コード例 #1
ファイル: pages.c プロジェクト: AOSC-Dev/metahtml
/* Clean up an error page if it needs it. */
page_clean_up (PAGE *page)

  subber = bprintf_create_buffer ();

  if (page_search (page, "<HEADER>", 0) != -1)
      bprintf (subber, "<html><head><title>Error</title></head>\n");
      bprintf (subber, "<body>\n");
      page_subst_in_page (page, "<HEADER>", subber->buffer);
      subber->bindex = 0;

  page_subst_in_page (page, "<ERROR-MESSAGE>", "");
  page_subst_in_page (page, "<RETURN-TO-URL>", "");

  if (debugger_output != (BPRINTF_BUFFER *)NULL)
      bprintf (subber, "%s", debugger_output->buffer);
      page_subst_in_page (subber, "\n", "\n<br>");
      bprintf_insert (subber, 0,
		      "<h2>Output From Debugging Statements</h2><p>");
      page_subst_in_page (page, "<DEBUGGING-OUTPUT-HTML>", subber->buffer);
      subber->bindex = 0;
      bprintf (subber, "%s", debugger_output->buffer);
      page_subst_in_page (subber, "<", "&lt;");
      page_subst_in_page (subber, ">", "&gt;");
      page_subst_in_page (subber, "\n", "\n<br>");

      bprintf_insert (subber, 0,
		      "<h2>Output From Debugging Statements</h2><p>");

      page_subst_in_page (page, "<DEBUGGING-OUTPUT>", subber->buffer);
      subber->bindex = 0;
    page_subst_in_page (page, "<DEBUGGING-OUTPUT>", "");

  if (syserr_output != (BPRINTF_BUFFER *)NULL)
      bprintf (subber, "%s", syserr_output->buffer);
      page_subst_in_page (subber, "<", "&lt;");
      page_subst_in_page (subber, ">", "&gt;");
      page_subst_in_page (subber, "\n", "\n<br>");
      bprintf_insert (subber, 0,
		      "<h2>System Error Messages</h2><p>");

      page_subst_in_page (page, "<SYSTEM-ERROR-OUTPUT>", subber->buffer);
      subber->bindex = 0;
    page_subst_in_page (page, "<SYSTEM-ERROR-OUTPUT>", "");

  if (page_search (page, "<FOOTER>", 0) != -1)
    page_subst_in_page (page, "<FOOTER>", "</body></html>\n");

  bprintf_free_buffer (subber);
コード例 #2
ファイル: pages.c プロジェクト: AOSC-Dev/metahtml
/* Set a mime header in PAGE giving it NAME and VALUE as a HTTP-COOKIE.
   PAGE should already have a full Mime header in it. */
page_set_cookie (PAGE *page, char *name, char *value, char *path)
  register int i;

  if (!page)

  i = page_search (page, "[Mm][Ii][Mm][Ee]-[Vv][Ee][Rr][Ss][Ii][Oo][Nn]: ", 0);

  if (i != -1)
      BPRINTF_BUFFER *cookie_buffer = bprintf_create_buffer ();

      bprintf (cookie_buffer, "Set-Cookie: %s=%s; ", name, value ? value : "");

      if (!value || !*value)
	  time_t ticks = time ((time_t *)0);
	  ticks -= 1000;
	  bprintf (cookie_buffer, " expires=%s; ", http_date_format (ticks));

      bprintf (cookie_buffer, "path=%s;", path && *path ? path : "/");

      while (page->buffer[i++] != '\n');
      bprintf_insert (page, i, "%s\n", cookie_buffer->buffer);
コード例 #3
ファイル: temp.c プロジェクト: sturdevant/Contest
/* -- Also, when allocating a block - split it into two blocks when possible */
void* Mem_Alloc(int size) {
   // Just a quick check...
   if (spaceAvail < size || size == 0) {
      return NULL;
   //fprintf(stdout, "spaceAvail: %d\n", spaceAvail);

