Gcentral[k] = (f1 - f2) / (2.0*iOffset); 						// This is for the gradient
		Gforward[k] = (minimum - f2) / iOffset;
		Gbackward[k] = (f1 - minimum) / iOffset;
		Haprox[k] = (f1 - 2.0 * minimum + f2) / (iOffset * iOffset);		// This is second derivative
		freeParams[ix] = optima[i];									// Reset parameter value
		iOffset /= v;
		if(verbose >= 2) {
			mxLog("Hessian: diag[%s] Δ%g (#%d) F1 %f F2 %f grad %f hess %f",
			      fc->varGroup->vars[i]->name, iOffset, k, f1, f2, Gcentral[k], Haprox[k]);

	for(int m = 1; m < numIter; m++) {						// Richardson Step
		for(int k = 0; k < (numIter - m); k++) {
			// NumDeriv Hard-wires 4s for r here. Why?
			Gcentral[k] = (Gcentral[k+1] * pow(4.0, m) - Gcentral[k])/(pow(4.0, m)-1);
			Gforward[k] = (Gforward[k+1] * pow(4.0, m) - Gforward[k])/(pow(4.0, m)-1);
			Gbackward[k] = (Gbackward[k+1] * pow(4.0, m) - Gbackward[k])/(pow(4.0, m)-1);
			Haprox[k] = (Haprox[k+1] * pow(4.0, m) - Haprox[k])/(pow(4.0, m)-1);

	if(verbose >= 2) {
		mxLog("Hessian: diag[%s] final grad %f hess %f", fc->varGroup->vars[i]->name, Gcentral[0], Haprox[0]);
	gcentral[i]  = Gcentral[0];
	gforward[i]  = Gforward[0];
	gbackward[i] = Gbackward[0];
	if (hessian) hessian[i*numParams + i] = Haprox[0];
コード例 #10
void omxPopulateWLSAttributes(omxFitFunction *oo, SEXP algebra) {
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Populating WLS Attributes."); }
	omxWLSFitFunction *argStruct = ((omxWLSFitFunction*)oo->argStruct);
	omxMatrix *expCovInt = argStruct->expectedCov;	    		// Expected covariance
	omxMatrix *expMeanInt = argStruct->expectedMeans;			// Expected means
	omxMatrix *weightInt = argStruct->weights;			// Expected means
	SEXP expCovExt, expMeanExt, gradients;
	Rf_protect(expCovExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, expCovInt->rows, expCovInt->cols));
	for(int row = 0; row < expCovInt->rows; row++)
		for(int col = 0; col < expCovInt->cols; col++)
			REAL(expCovExt)[col * expCovInt->rows + row] =
				omxMatrixElement(expCovInt, row, col);
	if (expMeanInt != NULL) {
		Rf_protect(expMeanExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, expMeanInt->rows, expMeanInt->cols));
		for(int row = 0; row < expMeanInt->rows; row++)
			for(int col = 0; col < expMeanInt->cols; col++)
				REAL(expMeanExt)[col * expMeanInt->rows + row] =
					omxMatrixElement(expMeanInt, row, col);
	} else {
		Rf_protect(expMeanExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, 0, 0));		
	if(OMX_DEBUG_ALGEBRA) {omxPrintMatrix(weightInt, "...WLS Weight Matrix: W"); }
	SEXP weightExt = NULL;
	if (weightInt) {
		Rf_protect(weightExt = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, weightInt->rows, weightInt->cols));
		for(int row = 0; row < weightInt->rows; row++)
			for(int col = 0; col < weightInt->cols; col++)
				REAL(weightExt)[col * weightInt->rows + row] = weightInt->data[col * weightInt->rows + row];
	if(0) {  /* TODO fix for new internal API
		int nLocs = Global->numFreeParams;
		double gradient[Global->numFreeParams];
		for(int loc = 0; loc < nLocs; loc++) {
			gradient[loc] = NA_REAL;
		//oo->gradientFun(oo, gradient);
		Rf_protect(gradients = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, 1, nLocs));
		for(int loc = 0; loc < nLocs; loc++)
			REAL(gradients)[loc] = gradient[loc];
	} else {
		Rf_protect(gradients = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, 0, 0));
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Installing populated WLS Attributes."); }
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("expCov"), expCovExt);
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("expMean"), expMeanExt);
	if (weightExt) Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("weights"), weightExt);
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("gradients"), gradients);
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("SaturatedLikelihood"), Rf_ScalarReal(0));
	//Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("IndependenceLikelihood"), Rf_ScalarReal(0));
	Rf_setAttrib(algebra, Rf_install("ADFMisfit"), Rf_ScalarReal(omxMatrixElement(oo->matrix, 0, 0)));
コード例 #11
ファイル: omxAlgebraFitFunction.cpp プロジェクト: cran/OpenMx
void AlgebraFitFunction::compute(int want, FitContext *fc)
	if (fc && varGroup != fc->varGroup) {

		if (algebra) {
			omxRecompute(algebra, fc);
			ff->matrix->data[0] = algebra->data[0];
		} else {
			ff->matrix->data[0] = 0;

	if (gradMap.size() == 0) return;
	if (gradient) {
		omxRecompute(gradient, fc);
		if (want & FF_COMPUTE_GRADIENT) {
			for (size_t v1=0; v1 < gradMap.size(); ++v1) {
				int to = gradMap[v1];
				if (to < 0) continue;
				fc->grad(to) += omxVectorElement(gradient, v1);
		if (want & FF_COMPUTE_INFO && fc->infoMethod == INFO_METHOD_MEAT) {
			std::vector<double> grad(varGroup->vars.size());
			for (size_t v1=0; v1 < gradMap.size(); ++v1) {
				int to = gradMap[v1];
				if (to < 0) continue;
				grad[to] += omxVectorElement(gradient, v1);
			addSymOuterProd(1, grad.data(), varGroup->vars.size(), fc->infoB);
	if (hessian && ((want & (FF_COMPUTE_HESSIAN | FF_COMPUTE_IHESSIAN)) ||
			(want & FF_COMPUTE_INFO && fc->infoMethod == INFO_METHOD_HESSIAN))) {
		omxRecompute(hessian, fc);

		if (!vec2diag) {
			HessianBlock *hb = new HessianBlock;
			int vx=0;
			for (size_t h1=0; h1 < gradMap.size(); ++h1) {
				if (gradMap[h1] < 0) continue;
				hb->vars[vx] = gradMap[h1];
			hb->mat.resize(numDeriv, numDeriv);
			for (size_t d1=0, h1=0; h1 < gradMap.size(); ++h1) {
				if (gradMap[h1] < 0) continue;
				for (size_t d2=0, h2=0; h2 <= h1; ++h2) {
					if (gradMap[h2] < 0) continue;
					if (h1 == h2) {
						hb->mat(d2,d1) = omxMatrixElement(hessian, h2, h1);
					} else {
						double coef1 = omxMatrixElement(hessian, h2, h1);
						double coef2 = omxMatrixElement(hessian, h1, h2);
						if (coef1 != coef2) {
							Rf_warning("%s: Hessian algebra '%s' is not symmetric at [%d,%d]",
								   ff->matrix->name(), hessian->name(), 1+h2, 1+h1);
						hb->mat(d2,d1) = coef1;
		} else {
			for (size_t h1=0; h1 < gradMap.size(); ++h1) {
				int to = gradMap[h1];
				if (to < 0) continue;
				HessianBlock *hb = new HessianBlock;
				hb->vars.assign(1, to);
				hb->mat(0,0) = omxMatrixElement(hessian, h1, h1);
	// complain if unimplemented FF_COMPUTE_INFO requested? TODO