コード例 #1
ファイル: addCellLayer.C プロジェクト: gtessi/OpenFOAM
//- Calculate the offset to the next layer
Foam::tmp<Foam::vectorField> Foam::layerAdditionRemovalMC::extrusionDir() const
    const polyMesh& mesh = topoChanger().mesh();
    const primitiveFacePatch& masterFaceLayer =

    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
    const labelList& mp = masterFaceLayer.meshPoints();

    tmp<vectorField> textrusionDir(new vectorField(mp.size()));
    vectorField& extrusionDir = textrusionDir();

    if (setLayerPairing())
        if (debug)
            Pout<< "void layerAdditionRemovalMC::extrusionDir() const "
                << " for object " << name() << " : "
                << "Using edges for point insertion" << endl;

        // Detected a valid layer.  Grab the point and face collapse mapping
        const labelList& ptc = pointsPairing();

        forAll(extrusionDir, mpI)
            extrusionDir[mpI] = points[ptc[mpI]] - points[mp[mpI]];
コード例 #2
void Foam::layerAdditionRemoval::addCellLayer
    polyTopoChange& ref
) const
    // Insert the layer addition instructions into the topological change

    // Algorithm:
    // 1.  For every point in the master zone add a new point
    // 2.  For every face in the master zone add a cell
    // 3.  Go through all the edges of the master zone.  For all internal
    //     edges, add a face with the correct orientation and make it internal.
    //     For all boundary edges, find the patch it belongs to and add the
    //     face to this patch
    // 4.  Create a set of new faces on the patch image and assign them to be
    //     between the old master cells and the newly created cells
    // 5.  Modify all the faces in the patch such that they are located
    //     between the old slave cells and newly created cells

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "void layerAdditionRemoval::addCellLayer("
            << "polyTopoChange& ref) const for object " << name() << " : "
            << "Adding cell layer" << endl;

    // Create the points

    const polyMesh& mesh = topoChanger().mesh();
    const primitiveFacePatch& masterFaceLayer =

    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
    const labelList& mp = masterFaceLayer.meshPoints();

    // Calculation of point normals, using point pairing

    vectorField extrusionDir(mp.size());

    if (setLayerPairing())
        if (debug)
            Pout<< "void layerAdditionRemoval::addCellLayer("
                << "polyTopoChange& ref) const "
                << " for object " << name() << " : "
                << "Using edges for point insertion" << endl;

        // Detected a valid layer.  Grab the point and face collapse mapping
        const labelList& ptc = pointsPairing();

        forAll (extrusionDir, mpI)
            extrusionDir[mpI] = points[ptc[mpI]] - points[mp[mpI]];
        extrusionDir *= addDelta_*maxLayerThickness_;
コード例 #3
void Foam::layerAdditionRemoval::removeCellLayer
    polyTopoChange& ref
) const
    // Algorithm for layer removal.  Second phase: topological change
    // 2)  Go through all the faces of the master cell layer and remove
    //     the ones that are not in the master face zone.
    // 3)  Grab all the faces coming out of points that are collapsed
    //     and select the ones that are not marked for removal.  Go
    //     through the remaining faces and replace the point to remove by
    //     the equivalent point in the master face zone.
    if (debug)
        Pout<< "Removing the cell layer for object " << name() << endl;

    const polyMesh& mesh = topoChanger().mesh();

    const labelList& own = mesh.faceOwner();
    const labelList& nei = mesh.faceNeighbour();

    const labelList& ptc = pointsPairing();
    const labelList& ftc = facesPairing();

    // Remove all the cells from the master layer
    const labelList& mc =

    forAll(mc, facei)
        label slaveSideCell = own[ftc[facei]];

        if (mesh.isInternalFace(ftc[facei]) && slaveSideCell == mc[facei])
            // Owner cell of the face is being removed.
            // Grab the neighbour instead
            slaveSideCell = nei[ftc[facei]];

        ref.setAction(polyRemoveCell(mc[facei], slaveSideCell));