	size = size + (8 - (size % 8))*((size % 8) != 0);
	/* Traverse free list until block of desired size is found or end of
	 * list is reached*/
	block_header* curr = page_search(size);
   // We got a useful result!
	if (curr != NULL) {
      int leftover = (curr->size_status) - (size + sizeof(block_header));
      /* Put remaining mem in new block */
      if (leftover > 0) {
         block_header* newblk = (block_header*)((char*)curr + sizeof(block_header) + size);
         newblk->size_status = leftover;
         if (newblk->size_status <= 0)
            fprintf(stdout, "Set to zero\n");
         newblk->prev = curr;
         newblk->next = curr->next;
         curr->next = newblk;
         //fprintf(stdout, "In new block at Mem_Alloc\n");

      curr->size_status = size + 1;
      spaceAvail -= size + sizeof(block_header);
      fprintf(stdout, "Past new block at Mem_Alloc\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "Value of curr at Mem_Alloc: %p\n", curr);
      fprintf(stdout, "Value of NULL at Mem_Alloc: %p\n", NULL);
      counter = (counter + 1) % N_LISTS;
      return (curr + 1);
	/* Block of appropriate size not found */
   //fprintf(stdout, "Returning null at Mem_Alloc\n");
	return NULL;
コード例 #4
ファイル: pages.c プロジェクト: AOSC-Dev/metahtml
/* Insert a stnadard HTTP header at the start of page if it isn't already
   a redirection specification.  EXPIRATION is one of:

      page_NOT_EXPIRED:	To produce no special expiration date.
      page_IS_EXPIRED:	To inhibit server/browser caching.
      page_EXPIRES_NOW:	To give the page an expiration date of right now.
      integer > 0:	To cause the page to expire that many minutes in the
			future. */
page_insert_http_header (PAGE *page, int expiration)
  if (page)
      time_t ticks = time ((time_t *)0);
      BPRINTF_BUFFER *http_header = bprintf_create_buffer ();
      int redirection = 0;
      int end_of_headers = -1;
      int page_length = page->bindex;

      /* Find out if this is a location redirector. */
      if (page->buffer && (strncasecmp (page->buffer, "Location:", 9) == 0))
	end_of_headers = 0;
	end_of_headers = page_search (page, "[^\n]\nLocation:", 0);

      redirection = (end_of_headers != -1);

      if (redirection)
	  while (end_of_headers < page_length - 1)
	      if ((page->buffer[end_of_headers] == '\n') &&
		  (page->buffer[end_of_headers + 1] == '\n'))
		  end_of_headers += 2;
		  page_length = page->bindex - end_of_headers;

      /* Say that this page is using a MIME version of 1.0. */
      bprintf (http_header, "MIME-Version: 1.0\n");

      /* Say that this page contains text/html. */
      bprintf (http_header, "Content-Type: text/html\n");

      /* Say how long the page is. */
      bprintf (http_header, "Content-Length: %d\n", page_length);

      /* Say what time it is now. */
      bprintf (http_header, "Date: %s\n", http_date_format (ticks));

      /* Handle page expiration. */
      switch (expiration)
	case page_NOT_EXPIRED:

	case page_IS_EXPIRED:
	  bprintf (http_header, "Status: 500\n");

	    /* Adjust the contents of NOW to reflect the new date. */
	    if (expiration > 0)
	      ticks += (60 * expiration);
	      ticks -= (60 * 60 * 24);	/* Expired one day ago. */

	    bprintf (http_header, "Expires: %s\n", http_date_format (ticks));

      /* Does this page already contain an "HTTP/1.0" line?  If so, then
	 insert our header after it. */
	register int i = 0;

	if (strncmp (page->buffer, "HTTP/", 5) == 0)
	    for (i = 5; page->buffer[i] != '\n'; i++);
	bprintf_insert (page, i, "%s%s",
			http_header->buffer, redirection ? "" : "\n");
      bprintf_free_buffer (http_header);