コード例 #1
ファイル: nlua_system.c プロジェクト: JKtheSlacker/naev
 * @brief Adds a system marker.
 * @usage mrk_id = system.mrkAdd( "Hello", vec2.new( 50, 30 ) ) -- Creates a marker at (50,30)
 *    @luaparam str String to display next to marker.
 *    @luaparam v Position to display marker at.
 *    @luareturn The id of the marker.
 * @luafunc mrkAdd( str, v )
static int systemL_mrkAdd( lua_State *L )
   const char *str;
   LuaVector *lv;
   unsigned int id;

   /* Handle parameters. */
   str   = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 );
   lv    = luaL_checkvector( L, 2 );

   /* Create marker. */
   id    = ovr_mrkAddPoint( str, lv->vec.x, lv->vec.y );
   lua_pushnumber( L, id );
   return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: nlua_system.c プロジェクト: Kinniken/NoxImperii
 * @brief Adds a system marker.
 * @usage mrk_id = system.mrkAdd( "Hello", vec2.new( 50, 30 ) ) -- Creates a marker at (50,30)
 *    @luatparam string str String to display next to marker.
 *    @luatparam Vec2 v Position to display marker at.
 *    @luatreturn number The id of the marker.
 * @luafunc mrkAdd( str, v )
static int systemL_mrkAdd( lua_State *L )
   const char *str;
   Vector2d *vec;
   unsigned int id;

   /* Handle parameters. */
   str   = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 );
   vec   = luaL_checkvector( L, 2 );

   /* Create marker. */
   id    = ovr_mrkAddPoint( str, vec->x, vec->y );
   lua_pushnumber( L, id );
   return 1;